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that. God's revelations of Himself are | of Jesus, that none of you might deceive not accommodated to the character or yourselves as to your interest in Him capacity of natural minds-His secrets who is "holy, harmless, undefiled, and are for them that fear Him, that hope separate from sinners, " and mistake in His name; and they are such as He a mere assent to the doctrines of the teaches by His Spirit as well as His gospel for a genuine, Spirit-taught, selfWord none others can see, hear, or denying faith in Jesus. I have told you understand. God's sovereign grace in that salvation from wrath must include the Lord Jesus Christ is a mystery, salvation from sin, which cannot have which neither Satan nor those under dominion over those, in any sense, who his influence are prepared to receive. are under the power of God's electing Satan told his dupes, long ago, that if grace. they received his doctrine they should Many other collateral and subordinate be as God, knowing good and evil. subjects of praise and thanksgiving will Millions of professing Christians are of occur to you, my dear people, arising his school, and deify their own under- out of our condition, individually, dostandings. God, therefore, has provided mestically, socially, and spiritually conthat His chosen ones should become sidered, in the course of the past year. fools in their own esteem, that they I feel, as your pastor, that I have much, may be wise in Christ-that is, in very much, to thank my divine Master Christ's wisdom conferred upon them for in that relation, not to speak of other as God's free gift, provided for those and abounding mercies vouchsafed to who have none of their own. Blessed me in my individual and social position. be the God and Father of our Lord For not a few of these I have to acJesus, who abounds to His people in all knowledge my obligation to you, my spiritual gifts in and through His be- dear friends, as instruments of comfort loved Son. In the Gospel scheme, God and encouragement to me in my labours. -Father, Son, and Holy Ghost-is Your regular attendance at the house of revealed as a giver. He gave a Saviour; God-your devotional demeanour there He gave forgiveness; He gave regenera--your marked attention to the reading tion or the new birth; He gave sanctifi- and preaching of the Word, and the cation; He gave life, eternal life; He large average attendance at the Lord's gave victory over the grave; He gave table, afford me no little satisfaction resurrection; He gave adoption; He whilst your ready and cordial co-operagave an everlasting inheritance; He tion with me in any plans which I have gave all when He gave Christ. There- proposed for the advantage of our church fore His people are said to be saved-and its services, fill me with gratitude pardoned-born again-made saints to Him who has drawn out your kind heirs of life-conquerors over death-sympathies in my favour, and inclined sons of God, and joint-heirs with Christ. you to give me your confidence and Now, my friends, this is what I have support.

preached to you; and, God be thanked, I cannot help, also, referring with I feel that I have not preached in vain. pleasure to the kindly and Christian The glorious intelligence of uncon-intercourse which I have enjoyed with ditioned mercy and grace has reached you in my visits to your houses, and on the ears of not a few, whose hearts other occasions apart from the services "the Lord opened" to recognize experi- of the sanctuary. I have the happiness mentally its saving truth. I have told you again and again that my business was to deliver to you a message-simply to this effect, that "God hath visited and redeemed His people." Of course I felt it my duty to tell you all about the two parties here referred to, which the Scriptures of truth enabled me to hold up the attributes of God for your admiration, and to describe the feelings, life, and conversation of the followers

of looking back on such intercourse without the remembrance of one jarring incident or word to interrupt the sacred harmony of the relation between pastor and people. I have ever been received by you with genuine welcome; and the solemn subjects which I considered it my privilege to introduce to your attention, on such occasions, have been listened to with attention and respect. Some among you, I know, have felt it

difficult to follow me, in my pulpit min- | pear to depart from the ordinary way of istrations, to the conclusions which I representing gospel truth. I believe, felt constrained to arrive at from the however, that nothing but this view will teaching of Scripture, and to announce sustain the doctrine of God's sovereign to you; and regarding these you have interference for the salvation of guilty sought information on such occasions. and helpless man. But I will bear you witness, my dear friends, that you have never adopted the language of cavilling or dictation. You have inquired, and sometimes reasoned: to that I could not possibly object; but I have never felt hurt by your reproof, or offended by an unbecoming tone. You felt, I am assured, that however new or startling my way of setting forth gospel truths might be, I was entitled to the credit of a conscientious desire to honour my heavenly Master, whose commission I bear, and to benefit those entrusted to my charge. I thank you, my friends, for your favourable judgment, and the kind consideration with which you have regarded what you must have considered my extreme views. I rejoice to know that my heavenly Father has already blessed to several of you this wise and Christian course, by revealing to you those great truths which at first you were led to question.


