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of God, the Minister of the Most High, and THE GUIDE and guardian of your spirit, implore upon you the Divine benediction. The holy and loving Father bless you"!! 1


Once more he asks, "The translation of Enoch and Elijah. What were they?" And receives for reply, "Legendary beliefs"!! And again, the demon delivers himself of this lying utterance, " Another error even more destructive of truth is THE FABLE that divine inspiration, plenarily communicated, guided all the writers of the books of OUR Bible [!] into ABSOLUTE TRUTH; and that, as God was in every case the author, so each individual utterance of each scribe is of paramount and permanent authority!! This error WE have uprooted from your mind, for you now know that God cannot be the author of contradictions, nor can He have said at one time what He contradicts at another! "3

Again, he asks, "Do you teach a general judgment? -the reply being, "No. The judgment is complete when the spirit gravitates to the home which it has made for itself! There can be no error ! 4


And the last utterance, which I shall quote is as follows: If we have taken from the Christ the halo which the foolish and human creed had spread round Him, we have shewn you the man Christ Jesus in divinest form, the full realization of human perfection

1 "Spirit Teachings,” p. 173. 2 Ib., p. 189. 3 Ib., p. 201. + Ib., p. 227.


on this earth. His body HAS NOT indeed BEEN RAISED, but He has NEVER DIED, and in spirit He manifested Himself to His friends, walked with them, as we may one day walk with you, and taught them all the truth!" 1 While on a subsequent occasion, the lying spirit again contradicts himself by saying, I Christ came to die for and to save men in the same though in a higher SENSE, that ALL REGENERATORS OF MEN have been their saviours, and have yielded up bodily existence in devotion to an over-mastering idea!! In this sense He came to save and die for men: but in the sense that the sin on Calvary was fore-ordained to cure when man consummated his foul deed, HE CAME NOT!! And this is a mighty truth "!!2

The book from which I have taken these extracts, is a large 8vo volume of some 300 or 400 pages, containing much more to the same effect: but these extracts are abundantly sufficient to shew, that the "teachings" of these so-called "good spirits," are nothing more nor less than the "doctrines of demons," referred to by the Holy Ghost, in the passage in Timothy previously quoted for they not only unblushingly deny every precious truth contained in the Word of God-such as the real object and purpose of the coming of Christ in the flesh-His precious death, and burial, His resurrection and ascension, &c.-His substitution and atonement, for the sins of, and the imputation of His righteousness to, His people-their eternal election,

1 "Spirit Teachings," p. 245.

2 Ib., p. 252.

and their justification through a living faith, in Him— their regeneration and sanctification by the Holy Ghost -their resurrection in the body at His second coming, and their future glorification with, and in, Him; and many such like precious truths: but they likewise deny any future judgment, or Divine infliction of punishment upon impenitent sinners; as well as strike at the very root of all Divine revelation, by not only denying the inspiration of the Word of God; but asserting that, through man's incrustations upon it, it has now become nothing better than a mass of error and deceit !



Moreover as these demons also profess to be “the ministers of the Most High," and to be sent by Him to bring in "a new" and more complete "revelation; and have, as such, issued this authoritative code of doctrines for the guidance of their deluded votarieswhich are nothing less than "damnable heresies," 1 and "hypocritical lies": -taught by the Holy Ghost, we may now learn from this fulfilment of the passage before referred to, as well as others that might have been adduced, that the close of this dispensation is at hand. And notwithstanding these lying doctrines of the demons-the "profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so-called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith " 3-we know and believe in the truth of the words of our Blessed Lord, when He said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away; but My Word shall not pass away." And it is 3 1 Tim. vi. 20, 21.

1 2 Peter ii. 1, 2.

2 1 Tim. iv. 2.
4 Luke xxi. 33.

written in the Scriptures of truth, that "Every word of God is pure." Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar unto Him."1 "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it."2 And the canon of Scripture closes with this awful threatening, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." "For without are dogs, and sorcerers,” papμañol," and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh A LIE"!5 "Beware," therefore, says the Apostle, "of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh."


And now I would ask my intelligent readers, on a review of the overwhelming evidence which I have laid before them, whether I have not convincingly de

1 Prov. xxx. 5, 6. 2 Deut. iv. 2. 3 Rev. xxii. 18, 19.
4 See page 9. 5 Rev. xxii. 15.

6 Phil. iii. 2, 3. What I have to say upon the ecstatic feelings of the poor deluded writer, under the inspiration of the demons, I shall defer, until I come to the general reflections, which I shall have to make in the closing division of my subject.

monstrated, that modern "Spiritualism" so-called, is nothing more nor less than the demonology, witchcraft and necromancy, which have prevailed, more or less, in all ages, over the whole heathen world; and which is so strongly denounced and so solemnly prohibited in the Word of the living God? And here perhaps some might be inclined to say, I ought to close but when they have perused what I have further to say on the subject, I think they will then agree with me that the subject itself would not have been complete, had I not also shown the identity of many of the teachings of the demons with what is called "modern thought;" as well as portrayed the final outcome and issue of it all, which is so clearly revealed in the Word of God itself. I come now therefore,

V.-In the fifth place, to shew the identity of many of these doctrines, with what is called "modern thought" proving that they both emanate from the

same source.

To show that the tendency of modern thought is in the same direction, and indeed on the same lines, as the foregoing doctrines of the demons, will not be a difficult matter: as the proofs lie at every hand for there is no so-called “section of the Christian church," wherein they have not been set forth and promulgated, I might almost say, in some cases even by authority—the difficulty, if any, lying in selection and compression only.

And in opening out this subject, I shall refer, in the first instance, to that most pernicious, heretical, and

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