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irritation or agony, "What is truth? Is there any such thing as revealed truth?" Thus we involve ourselves in darkness. We forget that we have no business, in fact, no capacity, to argue with God. We forget that we are not only finite but fallen creatures; and that as far as the heavens are from the earth, so high are God's thoughts above our thoughts.

Rebellious and unconverted man denies this. He will contend that he is quite fit to be a judge in the matter. Poor converted man is often led into the snare, and hence many of his seasons of darkness. Oh, brethren, for more of the mind of a little child to trust the God of the Bible; and whilst we exercise our understandings to see that these things are so, that we may be enabled to bow down before Him in acknowledgment of our feebleness and ignorance.

iii. A third cause of darkness is wilful sin. Let me not hesitate to assert it. The man that is living in sin (I mean the sin against which conscience is raising her accusing voice, and which the man refuses to part with) must necessarily be in darkness.

phemers who have held, that, no matter what their sins, as Christ had blotted them all out, it would be only adding sin to sin to doubt or fear. Shocking, awful, monstrous self-deception! Satanic deception! The man that is not in darkness after deliberate sin, is of all creatures out of hell in the most perilous and hopeless condition.

So much for the causes, now for the uses of darkness.

2. Uses. It is for the soul's good. I question whether we should ever pray, were it not for darkness. God purposely keeps His creatures dependent on Him. We are naturally prone to confidence and independence; but when we experience darkness, we are compelled to call upon the Lord.

Again. Darkness makes us appreciate light the more; just as sickness, health-hunger, plenty-cold, heat.

III. Conclusion. It is impossible for any pardoned sinner to journey to Zion without occasional doubts. No man can fight the world, the flesh, and the devil, without passing through much darkness. Besides, we walk by faith and not by sight. But God in His mercy has provided us with means to dispel darkness If he were in any other state, i.e., if-prayer, praise, ordinances. The very he were without doubts, he would be praises of others have often dispelled a indeed an example of the most mon- cloud. strous delusion. I have heard of blas

ren creature.


Mary. I hardly know at times what George. Say what you will, Mary, I am; such a poor, dead, lifeless, bar-I believe Paul and you belong to one You don't know how bad family; and that were he here now, he I am; such evils arising within at times. would not be ashamed to own you as his George. But, notwithstanding, Mary, sister. I perceive you are of noble birth; you may say of that blessed champion of the truth, Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles, "He is my brother."

Mary.-Oh, don't say so, George; what! compare me to Paul, who was at one time caught up into the third heaven, and who could say, "Be ye followers of me, even as I am also of Christ ?" Compare me to such a blessed holy man of God as that? why, I am sometimes ready to think I am nothing but a hypocrite, a deceived person; and, perhaps, you would think so too, could you look into my heart.

Mary.-Oh, I wish it were so; but oh, what am I?" a dead log!"

George.-Well, there now, you talk exactly alike; for your brother Paul says, "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" this dead log which I am continually dragging about with me. Come now, can't you see yourself that there is some likeness?

Mary.-It is true that is my language very, very often; but still I am afraid to claim relationship, for see how he rises above himself directly, and with what glorious triumphant language he

ends that next chapter, the 8th of Romans. Oh, were I sure I belonged to that family concerning whom those blessed truths are spoken, I should be as happy as an angel; but is it possible that such a poor, weak, vile, black worm as I am, can belong to such a family?

George.-Yes, Mary, it is; for none but living souls, that is, souls to whom Jesus has given life, can join Paul in the language he uses in the 7th of Romans. Paul was a living, spiritual man when he uttered those words contained in it; and all who can from the heart sincerely join him, are born of God, and possess the same spiritual life as he did, and therefore they may with Peter say, "Our beloved brother Paul."

Mary. But I can't go on and say as much as he did.

George. But don't you know what it is to be as it were out of the body sometimes? Does not the Sun of Righteousness sometimes cast a bright beam into your soul, perhaps, at a time you least expected it? And are you not then able to rejoice and triumph in Him?

