Imágenes de páginas

spirit of imitation in respect to the inhabitants of river, to the examination of which I had devoted the Old World, which is perpetually leaking out a full half hour, I was overcome by heat and fain spite of all their boastings of superiority. I tigue and fell asleep, in the midst of a sublime scarcely met a man or woman, especially among forest of primeval trees, whose heads seemed althose of the more enlightened classes, who ven- most to reach the skies. On waking and looking tured to adopt an opinion in opposition to the an- about, I found myself, to my utter astonishment, in thority of the Old World, or a dress not sanctioned the midst of a thriving town, with a canal and a by its example. Both their tastes and opinions rail road running side by side, and the stumps standseem entirely subservient to foreign example, and ing in the streets. The impression on my mind the influence of the Isle of Engines is at this mo- at first was, that I had taken one of Peter Claus's ment far more despotic over the minds, manners, naps, but I trust the reader will believe me when I and morals of the people of these her ancient colo- declare, on the veracity of a traveller, that on looknies, than was her political authority at any period ing at my watch, I found I had slept only two of their dependence. hours.

Intending this as a mere sketch of my personal travels and adventures, it will not be expected that I should here aspire to a complete development. of the state of trade, science, literature, the fine arts, and the general statistics of the various countries of the Moon it was my fortune to visit. These I shall reserve for a separate work, to be published in one hundred and seventy-five numbers, embellished with original designs borrowed from every accessible source, and so cheap that purchasers will wonder at the sum they have paid when they come to the end of the series. The reader must therefore be content with a few general observations, commencing with the subject of money, that being the first principle of all things among the inhabitants of the Moon.

The government of this Great Republic of the Moon is strictly democratic, while almost all the early education, as well as subsequent reading, of its inhabitants inculcates the usages of monarchy. Their political principles are those of perfect equality, while their domestic habits and associations are almost all founded on a broad and palpable distinction of rank. In theory they are all the same, in practice they are all different. At an election poll, the servant is equal to his master; in the drawing room he waits on him at table, and does his bidding. One might be tempted to conclade, that it was impossible any system of society or government could subsist for any length of time in the midst of such incongruities, and this has uniformly been asserted by the philosophers of the Old World of the Moon. But it is singular how The ordinary currency is paper money, though easy it is for all these apparent contradictions to there is one remarkable exception which came to become reconciled by custom and practice, the two my knowledge in a way I shall hereafter explain. great agents in smoothing down the asperities of In some places, I found it greatly depreciated, but conflicting principles. Strange to say, these Re- the people having no other standard of value to publicans seem to get along very well, though it compare with it, were quite ignorant of the fact, would be easy to prove such a result absolutely im- and so delighted with the high prices they received possible. Setting aside their penitent propensity for every thing, that they actually forgot what they to adopt the opinions, and follow the fashions of paid. They consequently all fancied themselves those they affect to despise; their ignorant, vulgar growing rich apace, and were so happy, that they admiration of foreigners, especially literary tour-turned every man out of office, as a common disists, and inferior writers of the Isle of Engines; turber of the public peace of mind, who had the and their profound devotion to those titles of no- audacious wisdom to predict that such a state of bility which are incompatible with their govern- things could not last forever. In some places the ment and institutions, they may be called an en-privilege of making paper money was confined to lightened people, among whom intelligence is far a few; in others I believe every man manufactured more widely diffused than elsewhere; whose morals, it for himself, it was so plenty. In all these places, though tinted, have not reached the incurable particularly the latter, there was nothing seen but corruption of the Old World of the Moon; whose paper money, and such was the scarcity of silver portion of happiness is most assuredly at least and gold, that the only specimen I saw, was a shilequal; and whose progress in numbers, wealth and ling carefully preserved in a cabinet of curious prosperity, is unparalleled in the history of man- medals collected by a learned antiquary, who had kind. I could give such examples of the growth written a dissertation to prove that the Aboriginals of states and cities, as would without doubt place of the country were acquainted with the art of me on a level with the celebrated Baron Monchau- coining money. In most of the countries I visited, sen, notwithstanding the sage and highly original there were two great parties, one called the hard remark of my Lord Byron, so often quoted by his money men, the other the shin-plaster dynasty, with admirers, that "Truth is strange-stranger than which opprobrious epithet the believers in paper fiction." I will therefore only venture to give one money were scandalized by their opponents. Someexample. Travelling along the banks of a great times one, sometimes the other gained the ascen

