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shall continue, as we were born,

children of

wrath,' (Ephes. ii. 3.) and, inherit the curse instead of the blessing. Here then is the question; Am I now a child of God? and is it resolvable by another, Am I led by the spirit of God? For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.' (Rom. viii. 14) And these leadings are evident by the fruits. The fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness.' If this be our state, well; else we are like the ingrafted branch which never incorporated with the tree, dried up and withered, whose only use is to be gathered and cast into the fire and burned.' [John xv. 6.]

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Let every man try what spirit he is of Many false spirits are gone forth into the world. [1 John iv. 1.] There is a fallen spirit, boasting of its virtues, which is enmity against God.' [Rom. viii. 7.] There is a spirit of the world,' [1 Cor. ii. 12.] well received and generally well spoken of, which is contrary to Christ. And there is a spirit of darkness, who assumes the garb of light,' [2 Cor. xi. 14.] and fathers his impositions on those who have no pleasure in the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness.' (2 Thess. ii. 12.) Hence, some have pretended to the guidance of the spirit of God, whose lives were . earthly, sensual, devilish,' and others, whilst they have boasted of extraordinary impulses and communications, have departed from their profession, and ended in the flesh. We must try the spirits whether they are of God. [1 John iv. 1. By their fruits ye shall know them. [Matt. vii. 20.] The fruits of the spirit are these, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.' (Gal, v. 21, 22, 23.) These none but God's

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spirit ever did or can produce: these, wherever they are, radically overturn the powers of darkness, and bring with them the full evidence of their divine origin. This hath God done.' (Psal. Ixiv. 9.)

We will examine these fruits a little distinctly, for in them goodness and righteousness consist.

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1. Love. The 'first and great commandment of the law is, The love of God; (Matt. xxii. 37.) and the next and like unto it is, To love our neighbour as ourselves:' (Matt. xxii. 39.) both these manifest themselves to be in the hearts of the children of God. Love appears in the regard shewn to the object on which it fixes. These are esteem of, desire after, delight in, and conformity with it. In the real christian these are supremely fixed on God in Christ. His esteem of God will be most exalted and reverential: Whom have I in heaven but thee?' His desires after him ardent. 'There is nothing upon earth I desire in comparison with thee.' (Psal. lxxiii. 25.) This is daily manifested by his diligence to maintain communion with him in prayer, meditation, the word and sacraments. His delight in God is above all things else his chief joy. My soul shall be joyful in the Lord : (Psal. xxxv. 9.) yea I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall be joyful in my God.' (Isai. lxi. 10.) His conformity to him is universal and daily increases ; whilst in every good word and work it is his labour to grow up into him in all things, who is the head, even Christ.' (Ephes. iv. 15.) Doth this character suit you? Thus the spirit works in every believer. And to his neighbour the same spirit begets love unfeigned; evident in the kindest expressions of it towards his soul and body. 'Rejoicing with those that rejoice,

and weeping with those that weep; (Rom. xii. 15.) ready to distribute, willing to communicate (1 Tim. vi. 18.) to the necessities of the indigent consulting all their wants and seeking to relieve them; and by instruction, admonition, reproof, consolation, chiefly diligent to advance their most important interest, that of their immortal souls. This is love.

But can no man be under the guidance of God's Spirit, who habitually affects other things. more than God in Christ, and who seeks not to walk in the exercise of fervent charity? Certaine ly no. Christ saith,He that loveth any thing more than me is not worthy of me. (Matt. x. 37.) And we are commanded to be always ready, if need be, to lay down even our lives for the brethren.' (1 John iii. 16.) So that the matter comes to a short issue. What hath God's word determined? But who doth.thus love God. and his brother? Is not this reducing the chil dren of God within a very narrow compass. ? True. But it reduces them only to the scripture declarations. Nominally the children of God: are numerous enough, really they are few. Be assured if a man have not this spirit of love, he belongs not to Christ.

2. Joy. They have very mistaken notions of the gospel, who think the religion of it a melancholy service. It is found to be perfect freedom. from every slavish and distressing fean, by such ́as enter into the true spirit of it Other joys are vain or wicked or transitory: yea,. all the joys of earth and sense, when sought as a portion,. quickly change into ceaseless and romediless sorrows; but the fruit of righteousness is true joy.. It is a joy in the Holy Ghost. It flows immediately from the fountain of all blessing, It is Q. Za

an holy joy, tending to promote the purity of our souls: yea it is a joy unspeakable and full of glory.' (1 Pet. i. 8.) We rejoice in the Lord, for he is become our salvation.' (Isa. xii, 2.) In ourselves, whilst proving our own work, we see the evident effects of divine agency in every present state: 'For all things work together for good to us: (Rom. viii. 28.) in every future prospect; Rejoicing in hope of the glory of God.' (Rom. v. 2.) What a joy is this? subject to none of the interruptions of other joys, but possessed independent of the world. A joy that even in afflictions, in temptations, in sorrows, in reproaches, (2 Cor. vii. 4. James i. 2. 2 Cor. vi. 10. Acts v. 41.) burns with an unextinguished flame.

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Nor must I omit the peculiarity of it as it regards our brethren. Their prosperity brings in fresh fuel to it, as one member of the body shares in the honour put on another.' (1 Cor. xii. 26.) The envious, selfish dispositions of the natural mind are mortified, and we regard their happiness as our own. Thus joy abounds, and still the Comforter enlarges the measure of it by increasing the grounds of it.

3. Peace. It is the Spirit's work to 'create peace.' And this he doth by shining into our hearts through the word, to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,' (2 Cor. iv. 6.) He testifies of Christ, brings home the record to our souls, that God in him is reconciled, and 'gives us peace in believing;' (Rom. xv. 13.) paying us, as it were, the legacy our dying Master left us.

'Peace I

leave with you, my peace I give unto you.' (John xiv. 27.) This peace passeth all understanding;' (Phil. iv. 7.) and the possession of it keeps our souls serene amidst all the changes

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of this mortal life. Thus entered into 'that kingdom which is righteousness and peace,'(Rom. xiv. 17.) the mild dispositions of the Prince of Peace appear in our conduct. Peace is our labour here upon earth; yea, though we often dwell with those who, when we speak for peace, make them ready to battle.' (Psal.cxx. 7.) We would maintain it with the whole world, by avoiding every occasion of dispute, giving no offence in any thing; (1 Cor. x. 32.) as far as li eth in us, living peaceably with all men :' (Rom. xii. 18.) receding in many instances from our right, rather than break this bond of unity, and often quietly suffering rather than seek a litigious redress. We would restore it where lost, by being the first to seek reconciliation; by reuniting those who are at enmity; by 'speaking those soft words which turn away wrath;' (Prov. xv. 1.) by every kind office which can sweeten the hearts imbittered with variance. Thus the Holy Ghost leads. What a different spirit from that which is in the world? There hatred, variance, strife, emulation reign; and slander, detraction and malice cast about the firebrands of dissension, seeking to separate very friends.' Return, O Prince of Peace, return. Diffuse this gracious spirit in the midst of us; teach us to copy thy good-will towards men.

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4. Long-suffering. A gracious fruit of righteousness. It is the very character of God. It is a part of the divine nature. Where it dwells, there God's Spirit dwells. And how greatly shall we need to exercise it? In the world we shall have tribulation.' (John xvi. 33.) It cannot be otherwise, whilst here we dwell among lions ;. among men, whose lips are set on fire, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword,' (Psal. lvii. 4.) Injuries, unkind

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