Mary. I trust that has been the case at times; but then those seasons were so short, and when they were over I began to fear it was all a delusion.

George.-But, Mary, what do you long for most after such visits? Do you want to go into the world to find your happiness?

Mary.-Oh no, George; I don't want to go into the world for happiness; I want Him to come again. My language is, "O visit me with thy salvation." There is nothing in earth or heaven that will satisfy me but Himself.

"His presence disperses my gloom,

And causes all within me to rejoice." George. And so you are then, Mary, a sister of that blessed man, John Newton, too.

Mary.-The Lord grant that I may realize it.

George. So you will in due time. That is a precious passage in 1st of Peter. Just read it-begin at “knowing," in the 9th verse.

Mary.-"Knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your bre thren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."

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George. Now, Mary, when the Lord does that latter part for you, then you will be able to realize that you are included in the "all" our beloved brother Paul speaks of in the 8th Romans, 32nd verse, who are all one in Christ Jesus. Did you ever think over the blessed state that that "all"-the elect, God's family-are in, and have been in from all eternity, as described in the 30th verse of the 8th of Romans? Why, it is plain from that verse that they were, in the Divine purpose, called from all eternity, justified from all eternity, glorified from all eternity; and I have been thinking since I read dear Mr. Maude's pieces "On Union with Christ," that they are righteous in three ways, and that they are as holy now as they ever will be. Mary. Can it be true, George?

George. Yes, I believe it is; and I believe I can prove it, too: but I must leave that now till we have a little more time, for you know that while we are in the world we must fulfil the duties of our station. May we and all the dear brethren, especially those dear ones with whom we are connected, have that prayer of our beloved brother, Paul, in Eph. i. 17, and following verses, answered in our own experience, then will those precious truths which, by the grace of God, we may be able to talk over, be the very joy and rejoicing of our hearts.



THE man whose eyes are enlightened, and to whom it is given to see the depravity of human nature, confesses, The more I converse with mankind,

the more I perceive the Scriptures to be true, and that man is not a bit better than the Word of God represents him to be."-Romaine.


How different is the Lord's teaching to man's: the teaching and learning of man, without the grace of God, "Puffeth up; ;" but that of the Lord is, "He bringeth low, before He lifteth up" (1 Sam. ii. 7); and in spiritual things, man begins where the Lord ends. Those whom the Lord begins with, they begin in sorrow, but end in joy; when man begins, it is with joy, and will be sure to end in sorrow either way. If left to live and die without a better righteousness than his own, his will be a sorrowful end; but if a better righteousness is given him, that sorrow will begin which will end in joy. He will then know the truth of the Psalmist, "The Lord upholdeth all that fall." There is something very striking in the words, it seems when a person has fallen, it is then too late to uphold them, because they are down, but want holding up while standing, to prevent falling: this is a natural thought upon the words. But there is something to my mind very sweet and blessed in the Lord's meaning, and if the Holy Spirit, the only Teacher, enable me to write a little of that sweetness, I will do so, and hope it may also be blessed to others of the Lord's family.

There are two sorts of falling: those who are said to fall away (Heb. vi. 6), and fall to rise no more (Jer. xxv. 27), and those whom the Lord "upholdeth," who fall, but rise again (Prov. xxiv. 16). The one class are the children of God, the other, though called so, do not belong to Him, but each may know of which class they belong to, from the Word of God; whether they have ever yet fell, but have been upheld by the mercy of God from living in sin, when they have fallen into it; or have fallen, but are left where they fell, and if not brought out, do not belong to God.

There is also a three-fold view of the fall of a child of God: his fall in Adam (Gen. iii. 6); his fall by the law of God when made alive (Rom. vii. 9); and often falling by the power of sin (Hos. xiv. 1).

