Imágenes de páginas

I am nothing, or if not, nothing to be, were better.. Imo. a. 4 8. 2

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I'll not say thou shalt be so well mastered, but be sure

no less beloved.. Luc. a. 4 s. 2

I am amazed with matter .. Cym a. 4 s. 3

I am ashamed to look upon the holy sun, to have the benefit of his bless'd beams, remaining so long a poor unknown.. Arv. a. 4 s. 4

I would we were all of one mind, and that mind good. O there were desolation of Gaolers and gallowses I speak against my present profit, but my wish hath a preferment in it.. Gaol. a. 5 s. 4

I have surely seen him, his favour is familiar to me.. Cym. a. 5 s. 5

I see a thing bitter to me as Death, your life good master must shuffle for itself.. Imo. d. 5 s. 5

It is 1, that all the abhorr'd things of the earth amend, by being worse than they..Post. a. 5 8.5

I would not thy good deeds should from my lips, pluck a hard sentence. Cym. a. 5

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Kneel not to me, the power that I have on you is to spare you, the malice towards you, to forgive yon-live-and deal with others better.. Post. a. 5 s. 5

Lest the bargain should catch cold and starve, I will fetch my gold and have our two wagers recorded.. Iach. a. 1 s. 5

Love's Counsellor, should fill the bores of hearing to the smothering of the sense.. Imo. a. 3 s. 2

Love's reason's without reason.. Arv. a. 4 s. 2

Let ordinance come, as the God's foresay it.. Arv. a. 4

S. 2

Let us bury him, and not protract with admiration, what is now due debt-to the Grave.. Guid. a. 4 s. 2

Let me make men know, more valor in me, than my habits show..Post, a. 5 s. 1

Men's vows, are women's traitors.. Imo. a. 3 s. 4 Measure not our good minds, by this rude place we live in,. Bel. a. 3 s. 6

My conscience! thou art fettered more than my shanks and wrists..Post. a. 5 s. 4 Many dream not to find, neither deserve, and yet are steep'd in favours.. Post. a. 5 s. 4

Mine eyes were not in fault, for she was beautiful, mine ears, that heard her flattery, nor my heart that thought her like her seeming.. Cym.

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Nature hath meal and bran contempt, and grace..Bell. a. 4 s. 2

Nobly he yokes a smiling with a sigh, as if the sigh was that it was, for not being such a smile, the smile mocking the sigh, that it would fly from so divine a temple to commix with winds, that Sailors rail at.. Arv. a. 4 s. 2

Not Hercules could have knocked out his brains for he had none, yet I not doing this the fool had borne my head, as I do his.. Gui. a. 4 s. 2

No reason, I, (since on your lives you set so slight a valuation) should reserve my crack'd one to more care.. Bel. a. 4 8. 4

No thing routs us, but the villany of our fears .. Bel. a. 5 s. 2

Never Master, had a page so kind, so cuteous, diligent, so tender over his occasions, true, so feat, so nurse-like.. Luc. a. 5 s. 5

No more kin to me, than I to your highness who being born your Vassal am something nearer.. Imo. a. 4 s. 5

Never was a war did cease, e'er bloody hands were washed, with such a place.. Cym. a. 5 s. 5

Oh Lady weep no more,lest I give cause to be suspected of more tenderness then doth become a man .. L. Post. a. 1 s. 2

Oh sleep thou ape of Death lie dull upon her, and be her senses but as a monument, thus in a Chapel lying.. Iach. a. 2 s. 2

One of your great knowing should learn, being taught forbearance.. Imo. a. 2 s. 3

O learned indeed were that astronomer, that knew the stars as I his characters.. Imo. a. 3 s. 2

Often to our comfort, we shall find the sharded Beetle in a safer hold, than is the

full winged Eagle.. Bel. a. a. 3 s. 3

Oh this life, is nobler than attending for a check, richer than doing nothing for a babe, prouder than rustling in unpaid for silk.. Bel. a. 3 s. 3

One but painted thus, would be interpreted a thing perplexed beyond self explication.. Imo. a. 3 s. 4

Our stomachs will make what's homely, savory Bel. a. 3 s. 6

O sweetest, fairest lily, my brother wears thee not one half so well as when thou grew'st thyself.. Guid. a. 4 *s. 2

O melancholy who ever yet could sound thy bottom.. Bel. a. 4 s. 2

quish my staider senses. Imo. a. 3 s. 4

Plenty and peace, breeds cowards, hardness ever of hardiness is mother.. Imo. a. 3 s. 6

