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pheric, or even common rail ways and magnetic We desired to give more attention at this time telegraphs, the earth itself would scarcely be too to the objection based upon Slavery and the Dissolarge for the domain of a Confederated Govern-lution of the Union; but must confine ourselves ment, like our own. What, if these United States to a few words.

should yet be the Liberal mistress of the world! Is this question of slavery likely ever to dissolve The harmony and peace of the Union have been rather promoted by the enlarging of our borders. Disaffection has never raised its gorgon front in any of the new States. Hand in hand, in Peace and in War, have they moved on with the old and with each other, beautifully, bravely and triumphantly.

Still a cry as of some one in great perplexity assails us, asking "will you overwhelm the country with the immense, unknown debt of Texas, with her domain all covered by patents and alienated by grants ?" If the debt of Texas be so unknown and unascertainable as some assert, wherefore is it so immense? It need not necessarily be like Walter Scott "the great unknown." It is only a small insect that has got into the telescopes of political philosophers and seems to be a huge monster in the "Lone Star," at which they are gazing.

The reader will perhaps be as much astonished, as we were, to learn the amount of this enormous debt, which it is said, and correctly, the United States will have to assume. We are informed by high authority, that the debts of Texas were estimated by a Committee of her Congress, in 1841, at $7,400,000; and that this is about the amount now due. With interest, it may amount to $8,000,000. But let us double this, nay quadruple it; and will a debt of $32,000,000 overwhelm this union? A few years ago, a surplus of $30,000,000 so encumbered our treasury, that it was virtually distributed among the States; and subsequently a sum more than sufficient to pay the whole debt of Texas has actually been distributed among such States as would receive it. Texas could be paid for and the burden not felt; and we would receive incalculably more than we would have to pay, even at thirty two millions. It is impossible to calculate the immense value of Texas as a Commercial position, during a continued Peace, and her importance would only be enhanced by a War. But besides all this, she has an area of 318,000 square miles; equal to about 203,000,000 of acres,-of which 136,000,000 of acres are reported by her land office to be public lands. Surely one hundred and thirty-six millions of acres of Texas lands will discharge a debt of thirty or forty millions of dollars. But ten millions would be a most liberal estimate of her existing public debt. When a man buys a house, or a farm, he has to pay something for the beauty and eligibility of its situation. The position of Texas in relation to our teeming Western Valley, with her desirable harbors, is worth more than all her debt, in Peace or War; and as each year will increase her productions and those of all that fruitful region, her value will augment continually.

the Union? If so, is it the duty of the South alone to bear and forbear? Are we to be told continually by many "hush! hush! give up! give up! You'll dissolve the Union!" and then by others to be threatened that the Union shall be dissolved, if we do not in every measure, however remotely connected with slavery, yield to their direction? Where shall we stop? The admission of slave states is not the only form in which this question is to meet, or has met us.

Abolition, or to use a milder and we hope a truer term, emancipation in the North is but a feeling, a movement of philanthropy, often mistaken, and with many, Oh! how misguided! Ignorance and prejudice, too, mingle with and often incite it. Slavery in the South is an Institution, vesting rights and conferring property,-recognized and guarantied by the Constitution. Shall the latter,substantial, existing and Constitutional, be made to yield to the former,-shadowy, visionary, interfering, fanatical and unlawful? The South dearly loves the Union and will not break it. She wishes that it may not be broken. But having rights, which she knows and must (even for safety) maintain, she may not always yield to those whom she thinks can be and ought to be brought to moderation and right. Unless the sentiments and policy of Mr. Adams and Mr. Webster and their followers are changed, a worse question than Annexation may force our decision. Viewing the progress of anti-slavery sentiment from the time when Wilberforce and Clarkson labored for years to obtain, from the parliament of a land, the touch of whose soil, it is boasted, unshackles every slave, even the abolition of the nefarious slave-trade, down to the present time, when an English minister has openly declared to the Chargé d'affaires of this same Texas, that her majesty can not tolerate the existence of Slavery any where, we must be convinced that it is not likely to recede. We then behold it crossing the Atlantic and steering North, lest it should be deterred by the groans and horrors of emancipated Domingo, taking root and flourishing here in this Union. Its strength and dispositions ought to be tested; and we firmly believe that the result will be greater harmony and a closer union. Instead, then, of Annexation dissolving the Union, it will confirm it and test and expose the strength of abolition.

These suggestions do not proceed from any excited feeling towards the North. We have none;quite the reverse. But the question of slavery has nothing to do with the Annexation of Texas; and

* See letter of the Earl of Aberdeen to the Hon. Ashbel Smith. National Intelligencer of the 10th April, 1844.

