Imágenes de páginas

Addams, Jane (address), 108


Adjustment of personality, 26
Adler, Herman M., M.D. (paper), 419
Administration of criminal justice, 183; of
immigration legislation, 565; of naturaliza-
tion law, 576; public officials and, 515
Administration of Criminal Justice, The,
Lindsey, 91

Administrative practice (of medicine), Com-
mittee of American Public Health Associa-
tion, appraisal form, 228

Admissions and Records in an Almshouse,
Randall, 523

Adolescent delinquents and the institution,
195; problems of more serious than those of
child, 380

Adult education, 340

Advertising Club of a city and federation
publicity, 653

Aged in Massachusetts, Proposed Measures
for Improving the Care of the, Conant, 562
Agriculture, Mexicans in Texas, 334
Aims and Problems of the Illinois Plan, Adler,
419; of the Cleveland Plan, Lowrey, 424
Aliens (see Div. X), 565

Allowances, family and living wage, 305; paid
by industry, 310

Almshouse (see also Infirmary) should be
called hospital, 564; social research in, 519
Almshouse, Admissions and Records in an,
Randall, 523

Almshouse, The Future Development of the,
Potter, 527

Amalgamated Clothing Workers' social wel-
fare activities, 345

American Association for Organizing Family
Social Work, cooperation with legal aid, 190
American Bar Association and professional
standards, 622; committee on legal aid
work, 191

American Law Institute and the social worker,

American City, A Program for, Hart, 369
American Legion's Program for Child Welfare,
The, Gorby, 151

Americanization, Community Programs and
Cooperation in, Turner, 582

America's interest in work of International

Labor Organization, 123

Anarchistic classes and immigration, 568
Annual report as publicity, 643

Appraisal form for measuring public health
work, 228, 235

Apprentices, recruiting of, for social work,


Background of a Family's Religious Life as
Social Data, The, Glenn, 259; Corbett, 265;
McHugh, 270

Baltimore City Hospitals, described, 524
Barnabas, Brother (paper), 172
Behavior (see Mental Hygiene, Psychology,
Psychiatry, Child, etc.)

Bemis, Mrs. E. W. (paper), 550
Best, one's, to be shared, 17
Bettman, Alfred (paper), 364
Bickham, Martin (paper), 657
Big Brother work, 485
Big Sister work, 485
Billikopf, Jacob (paper), 339
Binford, Jessie F. (paper), 158
Birth control opposed, 66

Bituminous Coal Problem, A Minority Report
on the, Blauvelt, 50

Blauvelt, Warren S. (paper), 50
Bliss, Paul S. (paper), 669

Boarding home plan for children, 138
Bolt, Richard A., M.D. (paper), 215

Books and scholarship needed by social work-
ers, 15; and social work publicity, 645, 672
Bowen, A. L. (paper), 554

Boyology, Brother Barnabas, 172

Boys' work, problem boys, 445; training for,


Brackett, Jeffrey R. (paper), 532
Bradway, John S. (paper), 189
Breathless habit of social workers, 12
Brown, John R. (paper), 277
Brown, Percy S. (paper), 352
Bruno, Frank J. (paper), 300
Buell, Bradley (paper,) 475
Buffalo, Negroes in industry, 323
Burgess, Ernest W. (paper), 504
Burnett, Mary Clarke (paper), 599

Cabinet, a department of health necessary?

Cabot, Richard C., M.D. (paper), II
California, Supreme Court decision on zoning,

Cancer councils, 245

Carstens, C. C. (paper), 479
Carter, Leyton E. (paper), 457

Case descriptions-administration of criminal
justice, 184; Barlow family, 300; breadth of
vision, 612; child protection, 171; family
discipline, 383; farm living, 392, 393, 394;
legal aid, 192; measure of growth in per-
sonality, 291; observation as process of
treatment, 401; pandering, 180; probation,
145; prostitution, 162; publicity, 671, 675;
religious background, 260, 261, 263, 266;
transportation, 535; unmarried mother,
260; use of social service exchange, 472, 510;
zoning legislation, 365

Case work, a step toward democracy, 628;
and psychiatry, 414, 430; and religious life,
259, 265, 270; objective tests in, 300; of
juvenile court, 142; with children, ineffi-
ciencies of, 165

