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divine and spiritual subjects. Now Report of the Trustees of the Mission

this peculiar light and knowledge coneists essentially in holy love, or benevolence, which is the opposite of that moral depravity that blinds and darkens the minds of sinners. "Every one that loveth is born of God, and know eth God."

ary Society of Connecticut, to the General Association, June 1814. REV. FATHERS AND BRETHREN,

will from God, is preached with success. The efforts of God's people throughout Christendom, to send the word of life to the destitute, are increasing continually, while the Lord encourages their exertions by answering all their reasonable expectations.

WE are called to rejoice in the prosperity of Zion. Evidence is daily. brightening to show that Jehovah holds 4. The effect of the Holy Spirit in the interests of his church in special renewing the hearts of sinners consists remembrance. In the midst of the in holy affections. In this great work wars and confusion of nations, the glothere is no new natural faculty produc-rious gospel, publishing peace and good ed. There is no need, and there is no room, for the production of any new principle, relish, or taste, that is distinct from holy affections. "The fruit of the spirit is love." And the love of God is shed abroad in the hearts of saints by the Holy Spirit. Let the moral depravity of sinners be truly described, and it will be easily seen that the production of holy affections is all that the Holy Spirit does effect, or needs to effect in the hearts of sinners. Let holy love exist in the hearts of rational creatures, and they will have spiritual discernment and spiritual en-tributing to the support of missions, joyment.

The prosperity which continues to attend the missions conducted under your patronage, and by the charity of the people of this state, furnishes great occasion for gratitude and joy.

The unceasing and growing liberality of the people of this state, in con


you will gratefully acknowledge with Finally-We may mention the spe- us, and devoutly own the hand of him cial grace of God in renewing the whose are the gold and the silver with hearts of sinners. This is not remov- all the fulness of the earth. The ing a calamity, but removing criminal- amount of the contributions in May, ity. It is doing what sinners do not 1813, is $3275 90. The amount of deserve, nor desire; but oppose.- expenditures in prosecuting the busiAnd this is an act of special and sove-ness of missions, during that year, is reign grace. And it lays the subjects $5041 81. Thirty-four Missionaries of it under special obligations to serve were employed by your Trustees in and praise the author of their holiness the course of the year, and sent in vaand salvation. Hence the apostle rious directions, where it was supposPeter says to his Christian brethren-ed that the necessities of the people, "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal and the prospect of usefulness, called priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar for their labors; and about 600 weeks people; that ye should, shew forth of missionary service has been perthe praises of him, who hath called formed. No new field of missions you out of darkness into his marvel- has been occupied in the year past. lous light."-Con. Evan. Mag. The calls for an increase of laborers, in the fields already occupied by the Society, were too great to suffer much attention to other destitute regions.After "what,” at the bottom of page 179, Continual experience teaches the im read, “ is so. The intellectual faculties portance of attending to the societies of men have no moral quality. There already formed, and the churches oris therefore, no room for moral deprav-ganized, until they are able, by great ity in the human mind, but only in the" exertions, to help themselves. And


this they do with fidelity, wherever due attention has been paid to them by the Missionary Society.

fore them, feel the insufficiency of their number, and desire that more may come over to their help. Thousands implore assistance in vain because the ability of the Society is unequal to it.

