Imágenes de páginas

I. K. T.

for an appropriation would meet with little chance | about four hundred volumes, besides pamphlets and of success: nor indeed does our Historical Society files of newspapers. Its MSS. are valuable. deem it necessary. We have in London a very zeal-Among them are the MS. Journal of the Rev. J. ous corresponding member, Robert Lemon, Esq., J. Zubly, a delegate from Georgia to the Continenmentioned in the report to which I have referred.tal Congress, extending over the whole period of He suggested to us the idea of having a confiden- the Revolutionary war; Copies of the official cortial agent, nominated by the English Government, respondence of Montiano, commander of the forces to whom reference for information might be made, at St. Augustine at the time of General Oglewithout the intervention of the Secretary of State, thorpe's expedition against that post; Several and Mr. Lemon received that appointment. Mr. MS. volumes of the late Col. Hawkins, who was Lemon has free access, from his situation, to every appointed by General Washington the agent of collection in London, except his own office, and the Government among the Creek Indians, and the would therefore be accessible only by first obtain- 22 volumes of Colonial documents obtained by the ing the sanction of the Premier. I would there- Rev. Mr. Howard from the government offices fore recommend that application should be made, in London. through Mr. Everett, our Minister, to procure perTruly yours, mission from Lord Aberdeen to take transcripts from the State Paper Office, where all the papers relating to the colonies are now deposited, having been I think at the instance of Mr. Lemon removed from the office of the Board of Trade, and other offices, and incorpotated with his. And at the same time you should secure the services of Mr. Lemon, as agent to superintend the investigation. The expense, including Mr. Lemon's remuneration, would be less of course than would be necessary to incur in sending a special agent, and the examination, I will guaranty, will be faithfully made, so far as Mr. Lemon is concerned. In a letter from him of the 17th ultimo he says: "Mr. Brodhead of New York has left England with a large chest full of transcripts, and he is by this time I think in America. His collection will make a sensation, and will have the effect of stimulating others to follow such an example."

Having furnished Mr. Lemon with abstracts of the colonial documents obtained by Mr. Howard and now in the possession of the Society, that he might at a glance see what we still wanted, he will, by the next steamer, give me a detailed estimate of the expense of transcription, which he informs me he will be able to do with the greatest exactness after examination of my lists. Lest the paper containing the report of the Committee to which I have referred may not reach you I will send by the mail of to-day another copy.

I am,

Very sincerely, your friend,

I. K. TEFFT. P.S. You could easily resuscitate your Historical Society, which I learn once existed, or form a new


Our Historical Society was founded in 1839, (see appendix to the 2nd Vol. of its collections, page 326,) and is now in a flourishing condition, with a long list of zealous and distinguished members. It has celebrated four anniversaries-to wit: on the 12th of February each year, that having been the day, 1732, on which General Oglethorpe first landed on the soil of Georgia. Four corresponding orations have been delivered before the Society: first, by Judge William Law, second, by Dr. William Bacon Stevens, third, by Hon. Mitchell King, and the last, by the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, Jr., Bishop of Georgia. The next will be delivered by Ex-Governor George R. Gilmer.

84, Prince street, New-York, 12 Oct., 1844. DEAR SIR,-I hasten to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 9th instant, which has just reached me, and to reply to the points you suggest, as fully as I can.

By the regulation of the State Paper Office at London, I was restricted in my examinations, to the series of books specifically designated in the order of the Secretary of State; which was obtained, only after a good deal of delay and effort. Not having had an opportunity of examining the "Virginia Papers," I can give you no specific information, either as to their number or volume. Asto their probable value and importance, no one, I presume, interested in historical research, can entertain doubts. The State Paper Office in London now contains all the records relating to the American Colonies. The correspondence of the Secretaries of State has always been deposited there; and two years ago, by order of Government, the records of the Board of Trade, (comprising upwards of 2000 volumes,) were transferred to this office. No person is allowed to visit the office for the purpose of examining documents, until he has obtained an order from the Secretary of State, directed to the keeper, and stating the extent of privilege to be allowed. In my own case, the order was very precise and guarded, and was very rigidly interpreted by the keeper. I was restricted to the examination of the particular books designated in the order, and was required to examine them in an apartment separate from the great library. I examined some 400 volumes, or thereabouts, for the documents relating to New-York. Each paper I wished to have copied was noted, and afterwards examined by an officer under the direction of Lord Aberdeen. Such as were not objected to were subsequently copied by the clerks in the office, who received 4d. sterling for each folio of 72 words. The transcripts from London, which I am now arranging for binding, &c., will occupy about 50 volumes foolscap folio.

