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chosen for her by the audience, out of five other subjects, that had been named by persons present in the room at the time. At that time she utterly disbelieved in the reality of Spiritualism herself; supposing the whole thing to be imposture-the effects produced being due to conjuring tricks of some kind or other; and she attributed the power and eloquence displayed by the lecturer on this occasion to her marvellous talent and her wonderful intellectual attainments: but afterwards conversing with the lecturer herself on the subject, and being asked by her to come to a séance to be held by her, at which she promised her that she should have an interview with her dead husband, (which she positively refused to do,) she began to think that there must be something weird and unnatural about it.

Her suspicions were more than confirmed some time afterwards for going to reside in Liverpool in 1886, she stayed for a time in a so-called “Faith-healing " Establishment; where she was put into a room, which struck her at once as being somewhat uncanny: although she is naturally a person of strong nerves, and not to be put out with a trifle. In this room she was disturbed night after night by the most mysterious cracks and noises, which she could not account for. She bore it bravely for some time; endeavouring by every means in her power to ascertain the cause of the phenomena: but without success. She then complained about it to the keeper of the Establishment, and asked to be put into another room. Her request was complied with:

but this room turned out worse than the other; for

the noises were louder, more mysterious, and more continuous. She remained about 3 weeks altogether in these two rooms; until she could stand it no longer, when she left the Establishment altogether. She was afterwards informed by a fellow-lodger, that a Clergyman, who had been a "Spiritualist," had been brought in ill into the first room, and had died in the second!

While there, another circumstance occurred, which was of a very remarkable character. A most fearful looking object was brought in on one occasion, and committed to the care of a black man, who was a Christian. About one or two o'clock the next morning my informant told me, that she was suddenly awakened by the most hideous howlings and awful groanings, that she had ever heard in her life. They seemed utterly unearthly, and they struck a real terror into her spirit. At first she thought that they proceeded from some persons in the street: but she soon perceived that they emanated from some one in the house. These unearthly noises were succeeded by a loud quacking as of ducks, and then as if a parrot were talking loudly: and this again was succeeded by a loud roaring as of a lion. She was perfectly horrified, and jumping out of bed, and rapidly putting on some clothing, she rushed out upon the landing. There she found a number of the other lodgers all huddled together, in a state of the wildest terror. They soon perceived that the sounds proceeded from the room occupied by the wretched creature, who had been brought in the night before; but no one durst venture into the room itself. At

length some of the men in the house joined the trembling group on the landing; and bolder than the rest, thrust open the door of the room, and entered it; she herself peeping in cautiously after them. The sight, she said, was truly awful. There sat the wretched creature bolt upright in bed, with his eyes literally starting out of his head, his hands held up and his fingers bent like bird's claws, and with a face like a demon; shrieking, and cursing, and blaspheming in the most awful manner possible: while the black man was vainly endeavouring to calm him! The sight was so horrible, she said, that she could not bear to look upon him; and she involuntarily hid her face in her hands. But being a good woman, and a bold one, she proposed that they should all enter the chamber, and unitedly pray for him; which eleven of them did, crouching in a corner of the room, as far from the wretched object as they could; and at the same time averting their eyes from him, and pleading with the Lord that He would have mercy upon him, and deliver him out of the power of the adversary. But the more they prayed, the louder he blasphemed and cursed; until at length, as my informant told me, she felt that she had got a hold on God; and in the name of Jesus, she implored Him to cast the demon out of the man when in an instant, he became calm, his countenance assumed a totally different aspect; and he praised God for his deliverance, thanked them from the bottom of his heart, for their goodness to him, and implored them to forgive him for his awful curses and blasphemies against them;

which he said he could not help, having felt absolutely impelled to utter them!

This case thoroughly convinced my informant, that there are such things as demoniacal possessions in these days: and she has since been informed by the keeper of the house in question, that the man referred to became a true Christian, and is now working for the Lord. She likewise at the same time told her something of the history of the Clergyman before mentioned. From her account, it seemed that, although he knew it to be wrong, he had attended Spiritualistic meetings in London for some time, until at length he became perfectly infatuated with them: but subsequently desiring to free himself from the fatal influence, he found that he was quite unable to do so; as he then discovered to his horror and dismay, that he was possessed by evil spirits; WHO TORE HIM IN A MOST DREADFUL MANNER:1 so that he could get no rest, either day or night! At his urgent request, the keeper of the house in question went to see him; and he was ultimately brought to her Establishment; and she assured my informant, that he was at length delivered, and died in peace.

2. And now I shall give extracts from various printed documents, detailing circumstances, that have taken place in the presence of other persons unknown to me; but whose veracity I have no reason whatever to question. And in treating upon this portion of my

1 See pages 18 & 85. See also Mark ix. 20; Luke ix. 42.

subject, I shall (1) quote from the "Report on Spiritualism, of the Committee of the London Dialectical Society; together with the evidence, oral and written, and a selection from the Correspondence," published in 1871; (2) select instances, culled from "Psychic Notes-a Record of spiritual and occult Research, and of the séances held in Calcutta by Mr. Eglinton, during November 1881 to March 1882," published in Calcutta, in 1882; and (3) give several extracts from a work entitled, "Spirit workers in the Home Circle, an Autobiographic Narrative of Psychic Phenomena in family daily life extending over a period of 20 years,' by Morell Theobald, F.C.A., published in London in 1887.

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(1). Quotations from the "Report on Spiritualism," &c. In presenting their Report, the Committee stated that they had held 15 meetings, at which they received evidence from 33 persons, "who described phenomena which, they stated, had occurred within their own personal experience." They "received written statements relating to the phenomena from 31 persons." They "invited the attendance and requested the cooperation and advice of scientific men who had publicly expressed opinions, favourable or adverse, to the genuineness of the phenomena;" and they and they "also specially invited the attendance of persons who had publicly ascribed the phenomena to imposture or delusion." They stated, that They stated, that "while successful in procuring the evidence of believers in the phenomena

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