Imágenes de páginas

Movers and Seconders. Lieut. Gen. Neville; and Rev. Basil Woodd -Major-Gen. Orde; and Rev. Hugh M'Neile -Ald. Sir Claudius Stephen Hunter, Bart.; and Earl of Roden-Hon. and Rev. G. T. Noel; and J.E. Gordon, Esq.-and Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel; and Rev. W. A. Evanson. The Receipts of the Year were 7601. 7s. 6d.; and the Payments, 7491. 14s.

On Wednesday Evening, the 2d of May, the Rev. W. A. Evanson preached at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, from Mal. ii. 6, 7. Collections, 951.


SERMONS were preached before the Society-by Rev. Samuel Wood, of Dublin, at the City-Road Chapel, on Thursday Evening, April the 26th, from Matt. vi. 10. Thy kingdom come-by Rev. William Thorpe, of Bristol, on Friday Morning, at Great-Queen-Street Chapel, from Dan. ii. 44—and, in the Evening of that day, by Rev. Valentine Ward, of Leeds, from 1 Cor. xv. 58, at China-Terrace Chapel, Lambeth.

On Sunday, the 29th of April, 87 Sermons were preached for the Society, in 43 Chapels of the Wesleyan Methodists in and near London.

On Monday, the 30th of April, at Eleven o'clock, the Annual Meeting was held at the City-Road Chapel; Benjamin Thorold, Esq. of Harmston Hall, near Lincoln, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders. Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke; and Rev. Valentine Ward, of Leeds-Rev. W. Thorpe, of Bristol; and Rev. Dr. Henderson-Rev. Rob. Newton, of Liverpool; and Rev. Theodore Dury, Rector of Keighley-Rev. W. Ellis, from the South-Sea Missions; and Rev. John Bowers, of Huddersfield-Rev. S. Wood of Dublin; and James Eastbourne, Esq.- and Rev. John Stephens; and W. G. Scarth, Esq., of Leeds. Resolutions.

-That this Society, in its attempts to extend the spiritual dominion of Christ and to diffuse the influence of His Religion in the world, solemnly acknowledges its dependence upon the blessing of God as the source of all success; and, rejoicing in the zeal, labours, and prosperity of Kindred Institutions, and considering the vastness of the field yet unoccupied in every part of the Pagan World, pledges itself, as its means may increase, and in the spirit of entire brotherly affection, to a

still more extensive co-operation with them in the glorious enterprise of bringing all Nations to the obedience of faith.

-That the Society, in recording, in the Report now accepted, the death of one of its General Treasurers, the late JOSEPH BUTTERWORTH, Esq., bears its most grateful and affectionate testimony to the eminent Christian Virtues with which his character was marked, and to his faithful and unremitting exertions in promoting the success of this Society and the great Cause of Missions in general; and, being thus individually reminded of the uncertainty of human life, and incited by this and other affecting instances of the frailty of man, would anew devote themselves to a Cause which derives solemn and permanent importance from its connection with the eternal interests of the human race and the hopes of an immortal crown.

The Collections and Donations at the several Services and Meetings connected with the Anniversary amounted to 14651.


THE Annual Sermon was preached at St. Bride's Church, on Monday Evening, the 30th of April, by the Rev. Henry Budd, M.A. Minister of Bridewell Precinct and Rector of White Roothing, Essex, from 2 Cor. v. 20.

The Annual Meeting was held, at Eleven o'Clock, on Tuesday the 1st of May, in Freemasons' Hall; the President, Admiral Lord Gambier, G. C. B., in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders. Lord Bexley; and Rev. Charles James Hoare --Hon. and Rev. G. T. Noel; and Rev. John Raban, from Sierra Leone-Sir Rob. Harry Inglis, Bart.; and James M. Strachan, Esq. from Madras-Rev. John W. Cunningham; and Rev. Henry Ridley-Rev. Charles Simeon; and Major-General Orde-and Rev. Hugh M'Neile; and Rev. George Hulme. Resolutions.