My agency extended also to Holland and France. In both these countries no difficulty was found, either in obtaining the requisite permission from the Government, or in procuring copies at reasonable rates. 16 volumes were obtained at the Hague, Four courses of Lectures have also been deliv- and 17 at Paris. Those from Paris include the ered before the Society, by members of our own whole of the correspondence relative to the operaand sister States, on Historical and biographical tions on the Canadian frontier during the "French subjects. Its library is yet small, containing only 'war."

Our Legislature at first appropriated $4,000,| subsequently $3,000, and again $5,000. In all 12,000, which has been entirely exhausted in defraying the expenses of the agency.*

Hist. Rooms, N. Y. City, Oct. 4, 1844. B. B. MINOR, Esq.

Dear Sir, I have received your letter of the You are good enough to ask me for suggestions 9th, as well as your valuable Journal of October-occurring to me in reference to the proposed effort for which please accept my thanks. I am very glad on the part of Virginia to secure the same memorials to observe in your columns an earnest appeal to the of her colonial days, lying hid in the archives of Virginia Assembly, calling their attention to their England. No one can more fully appreciate than much neglected Historical Records. Your State I do the importance of obtaining these papers. is rich in materials of the most interesting characBut I have long made up my mind that the best ter, and I doubt not that a well directed and susway to effect an object dear to every liberal minded tained effort would discover treasures of great value man-above all to every antiquarian-is for our to the Historian. General Government to undertake the duty-once You are right in claiming the support of the for all; and not for one particular State, but for State Legislature. Public patronage is necessary the whole union. I will not go over all the reasons and should be liberally conceded to such underthat may be urged in favor of this view of the sub-takings. I hope, too, that that the society to which ject. It will readily occur to you that these re- you allude in the concluding paragraph of your peated applications on the part of the various article, will be revived and cherished as an essenStates-applications involving oftentimes embar- tial auxiliary in the cause of Historical Literature. rassing considerations-may in time become annoy-But I am forgetting my business with you in my ing to the British Government. These examina- ramblings, &c., &c. tions have, heretofore, been allowed in a spirit of liberal and expanded courtesy. Favors were granted and not rights enjoyed, in the permissions for these investigations. It would therefore seem to be proper that in subsequent steps on our part, these considerations should not be overlooked.

I have the honor to be, Respectfully your ob't. servant, GEORGE H. MOORE.

NEW YORK 1844.

Fraudulent Adulteration of Alimentary Substances; Com-
mercial Character of the French; Value of Mirrors
in Shops; Adulteration of Wheat-Flour; Bread; Cakes;
Dangerous Method of Protecting Vineyards from Theft;
Adulteration of Wines; Color of Wine; Diseases of
Wine; Brandy; Butcher's neats in Paris; Milk, its
adulterations; Butter; Salt; Vinegar; Sugar; Coffee;
Honey; Mustard; Pepper; Letters from under a Bridge;
Dunglison's Practice of Medicine; The Encyclopædia
of Practical Medicine; Joint Stock Companies in Lite-