dancy; but I was told by a person of veracity, that most ancient manuscript without injuring it, but a paper money maintained its stand through all these common tack, or a scientific horse shoe, is beyond vicissitudes, which puzzled me not a little. The shin- their comprehension, or beneath their attention. plaster boys insinuated that the others were called In short, they are as deficient in the useful mehard money men, because it was so hard to get at chanical, as we of the United States are rather their money; while the latter retorted by asserting flippantly said to be in the fine arts. I should here that the others never paid their debts at all except by observe, that these remarks are confined to one naact of Congress. This is all I mean to say on the tion of the Moon in particular, which is celebrated subject at present, with the single exception of an throughout the whole planet for its taste and skill anecdote I shall relate, too curious to be omitted, in the fine arts, most especially music. The rest without great injustice to the reader. take pride in various other matters in which they I had heard of a strange people, that lived among fancy they excel all their neighbors, consoling the recesses of a range of high mountains at a themselves with the idea that the progress of the great distance and were considered a hundred years fine arts is coeval with that of luxury and effemiat least behind the spirit of the age. They were nacy, and that where greater honors are paid to held to be little better than barbarians and infidels, fiddlers and prima donnas, than to the benefactors for they knew nothing about running in debt with- of mankind, or the giver of freedom to nations, out paying, and did not believe in paper money. the former will become plenty, the latter very It was my intention to pay these people a flying scarce. However this may be, it is certain that visit, but finding this great Republic of the west extended in every direction so far that it seemed impossible ever to get out of it, I reluctantly relinquished my design. It happened, however, that I luckily fell in with one of these originals, of whom I bought a superb beaver skin as a present to my wife on my return home. On offering payment in paper money he declined to my great surprise, and continued turning up his nose contemptuously, at a new bank note, just from the mint, which I pressed on his acceptance. I assured him it was as good portion of the other half, of extremely questionable as the bank, and far preferable to silver or gold, which were considered obsolete ideas. He shook his head however, and at length asked me with great gravity

"Can you convert it into silver spoons ?" "No-I believe not," replied I.

"Or watches?"

the nation of fiddlers and prima donnas both pities and envies its neighbors, while they, in return, despise and imitate it to the extent of their ability.

Of the vast progress made by the inhabitants of the Moon in science and knowledge, it will be sufficent to state, in order to convey some faint idea of the truth, that they are so far in advance of those of our Earth, that they have discarded nearly one half the knowledge we hold to be essential to the reputation of a wise man, and consider a great

utility. It is beginning to be a prevailing opinion among the philosophers, that the world has been on the wrong tack for the last six thousand years; that society is altogether constituted on erroneous principles, and that it will soon be absolutely necessary, either to re-organize the old, or make an entire new world, founded on the solid basis of

"I cant say I have ever known such a thing human experience. As respects the sciences, I


"That is to say if any body will take them. Pray give me my beaver skin. I can at all events make it into a cap, a waistcoat, or something useful." Saying this, he almost snatched it from my hand, and left me wondering at his blindness as well as pitying his deplorable ignorance of first principles of circulation and currency.