Case worker, attitudes and problems of, 436
Catholic agencies, attitude toward state super-
vision, 516

Channels of Publicity Available, Routzahn,

Chicago, education publicity by use of plat-
form address, 658; proposed districting for
social work, 504, 510; Mexican population,
331; Negroes in industry, 323; psychiatric
work, 419; recreation commission, 162;
turnover in tenancy, 511

Child (see also Div. I, 135) and the com-
munity, 158, 164; guidance clinics, 411,
484; hygiene councils, 246; labor, 158, 330;
placing in Illinois, 552; protective work,
158, 164, 172; Welfare League and inter-
pretation of standards, 679; welfare statis-
tics, 560; welfare work of League of Na-
tions, 117, 126; welfare work of American
Legion, 151

Child Dependency in the United States,
How Much Is There? Thurston, 148
Child Welfare Work in New Orleans, with
Special Reference to Community Planning,
A Social Audit of, Carstens, 479
Child Welfare Work, Participation in Inter-
national, Lathrop, 126

Children (Div. I), 135; agencies in New Orle-
ans, 479; agency defined, 413; and parent-
hood training, 277, 283; clinical service in
agencies, 407, 412; crippled, work for, 485;
in care of family welfare societies, 149; in
institutions in Cleveland, 155; naturaliza-
tion of, 580; number in families receiving
mothers' pensions, 297; of farmers, number
in family, 391; of Mexicans in U.S., 337;
of Negroes in small town, 387; psychiatric
work with, 419, 425; state grants proposed,
312; temporary care of, 135; working in
families receiving mothers' pensions, 297
Christian concept of family, 376

Church (see also Religious, etc.); Mission of
Help, case work and religious background,

Church and the Public Authorities in the
Supervision of Private Organizations in
New York, Relations between, Keegan, 515
Cincinnati, Federation (health) 245; program
for speakers' bureau, 664; use of appraisal
form in health work, 228

Citizenship, ways of acquiring, 576

City, built for adults, not for children, 379;
districting for social and civic purposes, 500,
504, 510; health surveys in, 186, 233; life in
and family, 379; organization for pub-
licity, 648; program for American, 369;
program for meeting psychiatric needs, 424
Civil Administrative Code, 420; service re-
strictions, 421; war soldiers, ideals of, 70
Clapp, Raymond F. (paper), 449
Clarke, Helen I (paper), 510

Classification of adolescent in institutions, 201
Cleveland, charting of welfare work, 486;
Children's Bureau, 156; conference city, 3i
federation and publicity, 646; Negro migra
tion, and health, 238; program for meeting
psychiatric needs, 424; training teachers,
618; Welfare Federation study of social
work, 449

Cleveland in the Last Decade, Changes in
Institutional Field in, LeBlond, 155
Clifton, Eleanor (paper), 442

Clinic, child guidance, 411, 484; habit, 410,
429; prenatal, 207; psychiatric, 407; 413
Clinical Service Available to Children's
Agencies, Types of, Robinson, 407

Coal, bituminous problems, 50; problems in
England, 40, 56, 119

Coal Industry, Social Aspects of the, Devine,

Coal Industry, Social Significance of the,
Raushenbush, 55

Colcord, Joanna C. (paper), 251
Colored (see Negro)

Community (see also Div. V, 305) and amount
of social work it can afford, 100, 108; and
parenthood, 258; and psychiatric work, 428;
chest and demand for trained workers, 597;
chest and speakers' bureau, 664; districting
for social and civic purposes, 500, 504, 510;
fund and interpretation of standards, 669;
fund and publicity in St. Louis, 654; funds in
development of social work on county unit
basis, 471; planning of child welfare work,
479; rural, a maternity and infancy pro-
gram, 396; social work and democracy, 630;
work and the family, 379

Community and Public Health, The, Walker,
233; Rockwood, 238

Community, Making the Child Safe for the,
Falconer, 164

Community Programs and Cooperation in
Americanization, Turner, 582

Community Recreation: Its Significance, Ob-
jectives, Machinery, and Standards, Lies,