In reference to our Church Services, I have in the course of the year ventured to introduce into the pews of our church a few printed hints for the becoming and profitable participation in those services by the members of the congregation. May I ask your serious attention to those hints.? They refer to early attendance, audible repetition of the responses, united praise or congregational participation in the psalmody, seriousness of deportment, recognition of mutual claims to kindness and consideration; and last, but not least, prayer for your minister. I feel assured that much of the edification to be expected from the public ordinances of the sanctuary is involved in hearty cooperation with the minister, on the part of those among whom he labours. How much blessing may we not expect upon pastor and people who are of one mind in the Lord; and how becomingly may this be manifested by such means as these hints suggest.

Allow me, my beloved people, to encourage you to persevere in this course. I ask your entire confidence. If there Among my subjects of thankfulness, should appear to you aught in my treat- I cannot help referring to certain happy ment of God's Word that is unsound, indications of a growing friendly acstrange, or contradictory, seek an occa-quaintance and intercourse among the sion to converse with me on the subject. members of the congregation. We We shall then "search the Scriptures meet as Christians and fellow-worin reference to it, and pray over it, and shippers in the same church, under the I doubt not that, to minds really willing same ministry: all professing to be and ready to be taught, God the Spirit nothing but guilty sinners, believing in will reveal even the deep things of God. the one only way of salvation through I think I may say, with all sincerity, that the one Saviour Jesus Christ, and lookI desire to know nothing among you ing for His coming and kingdom as our 'save Jesus Christ and Him crucified;" only hope and expectation. We employ but the more I believe this to be the the same petitions for ourselves and Alpha and Omega of all revealed truth, those worshipping with us: we sing the more decidedly will I protest against together in the same strain. We should all doctrines of creature co-operation in walk together in the house of God as the accomplished work of redemption. friends. We have our various ranks and I will proclaim what God has done for walks outside the church, and I for one His eternally chosen people, not what would not disturb them; but within we He perhaps will do on certain conditions, should feel identified with each other, still less what they are to do that they acknowledging our Christian fellowship may be saved. The Bible tells us of as the strongest and most constraining nothing but a finished redemption, and tie that can bind human beings together. in God's sight a completed church or I shall rejoice to see the power of the outgathering of redeemed sinners; and gospel of Jesus more and more maniwith this in view, I may sometimes ap-fested among you by the removal of that

frigidity and exclusiveness which are more suited to the cold and calculating atmosphere of the world than in a Christian assembly, in which the gospel of truth shines, it is hoped, with softening and sanctifying influence.

May I remind those with whom the Lord has dealt bountifully in earthly things, that God's poor are amongst them, inviting in His name the expression of gratitude for spiritual blessings and opportunities enjoyed? I shall be glad to find our thank-offering boxes, like spiritual thermometers, indicating a high religious temperature within the walls of our little Zion. If we have received anything from gospel preaching, it must assume the shape of a desire to act in the spirit of the gospel.

Lastly, my dear people, allow me to urge upon you who know the way to the mercy seat, and the blessedness of being often there, the importance of bearing our church and its ministrations frequently on your hearts before God. Ask Him,

(1.) To pour out on us, as a congregation, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, that we may pray in the Spirit, and not be guilty of the mockery of merely hearing and repeating prayers. (2.) To make us joyful in the Lord, that we may be ready to come before His presence with thanksgiving, and to make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms.

