Imágenes de páginas

voked, I suppose, by a reflection on the sapient is too truly generous to wish to involve any woman body of which you are a member. But I did not in poverty; but if he never marries till he marries mean to be personal, for I beg you to recollect that for money, he will die a bachelor." it is only by fiction that you yourself are there. If you were there in fact, then the other might be no fiction. So you see my remark touches you not. You bachelor members have no great cause to take offence at any censures which may be cast on Congress. I assure you, ladies, it would be rendering essential service to the country if you would frown him back to his duty."

"Might we not render your clients a similar service?" asked Miss Bernard.

"My dear lady, do but tell me who they are, and I will engage to make amends for all my remissness. The only speeches I can get leave to make are to the ladies, and their smiles the only fee I can hope to win."

"You briefless lawyers are much wronged, if you do not seek to be rewarded, even for such speeches, with something more valuable than smiles."


"I have always thought so," said the lady ; " and hence I have a high regard for him. To my knowledge he has had good reason to believe he could have made his fortune by marriage if he would. How I do love such a character!"

"Is there then so much merit," asked Harlston, "in merely forbearing to commit a crime, without temptation ?"

"Crime! Temptation!!" exclaimed the lady. "Why where have you lived? What every body does cannot be a crime. Who is there to call it so? And as to Temptation! A fine establishment, plate, furniture, entertainments, dress, jewels! O dear! Gilded misery must be so sweet!"

The tone of this last sentence falsified the words: falsified all that had gone before; and fully convinced Colonel Harlston that Miss Bernard was not less disinterested than her friend Ludwell. Meantime young Ludwell, addressing his con

What, kisses? How can you think us so pre-versation to Gertrude, assumed a tone and manner sumptuous ?" so different from the saucy badinage in which he "You shocking creature? No. Your conscience had just been indulging, that he seemed like a dif tells you what I mean."

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"Indeed it does. Guineas! The sweet yellow darlings! O gie me the /lass that has acres of charms.' You are right, Miss Bernard, and 1 calculate on your cooperation. You know you and I have been fast allies, these two winters."

"How so? I assure you I am at the first of it." "Oh! the only sort of alliance that can be relied on-community of interest. While you use all your art to inveigle the rich bachelors, your success will leave the rich girls no choice but to take up with poor fellows like me; and so by your means I may accomplish my aim at last."

"I declare I had not thought of that. It is a capital scheme. But 'gif-gaf' you know. If I take off your rivals you must take off mine."

"Agreed. You have only to let me know whom you have a design on, and I will hold myself bound to occur forthwith to any lady he seems disposed to attend to."

"Why, you unreasonable wretch! would you have me make you my confidant. No no. You must exercise your sagacity and act accordingly." "Must I. Well then let us begin. There Harlston, do you talk to Miss Bernard, and leave Miss Courtney to me."

As he said this Harlston turned his head mechanically toward Miss Bernard, while Ludwell, coolly drawing a chair, placed himself near Gertrude.

"Mr. Ludwell recommends me to your notice, Colonel," said Miss Bernard, "by giving me a very bad character."

ferent creature. Gifted with taste, genius and wit, he could be amusing, interesting, or instructive; and his trains of thought and raciness of expression brought Henry so strongly to Gertrude's mind, that she found a pleasure in his conversation, such as she had not experienced since she left home. The interest with which she listened to him engaged the attention of Colonel Harlston in spite of the efforts of Miss Bernard to secure it to herself, and he could not forbear, at one moment, from breaking into the conversation, by answering some remark.

"Miss Bernard," said Ludwell, suddenly turning to that young lady, "Harlston is passionately fond of music, and you must play him that delightful piece I heard you play the other day in the country."

"You are very kind to Colonel Harlston," said Miss Bernard. "It might have sounded more gallant to say a word for yourself."

"You forget. That is not my cue. Do you not see how busy I am here working for you? You must do your part too! Set your shoulder to the wheel, and Hercules will help you.”

"My dear Laura," said Mrs. Pendarvis, rising and leading the young lady to the piano, "don't mind that saucy chatterbox, and let us hear you play. Come: no refusal."

