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IN the Youth's Magazine-a new series of which has just been commenced under the auspices of the Sunday-school Union -appears a very interesting article on "The Royal Family," from which we give an extract specially for our youthful readers. "A foreign potentate, on coming to know something of Victoria's power and greatness, eagerly inquired how they had been acquired. Like the Queen of Sheba, she was wondering where all the glory came from; when the Queen, in answer to her inquiry, sent her sister Sovereign a Bible, and the moral was clear, for a greater than Solomon was there. In this Book lies the source of Victoria's greatness and glory, for to its heaven-born principles are due the moral influence which flows from the crown of England's Queen. And the Bible, from childhood, has been

the motive power of our Sovereign's life. When very young, it was her favourite gift-book, and it is well known that when about to enter on a new era in life, a copy of that blessed volume was sent to a dying girl in Kensington, who had been visited by the Queen, with her name written on the fly-leaf, the gift of Victoria.' Much has been said about the advantages of secular education, but, whatever these may be, the friends of the Bible will rejoice to know that it is the text-book of the royal nursery, and the class-book of the schools of the Queen. Day by day, too, it is the 'lamp of life' in the royal household, and receives the homage of the heart at the morning and evening sacrifice wherever the Court resides. Oh! blessed Book, may it never cease to shine as the morning star of Guelph!"


CHRIST acts as a net to draw men unto Him. The Gospel ministry is, in God's Word, compared to a fishery; God's ministers are the fishermen-they go to catch souls, as fishermen go to catch fish. How shall souls be caught? They shall be caught by preaching Christ. Just preach a sermon that is full of Christ, and throw it unto your congregation, as you throw a net into the sea -you need not look where they are, nor try to fit your sermon to different cases; but, throw it in, and as sure as God's Word is what it is, it shall not return to him void; it shall accomplish that which He pleases, and prosper in

the thing whereto He hath sent it. The Gospel never was unsuccessful yet, when it was preached with the demonstration of the Spirit and with power. It is not fine orations upon the death of princes, or the movements of politics, which will save souls. If we wish to have sinners saved and to have our churches increased; if we desire the spread of God's kingdom, the only thing whereby we can hope to accomplish our end is plain Gospel preaching, the lifting up of Christ; for "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.”—Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.


LOOKING out of his window one summer | faith to us all. He takes hold of his evening, Luther saw on a tree at hand a twig, tucks his head under his wing, and little bird making his brief and easy dis- goes to sleep, leaving God to think for positions for a night's rest. "Look," | him."

said he, "how that little fellow preaches




'And it shall come to pass, that before they call I will answer: and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."-Isa. lxv. 24.

thy tribulation! Join in the song, "Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!"

THE following short history, as strongly illustrative of the gracious dealings and covenant faithfulness of our God and Father towards His beloved children in providential matters, might find a corner About the commencement of 1858, in the Gospel Magazine. How prone are K., a fisherman of this town, a man poor the blood-bought family, the objects of in this world's goods, but rich in faith everlasting and exhaustless love, as Is- and a heir of the kingdom, was enabled rael of old, to murmur and doubt! by the aid of some friends to raise by Though redeemed of the Lord from the loan and subscription a sum of money hand of the enemy, and gathered out of towards the building of a boat, in which all lands, yet, at the first difficulty, un- he might carry on his business with mindful of former and repeated deliver- more independence and prospect of comances, how soon do they call in question fortably supplying the wants of a family -if not the love of God-at any rate, dependent on his exertions. The boat their interest in that love which has was commenced in May, and approached been so often sweetly sealed to be their its completion in October; during which own in the banqueting-house of their time various sums were forwarded to Beloved. If one may speak for others, the builder at Eastbourne. Receipts it is indeed a hard matter daily to bless were duly received for these sums, but God in all His providential dealings, and without any legal stamp upon them. In in the exercise of a living faith to see October, however, the last sum was forthat all things are working together for warded, and a stamped receipt for £36 our good, and to shout, "Oh give thanks duly arrived from the builder. Who can unto the Lord, for He is good, for His judge of poor K.'s consternation when mercy endureth for ever.' Thanks be almost immediately after this a letter to God, who always makes us to conquer, arrived from a pious woman at Eastnot in ourselves, but in our Lord Jesus bourne, informing him that the builder Christ. Beloved one, thou who hast of his boat had decamped, having prefelt with me in this, be encouraged! viously made over the boat to two creThou standest not in or by thine own ditors for £20. It immediately appeared faith, but in the faith of Him. "O thou that the stamped receipt which K. held of little faith, wherefore didst thou was of a date posterior to that of the doubt ?" Thou hast not faith to walk transaction by which the boat had been upon the water, but thou canst not sink made over to the creditors. Here was a to the bottom. Remember, that though trial for faith. Where was the £20 to thou believest not, "yet He abideth come from? And yet, without that, faithful; He cannot deny Himself." how could the boat be saved? And Thou changest perhaps daily, but He is would not the whole £36 be lost too? "the same yesterday, to-day, and for The poor fisherman felt that all these ever." He says, "I am the Lord, I things were against him. His hope change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob from man's efforts was apparently cut are not consumed." This trial of thy off; but he had a Friend on high-one faith is necessary, and for thy good, or who sticketh closer than a brother-one it would never have been permitted. It who directeth everything in the love of is to lead thee from self and all created His heart, and by the power of His support, in order that thou mayest cry hand. To the well-known mercy-seat aloud to the Lord in thy trouble, and did K. in his extremity betake himself. then He will gather to Himself great Fervent and repeated were the prayers glory by saving thee out of all thy dis- which he sobbed out. That night, as tresses. Rejoice, then, tried one, in this | K. himself relates, he was in and out of