tutions in the United States, although they have been much increased in a few years, furnished but a small proThe Missionaries have faithfully portion of that assistance to the destiand laboriously performed their tours tute which is seen to be necessary, of service. They have been frequent-and which is desired by the called to be with the sick and the Respecting the disposition of the peodying, as the epidemic, which has pre-ple in general to receive Missionaries, vailed in many places of the northern and to hear the gospel, it is saying but and western parts of the United States, || little of the truth to observe that preaaffected most of the settlements which chers are cordially received, and their they visited. They have, as usual, preaching meets with a respectful atpaid particular attention to schools, to tention. There is prevailing desire visit them for the purpose of giving ad-in the destitute to hear the gospel.→ vice on the subject of education, and Missionaries are invited—are intreated to afford suitable instruction to the to come and help them. From many children and youth. The distribution places, urgent requests for assistance of small tracts, enforcing practical god-are sent to your Trustees. Those liness, together with other religious | who are sent out to preach the gospel books, and the circulation of the holy to them, behold the extensive field bescriptures, accompanying these gifts with suitable advice, have formed an important part of their service. 2488 tracts and books of various descriptions on the subject of religion, have been thus distributed; and 348 Bibles, which were presented for that purpose by the Connecticut Bible Society, have been circulated. The Society, together with all the friends of the Redeemer and of his cause, will unite with us, in praise to God our Saviour, for his gracious smiles on the institution, in the outpouring of his holymerhorn and Samuel J. Mills, who Spirit, on places visited by our Missionaries; and in preserving the lives and health of these laborers, so that they have not been materially interrupted in their labors in any instance.We are called particularly to notice these things, and to render thanks to Almighty God, because a spirit of war-moral state of the country in general fare, which is invariably hostile to god through which they travelled, is as liness, has so much pervaded our fron- valuable to missionary institutions, as tiers; and because vast numbers have it is interesting to our feelings. They died of the epidemic in places where abundantly confirm the statement, so the Missionaries preached, and many often repeated, that the people of this of whom were personally visited by land, not only in the newly inhabited them. While we make known these wilderness, but in regions which have causes for thankfulness and praise to been cultivated for near a century, are the great Head of the church, and feel miserably destitute of religious instructhe encouragement they afford, we tion. In the cultivation of the soil, in must add that all the missionary ef- wealth, in population, and in vice, forts of this Society, and similar insti-they are old; but alas, through nes

Copies of our annual account of missions for the members of the Missionary Society, accompany this report. In this account the particulars of missionary service are given. To the narrative of missions is subjoined the reports of Messrs. John F. Scher

were mentioned in our narrative for the year 1812, as Missionaries whose particular object was to obtain a more extensive and correct knowledge of the religious state of our frontier settlements. The information they have obtained respecting the religious and


Concluded from page 155.

lect in morals and religion, they resemble the rude, infested, and noxious wilderness. The whole tract of counWE have frequently had occasion to try, through which these Missionaries notice the manner in which many of passed, contains about a million and the Hindus, without becoming Chrisan half of inhabitants, who are almost tians, begin to be detached from their wholly destitute of the stated ministry native superstitions, and to form sects of the gospel. The wildest dreams of founded on the renunciation of cast fanaticism, the most fascinating errors under some gooroo, or teacher, to leading to perdition, and the unweari-whom they attached themselves, ed labors of Satan transformed into an Kreeshnoo, one of the converted Hinangel of light, are hurrying thousands dus, and a zealous preacher of Christo ruin. We feel for them, and trust-tianity, was sent, in consequence of a ing in him who has hitherto helped us, we have appointed the following fields for missionary labor in this tract of country, viz. The state of Kentucky, the Missouri Territory, and the state of Louisiana,

request from some people of this description, to a place at some distance, called Ugrudweepa, to confer with their head gooroo. "In the evening," says Kreeshnoo, "I went to the house of the head gooroo. He received me Applications have been made for with much affection, and made me sit suitable men for these places, and on the same seat with himself, declarthere is a prospect of soon supplying ing that he had wished to see me, and at least one of these fields. The ne- to hear of the faith of Christ. I read cessities of these destitute regions to him and explained the 5th chapter have not been hitherto felt by those of Matthew, with which he was much who are desirous to devote themselves pleased. He said he was sure that to the cause of missions; but they are this was the true religion, and that he now beginning to excite attention.would join us. He had separated, he We pray the Lord of the harvest would added, from the idolaters around him, raise up laborers, and send the forth and wished to follow the true religion; to occupy these fields. Oh, that he but they were not of his mind; they would stir up those who are qualified persecuted and beat him; but still he to come forth with pity for these suf-was resolved to become the disciple ferers, saying "Here am I, send me.' of Christ. "The cast (said he) is not The members of the Society, togeth-of God: I will, therefore, follow the er with all who love our Lord Jesus Lord with you; for you are all casts, in sincerity and truth, will unite with Englishmen, Mussulmans, and Hinus in these supplications to Almighty doos. At night, about thirty of his God, that the light of salvation may disciples, brahmuns, rajpoots, weavers, fill our land; that religion, pure and gardeners, &c. all ate together. He undefiled, may prevail, in those dark- desired me to sit amongst them, and ened corners which are now the habit-partake of the repast, which I did; and ations of cruelty; and that our coun- we praised God while partaking of this try may be filled with righteousness love-feast, and peace.