And she did play; and she played divinely. And she sang; and her voice had a strange charm, analogous to her spoken tones; which seemed to impart to the words a meaning never perceived "Unless I am to believe him more serious in before, and addressed itself to the heart, as in a his accusation than in his confession," said Harl- sort of mystic language. Ludwell immediately ston, "it can hardly prejudice you. I believe he turned again to Gertrude, and would have resumed

his former strain of conversation. But she had race. It is not instinct. It is a principle, founded not yet acquired that refinement of manners which in deep and wretched experience; and any, the least teaches a young lady to accompany the music of allusion to the subject by a lady, though it be to another with a rattling peal of nonsense and laugh- express her indignation against mercenary matches, ter; and her taste for music, though little culti- repels me in a moment. I had no reason to doubt vated, made her a delighted listener to Miss Ber- what Miss Bernard said, nor was she to blame for nard's performance. Colonel Harlston, who was saying it, for you made it almost necessary; and indeed a connoisseur, was quite enchanted, but yet that idea came between me and her all the time while Miss Bernard had all his ear, his eye still we were conversing, and even while I was listenwandered to Gertrude, and marked the ingenuous ing to her music." pleasure which her countenance displayed, and her "Think you I was not aware of that, my dear resolute resistance to all Ludwell's attempts to fellow? She has quite too much tact to volunteer keep up the conversation. Miss Bernard was not professions on the subject, or even to allude to it, permitted to leave the piano. Tune succeeded in the first instance. Hence I introduced it in a tune, till, in looking for one, the Colonel's hand way that I thought would draw her out, and make alighted on a book of drawings. This bore Miss her show off. She carried it off however quite Bernard's name, and displayed much talent and moderately; but I knew you would be conscious more taste. Here was a new theme for conversa- of the presence of the cat, though she did not show tion, for he was an admirer of the art. He had herself. In short, Harlston, though I would gladly travelled, and so had she, and they presently wandered together through the galleries of Rome and Florence, and discussed the merits of the great masters of the pictorial art till a morning call was prolonged to a most unfashionable visitation.

"Well Harlston," said Ludwell, as the gentlemen walked away from the door, "I think Miss Bernard must own me for a very efficient ally. And indeed she has been hardly less serviceable to me, for, though Miss Courtney is understood to be nearly pennyless, yet may the smile of woman never cheer my poverty, if I would not rather share it with her, than accept the hand of the other with a kingdom for her dowry."

"To me," said Harlston, "Miss Bernard appears a beautiful, intelligent, highly accomplished and right-minded woman, in whose society a man might well be happy."

"So you thought of her as a pis aller, and so I knew you would think, or I should not have been so unjust as to have thrown her on your hands, at the same time that I robbed you of all the pleasure you proposed to yourself in a visit to Miss Courtney. You must own too that I am, not only a faithful ally, but a generous rival. And yet I know you do not forgive me, and you ought not, were I to leave you exposed to the machinations of the other without a warning."

"I do not think I am in any danger," said Harlston, "for though I see much to admire in Miss Bernard, I was never less sensible to the attractions of any young lady."

"Instinct is a great matter," cried Ludwell laughing. "Some people have a horror of cats, and turn pale when one enters the room unseen and unheard. Your instinctive aversion to drapery-misses and female fortune-hunters is of the same character. I have seen nothing else like it."

"It is not instinct," replied Harlston gravely, and even sadly, "except so far as the desire to be loved for one's own sake is an instinct of the whole

be rid of your rivalry in the other quarter, I did
not wish to do it at your expense. Had I known
that Miss Bernard was in the city, I would have
warned you against her distinctly."
"Who and what is she?"


"All that you see and a great deal more. to sum up all that concerns you in one word, she is a lady who will marry you if she can."

"And Miss Courtney? What of her?" "I know nothing of her, but that she is the niece of Mrs. Pendarvis, and that her father died when she was a child, leaving little behind him but a high reputation for honor and talent. Her mother, some years after, married a country physician of great respectability, large family and moderate fortune. The figure she is making here does not accord with her circumstances, and might look suspicious, were not the generosity of her aunt so notorious. I see her hand in this outfit; though she is too honest to intend any deception, and would tell you, at a word, that Miss Courtney has neither fortune nor expectations."

"Then seriously, Ludwell, circumstanced as you are, what do you propose? For though I am much pleased with Miss Courtney, I am not such a tinderbox as you; and my friendship for you and my interest in her alike prompt the question."

"What do I propose? What does a stone propose by falling to the ground? Why, man, she is my fate. Propose! I propose nothing; but if I thought it would be of any use to propose myself— foolish as it would be-wicked as it would be, I am afraid I should do it. But just at present, my dear Harlston, I propose nothing, because I desire nothing but the dreamy, delicious pleasure I enjoy in her presence. Ask a man in the present fruition of all his soul covets 'what he proposes!!!? "

"You talk," said Harlston, "like a boy in his first love." "And am I not ?" exclaimed Ludwell. "No boy indeed; and I have thought myself in love before.

