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is the effect—and yet, that men do not cause their voluntary exercises by choosing to choose, but by choosing a choice-so that activity does not belong to choice, but to choosing only!

3. That praise and blame are not attached to the will, otherwise than as the will affords evidence of something else, which is praiseworthy, or blame-worthy. It is not the murderous will that is to blame, but the murderer who wills. [Guere-For what is the murderer to blame, if not for his murderous will, or mal ce prepense?] 4. That which is called natural power, is no power at all, save when in un son with the will: Of course, sinners have no power at all to obey one of God's commands, or to refrain from those acts for which God threatens to punish them; and neither saint, nor sinner, has ever any power at all to do differently from what he chooses to do!

5. That God hardens the hearts of some sinners (as he does the hearts of the fallen spirits) as a punishment for their former sins, and thus causes them to commit more and greater sins, for which he punishes them again; although no one can be deserving of punishment for what God causes in him, and God never punishes men more than they deserve!

6. And finally, that men possess a self-determining power, in the exercise of which faculty they cause their own voluntary exercises, by acts which precede all choice and volition-and this same selfdetermining power or faculty, is so cramped and bound by "the fallen nature" with which God brings mankind into the world, or is so determined by motives, that God, seeing "a chain of causes," (in which the "nature" that he has given them, is "the main link") foreknew from eternity, that it would certainly produce all the sinful exercises of which men are ever guilty. EDITOR,


Some months since, a Doctrinal Tract Society was formed in the County of Oneida, N. Y. A similar Society is said to be in contemplation in NewYork City, A Society of this kind has recently been organized in NewEngland. These simultaneous movements, we hope, will be followed by a concert of well directed measures, leading to important and beneficial reEsults.

The vacant space, which many have perceived, in the wide field of our benevolent institutions, will be occupied by these Societies, and sown, we trust, with the good seed of the word," which will ultimately "prosper," and bring forth the fruits of righteousness, to the praise of Him, who "giveth the increase."

The following is from a pamphlet just published, entitled "Constitution and Proceedings of the Doctrinal Tract and Book Society."


ARTICLE I. This Society shall be called "The Doctrinal Tract and Book Society."

ART, II. The object of the Society shall be to procure and circulate such Tracts and Books, as are adapted to explain, prove and vindicate, the peculiar and essential Doctrines of the Gospel, and


*There is a material difference between exercises of will, and external The grammatical terms, verb and noun, may express different things, when applied to external actions, but not, when applied to internal exercises. Take the exercise of love, for instance-The verb expresses the exercise in some of its relations; the noun expresses the same exercise in the abstract.

to discriminate between genuine and spurious religious affections and experience.

ART. III. Any person may become a member of the Society by subscribing this Constitution and paying fifty cents or more to the Treasurer, and continue a member by paying the same sum annually. Any person may become a life member by paying five dollars, at any one time. Any member may withdraw by giving notice to

the Treasurer.

ART. IV. The officers of the Society shall be a President, one of more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer; who, with such others as the Society may appoint, shall constitute the Executive Committee, which shall have power to expend the funds under such general directions as the Society may give, and to call special meetings of this body.

ART. V. There shall be an annual meeting of the Society at Bos ton, on the last Wednesday in May.

ART. VI. Subscribers, Donors, and Auxiliary Societies shall be entitled to receive three fourths of the amount of their subscriptions and donations in Tracts and Books,

ART. VII. This Constitution may be altered at any annual meeting, by vote of two thirds of the members present.

ART. VIII. All meetings of the Society shall be opened by



Hon. DAVID L. MORRILL, President; Rev. Ethan Smith, VicePresident; Rev. Jonas Perkins, Secretary; Rev. Alvan Cobb, Trea surer; Hon. David L. Morrill, Rev. Ethan Smith, Rev. Jonas Perkins, Rev. Alvan Cobb, Mr. Hodges Reed, Rev. Samuel W. Col

burn, Rev. David Brigham, Executive Committee.

To facilitate the formation of Auxiliary Societies, the Executive Committee publish the following form of a constitution.



AUXILIARY DOCTRINAL TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY. ARTICLE I. This Society shall be called " The Auxiliary Doc. trinal Tract and Book Society of

the object of which shall be to procure and circulate such Tracts and Books as are adapted to explain, prove, and vindicate the peculiar and essential doctrines of the Gospel, to discriminate between gento aid the

Parent Society in extending its operations.
ARTICLE II. Each subscriber shall be a member for the year.
ARTICLE III. Members of the Society shall be entitled to receive
Tracts or Books, at reduced prices, to the amount of three fourths

of their subscriptions. One fourth part of the annual receipts of the Society shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of the Doctrinal Tract and Book Society.

ARTICLE IV. The Society shall hold its Annual Meeting on

, when a Board, consisting of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Collectors, shall be chosen to conduct the business of the Society.

ARTICLE V. The Secretary shall transmit to the Secretary of the Parent Society, a notice of the formation of this Auxiliary, the names of the officers, and all other intelligence which may be calculated to secure the object contemplated in this Constitution.

ARTICLE VI. Meetings of the Society shall be opened by prayer. To all the Friends of the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints.

The Executive Committee of the Doctrinal Tract and Book Society, would lay before you the object, and views of the Society. Their object,as stated in the second Article of their Constitution, is, "to procure and circulate such Tracts and Books as are adapted to explain, prove, and vindicate, the peculiar and essential Doctrines of the Gospel, and to discriminate between genuine and spurious religious affections and experience."