The example of some of our States will, no doubt, stimulate others to efforts to secure copies of papers relating to their own particular history. Some of the older, and wealthier ones may even feel disposed to appropriate monies and send out agents. The younger and less wealthy, though not less interested states, may not feel at liberty to incur an expenditure of the character; and will look on with mortification at the results of their neighbors efforts. All objections would vanishall difficulties would be obviated-all interests would be consulted and secured-if a competent agent were sent out by the General Government, and under the commission of the President of the United States. The expenses of various separate agencies It was once asserted in my hearing by an Amewould be saved. The younger and less wealthy rican traveller, that there is no city in the United States would participate in the benefits of the re- States, and perhaps no city in any other country, searches and this without any expenditure on their in which a stranger is more liable to be deceived part. The documents when procured might be deposited in the library of Congress, or printed under in purchasing any article whatever than in the city He is almost sure to be overthe direction of the Government. The agent of of New-York.


the United States, coming with a full and final com- charged in some manner, or an inferior quality is mission, would doubtless have more ample and ex- paid for at a superior price. "Sir," said the tratended privileges granted him than the several veller, "I can give my orders to the dealers in agents of the individual States could reasonably expect. I will add no more on this point. It Philadelphia, and they will be filled just as well as seems to me that it must strike every one as the if I attended to them in person; but, in New most proper and feasible mode of arriving at the York, unless I watch the packing, on reaching grand result.

No apology was necessary for your letter. It has given me great pleasure. The subject is one in which I feel a warm interest; and I shall be happy if these hasty lines should be of any service to you.

Believe me, dear sir, very respectfully
Your obedient servant.


New-York had to consult the archives of three countries, England, Holland and France, and hence arose this heavy expense. Virginia need send only to England. But she should not regard an expense which she is so able to bear. Georgia has spent $6,000 in her researches. [Ed. Mess.

home, I discover that I have been cheated." I
fancied at the time, the traveller was some sple-
netic person who had been more than once unlucky
in dealing in New-York. I am now reminded of
the remark, by a book, recently published in Paris,

the Falsifications of Alimentary Substances and
the Chemical means of discovering them."
The French medical journals complain that gas-

tric irritations, attributable to the sophistication of tion, produces a better looking crumb and crust, alimentary substances, especially in Paris, have and a larger quantity of water can be added, of become so numerous as to form a kind of epidemic. course increasing the weight of the bread at small Cupidity lies at the bottom of these wicked cost.

frauds; and the character of the French nation Alum renders bread made of inferior flour equal

tates the introduction of flour of beans, peas, &c. The employment of the sub-carbonate of magnesia answers a similar purpose, but is prejudicial to health because, in the process of baking, the sub-carbonate is converted into a lactate. Sulphate of zinc, (white vitriol,) a powerful emetic, renders bread white.

for honesty has suffered in consequence. "Where in appearance to that made of the best, and faciliis the honor once enjoyed amongst strangers by our commercial men? Formerly our products were received in the East without examination. But now the term French is synonymous with false, our wares are doubted as the bad faith of the Arabs is mistrusted. They admire our merchandize, but hesitate in buying it, because they fear that its charm has been given to it in the hands of our merchants."

The sub-carbonate of ammonia is a powerful adjuvant to the yeast or leven employed, and also makes bread white.

French dealers are charged with deceiving in measure, weight, number, &c., as well as quality. One cunning shop keeper, speculating on the vanity of woman, ornamented his shop with large mirrors, and while a woman, who comes to buy wine, presents her bottle and casts a look to ad-proportion than the bread bakers. mire her face, or her dress, the shopman transfers the wine from the measure into the bottle, but contrives to spill a considerable quantity on the counter, which has a reservoir placed beneath to receive it. And independent of these reservoirs, he declares the mirrors are worth a thousand a year in profit.

The carbonates and bi-carbonates of potassa and soda increase the lightness of bread.

Similar frauds are practised by cake bakers, who make use of the poisonous articles named, in larger

In the vicinity of large cities in France, to protect the grapes, the fruit is washed with lime to disgust those who plunder the vineyards. In some localities, sugar of lead, and sulphate of copper are substituted for lime, at the risk of causing the death of those who may eat them.

