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whom Gerald had brought to her notice. We will follow them into the domicils of the peasantry. "Push off, my good Fraola, to your mother," said Gerald. 66 Ada, my dear cousin, I could not alone administer charity; it requires the peculiar tact of grass. It contained neither chimney nor corridor, a woman, who is the only being that can administer consolation to the mind, as well as food to the body. I have, therefore, solicited your company on this occasion, and I hope you are well provided, as the objects to whom I will introduce you are really worthy, and require all the consolation you can

a disgusting effluvia. A few old cooking utensils made of earthenware lay in the corner of the room, some broken, others covered with dirt and grease. The hut was built of dry stone, and thatched with

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and all the light which could be admitted came through the door. The old woman's history was soon told. She was called "the witch of Ætna," and a few days previous the superstitions of one of the council, Senior Cosmo, who thought some evil had come on him from her machinations, had issued a summons for her to appear before the council, where she was condemned. Before the punishment was inflicted, a well known individual, "Guisseppo Muerto," rescued her from the officers. In the conflict she had been injured, and now required not only to be concealed for some time, but to have her wounds dressed. The boatman was her son. Ada recommended quiet and repose, and promised next day to send other assistance. Leaving a small sum in the hands of the witch to supply her present necessary wants, the two cousins left the cottage and in a few moments were speeding rapidly over the stream to visit another tenant of the Count's.

At this moment Fraola gave the light gondola a sudden turn, and shot it upon a clear sandy beach, at a few yards from which stood a low miserable cottage concealed among fig trees. Entering through a door so low that they were compelled to stoop, they found themselves in the interior of the hovel. Taking a basket from the boatman with a steel and flint in it, Gerald soon obtained a light. The miserable appearance of the cottage covered with filth, A few moments brought them to another small and the walls hanging with cobwebs, created a sen- cot, but in this there was a light. On entering, sation of fear in the breast of Ada. Her first im- Ada was particularly struck with the extreme youth pulse was to fly from the place, but in turning to do of the occupant, a girl of not more than fourteen, so, she was met by the boatman, who stood in the yet at this age she was a mother. Her tale was door-way. The light of a dim taper gave to his simple. The yearly conscript for soldiers was resun-burnt countenance a ferocious and assassin-like quired, and the lot fell to her dear Pedro to leave. appearance. She staggered back and seated her- The fruit season was over. An English philanself on a miserable bed occupied by an old woman, thropist had established himself in Messina to rewhose appearance was any thing but prepossessing. form the baser of her sex; he had a large estabGerald saw the agitation of his cousin and soon lishment for winding silk; it had thrown out of allayed her fears. Ada's feet had never pressed employment many of those who had not yet by even the earth, without a green velvet carpet of poverty become abandoned, and employed those nature's most beautiful growth; and in her father's who had fallen into vice. Her child had become halls the soft yielding manufactures of Eastern sick, and the attention of the mother was required looms prevented the cold marble from touching her to watch over it. She had no employment, her delicate shoe; and she had never seen poverty, little earnings had been expended, and the child except in passing rapidly in her father's carriage. was no better. This simple tale was told by the She was at once shocked and alarmed to have been young mother with such a sweet and plaintive voice, compelled to witness it for the first time in its most that the sympathies of Ada's heart were at once loathsome and abject state. The person to whose drawn towards the sufferings of the poor girl. She, hovel she had been conveyed, was one of those with a heavy heart and a tear trickling down her many fortune tellers which meet you at every turn cheek, emptied her purse in the lap of the young of the road in Sicily. She was in appearance mother. Tears of gratitude started into the eyes sixty-five, bent and haggard. She wore a cap fit- of the poor girl, who was astonished at so much ting the head tight, and turning under the chin. A liberality. She threw herself upon her knees and few gray hairs stuck out from under it. Her skin was about the color of half tanned leather, and appeared as if it only covered the bones of the face. She wore a short red night gown made of flannel, but so ragged, soiled and discolored, that the original hue could not well be ascertained. The bed on

kissed the hand of Ada; her heart was too full to express her thoughts. Ada's heart beat; she mingled her tears with those of the afflicted girl, and sobbing she left the hut with Gerald. They entered the gondola and returned to the Count's.

"Ada, my dear cousin, you must not allow your which she half sat and half reclined, was equally feelings to overcome you so. If you do your husdirty, and composed of common grass dried in the band's fortune will soon find its way into every sun; but even this had become damp, and sent forth hovel on the Island,"

"Why not, my cousin, if it relieves the poor and a good price, the customs of your country permit afflicted?" it; but in mine we look upon such deeds with horror. You, who have sent, as I have been told, twenty souls to the shades, must feel quite at home in matters of this kind, eh, Senior Guisseppo."