Community, Safe for the Child, Making the,
Binford, 158

Conant, Richard K. (paper), 562, 641
Conservatism hardened down from radicalism,

Cook County Infirmary described, 551
Cooley, Elizabeth A. (paper), 467
Cooperation (union) an ideal, 71; in Ameri-
canization programs, 582; in carrying out
standards, 517; in Iowa in welfare work,
545; in rural social work, 462, 468, 469; law
and social work, 181, 189; of social service
agencies in New Orleans, 477; public and
private health organizations, 234; through
social service exchange, 471

Coordination of public welfare bureaus in
Illinois, 552

Corbett, Lucille K. (paper), 265

Correction (see also Div. II, 175); statistics,

Cost of publicity, 655; of social work, 449
Cottrell, Louise (paper), 545

County as a unit in social work, 461, 467, 471,
545; takes care from cradle to grave, 550
County Unit as a Basis of Social Work and
Public Welfare in North Carolina, The,
Odum, 461.

Court decisions on zoning, 364

Crime (see also Criminal, Delinquency, etc.)
and punishment, spiritual element in rela-
tion to, 68; treatment vs. punishment, 175
Criminal Justice, the Administration of,
Lindsey, 91; administration of, 183
Crothers, Rev. Samuel McChord (paper), 30
Crowdy, Dame Rachel (address), 113

Dance halls, 161

Day nurseries, 482

Definition: children's agency, 413; ethics, 607;
personality, 272, 290; public address, 658;
religious experience, 272; spiritual element,

Delinquency, the New Approach to the Prob-
lems of, Jacoby, 175
Delinquent Adolescent, The: What the Insti-
tution Can Do for Him, Derrick, 195
Delinquents and Correction (Div. II), 175
Demand for social workers, 587, 595, 602
Democracy and social work, 625
Dependency (child), how much in U.S.? 148
Dependent child, mental health of, 430
Derrick, Calvin (paper), 195
Des Moines, home ownership in, 101
Detention homes for children, 137
Detroit, Americanization work, 583
Devine, Edward T. (address), 35
Dexter, Elizabeth H. (paper), 436
Discipline in institutions for adolescents, 202

Districting, uniform, in cities, 500, 501, 504
Donnelly, Thomas J. (paper), 346
Douglas, Paul H. (paper), 305
Drama as means of publicity, 644

Economic, basis of Negro life, 385; method vs.
political method in solving coal problems,
52; point of view of how much social work a
community can afford, 100; problems (see
Div. V), 305

Education, adult, of A.F.L., 340; engineering,
613; for parenthood, 277, 283; health, 222;
legal, 187, 621; legal aid law, 193; legisla-
tion on control of marriage, 256; standards
of professional, 587; through experience, 404
Educational Publicity (Div. XII), 637
Educational Publicity from the Angle of
Governmental Supervision, Conant, 641
Educational Publicity from the Angle of the
Federation, Importance of, Vance, 645
Educational Standards, Ways in which Pro-
fessional Schools are Elevating, Woodward,

Educating the Field Outside of Metropolitan
Centers to Demand Trained Workers,
Wyckoff, 595

Effect of Negro Migration on Community
Health in Cleveland, The, Rockwood, 238
Efficiency with humanity, 55

Embarkation ports in Europe, 571
Emerson, Charles P., M.D. (paper), 205
Emigration (see also Div. X, 565)
Emigration Conditions in European Ports of
Embarkation, Schisby, 571

Employment by individual contract, 346
Engineering Education, the Investigation of,
Hammond, 613

England, coal problems in, 40, 56, 119
English poor law the basis of law in social
work, 181, 457, 527, 536; teaching of to
immigrants, 585

Environment, adjustment of individual to, 20,
26; economic, of coal industry, 53
Epidemic bureau of League of Nations, 116
Ethical basis for governmental responsibility
in social work, 457; point of view of how
much social work a community can afford,

Ethical Elements in Leadership in Social
Work, Some, Stillman, 607

European ports of embarkation, conditions
among emigrants, 571

Exchange (Social Service), a tool for coopera-
tion, 471; use of by almshouse, 527
Expenditure for health service in cities, 234,

Facts and Factors with Regard to the Farm-
ers' Standards of Living, Kirkpatrick, 388
Falconer, Douglas P. (paper), 164, 471