Wine is manufactured and adulterated in a multitude of ways, chiefly, however, with alcohol, water and various coloring ingredients.

There are wines, (so called,) manufactured without grapes, by adroitly mixing together water, sugar, inferior alcohol, vinegar and different coloring ma

Chemistry affords us very few means of detecting these sophistications with certainty.

Among the adulterations of wheat-flour is an admixture of flour of potatoes, to the extent of from fifteen to thirty per cent. A larger proportion of potatoes in the flour prevents panification. The fecula of potatoes in flour is detected by the microscope, and by treating the suspected flour|terials. with water and then adding iodine. If fecula be present the mixture becomes blue. The quality of flour is ascertained also by treating it with pure acetic acid, which is an excellent solvent of gluten. the chief constituent of good wheat-flour. The inspectors of flour and bakeries in France make To disguise the verdure, acidity of wine, the use of two instruments, principally, in their examinations; one is termed the appreciator of flour, invented by M. Robine, and the other aleurometer, invented by M. Boland.

Sophistications of wheat-flour with the flour of horse-beans, French beans, or of peas, are difficult to detect.

Flour is also adulterated with carbonate of lime (chalk) and phosphate of lime, and more recently with a kind of finely powdered flint. Powdered alabaster is also used for the same purpose, and even powdered bones.

The most common sophistications consist in mixing together different crude wines, water, alcohol, and coloring substances.

carbonate of potassa, or of soda, or of lime, is added. But the most pernicious fraud is the practice of softening wine by the addition of litharge, or white lead. The use of leaded wine is apt to induce a severe form of cholic. Lead is added to preserve the wine sound. The cleansing of wine bottles with shot is sometimes followed by serious consequences.

Alum and the oxides of copper are also used to improve the quality of falsified wines.

Wines are falsified by the addition of brandy, perry, and water, very much to the injury of the wines as well as of those who drink them.

Wheat bread is adulterated with the following articles, sulphate of copper, (blue vitriol); alum; The color of red wines is due to the pellicles of the sub-carbonate of magnesia; the sulphate of red grapes with which the must is fermented, of zine, (white vitriol); the sub-carbonate of ammo- which the coloring principle, (which is crystalizania; the carbonate and bi-carbonate of potassa; ble,) reddened by the free acid of the juice of the chalk; plaster of Paris, lime; and pipe-clay. grape, dissolves in proportion as the liquor becomes The use of sulphate of copper in bread renders alcoholic during fermentation. Besides this cor inferior flour more available, accelerates panifica-ing principle, the wine derives from the pedicles &

considerable quantity of tannin, to which red wine | ble that the bad quality of the milk is one of the is indebted for its astringent taste, as well as the most frequent causes of the death of infants. The property of changing its red color to a brownish dairymen, who keep their cows constantly in badly black when a solution of a salt of iron is added ventilated and hot stables to increase the quantity to it. of milk, render them phthisical, (consumptive.) To imitate this natural coloring matter, various We find tubercles in the lungs in almost all the dye woods are employed, as well as red poppies, cows of the dairymen in Paris and its environs. myrtle berries, elder berries, &c. In England, bit- Perhaps the fact that one fifth of the deaths in ter almonds, wild cherry, alum, tincture of grape | Paris are owing to tubercular phthisis, (consumpseeds, oak saw-dust, filbert shells, and various spi-tion,) arises from the bad quality of the milk furces are used in the manufacture of wines. nished to its inhabitants.

Wines are also subject to diseases from various causes, which render them bitter, acid, viscid, flat, &c.

The value of spirituous liquids depends upon the quantity of absolute alcohol they may contain. The manner of ascertaining this, as well as the quantity of tartar in wine is given in the work.

Brandy often contains copper, lead, &c.

In Paris the flesh of horses, dogs, cats, &c., is consumed to a considerable extent. Horse meat is sometimes used to manufacture a sort of jelly, sold by pork butchers. Meat pies are frequently receptacles of various kinds of half putrid meats, disguised by high seasoning.