"Certainly, my dear Ada, but the half contained in your purse would have relieved the girl, and you have been prevented by its hasty discharge from bestowing charity upon another, to whom I "Sir, Englishman," replied Guisseppo, “* or more would have drawn your attention. But never mind, properly speaking, my lord, my stiletto has long you will be more judicious another time, and Fraola become rusty, the Council looks coldly upon the will conduct you to her hut in the morning." secret murderer, and now-a-days it is but a short "But why not you, dear Gerald ?” step from the council-chamber to the execution. "Business of importance calls me to Messina, It is not now like the good old days of yore, when dear coz, and you know I am your Cicisbeo only the victim was only exposed to the public gaze to when you contemplate a visit in the quiet evening be recognized, while the good Bravo walked about to your papa's tenants, and it will not do for you to unmolested; but now there is the “Sereno" to be create jealousy in the mind of your English hus-bribed, the council to be paid. Ah, my lord, it band." requires money now-a-days to escape justice; but,


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Yes, Gerald, but what shall I do in your absence my lord, what is it you wish with old Guisseppo, he is for flowers?" at your bidding." Johnston requested Guisseppo to look for the Sereno and see the coast clear before he made known to him the object of his appointment. The Sereno hearing the request concealed himself. Guisseppo remarked he thought he heard the slow and measured step of the Sereno, as this position of the quay was his beat.

"Fraola will, by my order, replenish your vase, ere the morning light bids you rise." The boat touched the foot of the "old cypress," the two cousins parted. Ada watched the light boat until the sound of the oars died away in the distance.


Gerald proceeded by water to Messina where he arrived about daylight. Discharging the boatman he entered the city and proceeded to the office of Johnston. Knocking at the door, and being informed Johnston was absent, he left a card with the information that "Ada was well."

When Gerald left the note at Johnston's office the latter was within, but the fires of jealousy had seized him, and his detestation was so great that he could not bear the thought of seeing and conversing with him. The moment Gerald left his door he rang his bell, and the servant appeared. Handing him a note, he enquired of him if he knew Guisseppo Muerto. The servant replied "yes."

Take then this note to him." The servant departed, and Johuston double-locked the office, threw himself upon a sofa and gave way to immoderate grief.

The note written to Guisseppo Muerto contained but these few words: "Statue of Hercules twelve o'clock." At this hour a man wrapped in a large cloak was seen by the Sereno of the beat, pacing to and fro near the statue of Hercules. A few moments after a person joined him. The former was Guisseppo Muerto, a well known assassin, the other was Johnston, who in his hurried walk ran against the Bravo.

"I do not think he is about, you can converse freely," was his reply.

"You know, Guisseppo," commenced Johnston, "I married the daughter of the Count De Cheveta, the beautiful Ada, who differs so much from Sicil ians generally, by having blue eyes, methought she differed from them in all other particulars, and that she would forego the customs of her country by not having a—a—" here the words appeared to choke him. Guisseppo finished the speech by langhingly remarking, Senior, a Cicisbeo." "Hell!" exclaimed Johnston: "Yes, good Guisseppo, it was not mentioned in the contract. But to the pointon the day of her wedding a minstrel arrived, he sang her an old song which was familiar to her during her childhood; this song she had taught to a cousin, who had promised not to sing or teach it to any one. She recognized in this minstrel her cousin, and on the very night I married her he be came her Here again he stopped, and the word "Cicisbeo" was repeated by Guisseppo. "Yes," replied Johnston, "and I wish to punish him."

"His name?" asked Guisseppo.

"Gerald De Cheveta," replied Johnston. "Ha! Gerald De Cheveta! liule Gerald !" exclaimed Guisseppo. "I have often danced him upon my knee. Ah! he was a beautiful child, but Gerald never liked my name." Turning to Johnston, he asked him, "My lord, what would you have me do with Gerald?"