-That, amidst the various trials and difficulties of the West-Africa Mission, this Meeting regards the progressive enlargement of our knowledge of the Interior, and our increased intercourse with the African Nations, as furnishing ground of encouragement for continued exertions in diffusing the blessings of Christianity over that Continent; and hails, with thankfulness, the more extended labours of the Society's Missionaries and the active agency of the Press in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean.

-That, while the Meeting acknowledges with gratitude to Almighty God the general prosperity of the Society's labours in the East and the especial blessing which has

been vouchsafed in some parts of Southern India, it cannot but deeply deplore the loss which Christian Labourers have sustained in the death of the late Bishop of Calcutta: but the Meeting, impressed with a sense of the Divine Goodness in raising up such a pattern of Missionary Devotedness and Zeal, indulges the hope that the plans and purposes, which have hitherto been so successful in promoting the interests of the rising Church of Christ in India, may be approved and carried forward by the Prelate who has been called to succeed him in his high and holy office.

-That the Meeting regards with thankfulness the brightening prospects of the Australasia and North-West America Missions; believing, that, notwithstanding the difficulties peculiar to each, the Divine Blessing has rested upon them.

-That the Meeting learns with pleasure the progressive and promising state of the Institution at Islington; and, under a deep impression of the importance and arduousness of the duties with which a Missionary is entrusted, of the difficulties and discouragements to which he is exposed, and of the subtlety and power of those enemies with which he has to contend, desires to rely, with increasing simplicity, on the Grace of the Holy Spirit, which alone can prepare the Christian Labourer for his work, and sustain and prosper him in his toil.

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returned to their Stations... proceeded to their labours.. 14 ordained by Bp. of London. 10 Offers of service during the year... Candidates received..

Students in Institution (of whom eight are Ordained).....





£. S. d.
1 4
692 10 2

[blocks in formation]

1434 8 6
3183 5 3
10 0 0

[blocks in formation]

209 4 10

Sale of Publications...

44,880 9
215 15
45,096 4 0


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Girls (1559 in India), 3209 14,267

Languages in which the Gospel is preach-
ed or Youth Instructed......


The Collection at the Church, including the usual Benefaction of 50l., was 1821. 9s. 3d., and that at the Meeting 971. 88. 2d., making together 2797. 17s. 5d.

On the 17th and 18th of May, Sales of Ladies' Work, for the benefit of the Society's India-Female 458392 Education - Fund, took place at Hanover-Square Rooms, which produced 1477. 13s. 6d.

2403 0 0

3243 19 10
9030 8 2

503 12 2
3594 5 11

3335 6 3

On the same days, in other apart



ments at the same place, Sales of Ladies' Work, for the benefit of the Negro-Children-Education Society (see pp.600, 601 of our last Volume) produced 120l. 178. 3d.


AT Eleven o'Clock on Wednesday the 2d of May, the Chair was taken by the President, Lord Teignmouth, at the Annual Meeting, held in Freemasons' Hall.

Movers and Seconders.

Lord Bexley; and Bp. of Lichfield and Co-
ventry-Bishop of Llandaff; and Rt. Hon. C.
Grant, M.P.-Hon.C.James Shore; and Hon.
and Rev. Baptist Noel- Lord Gambier; and
T. Fowell Buxton, Esq. M.P. Rev. John
Burnet, of Cork; and Rev. John W. Cun-
ningham Rev. H. Townley; and Rev. Dr.
Steinkopff-and Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bart.
M.P.; and Rev. Dr. Winter.
State of the Funds.
Receipts of the Year:

Annual Subscriptions....
Donations & Life Subscriptions,

Dividends and Interest.
Auxiliary Societies...

Sale of Scriptures..

[ocr errors]

S. d. 2172 19 6 1442 5 1 5729 12 10 1806 34,337 11 4

45,488 15 6 34.751 5 8 Total... 80,240 1 2

Payments of the Year:

Printing the Scriptures:

English, Irish, Welsh, & Gaelic, 36,487 19 8 Other European Languages..11,304 14 Languages of Asia, Africa, and


[ocr errors]

Printing Paper..

Stipends & Expenses of Agents for Foreign Parts .

Travelling Expenses..