Milk is considerably modified by the influences to which the animal is subjected by diet, state of health, fatigue, situation or locality, &c.

While we are especially careful not to confide an infant to the care of a wet nurse suffering from consumption, we feed ourselves and our infants on the milk of cows whose lungs are filled with tubercles.

The greater part of the milk sold in Paris is collected from a circuit of from ten to fifteen leagues by wholesale dealers, who purchase it from farmers and bring it into the city and dispose of it to be resold by retailers, milkmen, &c. The milk is first bought for from 25 to 30 centimes the two litres, (a litre is about a pint and three quarters); the collector sells it at from 30 to 40 centimes to the retailers in Paris, who dispose of it to the consumers at from 50 to 60, or even 80 centimes, more or less according to the quality of the milk, and the quarter where it may be sold.

Food modifies the milk both as respects quantity The trade in milk is very great in Paris; we and quality. Badly fed animals yield less milk, are assured that certain wholesale dealers sell and the milk itself is more watery. from 4 to 5000 litres daily. Another portion Fatigue modifies the secretion of milk, render- of the milk consumed in Paris is derived from the ing it watery, weaker and less abundant.

Many substances find their way into milk through the functions of absorption and nutrition, giving to it medicinal qualities different from those which would be produced by a direct mixture of the same substances.

In the various modifications which the milk of animals undergoes, the proportion of butter seems to be augmented relatively to its other constituents. Milk is an almost universal article of food amongst all people. The reindeer in Lapland, the ass in Tartary, the camel and dromedary in Egypt and Syria, the buffalo in India, the llama and vicuña, the cow, sheep, goat and ass in America, furnish a simple and wholesome article of diet. In Paris, only cows' milk is used.

cows stabled in the city, or its suburbs; this milk should be, in a degree, richer and more substantial than that from the farms, while it is furnished from better nourished cows that never go out, whose lacteal secretion is stimulated as much as possible; it is, it may be said, therefore, the choicest milk, which is dearest; and it may be had warm on application at the dairy. It is less aromatic than that produced by cows living in the open air, on pasture; still, it may be regarded as of good quality, provided the cows are healthy and well kept, and the milk is neither watered nor otherwise sophisticated.

Milk is adulterated for sale with water, starch, flour, the white and yolks of eggs, gum arabic, gum tragacanth, sugar, to allow a larger proportion of

Good milk is the best of food, but bad milk is water, emulsions of various seeds, almonds, brains the very worst.

The first is that which is provided by nature for young animals, whose organs, too feeble to elaborate nourishment from more stimulating food, gradually acquire by its use the necessary vigor and development.

of calves, sheep and horses, chalk, plaster, &c. In 1842, R. M. Hastley of New York published a valuable essay on the quality of milk consumed by the inhabitants of New York, which is not superior to that furnished in Paris.

To detect the sophistications in milk, several inWhen the body is exhausted by suffering or ad-struments have been invented called lactometers, vanced age, the old man and the convalescent again and lactoscopes. recur to milk to recuperate new powers.

Butter is sophisticated with the fecula of pota

It is well known that infants cannot be "brought toes, flour, milk curd, tallow, &c.; and alkanet and up by the bottle" in Paris. It is more than proba-' other substances are employed to give proper color.

Common table salt is mixed with plaster, salt- Medical Dictionary, unquestionably the best in the petre, glauber's salts, alum, dirt, and is moistened to add to its weight.