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across. It will slide on towards Texas; thence into Mexico, to be amalgamated there, if any where, with its free inhabitants. This, a sensible quaker merchant of New York plainly perceives and enforces in a letter to the Hon. R. I. Walker. * As the best and only means of gradually getting rid of slavery, Annexation commends itself to those who desire its abolition.

if it be lugged in, they who do it must bear the|This gradual disappearance of slavery is the only blame and the consequences. Not intimidated by possible way of getting rid of it. It will not plunge threats, not influenced by fear, even of Disunion, itself into the Gulf of Mexico; it can not jump which she sincerely deprecates and does nothing to promote, the South will adhere to her own rights and to the true interests of the whole country. We have thus considered very hastily, as we were compelled to do, most, if not all, the objections to the Annexation of Texas. It was deemed proper to endeavor to remove these, before entering upon the direct arguments in its favor. But in answering them, many of the advantages of Annexation have been necessarily adverted to and partially enforced. Every important measure must have some strong considerations in its favor; and surely if the objections to it can be effectually combatted, this of itself is enough to justify it. In the case before us, not only do the objections appear to be susceptible of refutation; but allowing them the full force which their supporters claim for them, the arguments on the other side greatly pre-pete with the Southern States. They will have, ponderate. The consideration of these, however, must be reserved for another occasion; and, unless rendered entirely useless by some unforeseen occurrence, will be entered into more at large, in our June number.

To the South, the Annexation of Texas would bring no benefits peculiar to it, farther than the increased protection of its frontier from the ravages of war. In another war, the South would probably be the greatest sufferer,—and would have to bear the brunt. But the North also, as a part of the Union, needs the same protection.

On the contrary, it is plain that Texas, being necessarily an agricultural country, would com


indeed, to encounter this competition in any event. But Annexation will quicken it and bring it to bear sooner and more directly. Emigration, even from the fertile and sunny South, will flow into Texas, and Southern lands will inevitably fall. Our beautiful and blessed Union being preserved, will rise, which may partly compensate for the the good of the North is the good of the South; fall of lands, but not altogether; and then they and the reverse. The Annexation of Texas, then, will take their way to the better market of Texas, would extend the South Western boundary of the as we have before intimated. Still the Southern United States, according to the dictates of inter- States will go on filling up, the places of the slaves est and the arrangement of nature; leaving it here- sold or removed must be supplied from the more after to be completed by the acquisition of Cali-Northern Slave States, and thus the decrease alfornia and the interjacent country. Then, with a ready so considerable will be accelerated. Bet Naval Depot and National Armory on the Missis- the products and settlement of Texas can in no sippi, and Key West and the Tortugas well fortified, as suggested by our very gifted and estimable friend, Lieut. M. F. Maury, this Union would be more in the position that a great, Independent nation should occupy. These should be, whether Texas joins us or not.

Texas would afford a large additional market for the manufactures of the North. She has already opened wide her marts for their reception; and before she was thrown upon foreigners and strangers, consumed in one year (1840) over one million and two hundred thousand dollars' worth of our products,-nearly the whole from the North. Though this has been reduced more than one million of dollars, by her intercourse with other countries, it would all be restored and largely increased in an accelerated ratio, if she were adopted by us. A market would also be opened for slaves; and abhorrent as this may be to some pseudo-philanthropists, it will effectually promote their final emancipation. Already has slavery gradually receded towards the South. Every census has exhibited a great decrease in every old slave State.

* “ Maritime Interests of the South and West.” Southern Quarterly Review, October, 1843.

wise affect the Northern States disadvantageously. The more she produces, the greater her means of buying from the North; the sooner she is filled with an industrious population, the more consumers of Northern manufactures. But the South should, for the prospective advantage to herself and the Union, be willing to submit to the temporary depreciation of her lands and abstraction of her citizens. She has ever been self sacrificing for the general welfare.

This is the national view which we love to take

of this important and engaging subject. But if any will have us disunited, let us, for their benefit only, take a one sided glance.

The dark and gloomy hour has arrived! The Constitution is annulled! Its fathers' hopes, intentions, counsels, prayers and pledges are all blighted, disregarded and broken! Two branches of the same family once united and happy, their fate ruled by the same stars, worshipping the same God, under the same vine and fig tree, can not any longer live peaceably together! They have burst

* See letter of Aaron Leggett. Richmond Enquirer, of March 22nd, 1814.

the bonds of kindred and of union and become as coffers of Boston and New York. Even glorious strangers in the land of their fathers!