was surprised to find them so far in advance of us, "Or any thing useful or ornamental?" that they had nearly completed the circle, and were "They make very excellent shin-plasters." fast returning to those venerable exploded systems, "Are they intrinsically of any earthly value?" which in the benighted ages of ignorance and "Not that I know of, with this single exception. superstition, were considered as no better than Yet you may exchange them for every thing valu-arrant witchchraft and necromancy, the diabolical able." progeny of an incestuous communion with the powers of darkness. There are men of such stupendous, scientific attainments among them, that they can tell what others are thinking of without dealing with the devil, and the gift of second-sight, or clairvoyance, as it is there called, has become so common, that it is much more usual to meet with people who cannot see what is to be seen, The inhabitants of the Moon have made great than such as can see what was once invisible to progress in science, arts and literature. In one all but those who, in the days of ignorance and nation especially, they paint exquisite pictures, superstition, were supposed to partake of superthough there is not a man among them that can natural powers. Every day some new science is make a tolerable box to pack them in. They carve discovered, which renders easy what was cer the most exquisite statues; yet are totally ignorant sidered impossible before, and I have little doubt of the most common machinery for raising blocks that if they continue on for half a century more of marble from the quarries. They can unroll the in the same rapid pace, they will be able to dis

pense altogether with a Supreme Being, and con- from despotism and securing their rights and prostruct not only worlds, but people to live in them,perty by a wise system of laws and government?" on purely scientific principles. "Not at all, sir."

"Surely then he must have done some glorious act, or achieved some great triumph of virtue or intellect."

With regard to the Literature of the Moon, I have only space to say, that it has ceased to be a separate avocation. Every man is there his own author, and as for booksellers, if any one should be "Not at all, sir," again replied the old gentleman silly enough to publish a book for the purpose of with a significant smile. "He is only the greatest even giving it away, it would be considered a gross fiddler in the world, and has just got through a insult, as conveying a direct insinuation that men piece of music, so difficult that every body procould not do this for themselves. In truth, the nounced it impossible." entire system is reversed. Authors give a premium to their readers for their trouble; and critics always prepare their strictures before the work is written, having in the course of the development of the human mind, discovered that it is much better to teach an author what is right, before he has done wrong, than to arraign and punish him afterwards. It is moreover a curious fact, for which I can vouch the very best authority, that there are at least ten crities to one author, all gaining not only fame but bread, by correcting his faults or proclaiming his beauties, without the least expense of taste or judg


"Indeed! You must be a very musical people." "That depends on the people of the Old World, from whom we derive all our tastes and opinions. On the arrival of the next magnetic packet, we shall all become deaf for aught I know."

Here we were interrupted by a shout that rent the skies, and looking in that direction, I saw the great fiddler elevated on the shoulders of six ladies dressed in the most fashionable mode, and fiddling in great style. Whereupon all the people fell down and worshipped his fiddle.


Really," said I to my companion, "You are indeed a very musical people. What will be the consequence of such enthusiasm ?"

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At the period I visited the Great Republic, (which by the way is too young to have been christened, That we shall have plenty of fiddlers, and a speand is yet without a specific name,) the better sort cial scarcity of heroes, poets, statesmen and pubof people, to wit, those who had most money, or lic benefactors. The ambition of our great men credit, were laboring under a singular sort of mono- will be confined to playing the fiddle. Sir," conmania, that is to say, they were what is called tinued he, "do you see that decrepid old man, music mad. A few days after my arrival at the stealing along unnoticed through the crowd, as if Great Emporium, walking one bright moonlight ashamed of himself or his countrymen? That man evening through a fashionable street, I encoun- bore a great share in giving freedom to his country, tered a vast crowd of people, pushing and thronging which owes him a debt of gratitude it can never after a person, who was stalking along with much pay. Yet you see he passes unnoticed. Good dignity, and huzzaing with great vociferation, while night, sir, I am going home to learn to play the they scattered flowers in his path, and the ladies | fiddle." showered bouquets on his head from the open win- It was originally my intention to spend six weeks, dows. Feeling somewhat curious to know who this could be, I ventured to inquire of a respectable looking man, who had ensconced himself by my side, behind the stone steps of a hotel, to get out of the way of the crowd.

"I suppose, that is some great hero, just returned from a victory over the enemies of his country," said I.

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Not at all," replied the old gentleman with a look of surprise.

"Some illustrious patriot, who has passed his life in the service of the State?"

"Not at all, sir."