language; a new edition of his "Human Physiology:" his "New Remedies;" his "TherapenVinegar, from white and from red wine; from tics," and besides these, he is editing the "Cyclowood, cider and beer, is often adulterated by the pædia of Practical Medicine," which promises to addition of sulphuric, or hydrochloric, or nitric, or be a most valuable addition to our stock of medical tartaric, or oxalic acids. literature. From his extensive acquaintance with Sugars are variously adulterated; sand, lime, medical books and authors, he is doing what scarceplaster, &c. Potatoe starch, and a substance call-ly any other man in the country could do, bring the ed glucose, sugar of fecula, are used for this pur- work up to the knowledge of the day at the time pose. of publication. This work is the result of the labors of a joint company of the distinguished medical men of England, all working at the same period. If one man should attempt to write such a book, so rapidly is medical science advancing, that by the time the last part were ready for press, the first would be in a great measure old, if not obsolete. Dr. Copeland undertook this Herculean task and succeeded admirably well, although the last page was written some dozen years after the Fecula of potatoes is mixed with cheese. first, and that last page concludes not more than Honey is adulterated with bean-flour to make it two thirds of the work, which will require, perwhite and weighty. haps, years to complete it. This shows how much

Under the name of sweet or olive oil for the table, we have olive oil, poppy seed oil, and nut oil. Olive oil is sophisticated with lard, honey, &c. Coffee is torrified and ground for the market. In this condition it is adulterated with chicory, beetroots, carrots, peas, beans, rye, &c., &c.

Sugar plums and confectionary are colored by metallic salts, and are often very dangerous on this


Beer and yeast are also adulterated in France, is done in literature, as well as in other things, in as well as cider and perry.

saving time, by the joint labor of companies of A large portion of the arrow root and tapioca men. For by combination, "The Encyclopedia of sold consists of starch. Practical Medicine" will be complete this year, and

Mustard is adulterated with turnip seed and tur- up to the day in knowledge.



Chocolate is mixed with potatoe starch, and the tallow which is unfit to make candles, or rancid grease.

Even pepper and ginger are adulterated. In a word, there is scarcely an article of diet which is not subject to fraud of some kind in Paris, the great centre of civilization. We have not reached the same degree of refinement, although it is very probable we are advancing as fast as can be desirable in the arts of sophistication.

The authors of this book, Jules Garnier and Ch. Harel, point out the mode of detecting the frauds practised in the various articles mentioned.

We are thankful to Mr. Willis for his "Letters from under a Bridge." They amused us, and may perform a like service to others.

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In the "desultory notes" of "Holgazan," our readers will find notices of many new and interesting works, published here and abroad. We hope that our readers will appreciate his contributions as highly as we do. They embrace a great variety and are adapted to the tastes and pursuits of all classes. The Literary, the Scientific, the Professional man, and the amateur can all find something interesting. Since our last number, we have received the following new publications.

HARPER & BROTHERS. NEW-YORK, 1844. MEDICINES, THEIR USES AND MODE OF ADMINISTRATION; including a complete conspectus of the three British Pharmacopoeias, an account of all the new remedies, and an appendix of formulæ. By J. MOORE NELIGAN, M. D.

Among various things which have fallen in our Physician to the Jervis Street hospital, and lecturer on way is Dr. Dunglison's Practice of Medicine, a materia medica and therapeutics in the Dublin school of second edition. We take leave to say, all other medicine. With notes and additions, conforming it to the opinions to the contrary, that this is a most excel- Pharmacopoeia of the United States, and including all that lent book, and well worth the attention of profes-is new or important in recent improvements. By DAVID sional men. The present edition is very much MEREDITH REESE, A. M., M. D. Late professor in the Washington University of Baltimore, &c. improved in many respects, and leaves little or any thing desirable to it as an elementary book, or one for consultation.

Dr. Dunglison seems to be a sort of giant in medical literature, and seems to possess that peculiar tact which makes him perhaps the best compiler of the age, and it is no small labor to make a good compilation. As an evidence of his ability to produce, we may mention a new edition of his

No CHURCH WITHOUT A BISHOP; or the Controversy he tween the REV. DRS. POTTS AND WAINWRIGHT." With a preface by the latter and an introduction and notes by an anti-sectarian. "Semper, Ubique et ab omnibus." Religious literature is too important and extensive to be neglected or omitted by a miscellaneous journal. Our own it a place in our columns, and we would rejoice to see it sense, too, of its importance will always impel us to give substituted for the demoralising trash that has been inun dating the country under the name of "cheap literature”—

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