But it was as if a blind man, restored to sight, with the complacent eye of a proprietor on the should take the moon for the sun he had heard so graceful outline of the Phæton, and the splendid much of. But let the sun rise! By day and night, figures of the four fine bays that drew it; and to there is no mistake this time: and to speak seri- catch with interest the hints which Ludwell someously, Harlston, I know I should propose, and de- times mischievously dropt of the extent of the cide too, what to do; and I very much fear I ought Colonel's estates, the multitude of his slaves, and to make my escape from the brink of this ocean of the number of his cotton-bales. Of all this Cobliss, where I stand and sip and sip, till I am dizzy lonel Harlston himself had no suspicion; for, conwith the draught. God help me!" added he, re-scious of no enthralment of his own feelings, the suming his playful tone; "I expect one of these cautionary hint of Ludwell was quite forgotten. days, to be fished out like a drowned fly out of a Miss Bernard too had the tact to discover that the punch-bowl."


subject on which Ludwell had led her to speak with so much unction, at her first interview with the Colonel, was so very distasteful to him that the least allusion to it disgusted him. The result was, As I do not mean to give a diary of Gertrude's that Harlston had the fairest opportunities to oblife in Washington I shall not enter into a detail of serve upon the manners and character of Gertrude, the occurrences of the next ten days after this con- and was fast arriving at the conviction, that she versation. The reader has been made acquainted was entirely exempt from the influence of mercewith the dramatis persona, their purposes and plans, nary considerations, and as nearly free from the and, thus initiated, may be left to fill up that inter-arts of the sex as, in the actual constitution of soval according to the suggestions of his own imagi- ciety, it is permitted to woman to be. Of one nation. I take it for granted that he needs not be thing he was sure. She had no designs on his told that the impression made by Gertrude on Co- fortune. Always courteous and kind, she seemed lonel Harlston was deepened by a further acquaint- grateful for his attentions; but he had never deance with her that Miss Bernard's experience of tected any, the least effort to engage them, or the the amiable and estimable qualities of that gentle- slightest indication of impatience at the monopoly man did not abate the eagerness of her designs on which circumstances had enabled Miss Bernard to his person and fortune; and that Ludwell's passion, secure. In the conversation of Ludwell she manihowever violent, had little effect on the exuberance festly found a pleasure which seemed sufficient for of his spirits, the playfulness of his manners, and the passing hour, though it was quite clear that she his love of fun and mischief. Both he and the Co- only valued him as an agreeable acquaintance. In lonel saw Gertrude every day, for, even before her short, she seemed to him a pure and single-hearted appearance, they were both almost daily visitors at girl, whose affections were not to be bestowed unthe house. Ludwell's attentions to her were al- sought, nor won without merit of a high order: most exclusive, and yet they seemed to be paid and he had little doubt that her hand would be without any purpose beyond the gratification of the given only to him who should entitle himself to the moment. Such as they were it would not have highest place in her estimation and regard. been easy for her to receive much of the Colonel's Here then was the very woman for whom Colonel without an effort on her part, which it was not in Harlston had long been seeking. That she was her nature to make, or an eagerness of pursuit on worthy to share his name and fortune he no longer his, inconsistent alike with his temper, and his views. doubted. In the possession of such a woman he He was certainly enamored, but experience had felt that he might calculate on as much of happitaught him to be careful not to make any very de-ness as falls to the lot of man. A raw youth, under cided demonstration until he had learned enough the influence of this conviction, would at once have of the lady's character to know what sort of con- thrown himself at her feet. But he was not a raw siderations might influence her decision on his pre- youth. Nearly thirty years of age, he had seen tensions. Hence he mastered his feelings, so far much of the world, and was fully aware, that, from as to be little more than a looker-on and this part such a woman, an abrupt declaration, from one who Miss Bernard enabled him to act without betraying had taken no pains to recommend himself to her the object of his visits. The consequence was, favor, would meet a merited rejection. He detershe occupied so much of his attention that her self- mined therefore to change his deportment toward love easily mistook his views. He said nothing her, beginning with that small course of quiet attenindeed from which she could infer any decided sen- tions too slight to alarm, and too marked to escape timent in her favor; but as he seemed to seek her observation, which a master of the secrets of wosociety, it was clear that he must take pleasure in man's heart has recommended as the most successit; and how can any man pass his hours in the pre-ful mode of courtship. sence of a woman whose society delights him with- About the time that he formed this resolution out becoming enamored of her? So reasoned Miss came the announcement of a splendid entertainBernard, and so reasoning she soon learned to look ment to be given by Mrs. Pendarvis. One such,

raising his voice, "I have not danced to-night. Will Miss Courtney honor me with her hand?"