"Some great public benefactor, who has ensured the happiness of his countrymen by freeing them

* I should here observe, that the Moon receives its light

at night from the earth, which thus like a good neighbor repays the obligation.

or two months in making a thorough investigation of this new, or at least hitherto unvisited region. But it unluckily, or rather luckily happened, that at the close of my six days' researches, ono pening my pocket for some purpose or other, I was suddenly appalled at the sight of a polite invitation from a bank to call and pay a note which would become due the sixteenth of the month. It wanted only three days of the time, and not a moment was to be lost. Accordingly, I set forth with the least possible delay, and having the advantage of my previous experience, arrived just in time to borrow the money of a friend, thus preserving my credit triumphantly, and fairly becoming entitled to a new discount. I found little trouble in my descent, and confidently assure my readers, that if they can only once arrive at the Moon they will find no difficulty in getting back again.

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"One step to the white death-bed,

And one to the bier,

And one to the charnel-and one, oh, where?" Shelley's "Ginevra." Rest, weary heart, and sleepless spirit, rest; Not long, not long, thy steps shall linger here; The darkened room, "the death-bed, and the bier" Follow most closely; and thy lofty crest, O! Mortal body, by the passer pressed

Shall fret not at his scorning; nor, O! soul, Shalt thou glance backward from the glorious goal To which thou sprangest, as toward his nest Flies the freed dove, for words that stain alone Thy earthly fetters-no; for bright ahead, Beyond the vale of shadows, lie dispread The spirit-lands to angels only known; And there, the immortal halo round thy brow, Thou shalt not heed the carks that sting thee now.

[blocks in formation]



Build me no vault with sculptured marble crowned,
For death seems darkest with the coffined dead;
But place a broken column at my head,
And lay me gently in the grassy ground:
And o'er me let a tall Ailanthus grow,

That shadows from the "Tree of Heaven" may glide

Like spirits round me; and, if aught of pride Lurk in thy tender breast for priest so low In Nature's temple, on the pillared stone

Inscribe," Here sleeps a Poet," with my name; Then, if Time gives its simple sound to Fame, To those who loved me living shall be known My sepulchre, and those who knew me not






(Period embraced, from 1698 to 1730.) After various ballottings, Raymond Perellos de Roccaful, a native of Arragon, and Grand Bailiff of Negropont, received a plurality of votes, and came to the throne, much to the displeasure of

Shall pause with solemn hearts and ponder at the many French and Portuguese knights who had


Philadelphia, March, 1844.


The harp I touched in former years,

The wires and burnished frameThe wreath, that twined the chords above, And all the harp's the same;

But yet, its notes are wild and sad

Like one who deeply moans :

I touch the chords, they give not back
Their once loved, joyous tones.

strenuously opposed his election. This prince, who was of a noble carriage and polished manners, distinguished also by his naval deeds, and strictly moral in his conduct, no sooner commenced his reign than he became generally popular with all the languages of his Order, and all classes of his native population. Even those monks who had at first exerted themselves to prevent his promotion, became his firmest friends; and afterwards filled the highest situations in his councils.

With peace and harmony at home, and threatened with no invasion from abroad, Perellos employed himself in correcting those abuses in the convent which had so much tended to corrupt the morals of its members. Gambling, either with cards or dice, was strictly forbidden, and the more effectually to

until he had arranged with him to cruise in the channel of Sicily where the Barbary Corsairs were wont to make their appearance, in search of Christian commerce.

prevent the Knights from engaging in any games with princely honors, and at the public expense. of chance, or sporting bets, they were bound in In pursuance of these instructions, De Cremville heavy penalties not to carry money about them invited the envoy, with his two brothers and suite when absent from their dwellings, nor to meet in on board of his ship, which invitation, we are told, any numbers, unless when attending to the duties was most cordially accepted. The Maltese, howof their language, or summoned for a general Chap-ever, did not take leave of the Roman commander, ter. Though Perellos was thus continually employed with the internal affairs of his convent, still he never lost sight of his squadron. Owing his renown, as he often acknowledged, to his naval conquests, he did not forget his sea-faring friends, On Sheremeto's entering the city of Valetta, nor the profession in which they were serving. and passing through the Italian gate, he was met Guided by this honorable feeling, the Grand-Master by a guard of honor, saluted with fifteen guns and always kept his ships of war in thorough repair, and continually absent on different expeditions, that his admirals might win that fame from their exploits which he had won in the same gallies before them.

taken in a carriage to the palace, at the entrance of which the Grand-Master, with many of the grand crosses of the different languages, was standing to receive him.