Family, The (Div. IV), 251
Family, allowance systems and living wage,
305; and growth in personality, 291;
and parenthood, 277, 283; background of
religion as social data, 259, 265, 270; board-
ing home, 483; case work statistics, 561;
Christian concept of, 376; composition of
farmers', 388; economic basis changing, 381;
founding of and social work, 251; life, essen-
tials of, 295; life of Mexicans in U.S., 337;
of five, the normal questioned, 306; size of
in England and Wales, 307; value of living
on farm, 389; welfare agencies and trade
unions, 339; welfare societies and relief, 103
Family as an Institution in Society, The,
Kerby, 374

Family Life of the Negro in the Small Town,
Frazier, 384

Family Life, The Relation of the Community
Work to, McDowell, 379

Farm Bureau and the county as a unit in social
work, 471

Farmers (see also Rural, Agricultural, etc.)
Farmers' Standards of Living, Facts and Fac-
tors with Regard to the, Kirkpatrick, 388
Feather, William (paper), 655

Federal (see also U.S., Public, etc.); Coal
Commission, work of, 35, 50, 55; laws on
marriage, 255; legislation on immigration,

Federal Government, Public Health and the,
Frankel and Tobey, 211; Bolt, 215
Federal Health Activities, An Ideal Arrange-
ment for, Frankel and Tobey, 211
Federal Subsidies to the States, with Special
Reference to Health, Bolt, 215

Federation and educational publicity, 645;
house organs, 656; movement interpreter of
social work, 641

Federation Publicity, The Proper Form of
Organization for, Street, 648
Fellowship, A Wider, Cabot, II

Financing of charities assured by state super-
vision, 515

Florida, county social work, 467
Fluckey, J. A. (paper), 565

Foreign Language Information Service, in-
vestigations of, 571

Founding of New Families? What Has Social
Work to Do With, Colcord, 251

France, family allowances paid by industry,

Frankel, Emil (paper), 558

Frankel, Lee K. (paper), 211
Frazier, E. Franklin (paper), 384

Freight rates a social aspect of coal industry
49, 53, 56

Future of the almshouse, 527

Gardiner, Elizabeth (paper), 396
Gillin, J. L. (paper), 539
Glassberg, Benjamin (paper), 339
Glenn, Mary Willcox (paper), 259

Goals in educational publicity, 642; in social
work, 3-10

Gorby, John W. (paper), 151

Governmental Responsibility in the Field of
Social and Welfare Work, Carter, 457
Governmental supervision and educational
publicity, 641

Gwin, J. B. (paper), 327

Habit clinics, 410

Hammond, H. P. (paper), 613
Handman, Max Sylvanis (paper), 332
Hart, Joseph K. (paper), 369
Hartman, Edward T. (paper), 360
Hasking, Arthur P., M.D. (paper), 536
Haynes, Rowland (paper), 486
Health (Div. III), 205

Health, activities of federal government, 211,
233; center a hospital, 205; center in Cin-
cinnati, 232; departments, personnel of,
234; education a major objective, 222; in-
ternational problems before League of
Nations, 116; Negro migration and com-
munity, 238; public, 205, 211, 215, 222, 228,
233, 238, 244; public, administration and
politics, 228; statistics, 241, 242; surveys of
186 cities, 233

Health Council Idea, The, Marquette, 244
Hiller, Francis H. (paper), 142
Hillhouse, Lewis J. (paper), 664

Home ownership, 101; work for women and
children, 298

Hopkins, Harry L. (paper), 222

Hospital as a Health Center, The, Emerson,

Hospital, state, having psychiatric clinics for
children, 408

House Organs for Year-Round Publicity,
Feather, 655

Housing, affected by zoning, 360; and public
health, 224, 239; of Mexicans in cities of
U.S., 331; of Negro in small town, 386
Human Relations in Public Charity, Bemis,

Hunt, Charles W. (paper), 618

Hurlin, Ralph G. (paper), 587
Hygiene, mental (see Div. VII), 400

Illinois, appraisal of health activities in cities,
237; Civil Administrative Code, 420; co-
ordination of public welfare bureaus, 552;
family welfare work and legal aid, 191; plan
for meeting psychiatric needs, 419
Immigrant, The (Div. X), 565