In the fall of Adam, there are some who lay all the fault upon the Lord, and

say, "If He knew that man would fall, and bring death and misery upon all the human race, why did He permit it?" thereby making God the author of sin. It is certain man was permitted to fall, but that was his own act: and here Í have often wondered at the advocates of free-will to uphold it, when Adam, a perfect example, could not stand when left. If the will of man, when without sin, and perfect from the hands of his Creator, fell from a state of moral perfection and strength, where then is now the will of man towards God, when he is born in sin and death? Alas! it is lost. I find the sad truth within; I have no will God-ward and heaven-ward, till it is given me. But man gained far more by the fall than he lost. It is asked, In what way? In this, Salvation now is not in the hand of man, but is of the Lord (Ps. xxxvii. 39); and all the elect will be saved by grace: whereas, if salvation was in their own doings, there would not be so many saved as will be. And man has also gained in this respect, having caused his own misery, he is now an object of mercy; and if there had been no misery, there could have been no display of mercy. There are some who will have it, that if some are to be saved, all will be: I cannot find this doctrine in the Bible; though a child of God, his worst wish is, If it were the Lord's will He would have all saved. But the Lord has clearly made known in His Word His will, that all His people, His chosen, and elected in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. i. 4), are the people, that are saved, and their fall in Adam did not alter the purpose of Jehovah, which was, to save all those whom He had fixed upon in eternity. Thus, all the elect were upheld in Christ when they fell in Adam, and the "Lord upheld all them," though they fell.

The second view of the fall of a child of God. When the law enters his heart, then he feels the truth of that word,

When the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." Though in reality now made alive, but did not feel this

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"And though they fall, suppose ten times a day, Perhaps it is to make them ten times pray." I have proved the truth of those words many times, when the Lord hath left me to fall (not outwardly, but inwardly). A Christian has more falls inwardly than outwardly; the Lord keeps him from open sins, but allows him to be overcome by secret sins; and what for? that he may live in sin? God forbid! But that sin may be his plague, and cause him to cry to God against it, and prevent him from either living in, or loving the sins he feels, which makes him to " groan, being burdened” (Rom. vii.

23, 24).

before, because dead, and sin reigned" falls of a child of God. The question is (Rom. v. 20). But now it is life that not, Does he fall? but, Does he rise discovers death, and light that discovers again? Nevertheless, the falling character darkness. Now he feels the fall: not can sing, when "upheld by the Lord," only fallen in Adam, but that fall has "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy, come home to him, and he feels it in when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in himself; and now, though he falls, "he darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto shall not be utterly cast down." Why? me (Micah vii. 8). The poet very "For the Lord upholdeth him with His sweetly sayshand" (Ps. xxxvii. 24). And there is a sweet and blessed passage, recorded in Luke ii. 34. Simeon, speaking of Christ, says, "Behold this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel." What a mercy this, that though "his fall was appointed, so was his salvation," and though he lost all in Adam, in Christ he is a winner, "being made willing in the day of God's power (Ps. cx. 3). Now his mind is to do the will of God, and to be led by His Spirit. But I must come to the third view of the fall; often falling by the power of sin. This is the battle, the warfare (Gal. v. 17), the inward conflict, the in-and-out path of tribulation and trial (Eph. vi. 12) | with the enemy of souls. The love of Christ first made known to the soul produces "joy unspeakable;" and this espousing time is so sweet, that the soul thinks always to enjoy this, and " goes on his way rejoicing," till met by some temptation and trial, and is overcome, which droops his joy. But being "ignorant of Satan's devices," still proceeds, and meeting with many falls, he finds he wants armour (Eph. vi. 13), and also grace and strength, for he feels his And Satan cheat the Holy Ghost?" own strength to be "perfect weakness." And not only that, but the power and yet such is the belief and doctrine of strength of his lusts, sins, and tempta- some men; I thank the Lord that He tions, which cause him to cry "mightily hath kept me out of such a soul-destroyto God to be "kept from falling;" ing doctrine, and I believe He will keep for now, being made to stand, he feels he all His children out of it; for the proshall fall, and not—as say those who are mise of Christ to His Church, just before strangers to a work of grace, and the His departure, is concerning the Holy inward conflict-that a person may live Comforter, "I will send Him unto you" careless. A feeling of sin, and a fear of (John xvi. 7-13), and then what? let falling. There is no "high-mindedness "them be led away into error? No. "He there, but a fearing of that those who feel they shall fall, is a proof they stand, for