"Ha! who is this?" asked Johnston. "It is Guisseppo Muerto," was the reply. Johnston replied, "I would have your stiletto in Guisseppo Muerto, I esteem it fortunate that his heart." The assassin for a moment remained you have been prompt to my summons. You, I silent, his breast appeared to swell with indignation, have been informed, are a professed assassin, I his eyes flashed, and in a determined voice he rehave a little business on hand that will bring you plied, "Away, away, Senior Englishman, though

twenty murders harass my soul, I would not harm touched Guisseppo upon the arm, and whispered a hair of his head. What! murder in cold blood the child who has so often played around me and clasped me about the neck, calling me good Guisseppo, when all else looked upon me with horror? Spare me, my lord, this child-for child I must still think him, was the only thing on earth that ever loved me Bravo as I am."

him to commit the deed. The Bravo stepped forward; the movement was heard by Gerald. Turning round, he faced Johnston and recognized him. At this moment the assassin threw himself upon Gerald and buried his stiletto in his body. Johnston hastily fled, and in his flight left his cloak. The first stab was not fatal, and in the struggle Johnston saw at once he would have to touch Gerald cried for help. The noise was heard by some strong chord to induce Guisseppo to assassi-the Sereno, who, upon hearing the conversation nate Gerald, and that chord was his poverty. between Johnston and Guisseppo, had sought other "They tell me, Guisseppo, you are very poor, liv- watchmen and the military guard, who, arriving at ing in a mere hovel, near Sera, on the borders of the moment the murder was committed, seized the Count De Cheveta's estates. Why then don't Guisseppo and conveyed him to prison. Searchthis Gerald, this little Gerald seek you out and ing the ground the stiletto of Guisseppo and cloak relieve your necessities? he has forgotten his good of Johnston were both found. The body of Gerald Guisseppo :' one more soul added to the long list of was placed in the public square for recognition, those you have sent to purgatory will not disturb and in the morning watch, two guards were placed your peace of mind, and that one soul will make over the body to bring to the Council any person you rich, and as Gerald has not sought out his who should recognize the corpse. Johnston arrived friend, I will relieve you. Take this purse, it will at his office, locked and double locked the door, warm your cottage, and you can once more hold and endeavored to compose his mind, where for the up your head." present we will leave him already a prey to remorse.

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Loroto, one of the night watch the body of Gerald.

guard, was placed to Pacing to and fro at a

The Bravo received the purse, and after a moment's silence remarked, "My lord, I must here mention to you that the customs of this country may induce the Council to look with an indulgent respectable distance from the corpse, he looked eye at the revenge of a Sicilian, but the national anxiously around, as if expecting some one to keep antipathy entertained against your countrymen him company. He dared not leave his position, would probably induce the Council for once to mete yet his fears prevented him from examining the out justice, and the Count De Cheveta, though body. He had not long been on his guard, before poor, is influential. To accomplish your object another of the watch joined him. you must be present at the murder, for murder it is. For myself, I require sufficient to enable me to live comfortably the remainder of my days, and a hasty departure from the Island.”

“This you shall have. I have written an anonymous note to Gerald, requesting him to meet a person at this place at half past twelve to night; it is now near the time, name your price."

"One thousand doubloons and a hasty departure from Sicily," replied Guisseppo.

"One thousand donbloons," repeated Johnston, enormous, I have been told you assassinated the Count Neapole for only thirty."

"True," replied Guisseppo. "That was several years ago; times are changed, and you are an Euglishman. I was employed by his brother, a memher of the Council. You must bear in mind, the Count De Cheveta has a brother in the Council, the father of Gerald. I cannot commit this murder for less than the sum I have specified."

"Good morning, Francisco, I almost feared you would not be here in time, as you are so confoundedly afraid of dead people."

"Now you see, Loroto, I do not fear the dead so much as the living. Here is this youth-the first assassination that has occurred among the nobility of Messina for years. I think the last was the young Count De Palermo, since which time the Council has not been called in session. I have looked at the body and methinks I have seen that face before. Old Guisseppo never fails in his work to send a soul to purgatory, and to escape the Council. What do you think of it, Loroto?"

"I think he wont escape the Council this time. The last murder committed by Guisseppo was that of the brother of the present Count De Palermo, a member of the Council, who, it was whispered at the time, not only paid the fee, but has since bestowed on Guisseppo a small pension on condition that he will never appear in his sight. Whenever "Well, here is my hand to the bargain. Gerald he passes the Count, it is said that he muffles his De Cheveta must soon pass this way, let us con- face in a cloak. But, friend Francisco, Guisseppo ceal ourselves, I think I hear footsteps." In a has drawn his last stiletto, and will soon follow the few moments after the two had concealed them- youth he last assassinated to the shades. It is selves, Gerald arrived at the foot of the fatal now near day. I see the grey twilight rising above statue. Looking around and not perceiving any the hills, I wish it was light. Like yourself, I one, he leaned against the base of the statue. A always had a dread of dead people: let us step dim street-light shone upon his face. Johnston back here and wait; if any one recognizes the

corpse it will be our duty to bring him before the Council."