[ocr errors]

Sundries including Salaries, Poundage, Insurance, Freight, Taxes, Depository, Postage, and Incidentals


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6,265 7 0 Total...£.69,962 11 11 We extract from the introductory statements of the Report some passages relative to the Resolutions on the Apocrypha, quoted at p. 236 of our last Volume::

Before your Committee detail their proceedings in promoting the circulation of the Scriptures during the past year, it will be requisite to notice several points more or less connected with the three Regulations respecting the Apocrypha unanimously adopted at the last Anniversary. For their own guidance, your Committee have found it necessary, in carrying the Resolutions into effect, to May, 1827.

lay down an additional Regulation, requiring, in the event of any of the copies of the Scriptures granted by this Society being sold by the parties to whom they have been or may be voted, that the proceeds of such sale shall be remitted to your Treasurer, as otherwise they might be laid out in the purchase of Bibles containing the Apocrypha.

This Regulation is now submitted to the Meeting, in order that it may receive the same sanction as the three preceding, and with them constitute the law under which all future Committees are to act. It was adopted on July 31st, and is as follows

That all grants of the Scriptures to Societies which circulate the Apocrypha be made under the express condition, that they be sold or distributed without alteration or addition, and that the proceeds of the sales of any such copies of the Scriptures be held at the disposal of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

With regard to the Resolutions in question, it has been the anxious and unanimous wish of the Committee to carry them into full effect. In doing this, they have restricted themselves to the issue of bound books to all individuals, as well as Societies: but they have not deemed it any contravention of the principle of the law, to entrust to their own accredited Agents the superintendence of the binding of the copies of the Scriptures, which they will afterwards have to issue, in a bound state, under the direction of the Committee.

In some places on the Continent, difficulties have arisen in consequence of the above Regulations; while, in others, they have been cheerfully acceded to. In particular instances, a construction has been put upon them which was never intended; and it has been supposed that no further assistance could be received from the Society, on the part of those who still continued to circulate the Apocrypha: to obviate such erroneous impressions, a Circular Letter has been addressed to the Societies on the Continent,

assuring them of the continued good-will of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and pointing out the various modes in which they may still be assisted, particularly by grants of copies of the New Testament.

Is has been delightful to observe, even in cases where the Regulations have not afforded satisfaction, the deep sense of gratitude and affection toward this Society, which is evidently felt, as well as expressed; and how much the motives

2 H

of the Society, in adopting the said Regulations, have been respected.

The various instances in which Bibles without the Apocrypha have been willingly received and circulated, will be noticed in their proper places: and the Committee will only now express their hope, that such instances may, in each succeeding year, become more and more numerous; and that, under the influence of kind persuasion, many, who, at first, were afraid to enter upon a path comparatively new and untrodden, will be encouraged to make the trial, and will then happily discover that there was not the ground for their fears that they had imagined.

It is a subject of unfeigned regret, that, in the adoption of the above measures, your Committee have failed in their effort to unite and conciliate all the friends of the Society at home. Several of the Bible Societies in Scotland have withdrawn from connexion with the British and Foreign Bible Society; and others have, at least for a season, suspended their usual remittances: it is matter, however, of rejoicing, that their contributions will not be lost to the great object of the Society, though they do not at present flow in the accustomed channel.

From many of the principal Auxiliaries, the kindest assurances of the fullest and most unshaken confidence in the present Committee have been received: and should the present Meeting concur in expressing the same confidence, those, who shall be re-chosen for the Committee of the ensuing year, trust that this confidence will not prove to have been misplaced.

Among the employments of the past year, it may be proper to mention the examination that has been made, and is still making, into the different Versions printed by the aid of the Society, with a view to ascertain whether they contain any Apocryphal Additions to the Canonical Scriptures, in order that such additions may be removed, and that they may in future be more vigilantly guarded against.

On a Resolution of Thanks to the Committee and for appointing that for the ensuing year, the Rev. Edward Irving stated that several Societies in Scotland wished some further measures to be adopted, in order to secure full and entire adherence to the Resolutions of the

last Anniversary, and for the more complete restoration of confidence: these measures he suggested; but no Motion on the subject was submitted to the Meeting, and the original Resolution passed nem. con.