She took his arm, and, as he led her away he said, "You see, Miss Bernard, I am returned to my duty. You have been doing yours gallantly, and it is time that I should do mine."

at least, it was her habit to give every winter, and as her parties, though numerous, were select, the honor of an invitation was not to be lightly prized. A lady, and the widow of a gentleman, she had all the instinct of high breeding, and, in selecting her society, did not fail to discriminate carefully without the least regard to wealth, rank, or station. There was nothing too high, according to these standards, to be excluded; nothing too low to be admitted; and royalty itself has sometimes had to brook the tacit intimation, that a man may be "Pray do," said he. "Constancy is so rare President of the United States, and yet not a gen-now-a-days that an example of Constancy, even in tleman. In what reign this was I do not say.

"Get along, you saucy fellow," said she, tapping him playfully with her fan. "I declare I shall hate you forever, for your impudent speech to me the other day."

hatred, would be quite refreshing."

"What in the world can that mad cap mean ;" said Miss Bernard, turning to Harlston, "by constantly harping on that disgusting subject?"


The evening came; and the whole house was thrown open; and parties for cards, and groupes for conversation were formed in every room but that appropriated to the dance, and loungers, arm "I am glad you think it so," was the cold reply. in arm, promenaded through the whole. In the "With my own consent I would never hear the early part of the evening our young ladies were slightest allusion to it. The difference between rarely separated, and Harlston, in constant attend- my friend Ludwell and myself is, that what is to ance on them, did not permit himself to be so him an object of playful scorn, is to me one of wholly engrossed by Miss Bernard as she might unutterable disgust. He can jest about it: I have wished. Somewhat annoyed by this she tasked her address to the utmost, but with imper- "Few men can carry their detestation of merfect success. She looked around for Ludwell, but cenary views in affairs of the heart farther than he was only to be seen occasionally, and then in he does; though, as you remarked, the other day, attendance on another lady who happened to have there is a point at which he stops. particular claims on him. A beck from Miss Ber-resolute never to marry for money, though he has nard's fan at last afforded him an excuse to break never made up his mind to marry for love. away from his fair companion, and he immediately judging from present appearances, I am not sure obeyed the summons. that the temptation may not at last prove too strong. But do not be alarmed, Colonel," she added playfully, as she marked the look with which Harlston followed the significant glance of her eye; "his imprudence will not be contagious."

“Lady," said he, "behold the slave of the fan, devoted to do the pleasure of her who bears it! Wherein can I serve her?"

"By giving me the pleasure of your conversation," said Miss Bernard, from whom, at the moment, the attention of Colonel Harlston was wholly withdrawn.

"Ah!" said Ludwell, glancing at the Colonel and Gertrude, " you have managed badly. You have not profited by the hint I gave you." "What hint? I know of none." "You know of none! But you did know; and took it, and improved it most dexterously as far as you went but I am afraid you have since neglected it."

"I protest I do not understand you."

"You do not! What! Not the accusation I brought against you, to give you an opportunity to repel it so gracefully, and so sincerely!"

Perhaps I guess your meaning now; though I assure you I did not understand it at the time. But why so much stress on that point?"

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Miss Bernard's extraordinary power over the tones of her voice gave these words a meaning not to be mistaken. She drew her breath hard, and almost gasped, under the look which Harlston unconsciously turned upon her. She felt that she had spoken critical words, and she knew that her insinuation was unjust. She remembered indeed what Gertrude had said on the morning after they first met; and she had more than once witnessed the docility, or, what she might have called the acquiescence, with which she listened to her aunt's lectures on prudence; and from these she made out a sort of apology to her own conscience, for "hinting a fault," which she did not believe to


What Miss Bernard herself thought upon the subject was to Harlston a matter of perfect indifference. Forewarned by Ludwell, he had seen Why? Because that is Harlston's infirmity. that there was a purpose in all she said, or did not He caught it in New-Haven, and it has stuck to say in relation to it. Whether she dwelt upon it, him ever since-a fixed idea-a sort of monoma- or avoided it, he had thought he could see that she nia. When he was there at College the Yankey had a design in doing so. A keen observer, and, girls almost devoured him; and now he keeps him- as Ludwell had said, almost a monomaniac on this self as close as an oyster, for fear of being swal-point, it was not easy to deceive him. He might lowed for his fortune. But come," continued he, suspect unjustly. He was in no danger of the op

posite error.

