Imágenes de páginas

thern neighbors are entitled to their anti-slavery

THE ANNEXATION OF TEXAS. sentiments; but do they not respect our peace and

B.B. Minor

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the Constitution? Can they not perceive that it is Since the publication of our former article upon a matter of self-preservation, as slavery does exthis engrossing subject, it has assumed a different ist among us, for the South to prevent herself from aspect, and had so many political elements in- being placed "between two fires." If these aboliwrought with it, that we deem it best to leave the tion schemes of England, and of our fellow citifarther discussion of it to others. We still consi-zens, who even traverse the wide Atlantic to join der it a great national question; and believe that with England, in world's conventions, do extend we might properly prosecute it as such, but it has to us, one ruinous conflagration will sweep the become so mixed up with President-making and the American continent. This must be prevented and divisions of parties, that the character of our Jour- can be peaceably and honorably. It is a matter of nal will probably be best preserved by abstaining self preservation to the South;-of duty, honor from the discussion for the present. We can not and interest to the North. In regard to our rights forbear one or two remarks, however, before we and the Constitution, the abolition of slavery must dismiss the subject. be left to us. In regard to our security and peace, In our last number, we alluded to certain grave which necessarily involve those of the Union, it charges against the Hon. John Quincey Adams, must be let alone. And are not these national matin relation to the surrender of Texas to the Span-ters? Surely the tranquillity and safety of each ish Government in 1819. It was not our intention State is a national matter. The Constitution is to take either side of those charges, and it is due certainly a National Instrument. It recognizes to justice to state that Mr. Adams has since de- slavery and prescribes the ratio of its representaclared on the floor of Congress, that he was himself tion. The Constitution is prospective. It says opposed to the said surrender, but was overruled nothing of destroying this ratio, or the institution by a majority of Mr. Monroe's Cabinet. which gave rise to it. What it recognises and conWe wished at this time to consider particularly templates no change for, it guaranties. Are not the subject of slavery in relation to the Annexation they whose whole laboring class can cast their of Texas. Nor should this be regarded as a Sou- votes into the ballot-box, and whose population thern Question only; for as parts of a whole, the must, ex necessitate, increase much more rapidly interests of the parts should be deemed the inter-than ours, content with the extinction of two-fifths ests of the whole. This Union now embraces of our laboring class?


twenty-six states, who should be welded together In looking forward to the admission of New in bonds of fervent love. The "Old Thirteen" States, the framers of the Constitution never have become the mothers of as many daughters, thought of but one prerequisite,—an equitable adsome sprung from their loins, others adopted into justment of the public debt. Yet, in violation of their family, to promote the happiness and security this sacred instrument, intended for all time, exof all and of each other. By their adoption, too, cept wherein it is rightfully altered, a large porthey were taken from the bosoms of less liberal tion of our fellow citizens wish to impose condimothers and the Ægis of a more enlightened Lib- tions, which will give them all the new States erty was thrown around them. From their situa- and the sole right to determine the whole question. tion and circumstances, it was not, nor could have expected, that their accession would directly benefit all the others alike. Congeniality, the place of their nativity, resemblance and other circumstances would naturally identify them with some more than others. But their hearts were one: then, the parts were equal to the whole, and when any new State was admitted, it was thought be added to the whole Union. The Atlantic States could have done without the Mississippi; but what Fould the great Valley of the West have done had the mouth of that "Father of Waters" remained in the possession of France? Yet, was it ever pretended that the possession of Louisiana, slavery or not, was not necessary to the whole Union? If the expediency of any other case be not as strong as As to the influence of England:-it is not necesthis, it may still be strong enough to justify a pro- sary to suppose that England would even have posed measure. Self preservation itself is but one Texas as a gift. She is tired of colonies. They degree of expediency, and many degrees short of are too expensive. She avows that she seeks comthis may fully justify national action. Our Nor-mercial relations alone. Who knows not the depth

It can

We are entitled to have the institution of slavery regarded as one recognized by the Constitution,-nay, guarantied by it. When the expediency of admitting new territory arises, it must be considered in relation to existing circumstances, institutions and interests. New territory must be attached to the Union upon some confine. not be transported to the centre. If it be in the North, it must be attached there, if attached at all, with all its institutions, so far as they are compatible with our fundamental principles. If it be in the South-West, the same course must be pursued. Any condition conforming it to the views of any section would be virtually transporting it to such section and adding it there.

when an appeal is made in her behalf, it should be regarded as made in behalf of the Union.

of England's policy; the power and skill of her | The South has reason for apprehension. Her diplomacy? She only stretches out her long arm security should be dear to the entire Union, and against whom her long head can not reach. China, exclusive and inaccessible, was forced to traffic. Negotiation will effect all she desires from Texas. Secret articles in a treaty might even give her a foothold in case of war, on this continent.