Put my clouted Brogues off my feet, whose rudeness answered my steps too loud.. Arv. a. 4 s. 2

Poor wretches, that depend on greatness' favour, dreams, as I have done, wake and find nothing..Post. a. 5 s. 4

Purse and brain both empty, the brain the heavier for being too light, the purse too light being drawn of heaviness.. Gaol. a. 5 s. 4

Reverence, that angel of the world, doth make distinction of place 'tween high and low

Our very eyes, are sometimes like our judgements-.. Bel. a. 4 s. 2 blind.. Imo. a. 4 s. 2

O the charity of a penny cord, it sums up thousands in a trice, you have no true debtor and creditor but it of what's past, is, and to come.. Gaoler a. 5 s. 4

One sand, another not more resembles.. Arv. a. 5 s. 5

Put thyself into a behaviour of less fear, ere wildness van

Should we be taking leave, as long a term as yet we have to live, the loathness to depart would grow.. Post. a. 1 s. 2

She is a good sign, but I have seen small reflection of her wit..1 Lord a. 1 s. 3

She shines not upon fools, lest the reflection should hurt her..2 Lord a. 1 s. 3

neighbouring ponds..Iach. a. 1 s. 5

Since doubting things go ill, often hurts more, than to be sure they do, for certainties either are past remedies, or timely knowing, the remedy then born.. Imo. a. 1 s. 7

tickled slumber,not as Death's dart being laughed at.. Arv. a. 4 s. 2

Some falls, are means the happier to arise.. Luc. a. 4

8. 2

Since she is living, let the time run on to good or bad

Sir my circumstances being.. Pis. a. 5 s. 5 so near the truth, as will make them, I must first enduce you to believe..Iach. . 2 s. 4

Spare your Arithmetic, and never count the turns, once and a million.. Post.a. 2 s. 5

Slander 'tis, whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue out-venoms all the worms of the Nile, whose breath rides on the posting winds, and doth belie all corners of the World.. Pis. a. 3 s. 4

She is a Lady, so tender of rebukes, that words are strokes, and strokes Death to her.. Queen a. 3 s. 5

She hath despised me rejoicingly, and I will be merry in my revenge.. Clo. a. 3 s. 5

Society is no comfort to one not sociable.. Imo. a. 4 s. 2 Seek not for danger where there is no profit.. Bel. a. 4 s. 2

She is served, as I would serve a rat.. Cor. a. 5 s. 5

See Posthumus anchors upon Imogen, and she like harmless lightening throws her Eye, on him, her Brother, me, her Master, hitting each object with a joy.. Cym. a. 5

8. 5

There cannot be a pinch in Death more sharp than this is.. Imo. a. 1 s. 2

Thou shouldst have made him little as a Crow, or less ere left to after Eye him.. Imo. a. 1 s. 4

The love I bear him, made me to fan you thus, but the God's made you unlike all others, Chaffless.. Iach. a. 1 8. 7

The heav ens hold firm the walls of your dear honour keep unshaken that temple thy

fair mind, &c., &c... 2 Lord a. 2 s. 1

Tis gold which buys admittance, &c., &c. . Cloten. a. 2 s. 3.

The thanks 1 give, is telling you that I am poor of thanks and scarc can spare them.. Imo. a. 2 s. 3

There be many Cæsars, ere such another Julius.. Clo. a. 3 s. 1

Thy mind to her is now as low as were thy fortuues..

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The night to the Owl and morn to the lark, less welcome.. Arv. a. 3 s. 6

The breach of custom is breach of all.. Imo. a. 4 s. 2

The imperious Seas breed monsters, for the dish, poor tributary rivers as sweet fish ..Imo. a. 4 s. 2

Thy words I grant are bigger for I wear not my dagger in my mouth.. Guia. 4 s. 2

Those that I reverence, those I fear, the wise--at fools I laugh, not fear them.. Gui a. 4 s. 2

The effect of judgement is oft the cause of fear.. Bel. a, 4 8. 2

They are gentle as Zephyrs blowing below the violet, not wagging his sweet head, and yet as rough, their royal blood enchaf'd as the rudest wind that by the top doth take the mountain pine and make him stoop, to the Vale.. Bel. a. 4 s. 2

Triumphs for nothing, and lamenting Toys, is jolity for apes and grief for boys.. Gui. a. 4 s. 2

The ground that gave them first, has them again, there pleasures here are passed, so is their pain.. Bel, a. 4 s. 2

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