We will not here attempt to draw any pictures of the scenes to be anticipated from the dire disruption. Let us, in charity and fond hope, suppose peace at least to prevail between them.

old Yorktown would be revived; and disunion thus give life to the spot that witnessed the consummation of our Independence. The stream of wealth, too, that now flows from New York down the Great Mississippi valley, would then seek the Ohio through The North has the Old World and will soon have the James River and Kanawha canal which would a good portion of the Southern States to compete be completed in "the twinkling of an eye," for with her manufactures. Her own territory will its reception. The great South Western trade, hardly, if it all, supply her necessities. She will that will be so greatly promoted by the Annexabe excluded from our markets; and from the affec- tion of Texas, will under the Union advance the tions of our people. If she should propose a treaty completion of this stupendous undertaking. New with us; the first requisite would be, "you must let Orleans is, in any event, destined to be one of the alone slaves and slavery among us, and surrender greatest emporiums of the world. The Missisevery offender against those laws which we have sippi may be confined within its banks; but a flood made respecting it." Without this, she could have of wealth will ere long pour in upon her, that will no communion with us. Then why not do these overflow her levées, inundate her wharves, fill her under the Union and the Constitution? There are storehouses, though constructed on a scale of unvery few, scarcely any foreign countries with which rivalled grandeur, to the highest apartments, and she could make advantageous commercial treaties. overspread the whole Gulf of Mexico. New OrOld countries are not agricultural, but manufactu- leans with all her treasures will be a Southern ring and they would be the rivals and not the al-City, supplying us and the world with the abunlies of the North. Thus secluded, the ingenuity dance of her stores. If Texas can then be had of her people might get them along, but their situation could not be envied.

Her profitable carrying trade would be destroyed. Having so few markets, not already overstocked with their own manufactures, she would soon have but little to carry of course, we would exclude her, and her crowded marine would be thrown without employment upon her hands. The Barques of the East would no longer plough the waters of the Sonth. But the iron of Virginia and Tennessee, the hemp of Kentucky and the pine of the old North State, with the exhaustless live-oak of Texas, wrought into stately ships by Southern skill and enterprise, would spread our abundant exports over the world, bringing us in return the riches and the products of every clime. Prosperous commerce would be carried on along our whole Atlantic coast and our Western Mediterranean would present a more thriving scene than was ever witnessed by Venice, throned on her hundred isles, in her proudest day.

In all this, too, England would be glad to unite with us, in order to give occupation to a part of her immense marine.

by us, we will have her; and will open, if possible, a way to the equally bounteous California, when the East, with her luxuries and her demands for many of our staples, will be brought almost into our laps. The South would then have her depots and arsenals on the Mississippi, and Key West and the Tortugas would be strongly fortified. War would affect her relations and interests as it does those of all nations. Slavery has never yet sapped the valor of a people, and the weakness of the South on account of its existence might be found not so great as has been imagined. More negroes would be found fighting by their masters' sides, or enduring merciless stripes rather than betray them, than would be arrayed on the side of their enemies. This has been and will be again, if another occasion should offer, which Heaven avert !

But we trust that the South will forever be a part of the Union and that Texas will be admitted to it, for the good of the whole. As the Honorable Senator Walker observes, Texas is but a part of the Mississippi valley, of which New York may be considered the head. The United States should possess the whole of this teeming region. Texas is quite essential for the protection and full enjoyment of that which we now possess.

The South, moreover, on account of her agrieultural products, could form commercial treaties with England, France and every country that has This immense and fertile valley is destined to more mouths than food to fill them, and more manu- be the spinal marrow of our confederacy and seems factures than she can consume at home. Should to be a perpetual bond of union between the slave they exclude us, as they certainly would not do, and non-slave States. We have sometimes been Virginia, whose facilities are as great as any in quite wrapt in visions, when contemplating its the world, could soon produce manufactures enough future prospects and productiveness. The inland for the whole South; and with, or without foreign sea, which geologists tell us once swept over its alliances, she would become a large manufacturing bosom, seems but a type of the flood of wealth State, and Richmond surpass Lowell itself. Nor- which it is destined to send forth to the South folk, Richmond, Charleston and Savannah would West. No limits can be set to the almost creative receive the commercial wealth that now fills the energies of its rich loam; and nature seems to

have given its great rivers their unceasing onward flow to bear more swiftly its teeming products to those waiting to receive them. Shall not Texas as a branch of this fruitful valley be allowed to enjoy and contribute to swell its streams of wealth? For natural advantages she can compare favorably with almost any country ;—in the variety and luxuriance of her products vieing with the tierra templada of Mexico, whose soil and climate rendered her almost a paradise three centuries ago; the descriptions of whose beauty and magnificence so graphically drawn by Prescott warm the imaginations of the least enthusiastic. Gold and silver, sugar and cotton, fruits and flowers, the vigor of the mountains, the luxuriance of the tropics, beauty and grandeur, all are hers. Her rivers, forests and plains are filled with their respective tenants, her fields return multifold into the bosom of the husbandman, and in many parts the air is so pure that it taints not the fresh spoil of the hunter.