bed till morning in an agony of prayer. | position affairs had taken. Upon arrivHe would find relief on his knees; but ing at the office, one of the creditors anxious and perplexing thoughts would taking a chair, said, "This is for my fill his breast upon entering his bed friend K. We do not want to hurt him. again. Were these prayers unheard, We have got a good dinner for him to unaccepted, unanswered? Oh, no! eat, and a good bed for him to lie on; They were answered; for, "it shall come nor do we want the assistance of any to pass, before they call I will answer; lawyers. We can settle all this matter and while they are yet speaking, I will by our own selves." The lawyer rehear." Let us stand still and see the turned to Brighton, declaring that he salvation that God wrought for this poor could make nothing of it at all; but that faith-tried man. it seemed quite evident that they were all friends together, and had no need of his assistance. And so it is ever the same. The world cannot comprehend the invisible tie that binds Christians together; it is all foolishness to them.

other," was the remark made 1800 years ago; and it is the same that is made at the present day. They see it, but they cannot sympathize with it, or understand it..

The next day K. proceeded to Eastbourne with a lawyer, who kindly consented to act for him, and see what could be done. In the train again K. was in tears, inwardly begging the Lord to appear for him, to make his way clear" See how these Christians love one anbefore him, and give him favour in the eyes of the creditors. Arrived at their destination, they proceeded to the beach; and there was the boat ticketed for sale in the hands of the bailiffs. The two creditors happened to be standing by As for K., he was taken home to the the boat. They were very respectable house of one of the creditors. The persons, and quite unknown to K. They claim upon the boat was at once, given found out his business, and upon receiv- up, and he himself restored to full posing an affirmative answer to their inquiry session. Warm offers were made to as to whether the boat was his, they advance any money that he might need, proposed retiring to the office to talk and to fit out the boat for him; but the matter over. On their way thither these the grateful and happy fisherman K. thus audibly gave expression to his could not accept. But after partaking feelings-"This is a very bad job for of refreshment, they all sat down togeme, but I trust that the Lord knows all ther with the family; the Word was read, about it." Few words indeed, and sim- and prayer offered, and a season of reple; but see what an effect they have freshing experienced which will be forproduced upon the creditors! A warmth gotten by none who were present. There and friendliness is added to the courtesy were no dry eyes. K. cannot now tell which had previously marked their man- what was felt by all; it must be left to ners. Whence that sudden cordiality those who have experienced such mowith, and interest in, the poor fisher-ments to realize the felt presence and man? Ah! the two creditors were sons preciousness of Christ in their midst, of God-sons of the same Father with which each of that small party enjoyed: poor K., heirs of the same promises, and as also their union with Him and one joint-heirs with the same blessed Saviour. another. All were humbled in the As K. afterwards well said, "Instead of dust, and none would have wished one falling, as I expected, among lions, I event altered in that chain of circumfell among lambs." The subject of their stances which had thus brought them conversation now changed; but it was together, and which all knew had been evidently one of far more engrossing in- ordered by their all-wise and loving terest. To the whispered communica- Jehovah. It was only after keeping K. tions of his lawyer not to talk so much, several days, and making him sleep in and perhaps spoil the whole business, the bed that the minister had lately K. replied, "All right, Sir; I sha'nt occupied when on a visit, that the two spoil matters. We are not talking about creditors allowed him to depart in peace the things you suppose. They are with his boat. brothers of mine." The lawyer remained silent; he could not understand the new

It was thus that the Lord, in the most unlikely manner, wrought out a deliver

ance for His servant out of his distresses | what a God is our God! In His wisdom when he cried unto him-"The righteous and wonderful foresight, He brings His shall see it and rejoice." And so it was dear children into positions-trialsin this instance; for when, in a touching sorrows; hedges up their way; affords letter, K. wrote to his friends in Brighton, them for the time being not the slightest. to tell of the goodness of the Lord, and semblance of deliverance. All is blank. his own remarkable deliverance from his All is perfectly dark. Destruction seems threatening troubles, there was great inevitable. Then by grace divine, and rejoicing, and the words, "It is the by the precious power of the Holy Lord!" were in every heart and on every Ghost put forth in the soul, "they cry lip. Let us praise the Lord and take unto the Lord in their trouble, and He courage, for our God is at hand, and not helpeth them out of their distresses;" afar off, and will appear for the succour and well indeed may we add, "Oh that of all those who trust in Him. "Whoso men would praise the Lord for His is wise, and will observe these things, goodness, and for His wonderful works even they shall understand the loving to the children of men." kindness of the Lord" (Ps. cvii. 43). Brighton. T. B. L.