"Then we must lead you to the Council." "Not yet, good watchmen, but haste and bring some water, the Count, my father, has fainted." "I have no water, Senior, but here is a little

The day gradually dawned, and as it grew light a few country people passing to market stopped for a moment to examine the face of the corpse, but | wine left in this flagon, which you are most welnot recognizing it resumed their journey. In the come to." meantime the two friends lit their cigars, and whiled away the time discussing the probability of discovering the instigator of the foul deed, and in relating adventures of Guisseppo Muerto.


The vessel in which Constantine had embarked, encountering adverse winds, put into a small seaport, but a day's ride from Messina. Wishing again to see his parents, and as the captain of the Xebec was, for a small consideration, willing to delay his departure for a few days, Constantine returned to Messina. It was about the twilight of morning when he entered the city. The sun had tinged the horison with a purple hue, and the blue outlines of Mount Etna were distinctly visible against the heavens. Slacking the reins of his mule, he for a moment gazed in admiration on the scene. The animal, relieved from the tightness of


The Count in a few moments revived, and asked his son if he had not cried murder?

"Yes, my father, there lies the body of our dear Gerald, exposed to the gaze and remarks of every passer by; he has been most foully murdered, and justice for once shall predominate in the council." Turning to the watchmen he directed them to convey the body to the council-chamber.

"And you, dear father, must bie to the counsellors and have them at once assembled, while I shall pursue a course that will not fail to bring the assassin to punishment." The request of Constantine was immediately obeyed, wending his course towards the office of Johnston, and knocking on his arrival at the door, he made him acquainted with the fact of the murder. During the recital Constantine did not fail to notice Johnston's pale and haggard appearance. He summoned him to appear at the council chamber at the usual time of its opening. "Nor do you dare, Sir Englishman, to absent yourself," was Constantine's last remark.

horse he was soon on his way to Sera. On his Returning to his father's and selecting a fleet arrival, he communicated the melancholy news of Gerald's death to his mother and directed her to obtain from Ada the marriage contract, as it would probably be important to have it during the examination before the Council, but not to mention to her

the death of her cousin. Constantine returned to Messina, he found Johnston still at his office and

went with him to the council-chamber.

the rein, dropped its head and resumed its usual gait, and ere Constantine had time to finish his meditations he was in front of his father's palace. "Ah! here is my father's house," he mentally exclaimed. "How surprised he will be to see me so soon returned, and Gerald by this time will have some sentimental tale of love to relate, and while away a pleasant hour." Dismounting and knocking at the gate, he called to the inmates to open the door. Father, Ada, Gerald, are you all dead? it is Constantine that calls, open the gate, or I'll break it down." Turning, he saw the corpse. "Bah!" he exclaimed, "when will Sicily abolish the vile custom of exposing under the very nose of cil meet in Messina is a dreary looking arched hall; the nobility every vagabond who gets assassinated the hour of assembling is midnight, and the lights in a street brawl; but custom compels me to look at the corpse." Advancing towards it, he saw on a near approach that it was his cousin Gerald. For a moment he was paralysed, the next, rushing towards the house and knocking still louder than before, he called first upon his father, then Ada. Open the door, father, here's a murder most foul, Ada! Ada! father; Gerald is most foully murdered."

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The Count was the first to hear the cry of murder. Opening the gate he enquired, "who was that crying murder?"

"It is your son, look for the love of the virgin, here is a most brutal murder, horrible! horrible! Gerald, dear Gerald is murdered." The Count at this announcement fainted, and the watchmen hearing the cries of Constantine came forward and demanded if he knew the person exposed.

"Yes, good watchmen, I do," was the reply.

The chamber in which the members of the coun

are so arranged that the Council can see the slightest alteration in the countenance of the prisoner, while the faces of the former are concealed by a dark shade from the latter. The Council was assembled and the prisoner stood before them. The body of the assassinated youth lay on a richly covered bier immediately opposite Guisseppo. The Senior De Cheveta, clothed in deep mourning, hung for a moment over the corpse, and then took his seat as one of the Council. Count De Palermo, the eldest of the members of the Council, arose from his seat and addressed the prisoner:

"Guisseppo Muerto, your numerous crimes darken the records of this Council. The purest blood of Messina has stained your stiletto. Speak, Guisseppo, the Council will hear you."