Nor dreams alone: before that shrine,
Where God has set his signet-sign,
-The impress of a hand divine-
O there his soul,

Doth seek its goal,
Striving for aye that goal to win,
And drink its inspiration in.

And thus, and thus, the Poet sings;
Wedded unto his holy art;
And thus for aye he fondly clings,

With love's unfaltering heart!
Sorrow may try the gifted sore;
Neglect may pierce his bosom's core ;
Chill Penury, with open door
And horrid grin,

May bid him in,

And scorn and malice blast at will,-
The Poet is a Poet still.



We finish this month the translation of this beautiful

All these are tendered to us and the offer has been in part accepted. A treaty now awaits only the confirmation of the Senate. As its provisions have not transpired, we will not indulge in rumor. If we do not receive Texas, her "lone star" will be dimmed or extinguished by dependence on an overshadowing power. Like the star of old in the West it goes before our wise men" to show them where the young Republic is. If we are true to ourselves, it will be taken to our firmament and emblazoned on our flag, under whose protection and increased splendor our ships will bear our pro-matchless manner in which Iphigenia subdues the anger,


ducts and hers over every sea. April, 1844.


The bright green Earth in beauteous guise,

Beautiful still, as in days of old;

How she wooeth the soul with her witching eyes,

And her robe of gems and gold!

That radiant robe, where the silver sheen,
Of the drops of dew, and the lake serene,
In glory vie, with the emerald green
Of the clustering vines,
Where the ivy twines,
And the insect skippeth in dulcet play,
And the wild bird trills its caroling lay.
O Earth! thou art the Poet's theme;
The brightness of the Beautiful!
More gorgeous than his pictur'd dream,
Of fairy-fancy full.

The sea-the sky-the bright array→→→
The radiant sun that sheds for aye

The splendor of his glorious ray;
The thousand things,

On happy wings,

The dying all-the breathing whole-
O twine they not the Poet's soul?

The purling play of murmuring streams-
The flowery mead-the winding dell-
The Beautiful! O there the dreams

Of Poets ever dwell!

production; one most worthy of the original; and take great pleasure in accrediting it to Judge Beverley Tucker, Professor of Law in William and Mary College, and our honored preceptor. Taste he has long possessed,—genius always; but he has only recently devoted his attention, a the intervals of very arduous duties, to the acquisition of the German. His example and success may well be a lesson and an encouragement to others. We particularly commend the whole of Iphigenia to our readers. Go back and read it, if any have omitted it, and dwell upon the

and sways the purposes of the King. Disclosing all, she trusts to the power of virtuous innocence and earnest eloquence and is victorious.


We wished to give this month some account of the proceedings of this patriotic association, at its first general meeting in April last. Its noble aims demand the highest praise; its national character and prospective, nay in mediate, benefits entitle it to the fostering care of Government, and to the zealous cooperation of every one who cas appreciate the relation of Literature and Science to the honor and prosperity of the Country. Their last, first meeting was something more than a commencement ;—R was a decided achievement. More men of letters were there; more was done and said, and better, than might have been expected. Present enjoyment was found, when ali had been mere anticipation; and though Hope is still their proper feeling, it is stronger and blended well with exulta


We shall publish next month an article intended to te read before this "Institute," on the relation between the Caucasian master and the African slave, dedicated to the Hon. C. J. Ingersoll.

THE HOME LIBRARY-POETICAL SERIES. The Whitefooted Deer and other Poems; by Wm. Culle Bryant. New York. J. S. Platt, 1844.