We have been led to say more than we intended. We now leave the subject, hoping that its decision, being made according to wisdom and enlarged pat

The commercial dependence of Texas on Bri-riotism, will redound to the honor, safety and hap tain is as consistent with the separate existence of piness of the whole country.


NEW-YORK, 1844.

What Mr. Giddings said; The Spirit of the Age, to Dufuse Information; The People's Knowledge of the cost of the Federal Government; Pride in the Excellence of National Things; The Bureau of Provisions and Cloth. ing; How to fill it: Hints to Navy Officers, which they wont take; The New-York Journal of Medicine, Information for Mothers; A Question for Etymologists; Anerican Deference to European Opinions of Books; Appre ciation of Medical Men in France and England; The Medical Examiner; Legislature of Pennsylvania; Message of the Governor of New-York; Value of Natural History; Education of Children.

that republic, as the apprehensions of Britain's interference with slavery are with all her repeated declarations on that subject. She avows that she is opposed to slavery every where; that she will use every proper means to effect its abolition every where; though she has no special designs upon the United States, and has made no direct overtures to Texas on the subject. Still, she has proposed to Mexico to recognize the Independance of Texas; but to prescribe the abolition of her slaves. She makes this proposition, too, notwithstanding that she is to receive one million of dollars from Texas in case her mediation is successful. Again, who shall judge what are "proper means," but Great Britain? The course of some of our Northern friends will furnish a pregnant commentary on this head. They have deemed it proper to wrest servants from our citizens who have visited them; to When Mr. Hale's resolution calling for informa nullify our laws; to deny us fugitives from justice tion, in the House of Representatives, in relation and to brand us as criminals for maintaining what to the expense of the Home Squadron was under our honored fathers entailed upon us and what our debate, the Hon. Mr. Giddings said, he never solemn compact has secured to us. "If they do felt disposed to refuse calls for information, and these things in the green tree, what will they do in "he would ask whether there was a man here who the dry?" If our own brethren deem these means would vote to refuse information to the country? proper, to what may not Great Britain resort? Would any man deliberately record his name as Having attentively weighed all her declarations voting for such refusal? Would he refuse to the and disclaimers, with Mr. Everett's lights upon people an account of money spent, when that very them, we unhesitatingly declare that they are money had been drawn from the pockets of the wholly unsatisfactory ;-not as to her, for they may people? It would be found that within the last five exonerate her, but as to the result to us. Her years the Navy had cost the American people wishes are known to Texas as clearly as if she had more than thirty millions of dollars." made overtures to her; and who knows not the in- It seems to be the spirit of the present age, n fluence of the sentiments of a powerful nation, the United States at least, to give free and c pledged perseveringly to carry them out. The limited circulation to all kinds of information shallowest philosophy knows and estimates the force of indirect influences, often more powerful than the most violent assaults.

"But the small continual creeping of the silent footsteps

of the sea

Mineth the wall of Adamant and stealthily compasseth its


"A wise man prevaileth in power, for he screeneth his battering engine,

But a fool tilteth headlong, and his adversary is aware."

"For ideas are ofttimes shy of the close furniture of words And thought wherein only is power, may be best conveyed by a suggestion."

"But little wotteth he the might of the means his folly despiseth;

He considereth not that these be the wires which move the puppets of the world."*

Tupper's Thoughts:-" Of Indirect Influences."

knowledge, whether general or special. So well known is this disposition of the people, that politcians take advantage of it to ingratiate themselves with voters, both "on the stump" and the floor of Congress. In a word, the themes of all, or almost all, political speeches are knowledge for the people. economy, and the people's money.

Being myself a very humble member of the somewhat extensive family, called the America people, I should be glad to learn from some of the political philosophers, why it is I have never fe my share of these vast expenses we hear of, for the Army and Navy and other departments of the General Government. I was not really aware t I had paid my share of thirty millions of dollars the past five years for the support of the Navy I know I paid State taxes, but, to my knowledge, I

point, a purser would probably bring with him into the office more knowledge than any individual of almost any other professional pursuit.