(3.) To give us the hearing ear, that when His gospel is preached to us, He may be present to heal our spiritual diseases, and to sanctify us to Himself by His truth.

(4.) To make us doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving our own selves.

(5.) To transform us, by the renewing of our minds into the image of Him who was made like unto His people, that they might grow up unto Him in all things, so that the world might take knowledge of us, from our speech and deportment, that we are His.

Cold prayers are like arrows without heads, swords without edges, birds without wings; they pierce not, they cut not, they fly not up to heaven. Those prayers

(6.) To enable us to put on Christ, so that in our various walks in life, and especially in our domestic circles, we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things, and exemplify the power of His grace in our souls.

(7.) To separate us from an ungodly world, so that we may feel, though in it, yet not of it: though occasionally partaking of its business, its toils, its troubles, our affections are not set on it, but on things above, where our beloved Shepherd and Friend sits at the right hand of God, from whence He will come to receive us to Himself, that where He is we may be also.

Finally, my brethren, let me solemnly intreat you to ask our covenant Jehovah,

(8.) To open the mouth of your pastor, that he may proclaim the gospel of the grace of God boldly, faithfully, fully: fearing neither to inflict pain, nor to incur displeasure; preaching not himself, but Christ Jesus his Lord; giving to all his hearers a portion of meat in due season; not despising the babes in Christ, nor forgetting to feed them with the milk convenient for them, and not shrinking from the supply of strong meat to those of full age. Thus shall you draw down blessings on your own souls, while remembering the spiritual necessities and perils of him who can only feed His flock with the provision that comes to him from above, and according to the ability which the Holy Ghost vouchsafes to him in the work which He has given him to do.

My heart's desire and prayer for you, beloved friends, is, that God may abundantly bless you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ; and that when all earthly ministrations have come to an end, you may be my glory and joy in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming.

Your affectionate pastor,
St. Mary-le-Port, Bristol,
New Year's Day, 1859.

that have no heavenly fire in them always freeze before they reach as high as heaven; but fervent prayer is very prevalent with God.-Brooks.




"Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire."-Zech. iii. 2.

BELOVED friends, I have been privileged this soul-animating circumstance. It is during the past week to walk up and now just twelve months ago since I paid down your clean and pretty village with you a visit; and what did I find then? your esteemed pastor. I have also I found you like a flock without a shepranged over your wild and charming herd; your little hallowed church was Wiltshire downs; but nothing that I becoming deserted, because the people have seen or heard has gratified me like would not have a yea-and-nay gospel: the fact that now presents itself to my ye were hanging your heads down like notice, namely, that nine immortal souls bulrushes, and exclaiming, "The Lord have been plucked as brands from the has forgotten to be gracious "—when burning; and by joining themselves in he caused the poor worm who now adChristian fellowship with you, have de- dresses you to agonize in prayer on your clared themselves to be on the Lord's behalf, that the Lord would send you a side. Oh, think of it, beloved! nine pastor after His own heart, who should immortal souls plucked as brands from feed you with living bread. Never shall the burning! God be praised for this I forget that night season, when during nine-stamped seal to my brother's minis- those hours of darkness the Lord distry in so short a time. Listen, O Satan, tinctly bade me send for him who now is thou arch enemy of the immortal soul, your esteemed pastor. When the family who goest about like a roaring lion, with whom I was staying had assembled seeking whom thou mayst devour, listen around the breakfast table the next to this gracious fact, and slink before it morning, and I announced to them my back again into thy black haunts--nine firm belief that the Lord had got a shepimmortal souls plucked as brands from herd in store for them, one feeling of thy foul embrace, never, no never, to re-joy seemed to pervade; the downcast turn! Listen, O earth, thou that dost | heads were lifted up, and the unbelievroll to and fro, drunk with her sin and ing hearts were led to rejoice. And was vanity-nine immortal souls plucked I wrong? was the Lord deceiving me? from thy false and delusive enchantments, never, no never, to return to thy soul-ensnaring and destroying power! Listen, O angelic spirits, ye who wait and long with holy joy for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of Zion, if there be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, methinks there must have been a concert of praise there, when this little band of believers in Jesus came forward to testify to the fact that they were brands plucked out of the fire. Precious Jesus! it is all thine own doing. "Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

My hearers, I am overwhelmed when I think of the facts in connexion with

Oh no, blessed be his holy name, the fact now before us proves that it is all His work; for here is your little church filled to excess, and nine immortal souls declaring that they are brands plucked out of the fire.

