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OUT of infallible rules and long experience, have I gathered up this true Character of a Christian: a labour, some will think, which might have been well spared.

Every man professes, both to know and act this part. Who is there, that would not be angry, if but a question should be made, either of his skill or interest? Surely, since the first name given at Antioch, all the believing world hath been ambitious of the honour of it: how happy were it, if all, that are willing to wear the livery, were as ready to do the service!

But, it falls out here, as in the case of all things that are at once honourable and difficult, every one affects the title, few labour for the truth of the atchievement.

Having, therefore, leisure enough to look about me, and finding the world too prone to this worst kind of hypocrisy, I have made this true draught; not more for direction, than for trial. Let no man view these lines as a stranger; but, when he looks in this glass, let him ask his heart, whether this be his own face yea, rather, when he sees this face, let him examine his heart, whether both of them agree with their pattern: and where he finds his failings, (as who shall not?) let him strive to amend them; and never give over, while he is any way less fair than his copy.

In the mean time, I would it were less easy, by these rules, to judge even of others, besides ourselves; or, that it were uncharitable to say, there are many Professors, few Christians. If words and forms might carry it, Christ would have clients enough: but if holiness of disposition and uprightness of carriage must be the proof, woe is me! In the midst of the land, among the people, there is as the shaking of an olive-tree; and, as the gleaning grapes, where the vintage is done; Isa. xxiv. 13.

For where is the man, that hath obtained the mastery of his corrupt affections, and to be the lord of his unruly appetite? that hath his heart in heaven, while his living carcase is stirring here upon earth? that can see the Invisible, and secretly enioy that Saviour, to whom he is spiritually united? that hath subdued his will and reason to his belief? that fears nothing, but God; loves nothing, but goodness; hates nothing, but sin; rejoiceth in none, but true blessings? whose faith triumphs over the world; whose hope is anchored in heaven; whose charity knows no less bounds than God and men; whose humility represents him as vile to himself, as he is honourable in the reputation of God? who is wise heaven-ward, however he passes with the world; who dares be no other than just, whether he win or lose; who is frugally liberal, discreetly courageous, holily temperate? who is ever a thrifty manager of his hours, so dividing the day betwixt his God and his vocation, that neither shall find fault with a just neglect, or an unjust partiality? whose recreations are harmless, honest, warrantable; such as may refresh nature, not debauch it? whose diet is regulated by health, not by pleasure; as one, whose table shall be no altar to his belly, nor snare to his soul? who, in his seasonable repose, lies down, and awakes with God; caring only to relieve his spirits, not to cherish sloth? whose carriage is meek, gentle, compliant,


beneficial in whatsoever station; in magistracy, unpartially just; in the ministry, conscionably faithful; in the rule of his family, wisely provident, and religiously exemplary? shortly, who is a discreet and loving yoke-fellow, a tender and pious parent, a duteous and awful son, an humble and obsequious servant, an obedient and loyal subject? whose heart is constantly settled in the main truths of Christian Religion, so as he cannot be removed? in litigious points, neither too credulous, nor too peremptory? whose discourse is such, as may be meet for the expressions of a tongue, that belongs to a sound, godly, and charitable heart? whose breast continually burns with the heavenly fire of a holy devotion? whose painful sufferings are overcome with patience, and cheerful resolutions? whose conflicts are attended with undaunted courage, and crowned with a happy victory? lastly, whose death is not so full of fear and anguish, as of strong consolations in that Saviour, who hath overcome and sweetened it; nor of so much dreadfulness in itself, as of joy in the present expectation of that blessed issue of a glorious immortality, which instantly succeeds it?

Such is the Christian, whom we do here characterize, and commend to the world both for trial and imitation. Neither know I which of these many qualifications can be missing in that soul, who lays a just claim to Christ, his Redeemer.

Take your hearts to task therefore, my dear brethren, into whose hands soever these lines shall come; and, as you desire to have peace at the last, ransack them thoroughly: not contenting yourselves with a perfunctory and fashionable oversight, which will one day leave you irremediably miserable; but so search, as those, that resolve not to give over, till you find these gracious dispositions in your bosoms, which I have here described to you. So shall we be, and make each other happy, in the success of our holy labours : which the God of Heaven bless in both our hands, to his own glory, and our mutual comfort in the day of the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.




THE Christian is a man, and more; an earthly saint; an angel clothed in flesh; the only lawful image of his Maker and Redeemer; the abstract of God's Church on earth; a model of heaven, made up in clay; the living temple of the Holy Ghost.

For his DISPOSITION, it hath in it as much of heaven, as his earth may make room for.

He were not a man, if he were quite free from corrupt affections; but these he masters, and keeps in with a strait hand: and if, at any time, they grow testy and headstrong, he breaks them with a severe discipline; and will rather punish himself, than not tame them. He checks his appetite with discreet, but strong denials; and forbears to pamper nature, lest it grow wanton and impetuous.

