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few directions from the spirit, in a direct voice, I retired! Mr. E. soon returned to consciousness, and wanted water, which I gave him, and last of all a female form, of about four feet high, materialized, and in glistening white, stood for a few seconds at the opening of the curtains, and then faded away into darkness"!!1

My readers will no doubt agree with me that such a narrative as the foregoing is deeply painful: for sad indeed is it to see whole families-for this family is but a sample of but too many others-in this land of Bibles; with the Bible itself in their hands-for the spirits frequently requested them in the first instance to read certain portions of it-grovelling, as it were, at the feet of demons: for that these spirits were demons personating the dead, and not the dead persons whom they professed to represent, no enlightened, intelligent Bible student could for a moment doubt.2 Indeed the doctrines taught by them, which have already been given, and others, which I shall have to give in my next Division, clearly prove them to be "doctrines of demons -"lies spoken in hypocrisy" by the seducing spirits" spoken of in these last days.


IV. And this at length leads me, in the fourth place, to set forth some of "the doctrines of the demons.” The inspired Word tells us that, these demons, whose "consciences' 66 are seared with a hot iron”—for the

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1 "Spirit Workers," &c., pp. 244-247. 2 See Division vii., Sec. 2.

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original clearly shows that it is of the demons themselves, that these words are spoken, daμovíwv, èv ὑποκρίσει ψευδολόγων, κεκαυτηριασμένων, &c.,are "seducing spirits," who would "speak lies in hypocrisy;" and would, among other things, "forbid to marry, and command to abstain from meats."

Now this passage has, as I have before observed, been exclusively applied to Rome; who forbids her priests to marry, and commands her members to abstain from meat on a Friday; and to this extent, it no doubt does apply to Rome; but certainly not exclusively. For Rome does not command her members to abstain from meat altogether; neither does she forbid marriage entirely for she has even exalted it into a sacrament! But the advanced teaching of the demons in America does both. Thus we read in the pages of "The Rainbow," for Jan. 1867 :-" Mr. T. L. Harris, a very intelligent Swedenborgian Minister, who became a Spiritualist, and lectured in Europe, said, as reported in the London Advertizer, 'The marriage vow imposes no obligation in the views of Spiritualists'! Husbands who had for years been so devotedly attached to their wives, that they have said that nothing in the world but death itself could part them, have abandoned their wives, and formed criminal connections with other females, because the spirits have told them that there was a greater Spiritualistic affinity' between these husbands and certain other

1 1 Tim. iv. 1-3.

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women than between them and their lawful wives!" "In a speech at the Spiritualistic Convention Ravenna, Ohio, July 4th and 5th, 1867, Mrs. Lewis said, 'To confine her love to one man was an abridgment of her rights! Although she had one husband at Cleveland, she considered herself married to the whole human race'!! Hundreds of families have been broken up, and many affectionate wives deserted, by 'affinity-seeking' husbands! Many once devoted wives have been seduced, and have left their husbands and tender helpless children, to follow some 'higher attraction'! Many well-disposed, but simple-minded girls have been deluded by 'affinity' notions, and led off by 'affinity hunters' to be deserted in a few months!" "At a Convention held at Providence, Rhode Island, in September, 1866, resolutions were adopted (1) abandoning all Christian ordinances and worship; (2) discountenancing all Sunday schools; (3) declaring that ANIMAL FOOD SHOULD NOT BE USED! And to crown all SEXUAL TYRANNY' was denounced"!! And that there has been a vast change in public opinion on the subject of "the marriage vow" of late years even in this country is evidenced by the tone of the many letters which lately appeared in "The Daily Telegraph," under the head of "Is marriage a failure?"— as well as from the Records of our "Divorce Courts" which show that from 1858 to 1887, there were no less than 10,221 Petitions for dissolution of marriage; 2,693 for judicial separation; and 6,381 Decrees made absolute!!

In opening out this Division of my subject, therefore, I shall (1) shew that the demons have travestied both of the Ordinances, as well as the Sacred Person, of our blessed Lord Himself; (2) give a brief summary of some of the doctrines of the demons, gathered from various sources; and (3) give several extracts from a work entitled "Spirit Teachings," published by an M.A. of Oxon—which is nothing more nor less, than the "Doctrines of the Demons" themselves, set forth, as it were, by their own authority; for the guidance of those who have been "seduced" by them-a pregnant proof, as I have before observed, that the close of this Dispensation is at hand!

1. The demons have travestied both of the Ordinances, as well as the Sacred Person of our blessed Lord Himself.

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The Rev. Cotton Mather, to whose works I have before referred, says in “An Hortatory and Necessary Address" on this subject, "that the devil is come down unto us with great wrath, we find, we feel, we now deplore. The devil, exhibiting himself ordinarily as a small black man, has decoy'd a fearful knot of proud, froward, ignorant, envious and malicious creatures, to lift themselves in his horrid service, by entering their names in a Book by him tendered unto them. These witches, whereof above a score have now confessed, and shown their deeds, and some are now tormented by the devils, for confessing, have met in hellish Randezvouzes, wherein the confessors do say,

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that they have their DIABOLICAL SACRAMENTS, imitating the BAPTISM and the SUPPER of our Lord! In these hellish meetings, these monsters have associated themselves to do no less a thing than to destroy the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in these parts of the world; and in order thereto, first they each of them have THEIR SPECTRES, OR DEVILS, commission'd by them, and representing of them, to be the engines of their malice"-a description which marvellously tallies with some of the utterances and doings of the "spectres and "demons" of modern Spiritualism-the only difference in these days being, that as the light of truth has now been more diffused, the demons have “transformed themselves" into "angels of light," instead of exhibiting themselves in their true colours, as demons, under "the prince of the demons "_"the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now energizeth," èvepyoûvtos, i.e., worketh mightily, "in the children of disobedience." And that the devil has now again travestied the Lord's Supper, I need only give the following extract from the pages of "Psychic Notes," in proof of the fact. The account follows the statement I have already quoted from that serial, that “Old Theology is doomed," &c.; and is as follows :—

"On January 12th, 1880, Mr. W. Eglinton "—the same person, I presume, as is before referred to— "read a paper before the Dalston Association of Spiritualists, of which he is an honorary member, on

12 Cor. xi. 13-15.

2 Mat. xii. 24. 3 Eph. ii. 2.

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