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"After we had all eaten, the head gooroo forbad Moohun-mookja to invest his son with the poita, and the wife of Rasoo to give her sons in marriage To a man

May the presence of Almighty God
be with you in all your deliberations,
and may his blessing rest upon you,
and upon all your counsels for the pro-amongst the idolaters.
motion of Zion's welfare.

In the name of the Trustees,
ABEL FLINT, Secretary.
HARTFORD, May 11, 1814

present, whose name was Bhola-nat'ha he said, We will no longer preserve the distinctions of cast, but seek to possess the true religion in which there is no cast. Come, let us walk in the

true way; let us delay no longer.' His disciples all desired instruction from him, and assured him of a ready obedience. To me he said, 'I will consult with my disciples, come to you and complete the work; for I assuredly know that there is one God, one religion, one Saviour, and no more."

of the passions, the Scriptures, and other fruits of the press, are producing a slow but real change in the reasonings and moral feelings of this people." In various parts the leaven is diffusing its influence, and the light from heaven enters the idolatrous temple, and the mud cottage of the Hindoo."

After stating at least twenty different places in Calcutta, at which, in the course of each week, there is preaching regularly by the Native Converts, the Missionaries observe, that one of them, Sebukran, preaches also often to the heathen in the streets and highways, and describes the On this occurrence the Missionaries change in the minds of many as very remark: "It is a fact which has fre-great. "Our aged brother Vrindavuquently been adverted to in the pro-na, lately come from Agra, was astongress of our mission, that large bodies ished to see people of different casts, of Hindoos have gone off from the an- and Brahmins among the rest, come incient forms of idolatry, and formed to the house of Sebukram, converse different sects among themselves; freely, drink water, and smoke with these persons have generally been op- him, without the least hesitation." posed to the Brahmuns; but, from On another occasion, they observe; fear of the consequences attending the" Without exciting the least agitation loss of cast, have in some measure concealed their opinions, and paid a deference in public to the distinction of cast, though in private they have lived in the constant practice of violating its rules. These sects have embraced discordant opinions, though in many points they agree. They all profess a great reverence for their spiritual guides, and are strongly inclined to a hospitable and friendly mixture of all casts. Many of them have drawu their opinions from that part of the ancient Hindoo philosophy, which teaches a contempt of the world, and holds up to admiration the principles of abstraction, bodily austerities, a rejection of cerimonies, and a devotion founded on faith in the object of their worship. "This schism having thus turned the minds of many from the brahmuns, as a body, to the particular religious guides under which they have ranged themselves, has opened a wide door for the entrance of the Gospel. In Jessore, Burdwan, and other parts of Bengal, these religious guides are numerous; but are now unable to keep their disciples faithful to them. Having rejected the authority of the Brahmuns, they have begun to push their enquiries farther; and every now and At Dinagepore, five natives had then these persons will acknowledge ||been baptized; and at Gomalty, much that they never found the true gooroo, had been done in forming schools for till they heard of Christ, nor the true the instruction of youth. "The schools way to heaven till they heard the Gos-it is said, increase rapidly." The pel."