Much as he disliked the subject, he his whereabout, continued to converse, with an would even force himself to endure a discussion of air of quiet simplicity, with Ludwell; who, by deit, in order to unmask a character; and on this oc-grees, recovered his spirits. Not so, Harlston. casion he determined to follow Miss Bernard's lead, He now felt, more than at any former moment, so as to keep up the conversation till Gertrude should return to her seat. This was not difficult, and the first words that struck Ludwell's ear, as he led back his partner to her place, were in a more high flown strain than the lady had before indulged in.

"That's right," exclaimed Ludwell. "That is the way to manage the matter. Do, Miss Courtney, let us now hear something of your sentiments about that sweet romantic thing, Love in a Cottage."

that Miss Courtney was to him an object of absorbing interest, that his happiness depended on her; and that it was indispensable to him, that she should be entirely superior to the grovelling views imputed to her, and not disavowed by her. He was perhaps better pleased that she had not disavowed them; and yet he was vexed that she had not. He remained perplexed and gloomy in his secla. sion, until he again saw her taken out to dance. Soon after, in one of the pauses of the dance he approached her, spoke a few low words and fell back to his place. As soon as the set ended, he again advanced, claimed the hand he had just engaged, and detained her on the floor. He went "But you have sometimes thought of it." through the dance mechanically, and with an air "Of course I have; for nothing is more talked of abstraction, and, as soon as it ended, offered his about. I have observed that all the old ladies de-arm to Gertrude, and proposed to seek fresher air liver lectures on one side, and all the young ladies make speeches on the other, so I suppose I must take the side that seems most appropriate to my time of life."

"As I never lived in a Cottage, and have had no experience of Love, I am not prepared to pronounce a very decided opinion on the subject.”

"And change it, of course, as you grow older." "I suppose so. People grow wiser as they grow older, and they tell me that this is a subject on which young people are particularly foolish."

"Miss Courtney can hardly be hearty," said Harlston, "in an opinion which she has candor enough to suspect may be foolish."

"I am certainly not hearty in any opinion on the subject," said Gertrude; " for I have formed none. I only know that the history of my own family affords proof that imprudent marriages are very imprudent things."

"But the question recurs," said Miss Bernard, "what is an imprudent match? You would hardly call a happy match an imprudent one; and surely there can be no happiness without love. We are told, you know, that love constitutes the bliss of

Heaven itself."

in another room.

"Miss Courtney ;" said he, as soon as he could speak without danger of being overheard, "I beg pardon for the abruptness of what I am about to say. The shortness of our acquaintance must make me seem precipitate, and the time and place are not the most suitable; but I cannot sleep without telling you that I love you, and laying myself and my fortune at your feet."

I hope the reader anticipates at least the substance of Gertrude's answer; and it is needless to give the words, as young ladies are rarely eloquent on such occasions; especially when taken completely by surprise. To Gertrude it had seemed, (and she had been pleased to see it,) that Colonel Harlston was quite taken with Miss Bernard; and, giving that young lady full credit for sincerity in all her talk about Love in a Cottage, she had cherished the hope of seeing her magnanimity rewarded by the less romantic bliss of Love in a Palace. Her answer therefore was expressive of surprise, esteem, gratitude and all that sort of thing, but wound up with a very decided rejection.

Colonel Harlston heard her with great composure; though while she spoke his countenance assumed a high and animated expression; and, when she had concluded, he took her hand and addressed her in a tone of earnest calmness.

"But in Heaven," said Gertrude, "there is neither cold nor hunger nor crying children. If there were, why then, the more the parents loved them, the less happy they would be. I have heard my mother say, that she was very happy with my father, but then when she was left a widow, with poor me upon her hands, and very limited means "My dear Miss Courtney," he said, "I must of support, she found she had been very imprudent." again entreat your forgiveness for that which may This case seemed so exactly in point to poor surprise you more than the unexpected declaration Ludwell that his countenance fell; while Harlston, that I have just made. Since I first saw youl in manifest disquietude, walked away and left the have meditated such a step, though I beg leave to conversation to go on as it might. In another part assure you that I have not been vain enough to of the room he established himself in a position to suppose that, in our short acquaintance, I could watch the countenances of the party. In doing have made such an impression as would have justithis he at once saw that the keen eye of Miss Ber-fied your acceptance of my proposal. Indeed I nard had followed him and occasionally glanced have not permitted myself to cultivate your favor toward him; while Gertrude, all unconscious of by those attentions which would have made it, if

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