They believe, that the preservation, purity, and prosperity of the churches, whose existence, constitution, and faith, form the sacred monume nt which our pious ancestors erected to the honor and glory of Christ, as well as the general advancement of pure religion, and the salvation of men from error, sin, and death, imperiously demand that such publications as are above specified should be speedily and extensively circulated.

We would, accordingly, solicit the aid and co-operation of all the friends of gospel truth. From various places, we have heard a voice distinct and persuasive, calling for Doctrinal Tracts. Already, we have the happiness to announce the existence of a Society in the state of New York, whose object and views accord with those of this Society, and whose operations have commenced. With that Society measures have been taken by this to form a union. Next to the good hand of God upon our enterprise, it is the efficient aid of the friends of his truth whom we now address, on which success depends. We invite your co-operation-your names as members— your influence in forming Auxiliary Societies, and above all-your prayers to God for success to the enterprise.

JONAS PERKINS, Secretary of the Executive ommittee. As soon as the operations of the Society are in sufficient forwardness, Auxiliary Societies and subscribers may obtain their publications at the Book-store of Messrs. PERKins & Marvin, No. 114, Washington Street, Boston.

NATURAL FEELINGS, ALIAS GOVERNOR FEELINGS. 1. It is Lord's day morning, the day on which Christ arose from the dead, and gladdened the hearts of his mourning children. Out of your bed, and worship the risen Saviour, and prepare your fanily to resort to the sanctuary, where Jesus has appointed to meet with his disciples.

Feelings. I did a great day's work yesterday, and laboured pretty hard through the week; and other folks lie abed late Sunday mornings; and you know this is a day of rest-I pray thee have me excused: a little more sleep, a little more slumber before I rise, or probably I shall get to sleep in meeting.

2. It is the hour of prayer. The sun has risen and acknowledged his Creator. Call your family together, and as rational creatures acknowledge him who makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good.

— is here;

Feelings.-Let me omit this once, for neighbour he heard me jesting the other day, and now, examples of this kind would appear to him with an ill grace. Besides all this, my gift is small, and I am such a weak creature, I must at any rate wait till he is gone. I don't feel any particular impressions at this time, and there would be but little comfort in making the attempt without the spirit of prayer.

3. The hour of public worship has arrived: it is time to resort to the place, that you may unite in the services of the sanctuary at the


Feelings.—I heard it thunder this morning, and I believe we shall have showers before night. My head dress and my clothing are all new, and I would not have them wet on any account. Perhaps, if I go I shall catch cold, and take my death by the means. whole, I believe I will stay at home, for mercy is preferred before


On the

4. It is the time for the evening sacrifice. Get your Bible, and read a portion of the word, and teach your children the fear of the Lord; pray with them, and for them, that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, may bless them in time and in eternity.

Feelings.—John is not very well, and he ought to go to bed. James has just got in from his fishing, hungry and tired both. Jane is about asleep-and Tom is but a rude boy:-the little ones are asleep already. I guess we had better all go to bed, so as to be up early in the morning-for we have a great day's work before usand you know Tom has got to start very early to fetch the grist from the mill, or we shall have no bread for dinner.

5. It is a time of trial; the flowing bowl is passing-apparent joy and friendship attend it-the snare is set for thy soul and body both

-touch not, taste not, handle not.


Feelings.-I wish to use my friends with politeness, and be a man among men. I think a little will not hurt me. I never joined a temperate society, and I cannot be guilty of breaking a vow I never made: and Paul said, Use a little wine for thy stomach's sake.

6. The minister has agreed to tarry another year-something must be done for him.

Feelings.-i am behind on two or 3 old papers. I pay the debts that I am obliged to. You know ministers don't often sue folks for their salaries; but as it looks rather dishonorable to sign and not pay, I believe I shall not sign a subscription this year; and if I give any thing I will give it freely-though, by the way, there is but little danger [Aside.]

7. It is Covenant meeting. Repair to the appointed place in season, and perform the vows that you have made to God and to his people.

Feelings. I have a little business to finish; I think I can do it and get there before the meeting is closed; and if my seat should be empty to-day, I can fill it to morrow at the Lord's table, and not expose myself to the censure of the church.

8. It is a church meeting. Attend, and assist your brethren in setting in order the things that are wanting.

Feelings. I expect difficult work to-day, and as I am not personally implicated, I think I will not go, lest I should be considered a partizan. If I stay away they will hardly miss me. I wish well to both parties, and should be loth to offend either.

9. Your brother has offended. Go to him in love, tell him his fault, rebuke him in meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Feelings. I have considered myself. I am greatly injured; he ought to be excluded; I will make him a public example; he is not fit for society, and I will do my endeavours to have him expelled.

10. The heathen are perishing for lack of vision. Manifest your charity; put forth your hand for their relief. Money is wanted in the Bible cause, and the missionary cause, that the isles who have long waited for God's law may be supplied; that the multitudes of the sea may be converted to God; that the Jews may be brought in with the fullness of the Gentiles, and all the ends of the earth see the salvation of our God.

Feelings.-1 don't see how I can spare any money for that purpose. There is an auction next week-neighbour has broken down, and his property is to be sold; he has several articles which I want, and I think I can get them at half price. If I should do any thing I believe my minister ought to have it. I am behind on old subscriptions, and he is now put to it to shoe his family, and leather, you know is a cash article; and charity begins at home-Yes, and self would always keep it there. [Interruption.]

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