A general meeting of the Knights having been Early in May, 1797, when the Maltese com- called, on the 16th of May, 1698,* the Russian mander, De Cremville, was cruizing off Cape Pas- ambassador addressed Perellos in the latin lansaro in a well manned ship, he discovered two sail guage, saying that he had been sent by the Empenear the shore wearing the Ottoman flag and steer-ror from the "Hyperborean pole" to pay homage ing in a southerly direction. Led to believe from to his distinguished Order;―a truly eminent body, their appearance that they were two roving Cor- and deserving of every praise, for not only having sairs, he thought not of their strength, but gallantly protected its own coast for so long a period from altered his course, to bring them to action. While the descents of infidels, but also for carrying the De Cremville was thus edging down with a light war into their enemies' country, thereby ever reneasterly wind, to commence an engagement, for dering a powerful service to all the European which he anxiously wished, he was told by one of powers, whose possessions bordered on this inland his seamen that the vessels were of a friendly Having finished his harangue, which in truth power, as the Turkish flag had disappeared and that was little else than a continued strain of compliof the Pope been run up in its place. A sad disap-ment, he was taken by the Grand-Master into a pripointment, as one writer has stated, for the monks vate apartment of the palace, "and requested to were bent on a fight and sanguine of success. As accept a cross, the same as their own." To make the gallies approached each other, the friars of St. the gift "of still more merit," says one historian, John were informed by the Roman commander that "it had been touched with a piece of the real cross, he was on his way to Malta,-whither he had been and by the hand of St John the Baptist, the pasent by his Holiness, to carry a Russian envoy by tron of the Order: two relics carefully preserved the name of Sheremeto,* who had been ordered by in the treasury. Perellos added, that this mark of Peter the Great to make the Grand-Master's ac- distinction had been unanimously decreed, still less quaintance. Sacchitti, the Maltese ambassador at on account of his illustrious birth, than for his miliRome, having written to the convent that Shere-tary exploits, his attachment to the convent, and meto was of royal descent, being nearly related to the sacrifice he had made in travelling from such a the Czart of Muscovy, and also that when taking distant country purposely to visit its chief place of leave of the Roman pontiff, he had declared, "that residence. And furthermore, it was ordained for after having seen the most celebrated town in the the future, that the Knights of the present time, universe, the holy city of God, the sacred relics of and those who should succeed them, would ever the principals of the holy apostles, St. Peter and remember him in their prayers, and make him a St. Paul, having likewise received the blessing of partaker in all their good works.† Kzeremetz imhis Holiness, the vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, he was resolved to visit the most famous heroes of the church militant, the sacred Order of Malta,” ”—it was unanimously voted in full council to instruct their Admiral to offer him a passage, should they meet at sea, and to receive him on his landing

Eight different writers have spelt this person's name in as many different ways. Not knowing who is correct, we have concluded to follow Voltaire.

+ Czar is a title in the Sclavonian language, equivalent to that of King in our own.

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* Although Boisgelin has given us a very able and agreeable history of Malta and its famed Knights, still we must say, that in his dates we find him very inaccurate. His 12th of May, 1698, and that on the following day his passtatement, that Sheremeto left Naples for Malta, on the sage was finished, is an instance in point. To show that this was impossible, we would merely mention that the fastest steamer of the present time, and when steaming under the most favorable circumstances, can not pass over this distance in less than thirty-six hours.

+ Certainly a most flattering compliment this, from a bigoted Catholic prince, to an equally bigoted Protestant


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