[Reader, if you could refrain from mingling your tears with that precious weeping group, it is more than one we know could do. "Not tears of sorrow, but of joy," as a blessed woman once said to us on the beach at Dover. Oh,

Why, that poor fisherman, with his £20 deliverance, was a far happier and richer man than multitudes with their tens of thousands. We were never less disposed to envy the rich than now. Oh, how much they lose of the good hand of God, as seen in the daily remembrances and gracious and all-bountiful supplies of His poor and needy ones.-ED.]


Can a

THE foregoing subject, beloved, has | in comparison with our God? lately opened to us in this way. Who woman forget her sucking child, that she lives nearest the mother? The babe. should not have compassion upon the From whence its supplies? From the son of her womb? Yea, they may forbreast-warm, and fresh, and nutritious. get; yet will I not forget thee. Thou What prompts the mother to impart? art graven upon the palms of my hands; The cry, the look, the turning to the yea, thy walls are continually before me. breast with that significance of expres- Depend on it, that he who carries merely sion which only a mother understands. his hand-basket, and gets his supply What a tie! what a bond! what a one- from on high just as he from day to day ness of life! The babe and mother one! needs, knows what the warmth, and And then how sweet its repose! How freshness, and nutritiousness of the supfree from care! perhaps the faint relic ply is; whence it comes; what its of the sob or sigh, as it slumbers upon effects; how great the blessedness of the bosom after participation; and what having at hand a bountiful Benefactor, a yearning of heart does that very sigh Friend, and Portion! God all-sufficient! produce! How intense that mother's-nigh at hand, and not afar off" a emotion! Beloved, what's that mother very present help in trouble."-EDITOR.

As long as there is fuel in the heart for a temptation, we cannot be secure. He that has gunpowder about him, had need keep far enough off from sparks; he that is either tender of his credit abroad, or comfort at home, had need

shun the very shadow of sin; and he that would neither wound conscience or credit, God or the gospel, had need hate the garments spotted with the flesh.Brooks.





"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."—Psa. xvi. 11.

THIS is the first psalm which has the title of Michtam, or golden, as you read in the margin, and signifies the glory to be revealed, which was revealed in Christ, and is to be revealed in us; or Michtam means engraved, written indelibly, so as to be had in everlasting remembrance. Peter quotes the verse before the text, and the text, upon the day of Pentecost, as fulfilled in the death and resurrection of our Lord; and Paul quotes the verse before in his wonderful sermon at Antioch, as fulfilled at the same blessed event-indeed the whole psalm is applicable to Him, and only applicable to His people, or to David and all saints, because they are Christ's. Yet not all, only in part; for no man called of God the Holy Ghost can take upon himself to say verse the fourth, and verse the tenth. Every child of God feels he cannot adopt every saying in the Word as his; he must say this is Christ's, and that is His, and Christ's alone; to Him it belongs; in Him it is fulfilled but this is written for my learning, and my reproof, and that is written for my comfort, and my faith. However, we may to-night, without doubt or contradiction, take this text as ours, and plead it in our prayers, though Peter saith it belongs to Jesus; but He said, "You shall drink indeed of the cup which I drink of, and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with;" yea, you shall enter into the joy of your Lord. Therefore, let us first understand by the Spirit, the path of life; secondly, the fulness of joy; and thirdly, the pleasures for evermore.


1st. We know all men walk in paths of sin, error, and darkness; in the way of the world, the flesh, and of death. "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way." They make to themselves crooked paths; they walk on in dark"there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death." One thinks he shall


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be saved because he never did any harm; another walks in a profession of religion, and believes he is safe; a third builds on his duties, and thanks God he is not so bad as others; some rely on their gifts, for they have done many wonderful works, and preached in Christ's name : Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks; walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow" (Isa. 1. 11). It is the work of the Holy Spirit to convince us of our sin; not only convict us by the aw, but convince us in our conscience by the gospel, that we are out of the right way; that if we trust to our name, sect, privileges, talents, experience, knowledge, ancestors, or anything of ourselves, we shall be deceived at last. Therefore, he led them forth by the right way, after he had led them out of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage-after he had redeemed them from the hand of the enemy, and gathered them cut of the lands; and they had wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way, and found no city to dwell in-hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses;" and he showed them Jesus, the way, and the truth, and the life; for, saith our Lord, "he shall receive of mine and show it unto you." The poor sinner finds Jesus is the way of faith, and believes on him; the way of truth, and receives him; and the way of life, and lives upon him. "Thou wilt shew me the path of life"-this is the Lord's work. You remember the woman who cried after Paul and Timothy, "These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation." So they did, and pointed, like the Baptist, to Jesus, saying, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Nevertheless, no

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