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18. Translate and explain the following words and phrases:

σὺ μὴ κοίνου : ἁγνισθεὶς· ἐχρηματίσθη : Εβραΐδι διαλέκτω.
παρεμβολὴ : προσωπολήπτης : δεισιδαιμονέστερους :—
ἐν ὀλίγῳ μη πείθεις χριστιανόν γενέσθαι : -
ἔμεινε δὲ δεετίαν ὅλην ἐν ἰδίῳ μισθώματι.
ἧκον πρὸς αὐτὸν εἰς τὴν ζενίαν πλείονες :

τῷ δὲ Παύλῳ ἐπετράπη μένειν καθ' ἑαυτὸν σὺν τῷ
φυλάσσοντι ἀυτὸν στρατιώτῃ.



1. Translate, with short notes, unfolding the arguments when necessary :


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2. What is the teaching of the Apostle in this Epistle respecting

(a) The relation of the Law to the Gospel;
(b) The nature of faith;

(c) Christian liberty;
(d) Israel's future?

3. Translate and discuss :

(1) Phil. i. 1, 2.

(2) iii. 7-12.

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4. Translate, and state the bearings of, Eph. i. 1, 2. (2) Translate, and comment on

Eph. i. 14-22 (incl.)

(3) Eph. vi. 15, 16, 17.

5. Translate and explain carefully i. John iii. 2—10. What may be gathered from this Apostle respecting (1) The nature and work of Christ;

(2) Satan?

6. Explain, with reference to the context :
(α) ὁ μακαρισμὸς οὖν οὗτος ἐπὶ τὴν περιτομὴν,

ἢ καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν ἀκροβυστίαν ;
(5) τὸ μυστήριον τοῦτο μέγα ἐστίν,
(c) συμμιμητάι μου γίνεσθε,

(α) ἔστιν ἁμαρτία πρὸς θάνατον.

7. Compare the teaching of St. John with that of St. Paul as to substance and style.

8. Can it be shown to be an advantage to us that so large a part of the New Testament was written in the shape of letters?


9. Explain and illustrate the following words and phrases : ἐριθέια — χρηματίζω - λογικὴ λατρεια μυστήριονὀσμὴ εὐωδίας - ἀδημονῶ — πολίτευμα—ἀποκαραδοκία-δικαίωμα · ἐκκλησία — σφαγίζω ἀῤῥαβών—χάρις—ἐυτραπελίαἀφθαρσία — ἁρπαγμός - λειτουργία-τέλειος-παράκλητος —κόσμος—ζωὴ αἰώνιος—ἀληθινός.

10. Analyse the Epistle to the Ephesians.



1. Give a brief history of the Second Century, mentioning its persecutions, heresies, and writers.

2. Give an account with dates of Hippolytus, Ambrose, Bede, Anselm, Bernard.

3. Enumerate the steps in the rise of Papal power. 4. A history of the Alexandrian Church from 200 to 450.

5. Explain Donatism and Pelagianism, with brief historic notices.

6. What important events in Church history took place at Nicea, Ephesus, Toledo, Clermont, Worms, Dote? 7. A history of the Church of England in the reign of Elizabeth.

8. Some account of the school of high-church divines in the reigns of Charles I. and II.

9. What were the Savoy and Hampton Court Conferences?

10. Give notices of Wycliffe, Hooker, and Laud.

11. A brief history of the hymnology of the early church. 12. Describe (a) the form of a church in the 4th century, (8) the Sunday morning's service at the same date. 13. A history of Ecclesiastical vestments (a) in the General Church, (8) in the English.



1. From what service-books was our Prayer Book arranged? State very briefly the features of the chief revisions of it.

2. When and how were the Articles reduced in number from 42 to 39? In what respect did the old 39th 40th, 41st, and 42nd treat subjects of a kindred nature? What may we judge to have been the mind of the Church, on maturer consideration of questions of that nature, in omitting them?

3. What rites or doctrines were altered in the revision of the Prayer Book in 1552, in the Services for the two Sacraments?

4. Prove from Holy Scripture the Divinity of our Lord and the Personality of the Holy Ghost; and name the ancient heresies which contravened these doctrines.

5. Give a history of Infant Communion. Why is it wrong and Infant Baptism right? What bearing has it (a) on reception of the Eucharist in one kind; (8) on the attendance of non-communicants. Have we any data for determining the mind of the church on this last point?

6. What do the Pelagians mean by alleging that original sin standeth in the following of Adam? What does it really "stand in?" Explain the words 'original' -flesh-phronema sarkos'-' concupiscence.'

7. A history of the Te Deum.

8. On what grouud according to Art. VIII. ought the three Creeds 'thoroughly to be received and believed?' Show that this is consistent with the statements of the VIth and XXth Articles on the sufficiency of the Holy Scripture, and on the authority of the Church in controversies of faith.

9. Explain Collect; Grayle; Use of Sarum; Litany; Ember Days; Sacring Bell.

10. Give a brief history of the New Testament Canon. Explain the word Canon.

11. Enumerate petitions in the Prayer Book to the Son and to the Spirit. What is their date?

12. What is the date of the two Ember Collects; the concluding part of the Catechism; the list of Blackletter saints in the Calendar; the Collects for Saints' Days?

13. Collect and discuss passages in the Prayer Book bearing on (a) Baptismal Regeneration; (8) Eucharistic Adoration.

14. "For forms of faith let graceless zealots fight His can't be wrong whose life is in the right."

Write out the article, which is in direct antagonism to the sentiment of these lines; and give Scripture proofs.

15. Name the errors of the Church of Rome, which are expressly, or by implication, condemned in the Articles.


BIBLICAL CRITICISM AND INTERPRETATION. 1. Explain what is meant by Biblical Criticism; Higher Criticism; Hermeneutics; Exegesis; Mystical Interpretation.

2. Give an account of Jerome's literary labours in reference to Scripture.

3. Describe the Vatican MS., and the Codex Beza.

4. What is meant by Targum; Uncial; Eusebian Canons; Palimpsest; Dynamical Inspiration.

5. Explain some peculiarities of Hellenistic Greek. What are Hebraisms in the New Testament?

6. Distinguish Allegory and Parable. Suggest rules for the interpretation of each.

7. Enunciate various methods for interpreting Scrip


8. Illustrate the value of physical Geography in interpreting allusions in Scripture.

9. Give an account of the Septuagint version.

Durham Printed at the Advertiser Office, 48, Saddler Street.

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