And now let us turn with feelings of joy and gratitude to notice the occasion which gave rise to the blessed assertion before us, "Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire ?" I need not tell you that various were the means used by Jehovah to reveal to His prophets and servants of old the great fact of the coming of the Messiah, and the purpose of His mission upon earth. Sometimes it was by means of types and shadows; at other times by the Urim and Thum

*This discourse was never intended for publication, but we have thrown together the outlines thereof, as far as our memory has served us, at the earnest request of several readers of the "Gospel Magazine."


2ndly. Joshua's change-"take away the filthy garments-I will clothe thee with change of raiment."


3rdly. The cause- "the Lord hath chosen Jerusalem - precious, sovereign, electing love.

4thly. The charge-"if thou wilt walk in my ways, &c., I will give thee places to walk in." And,

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mim. Again it was by prophecies and promises; and furthermore by dreams and visions. It was in this latter way that He revealed the glorious fact to the prophet Zechariah; yea, it was by a series of visions, all pointing to a precious Christ. In the first vision, the prophet says, "I saw in the night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse; and be stood among the myrtle trees." We can have no difficulty in arriving at the fact of who this man among the myrtle trees was, when he is described afterwards as "the angel of the covenant." His riding being indicative of His majesty, as well as His passing on in a certain course; and the red horse probably a token of the bleeding sacrifice. But again, in a second vision, Zechariah says, "I lifted up my eyes, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand. Then said I, Whither goest thou? And he said unto me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the length and breadth thereof." Ah! we have no difficulty in getting at who this man with a measuring line in his hand was, when, after measuring the length and breadth of Jerusalem, we are told to " Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord." And now, beloved, in a third vision-which vision is before us for contemplation-Zechariah saith, "And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments;" but the angel said, "Take away the filthy garments from him. Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment." And the angel protested unto Joshua, charging him to walk in the ways of the Lord, and finally describes him and his fellows "as men wondered at." Here, then, we have, beloved, five 2ndly. The change-the blessed transprominent points brought before us in formation-"Take away," said the angel, Zechariah's hallowed vision. the filthy garments from him. And the Spirit unfold them to our faith's unto him he said, behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment." And he said further, "Set a fair mitre

view and soul's profit.

1st. Joshua's conditionclothed in filthy garments."

5thly. The consequence-"ye and your fellows will be men wondered at.' 1st. Joshua's condition he was clothed in filthy garments; and herein is a type of the Church in an unregenerate state. And we cannot too strongly insist upon the doctrine of man's total ruin through the fall of Adam, his federal head; because if wrong here, we shall be wrong everywhere: and the fatal error of the day is attempting to deceive man upon this point, and making him out endued with great capabilities and powers; which, if properly trained and cultivated, will exalt him and bring him into a spiritual state. "What shall I cry ?" said the prophet of old; and the voice of the Lord said, Cry, "All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field." And again it is written, "Ye are born in sin and shapen in iniquity;" not able to think a good thought or perform a good action-"altogether vile:" and as Isaiah's faithful portrait of human nature expresses it, "From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is no soundness in it: but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores; and any attempt to mend the old nature will be a failure, from first to last it is old Adam still. Now it is probable that Joshua was not really seen by Zechariah in his vision, clothed with filthy rags; it may be that, as high priest, he had on his sacerdotal robe, studded with precious stones. But no matter, rags or robes are alike when the heart is unchanged; a surpliced sinner is a sinner still: man in an unregenerate state is clothed in the filthy garments of creature righteousness. But now mark,

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