He walks on earth, but converses in heaven; having his eyes fixed on the Invisible, and enjoying a sweet communion with his God and Saviour. While all the rest of the world sits in darkness, he lives in a perpetual light: the heaven of heavens is open to none but him: thither his eye pierceth; and beholds those beams of inaccessible glory, which shine in no face but his.

The deep mysteries of godliness, which to the great clerks of the world are as a book clasped and sealed up, lie open before him fair and legible; and, while those book-men know whom they have heard of, he knows whom he hath believed.

He will not suffer his Saviour to be ever out of his eye; and if, through some worldly interceptions, he lose the sight of that blessed object for a time, he zealously retrieves him; not without a hungry check of his own miscarriage: and is now so much the more fixed by his former slackening; so as he will henceforth sooner part with his soul, than his Redeemer.

The terms of entireness, wherein he stands with the Lord of Life, are such, as he can feel; but cannot express, though he should borrow the language of angels: it is enough, that they two are one Spirit.

His reason is willingly captivated to his faith; his will to his reason; and his affections to both.

He fears nothing, that he sees; in comparison of that, which he sees not and displeasure is more dreadful to him, than


Good is the adequate object of his love; which he duly proportions, according to the degrees of its eminence: affecting the chief good, not without a certain ravishment of spirit; the lesser, with a wise and holy moderation.

Whether he do more hate sin, or the evil spirit that suggests it, is a question.

Earthly contents are too mean grounds, whereon to raise his joy these, as he balks not when they meet him in his way, so he doth not too eagerly pursue: he may taste of them; but so, as he would rather fast, than surfeit.

He is not insensible of those losses, which casualty or enmity may inflict: but that, which lies most heavily upon his heart, is his sin. This makes his sleep short and troublesome; his meals stomachless; his recreations listless; his every thing, tedious; till he find his soul acquitted by his great Surety in heaven: which done, he feels more peace and pleasure in his calm, then he found horror in the tempest.

His heart is the storehouse of most precious graces. That Faith, whereby his soul is established, triumphs over the world, whether it allure or threaten; and bids defiance to all the powers of darkness, not fearing to be foiled by any opposition. His Hope cannot be discouraged with the greatest difficulties; but bears up against natural impossibilities, and knows how to reconcile contradictions. His Charity is both extensive and fervent; barring out no one, that bears the face of a man; but pouring out itself upon the household of faith: that studies good constructions of men and actions; and keeps itself free, both from suspicion and censure.

Grace doth more exalt him, than his humility depresses him. Were it not for that Christ who dwells in him, he could think himself the meanest of all creatures: now, he knows he may not disparage the Deity of him, by whom he is so gloriously inhabited; in whose only right, he can be as great in his own thoughts, as he is despicable in the eyes of the world.

He is wise to Godward, however it be with him for the world: and, well knowing he cannot serve two masters, he cleaves to the better; making choice of that good part, which cannot be taken from him: not so much regarding to get that, which he cannot keep; as to possess himself of that good, which he cannot lose.

He is just in all his dealings with men; hating to thrive by injury and oppression: and will rather leave behind something of his own, than filch from another's heap.

He is not closefisted, where there is just occasion of his distribution; willingly parting with those metals, which he regards only for use; not caring for either their colour or substance: earth is to him no other than itself, in what hue soever it appeareth.

In every good cause, he is bold as a lion; and can neither fear faces, nor shrink at dangers: and is rather heartened with opposition; pressing so much the more, where he finds a large door open, and many adversaries; and, when he must suffer, doth as resolutely stoop, as he did before valiantly resist.


He is holily temperate in the use of all God's blessings; as knowing, by whom they are given, and to what end neither dares either to mis-lay them, or to mis-spend them lavishly; as duly weighing upon what terms he receives them, and foreexpecting an account.

Such a hand doth he carry upon his pleasures and delights, that they run not away with him: he knows how to slacken the reins, without a debauched kind of dissoluteness; and how to straiten them, without a sullen rigour.



He lives as a man, that hath borrowed his time, and challenges not to be owner of it; caring to SPEND THE DAY in a gracious and well governed thrift.

His first morning's task, after he hath lifted up his heart to that God who gives his beloved sleep, shall be to put himself in a due posture, wherein to entertain himself and the whole day: which shall be done, if he shall effectually work his thoughts to a right apprehension of his God, of himself, of all that may concern him.

The true posture of a Christian then, is this. He sees still heaven open to him; and beholds and admires the light inaccessible: he sees the all-glorious God ever before him; the angels of God about him; the evil spirits aloof off, enviously groaning and repining at him; the world under his feet, willing to rebel, but forced to be subject; the good creatures ready to tender their service to him: and is accordingly affected to all these. He sees heaven open, with joy and desire of fruition: he sees God, with an adoring awfulness: he sees the angels, with a thankful acknowledgment, and care not to offend them: he sees the evil spirits, with hatred and watchful indignation: he sees the world, with a holy imperiousness; commanding it for use, and scorning to stoop to it for observance: lastly, he sees the good creatures, with gratulation, and care to improve them to the advantage of him that lent them.

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