Immigrant, education in Detroit, 584; ex-
ploitation of, 568; labor, substitution of
Negro for, 317; labor (Mexican), 327, 332
Immigration, and anarchistic classes, 568; and
vice, 566; legislation, 565; restriction of, 570
Income, of social work organizations, study of,
102; per capita, of states, 100

Increase of immigrants to South America, 574;
of social work personnel, 590

Indian Medical Service in public health work,

Individual contract, 346, 357; intrinsic value
of, 65; right to marry, 251

Individual or "Yellow Dog" Contract, The,
Donnelly, 346

Individualism in U.S., 215

Industrial and Economic Problems (Div. V),

Industry (see also Labor); call of responded to
by Negroes, 238; Negro substituted for
immigrant in, 317; overdevelopment of, 51;
regularization of employment, 352; social
aspects of coal, 35, 50, 55.

Industry, International Social Action in,
Magnusson, 118

Infancy and maternity program for rural com-
munities, 396

Infant (see also Div. I, Child, Juvenile, etc.);

mortality and public health, 225; welfare
work in New York City, 225

Infirmary (see also Almshouse); social re-
search in, 519; work described, 551
Institutes of public welfare, 463
Institution in society, The Family an, 374
Institutions, changes in Cleveland in decade,
155; for children in New Orleans, 480; for
delinquent adolescents, 195; state and
politics, 554

International Aspects of Social Work, Crowdy,


International Child Welfare Work, Participa-
tion in, Lathrop, 126

International Labor Organization, work of,

International Ladies Garment Workers'
Unions' social welfare activities, 344
International Social Action in Industry,
Magnusson, 118

Interpreting Professional Standards of Social
Work to the Public: From the Standpoint
of the Community Fund, Bliss, 669; From
the Standpoint of the National Agency,
Rowe, 679

Interview, a process of treatment, 400
Investigation of Engineering Education, The,
Hammond, 613

Iowa Plan of Cooperation in County Welfare
Work, The, Cottrell, 545

Jacksonville Agreement about to expire, 35,
48, 58

Jacoby, A. L., M.D. (paper), 175
Jesus as an organizer, 7

Johnson, Charles S. (paper), 317

Justice, The Administration of Criminal,
Lindsey, 9, administration of, 183
Juvenile (see also Div. I, Child, Infant, etc.)
Court, care of children pending hearing,
135; in New Orleans, 481; supervision in
Michigan, 179; the great achievement of
social work, 183

Juvenile Court as a Case Working Agency,
The; Its Limitations and Its Possibilities,
Hiller, 142

Juvenile Psychopathic Institute (Chicago),
history of, 419

Keegan, Rev. Robert F. (paper), 515
Kelso, Robert W. (paper), 637
Kerby, Rev. William J. (paper), 374
Kirchwey, George W. (paper), 181
Kirkpatrick, E. L. (paper), 388

Knights of Columbus, training for boys' work,


L's in publicity work (three), 670
Labor (see also Industry), international as-
pects of, 118; legislation, 118; Negro sub-
stituted for immigrant, 317; of Mexicans in
U.S., 327, 333; regularization of employ-
ment, 352; "Yellow Dog" contract, 346
Lathrop, Julia C. (address), 126
Laughter of value in social work, 19
Law (see also Legal, Legislation, etc.), housing,
360; marriage, study of, 254; naturalization,
576; school and professional standards,
621; schools studying social conditions,
187; zoning, 360, 364

Law and Social Progress, Rosenberry, 76
Law and Social Work, Forms of Cooperation
between, Kirchwey, 181

Leadership in social work, 7, 10, 21, 607, 627
League of Nations, social questions of, 113,

LeBlond, Rev. C. H. (paper), 155
Lectures (see Speaking)

Lee, Porter R. (paper), 19

Legal (see also Law, Legislation, etc.); aid and
family welfare work, 190; aid education,
193; courses in schools for social work, 193;
education, 187; education and elevating
standards, 621

Legal Aid, Bradway, 189

Legislation (see also Law, Legal, etc.) and
marriage, 253, 256; dangers of too much,
78; for social work in North Carolina, 462;
English poor law, 181, 457, 527, 540; growth
of social, 458; immigration, 565; mothers'

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