"We would not, however, wish our friends to suppose from hence, that we expect any immediate general change among the great body of the Hindoos; but we observe with pleasure, the slow and silent, but sure progress of knowledge. At first the Hindoos regarded us only as so many barbarians, without manners and without religion; many now, from a variety of circumstances, but especially from seeing the Bible issuing from the press in so many lan guages, begin to think that some good may come out of Nazareth, and that something more than worldly policy may be our aim. This appears to be the present state of things as it respects the influence of the Gospel on those places where it has been most published; but a vast portion of the population is yet to be informed, that there are good tidings from heaven for the children of men.

school at Bholahaut has increased to can he be set free; and if men do not about fifty boys; that at Muhes-poora, believe in Christ, how should their sins to about sixty-four; that at English-babe taken away?" Another leader is zar to thirty-nine; and that at Malda,|| Shiva-rama-dasa, who has about five to thirty-seven. They increase so rap-thousand disciples: for a considerable idly at Bholahaut and at Muhespoora, time back we have been preaching to that we have been obliged to refuse them, and a few have been baptized. several children, as the rooms will not A fourth leader is Rusa-raja, whose conveniently hold more than the pres- disciples amount to about one thouent number. Will you be so kind as sand persons; our brethren Chamberto inform me whether I may increase lain, and W. Carey, jun. have had conthe buildings? The children come onversations with this man: and some of greatly to my satisfaction. They read his disciples have been baptized A the Scriptures fluently, and commit fifth leader is Huri-dissa, who has about passages from the Scriptures to mem-five hundred disciples, several of whom ory with great avidity." have been baptized, and there are hopes of the leader himself.

The accounts from Cutwa, Lakrakonda, and Jessore, are equally interesting. The schools are said to come on well, and the native Missionaries, who are employed there, appear to be particularly laborious, and zealous in preaching in the different villages within their reach, and conversing with the natives; and considerable effects seem to attend their labors. One of these native preachers, of the name of Kreeshnoo, thus writes to a gentleman in England:

"In a late journey to Jessore by brother Carapeit and myself, we advised the deacons to spread the word through the villages around their own dwellings, and send their journals to brother Petruse, at Chougacha. They readily agreed to this. From Chougacha we went to Koolagachee, and remained two days, preaching, and then proceeded to Vusi-poora, to the house of Premdasa, another leader of a sect, who was once under instruction at Serampore, and then advised some of his

dasa, Doolala-dasa, Duyal-dasa, Gouradasa, and Narottuna. After their baptism, Prem-dasa himself sought to be baptized, but was refused, as the wo

"At present God is revealing his mercy to Bengal in a most encourag-disciples to be baptized, namely, Shivaing manner. The class of religious mendicants called Utithis Muhuntas have long been in search of the true religion, but knew not where to find it; but now on hearing the Gospel of Je-man he lived with was not his wife.— sus Christ, they begin to think," what Lately, however, brother Petruse has aan we do? How shall we abide in the married these two persons, and they commands of this Saviour?" They have both been baptized. The people frequently come to see us, and inquire of those parts have been struck with more and more respecting the Gospel: astonishment at the conversion of this a few of them have been baptized.-man; adding, 'Our cast must now go; Among these leaders of sects, are Ram-he whom we regarded as a wise man doolala, who is said to have 100,000 has embraced this new way; what shall disciples: they have no reverence we now do ?' for the gods. The name of a second The Orissa Mission, conducted by leader is Neela-dasa, who may have Mr. John Peter, of Armenian descent, five hundred disciples. These eat and Krishnadas, a converted native, with us: but they say, 'If Christ has appears promising. We take particudied for sinners, then there is no more lar interest in this mission, and so will sin in the world: why then do you go doubtless our readers, from its comabout teaching men that they are sin-prehending within its range the temple To this I answer; If the of Juggernauth. lebtor apply not to his surety, how

ners ?"

In February, 1812, Mr. Peter thus

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