"That man can't fall that never stood!
He still lies in the fall;

And those who never felt their sins,
They never stood at all."
Those who never stood know nothing
of the many (and sometimes grievous)

I have a few words to say on final falling away, and the faithfulness of the Lord to His own covenant oath and promise in Christ, that those whom the Father gave to His Son, of them Christ says, "They are mine, thou gavest them me (John xvii. 6), and them I have kept, and the Holy Ghost takes pos session of them, and seals them heirs of heaven. And then be lost?—


"Shall any child of God be lost,

will guide you into all truth," which is a blessed promise of guidance, and is fulfilled in every child of God.

There are many of the Lord's children feel and fear falling away, but there is no ground for it. I never doubt the love of God to His dear Son, and the love of Christ to His people, for whom he laid down His life, and that salvation is cer

tain to those for whom Christ died; yet I often doubt my interest in His love, and doubt whether I am one of His, and I dare say there are many other dear souls in the same place, but here is an evidence

"There never was a soul but was a winner, That cried to God, a poor self-emptied sinner,

And trusted Christ the Lamb."

The soul with this cry can never be lost, for it comes from the Lord, and to Him it returns, and what the Lord is the author of, He will also carry on and finish. If He gives grace, He will give glory also.

But there never was a child of God lost, and never will be; while some may have the form, or a name to live, but are dead; of such there are many, and always will be. A child of God is a member of the mystical body of Christ, of which He is the head, both of which make one body. Is it possible, then, for any (if one) member of this body to be in hell, and the head in heaven? impossible! or, how can it be a perfect body if any one member is missing? but the body is complete in Christ, the head.

"But fall to hell, no, never, never one, If they go there, then so may God the Son;

For head and members must then dwell together,

Christ from His people, hell and earth can't sever."

What a mercy it is, it is not yea and nay, as some say; but yea and amen in Christ Jesus. But do these precious truths cause listlessness of soul? no, it is for want of them, they are the spring to zealousness. There is one or two blessed truths of the Lord's upholding care, and then I must finish. The cry of the soul will be that of the man of God, "Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live" (Ps. cxix.116). And what is the Lord's answer? "Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness' (Isa. xli. 10; Ps. xxxvii. 17).

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The Lord never forfeited His word yet, and never will, and has never failed to do what He has pledged Himself to do, and it is a mercy He has said, "I change not," "with Him there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" (James i. 17). May the Lord bless, if it be His will, the few broken truths I have written, to His church's good and His own glory; and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all them who love Him, is the prayer of


"Never man spake like this man."—John vii. 46.

How sweet the words of Jesus sound
In every mourner's ear!
With streams of comfort they abound,
His drooping soul to cheer.

From anxious cares they set us free,

And heal the wounds of sin; Like oil upon the troubled sea, They calm the storm within.

The music of that Shepherd's voice
The sheep delight to hear;

It makes their trembling hearts rejoice,
And drives away their fear.

For peace from every accent flows; Peace was His great bequestHis "dying legacy" to those

Who on His bosom rest.*

S. S.

Though grief attends us day by day
As we on earth sojourn,
While He talks with us by the way
Our hearts within us burn.

We still would linger by His side,
Like Mary at His feet;
With Him we ever would abide,
And hear His words so sweet.


Mankind are like sheep grazing on a | another; while the rest feed on, unconcommon: the butcher comes continually, cerned, until he comes for the last.and fetches one away, and another, and Herne.

* John xiv. 27, and xvi. 33.

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