The Home Library is a new enterprise in which authors are somewhat interested. It is intended that they shall proportionately partake in the pecu

niary profits accruing from their productions. The first number of the new series begins with a small collection of poems from the pen of the ablest of the American poets. The peculiarities and characteristics of Mr. Bryant's verse need not be insisted on, at this late day, in referring to a new volume of his verses. His manner, modes of thinking and expression, the charm of his description, the delicacy of his fancy, the purity of his taste, are all familiar to the very humblest of those, in America, who read. This little volume, while! it is undistinguished by any of those remarkable poems, such as " ""The Prairies," Thanatopsis," &c., which have placed our author among the first of contemplative poets, is yet full of proofs of the presence of the same thoughtful mind, and observing eye. Gentle, placid and clear, the stream of Bryant's song runs along through woods and meadows, as charmingly and winningly, as the fair brooks, on whose banks he so much loves to wander and to meditate. We fancy, if there be any change in his song, it is in an increasing thoughtfulness-a deeper shadow gathers in his musings, and the tone, while it is equally solemn as before, is more subdued. Mr. Bryant does not often yield his muse to passing occasions. When he does so, he is singularly successful. Take for example the following lines which were chaunted at the funeral service of the late Dr. Channing. Occasional verses are well calculated to try the powers, and they commonly baffle the efforts, of the poet. Few succeed in them. These seem to us to be very happy. They are equally true to the characteristies of the author, and appropriate to the occasion.

While yet the harvest fields are white,
And few the toiling reapers stand,
Called from his task before the night
We miss the mightiest of the band.

Oh. thou of strong, yet gentle mind!

Thy thrilling voice shall plead no more
For truth, for freedom and mankind;

The lesson of thy life is o'er.

But thou, in brightness far above
The fairest dream of human thought,
Before the seat of power and love,

Art with the truth that thou hast sought.

The Poem on Washington, is also an occasional performance, sung, we believe, at some popular celebration.

It seems to us a very sweet classical hymn, not unworthy of the subject. We give it to the reader, but beg to be understood as presenting these poems, not because they are superior, or even equal, to the rest of the collection, but simply because they show us the Muse of Mr. Bryant in fields in which she has not much been accustomed to stray.


Great were the hearts, and strong the minds, Of those who framed, in high debate, The immortal league of love that binds

Our fair, broad empire, State with State.

And deep the gladness of the hour,
When, as the auspicious task was done,
In solemn trust, the sword of power,
Was given to glory's unspoil'd son.
That noble race is gone; the suns

Of fifty years have risen and set;
But the bright links those chosen ones
So strongly forged, are brighter yet.
Wide-as our own free race increase-
Wide shall extend the elastic chain,
And bind, in everlasting peace,

State after State, a mighty train.

We commend the Home Library, thus happily begun, to our reading and literary public. It is a series at once small in price and tasteful in execution. It deserves the patronage of all who would encourage the author, in some degree, with the printer.

Notices of New Works.

CAREY AND HART: Philadelphia, 1844. THE ROSE MANUAL; containing accurate descriptions of all the finest varieties of Roses, properly classed, with directions for their culture and propagation and the destruction of insects. By Robert Buist, nurseryman and florist. pp. 176, 8vo.

This tasteful and acceptable present from Mr. Buist arrived just in time to rescue from the bugs a few favorites, now languishing under their attacks and our ignorance of rose culture. The work is beautifully printed and bound and we commend it to the lovers of fragrance and beauty. A

NEW AND COMPLETE FRENCH AND ENGLISH, AND ENGLISH AND FRENCH DICTIONARY. Compiled and prepared by J. Dobson, Member of the American Philosophical Society, &c., &c. pp. 1376, large 8vo.

This is also a very opportune arrival, for which we thank the publishers. A very neat pocket edition of Tibbins, a sort of companion for several years, has suffered much damage from the thumbings of a little friend; and lo! its place is supplied by the extensive work before us, based upon the new royal Dictionary of Professors Fleming and Tibbins. We have often found words in Tibbins not contained in other Lexicons, and doubt not that this work, so greatly enlarged and improved, will be to the changing and increasing language of the French, what Webster's is to the English. We unite with the N. American Review in highly commending it. The size of the type is very favorable to the eyes of the Student. Drinker & Morris have it.

HARPER AND BROTHERS: New York, 1844. RELIGION IN AMERICA; or an account of the rise, progress, relation to the State, and present condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States. By Robert Baird, author of "L'union de l'église avec l'état dans nouvelle Angleterre." In two parts. pp. 343, 8vo. No doubt many like ourselves have wished for some Partial histories of some general work of this kind. but there still seemed a demand for one like the present. church, able and engaging, have frequently been written; Mr. Baird prepared it more particularly for Europeans, from whom the first edition met a very favorable reception. It is now to be translated into several of the languages on the Continent of Europe.

Milman's Gibbon. Nos. 6 and 7.

Neal's History of the Puritans. No. 4.
M'Cullock's Universal Gazetteer. No. 10.
Martin Chuzzlewit. Part 5.

Kendall's Life of Jackson. Part 4.

Drinker & Morris have all these at 25 cents a number.

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