"The New-York Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Edited by Samuel Forry, M. D., 1844." Published "Bi-monthly," by J. & H. G. Langley.

When a newspaper is published "bi-weekly," we receive two copies a week; and "tri-weekly," three papers a week, but the " New-York Journal of Medicine" comes to us once in two months instead of twice a month. If "bi-weekly," means twice a week, and not once in two weeks, why should "bi-monthly" mean once, in two months, and not twice a month? This is a question for etymologists. Let them decide.

paid not a stiver to the General Government. To men in public life would inquire into the propriety me this tax has been a mere abstraction, and I am of selecting a purser of the Navy for that station. very much inclined to think that my own case is It is the business of pursers to be familiar with that of eight in ten of the whole population. It "provisions and clothing" for seamen, and on this really seems to me that all this declamation about the people's money is mere fustian and rant, a lure to catch votes. If we, the people, were not told of it, I question whether the majority would know where the General Government gets its means of support. Times will change, and the grand chorus of politicians will change too. The day will arrive when the weakness of the people will be to be proud of their institutions for their excellence and not on account of their little cost. We shall be proud of our National Library, our National University, our National Institute, of our Diplomatic Corps, of our Army, our Navy, our Military and Naval Hospitals, our Military Academy, our Naval School, our National Foundry, our National Observatory, &c., &c. We shall point to all these things proudly, because we shall think that excel- This journal averages about 144 pages, occupied lence will be their predominant quality, and we by original communications, notices of books and shall think as little about their expense as we do of numerous items of "medical intelligence." The the cost of rearing a "show-beef." Who knows, variety of its subjects is considerable; not less except the owner, how much money was expended than 84 in some numbers, that is, about a page in making the celebrated Tyler ox weigh over and a half on an average to each subject. 1000lbs. Does any one of the admiring and admired people, even now, ask how much money the Steamer Princeton, or Mississippi cost; the people do not feel they cost any thing, and are gratified in believing them to be, in their kind, superior in all respects to any thing that floats upon the waters of the world. The people would not forego the gratification of national pride in these vessels in order that double the amount of their cost should be returned into the National Treasury. Would the people sell the Navy-would they part with it for a hundred millions paid down into the National Treasury, and the nine or ten millions yearly expense of sustaining it? If they would, their character has changed since 1776. We might as well ask if England would sell Westminster Abbey to extinguish her national debt? This debt is the pride of the nation?

A correspondent of a Boston paper, alluding to the appointment to fill the place of Chief of the Bureau of provisions and clothing in the Navy Department, says, "But even if Isaac should be rejected, I can assure gentlemen of the Navy, many of whom have applied for his situation, that no one of their gallant body will be selected. Their country can not dispense with their services on the 'open sea.""

We learn from the leading article in January, by Professor John B. Beck" on the effects of opium on the infant subject," that "Godfrey's cordial" in a single dose proved fatal in two cases and "in some instances, a few drops of Dalby's carminative have proved fatal in the course of a few hours to very young infants." Both these nostrums contain opium. Children are more susceptible to the action of opium than adults; consequently, it should never be administered without the advice of a physician. Old laudanum and old paregoric are stronger than when recently prepared, therefore uncertain in their effects.

Dr. Charles Caldwell of Kentucky presents a very remarkable review of Liebig's "Chemistry applied to Agriculture or Physiology." We quote the following as illustrative of the rather intense style of the writer. "The second reason for the undeserved popularity of Animal Chemistry is one which, as an American, I blush to record. The work is the production of a foreigner-a circumstance which, irrespective of merit or any other valuable consideration, strongly recommends it to too many of our countrymen. The reason is plain. As regards literature and science, we have not yet, as a people, learnt to know, respect and appreciate ourselves." (British writers don't think so?) "A colonial, not to call it a servile spirit, accompanied by a virtual acknowledgment of inferiority, so thoroughly pervades and actuates us, that we continue, as we did, in our provincial condition, before the swords of our gallant fathers had severed If it be desirable to curtail the political patronage the chains and shackles that enthralled us, to regard of the Executive, it might be well if the honest' Europeans as bearing toward us still the relation

This, says the "United States Gazette," is a gentle hint to "land loving seamen who try to creep from the quarter deck to the bureau"-" the nation need not educate and pay Navy officers to add up columns of figures."