THE Annual Sermon was preached, at Christ Church, Newgate Street, on Wednesday Evening, the 2d of May, by the Rev. John Bird Sumner, M.A. Prebendary of Durham, from Heb. x. 24, 25,

At the Annual Meeting, held on the 3d, at the London Coffee House, the President, Lord Bexley, took the Chair at Twelve o'clock.

Movers and Seconders.

Lord Gambier; and Rev. John Peers- Rev.
Richard Marks; and Rev. John Hatchard-
Rev. Francis Cunningham; and Zachary Ma-
caulay, Esq.-Rev.G.Hulme; and Rev. Basil
Woodd-Rev. C. Jerram; and Rev. C. Davy
-and Hon. and Rev. Gerard T. Noel; and
Rev. Dawson Warren.

-That this Meeting has heard with sincere pleasure of the still-increasing success of the Society's labours among Seamen; and views the continuance and extension of such efforts as highly important.

- That this Meeting cordially approves of the Foreign Objects and Proceedings of the Society, especially the publication of our Devotional Forms in the Languages of the East; and earnestly recommends this, and every part of the Society's objects, to the patronage of the public.

State of the Funds.
Receipts of the Year:
Annual Subscriptions..

Congregational Collections..

For Supply of Merchant Seamen
For Foreign Objects
Drawbacks on Books..

£. s. 674 17



239 2 4

181 3 11

89 1 7

30 0


78 3


49 11


25 8 2

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The Society is indebted 2221. 18s. 2d., and is under engagements to the amount of 9001.

The Collections were 777. 10s. 8d.



ON Wednesday and Thursday, the 2d and 3d of May, Sales of Ladies' Work took place, at 21 Berners Street, which produced the sum of 801.

On Thursday Evening, a Sermon was preached at St. Clement Danes, by the Rev. Rich. Waldo Sibthorp, B.D., from Cant. viii. 5. Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her Beloved ? The Collection was 40l. 5s. 6d. State of the Funds. Receipts of the Year:

Bexley-Rev. C. Simeon; and Rev. John Burnet, of Cork- Hon. and Rev. Gerard T. Noel; and Major-Gen. Orde-Rt. Hon. Sir G. H. Rose; and Rev. Edward Burn-Rev. Hugh M'Neile, and Rev. J. H. Stewart. Resolutions.

-That this Meeting, believing that Almighty God magnifies His own Word, anticipate the most beneficial results from the ex

tensive circulation of the Holy Scriptures among the Jews, and recommend this object to the zealous support of Christians of every denomination.

-That this Meeting rejoice in the progress of Scriptural Education among the Jews in India and other places; and earnestly call upon all the friends of true religion to implere the Divine Blessing upon this and every other means employed by the Society.

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s. d. 7 6 3

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Payments of the Year:


Jewish Children.......

2327 3

178 13


[blocks in formation]

4 7


Foreign Missions and Schools..

3760 13


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hebrew Scriptures..

2163 12 5

[blocks in formation]

Tracts, Reports, and Expositors, 1346 17 2 Episcopal Chapel..

Salaries, Travelling Expenses,

474 19 7

Rent, Taxes, and Incidentals, 2541 6 2 Total....15,050 12 11


THE Annual Meeting was held at
Twelve o'clock, on Saturday the
Right Hon. Viscount Lorton in the
5th of May, in Freemasons' Hall;
Chair. Collection, 3937.

Movers and Seconders. Lord Carbery; and Hon. and Rev. Gerard T. Noel-Rev. J. W. Cunningham; and Rev. Horatio Townsend Newman, Rector of Bandon, County Cork Hon, and Rev. Baptist Noel; and Rev. Hugh M'Neile - Hon. Č. J. Shore; and Rev. John Burnet, of Cork--Earl of Winchelsea; and Rev. Mr. Carlisle, of

ward Burn, of Birmingham.


On Friday, the 4th, at Twelve Newry-and Earl of Roden; and Rev. Edo'Clock, the President, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. M.P., took the Chair at the Annual Meeting. Collection, 671. 19s. 6d.

Movers and Seconders. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry; and Lord

-That this Committee most deeply regret the reduction which has taken place in the number of Schools and Scholars, and pledge themselves to renewed exertions in order to improve the present favourable openings.

That the benefits produced by the simple

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