Guisseppo for a moment was silent; he appeared to be endeavoring to scan, by the faint light of the lamps, the countenances of the different members

of the Council. Turning towards the Count De night had crept over the quiet of the city, methought Palermo, he addressed him solely :

I heard footsteps within the circle of my beat, and "Senior Count De Palermo, I am not the mur- as they drew near I concealed myself behind the derer of this youth, to you I appeal for mercy. In angle of a projecting wall. I had scarcely conby-gone days you found Guisseppo true and faith- cealed myself when I saw, by the dim light of a ful. I served you once, serve me now." For a flickering lamp which hung near the 'statue of moment the Count remained silent; it was only Hercules' the prisoner walking slowly. A few for a moment; his thin and almost attenuated frame minutes elapsed and he was joined by another. A appeared to be convulsed, his deep black eyes low and short consultation passed between them, flashed with anger. With one hand grasping con- they retired near to my place of concealment. A vulsively the back of his chair, his other extended, few minutes after, the youth on the bier passed; the he slowly replied to Guisseppo: "The warm blood two assassins rushed out, and ere I could give the of the Sicilian nobles whom you have murdered, rises from the cold earth against you. 'Tis time to check the midnight assassin. You have in several instances incensed this Council, by your bold and open assassinations; nor do you seek the low and vulgar to glut your thirst for blood, but your stiletto reeks with the gore of the nobles only. What say the Council?"

alarm murder had already been done. One of the assassins escaped; the other who now stands before you was secured by me with the assistance of the guard. This stiletto I found near the body, and on the handle is carved Guisseppo Muerto."

For a moment the cool self-possession of Muerto disappeared, but it was only for a moment. He looked at the knife and a contemptuous sneer took

The members of the Council replied simulta- the place of confusion in his countenance. He neously, "The country needs reform."

turned towards the Count Palermo and looked The Count continued, "Guisseppo, you have him steadily in the face. The Count rose slowly appealed to me as one of the Council to protect from his seat and pointed towards the corpse, lookyou. Base and miserable wretch, murderer, fiend, ing steadily at Guisseppo, he addressed him in the your stiletto still reeks with the heart's blood of following manner: "Guisseppo Muerto, to the my dearest and nearest kinsman, a brother." The accusation of murder you plead 'not guilty,' and passion and feelings of the Count overcame him, ask the mercy of this court. You know the usual and he fell back exhausted into his chair. requirements of this court in cases of this kind; lay your hand upon the body and curse the murderer."

Guisseppo appeared but little moved by this speech. Turning to the Council he addressed them as follows: "Most noble Seniors, Neapole, Guisseppo advanced towards the bier where the Cosmo, Penaro, let me implore you. Here, on my body of Gerald lay and gazed intently upon his bended knees supplicating mercy, I appeal to your face. For the first time he showed feeling. A justice. Do not condemn me upon the uncertain tear was seen to drop from his eye. At this motestimony of a bare suspicion. To the charge of ment Constantine and Johnston entered the councilmurder I plead not guilty." chamber; in an instant all Guisseppo's former For a moment the members of the Council were ferocity appeared to be aroused; he placed his hand silent, apparently awaiting Guisseppo's further re- upon the breast of the corpse and pointing towards mark. The Count De Palermo was the first to Johnston with the other, he slowly and emphatically break silence with the simple remark, "We will fulfilled the Count's directions in the following manaward you 'Justice'" which was repeated by all the ner: "May curses fall heavily on the murderer, Council. may he be childless and have sleepless nights; in The Count De Palermo then directed the watch-old age be a lone and miserable wanderer on the man to step forth and produce the evidence in his earth, may the curse of Cain follow and overtake possession. The latter held up a stiletto with the him." Still pointing to Johnston, he exclaimed at blood of young Gerald still upon it. The Count the pitch of his voice, "I proclaim him to be the De Palermo looked steadily for a moment at Guis-murderer."

seppo, who returned his gaze with a steady eye. Muerto, dropping his hand, retired to his former "Whose stiletto is that, Guisseppo?" enquired the position. He looked attentively at Johnston, who Count. immediately advanced to the middle of the council

Guisseppo looked at it for a moment and care- chamber and denied the charge, setting forth that lessly remarked, "Senior, I know not." he was an Englishman, and painting in glowing At this reply the countenance of the Count as- colors his abhorrence of the crime of murder,sumed an appearance of anger, but at once subdu- repelling the accusation in a strong and vehement ing it, he again turned to the Sereno. "Sereno, manner. The Count Palermo listened attentively where, and under what circumstances did that until he had finished and then beckoning to the stiletto come into your possession ?" guards directed them to secure the Englishman, "Most noble Senior," commenced the Sereno, at the same time remarking, "Sir Englishman, you “about the hour of eleven, when the shades of have been accused of murder before this court, it

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