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of instructors at least, if not of masters. Deny | ciples of general physiology and of natural history this, in words, as we may, our actions testify abun- generally, Geology, which may be said to be the dantly to its truth. The result is obvious and blossom and bloom* of natural history, can not be humiliatingly discreditable to us. We too often advantageously studied. The value of this science receive their mere dicta with the acquiescence and to the country is almost daily seen in the discoobservance which would be due to them only were very of mines of metals, coal, &c., which without they delivered to us in the character of oracular it might still remain unknown. responses."

French gratitude to medical men is mentioned. The names of Percy, Desgenettes and Larrey have been recently engraved on the famous Arc de Triomphe, at the Barriére de l'Etoile. Portal, Dupuytren and Cuvier were made Peers of the realm. Louis has been made an officer of the Legion of Honor, and Leuret a chevalier of the same order. Andral and Rayer have been elected members of the institute. In England medical men often achieve knighthood, for example Sir Astley Cooper, Sir Benjamin Brodie, Sir Charles Bell, Sir Henry Halford, &c., &c.

Among the popular errors is that which causes parents to make efforts to form precocious geniuses of their children. The notion that the infant mind is capable of acquiring learning led to the estab lishment of infant schools, of which, thanks to the spirit of the day, we now hear very little. On the subject of infantile education, Dr. Condie holds the following language:

"There is not, perhaps, remarks a sensible German writer, a greater or more reprehensible mistake in education, than the very common practice of compelling children to extraordinary mental exertions, and exacting from them early and rapid progress in intellectual pursuits; this is, too often, the grave both of their health and of their

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Upon the whole, the New-York Journal can not claim, from its intrinsic merits, to be ranked among the very first medical periodicals of the United talents. The age of infancy is designed for bodily States. The cleverness and industry of its Editor, exercise, which strengthens and perfects the frame, however, may bring it up to a higher level in a and not for study which enfeebles it and checks short time, provided there be sufficient patronage. its growth. We turn from this to a very much smaller medical journal, in our judgment, of superior pretensions. It is published once every two weeks, but is not called a "bi-weekly," nor yet a "bi-monthly”—“The Medical Examiner and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences, edited by Meredith Clymer, M. D.," &c., Philadelphia. Each number contains 16 pages, devoted chiefly to reports of clinical lectures, and hospital reports, but a good deal of its space is occupied by honest reviews, and valuable excerpts from the periodical medical literature of Europe. The independent, high, gentlemanly tone of this little journal commends it to every lover of medical truth and honesty. "It is published every alternate Saturday."

'Let the beginning of life, the first six years, perhaps, be devoted entirely to forming the body and organs of sense, by exercise in the open air. It is not necessary that the child should be permitted to grow up like a wild animal; for, with proper care, his mind may be made to receive considerable and valuable instruction through the medium of the senses, and the conversation of those around him. In these two ways, he may, indeed, acquire more useful knowledge by the end of his sixth year, than a child who had learned to read in his fourth. In his seventh year, he may spend an hour or two daily at his book; in his eighth, three hours; and so on until his fifteenth when he may have six or seven hours allotted for,

Among the signs of the spirit of the present study. age, we note that there is a "Committee on Edu- "Children are frequently confined to the school cation" in each branch of the Legislature of Penn-room for many hours daily, when not occupied i sylvania. The school system of that State has any useful pursuit ;-which time, without detract many admirers: it will ultimately be of great value ing from that necessary to the cultivation of the to the commonwealth and also to the whole coun- mind, might, with great propriety, be devoted to try. The governor of New York, in his last message to the Legislature, congratulates the people, very justly, because "education in all its various departments has been beneficially extended," and he informs us that "The Geological Survey and the publishing of the Natural History are in progress and will be completed in 1844." Reports on Mineralogy, Geology, Zoology and Botany have already been published by the State.

those bodily exercises and recreations which ter to develope the strength and promote the regular and energetic action of every organ of the frame the brain and nervous system included."

Again :-"It is, indeed, to be regretted, that small a portion of the education of youth is de voted to the acquisition of knowledge from pers nal observation. The perceptive faculties are thus in a great measure, neglected, and the erudition of books, even in the acquisition of the natural

Natural History is daily becoming of greater importance as a branch of common education, and * Professor Reed of the University of Pennsylva in the course of a few years will be almost univer- once said that "poetry is the blossoin and bloom of huma sally taught. Without a knowledge of the prin- ' knowledge."

sciences, is made to supplant the more exact, vivid | stem. All who have taken this view of this imand permanent impressions derived through their portant matter, in or out of Congress, will find a medium; on every subject of knowledge the mind worthy coadjutor in "A Subaltern." receives a foreign impression-it is made to learn After the just commendation bestowed upon the by the observations of others, rather than by ori-"Notes on our Army," we must state that their ginal reflection, and to receive, upon the authority tone has been objected to, and that by those who of books, what it should admit only in consequence speak somewhat ex cathedra. A short time since of previous self-conviction,-its own original pow- we received the following remonstrance: ers of acquisition being sacrificed at the shrine of authority”—A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children by D. Francis Condie, M. D., &c. : Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1844.*


FORT —, MAY, 1844. Sir,-At the Session of the Council of Administration of this Post of the ultimo, an expression of its opinion in reference to certain articles signed Subaltern, published during the present year in the Southern Literary Messenger, was adopted as a part of its proceedings, with a direc

The foregoing was prepared for much earlier insertion, tion that I should communicate the same to its Editor. I but has been delayed.-Ed. Mess.


have accordingly extracted the following from the minutes of the proceedings of the Council, which I have the honor to transmit as directed.

"The Council of Administration of Fort -, having subscribed to the Southern Literary Messenger, mainly induced thereto by the consideration that the Journal was open to the discussion of Military matters, feels constrained to express its decided disapprobation of the tone which has prevailed in the articles lately published and signed Subaltern, inasmuch as they indulge in harsh epithets to a number of officers.

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Pres. Council.

Capt. and A. Q. M., Sec. to Council of Administr. Approved-(Signed)

Lt. Col. Com'g."

The Council of Administration consists of three members of which the Surgeon of the Post is one; the above extract is, therefore, to be considered as the deliberate opinion of the four officers highest in rank of this garrison. I have the honor to be, sir, Very respectfully, Your most ob't serv't,

Benj. B. Minor, Esq.


-, Post Treasurer.

NOTES ON OUR ARMY; OFFICIAL REMONSTRANCE, &c. The articles of "A Subaltern" upon our Army well deserve the attention of every friend of econ-Treasurer communicate to the Editor of the Southern LitBe it therefore unanimously resolved, that the Post omy and of purity and efficiency in the public sererary Messenger the above expression of opinion. vice. We are glad to learn that they have already attracted the attention of several distinguished members of both houses of Congress, who are willing and anxious to ferret out and correct the many grievous abuses which have crept into the Army, from year to year, and which " A Subaltern" so independently rebukes and exposes. We wonder that some of the public prints have not taken up these manly articles, and urged them upon the attention of the public. There is hardly enough of party politics in them, or the subject, to commend them to those now so particularly occupied with partizan strife and tactics; and hence arises the utility of, nay the necessity for, some independent vehicle of communication, uninfluenced by party heats and manoeuvres and unswayed by fear, favor, Though a little surprised at the receipt of this, or affection towards "the powers that be." But we took it, as we believe it was intended, in a rethere are many bold and patriotic journals, who spectful and temperate spirit. Such remarks as would gladly have taken hold of this important we make upon it will be tendered in the most resubject, but for the engrossing excitements of the spectful and courteous manner, as to the officers of political arena. Indeed, some have ably handled Fort- and to all the officers of the Army. it, induced thereto by the action of Congress, who When "A Subaltern" submitted his first article, he with the long list of Army expenditures in one wrote to inquire if the Messenger would be open hand, and crying out "enormous," "prodigious," to such discussions, conducted in a proper manner. have blindly struck at the whole establishment. We replied that the Messenger should be open to Without knowing where the excess was, where every question of general, public interest; and that abuse had reared its luxuriant shoots, they have we would be glad for it to be the instrument of subcut at the whole tree of our National protection, serving the interests of the Army, as we believed impairing it, by depriving the main body of its vital it had those of the Navy. At the same time, we sap and nourishment. The top-heavy and over-distinctly told him, that we would soften down some shadowing branches, the redundant bloom and gor- of his expressions towards certain public officers, geous drapery, require the pruning knife. These which we did, and for which we have since receivare more than the trunk can well sustain; and ab-ed the thanks of "A Subaltern." He knows that sorb and waste the health and vigor of the parent we object to asperity and abuse; and we know,

Editor Sou. Lit. Messenger.

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