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rest assured, that the tears of those who sigh and cry for the abominations of the land, will not be forgotten, nor their exertions unrewarded. Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength.

appoint twenty-one persons, who shall be members of said societies, to be called The Baptist Board of Foreign Missions for the United States.

4. The Board shall employ missionaries, and conduct all the execu tive business.

5. Such persons only as are in full

BAPTIST CONVENTION FOR MISSIONARY Communion with some regular church


Soon after it was known in America, that Messrs. Judson and Rice had changed their opinions on the subject of baptism, and had joined the Baptist church in Calcutta, measures were taken by persons of the same denomination in this country to support them as missionaries in the employment of the Baptist churches in the U. States. Several societies were formed for this purpose before the return of Mr. Rice to America in September 1813. Soon after his return, he entered upon a journey to the southern states, with a view to assist in the formation of Foreign Mission Societies. The result is, that such societies have been formed in nearly all the states of the union. The great outlines of the plan are two -that the members of these societies engage to make an annual payment, and are represented in a triennial convention, which is styled, The General Missionary Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States of America, for Foreign Missions.

A Convention of this kind met at Philadelphia, on the 18th of May last, consistingof thirty-three delegates from Societies in eleven states. The delegates proceeded to deliberate on a plan of combined operations, and adopted a constitution, which is in substance as follows:

of the Baptist denomination, and who furnish satisfactory evidence of genu: ine piety, good talents, and fervent zeal for the Redeemer's cause, are to be employed as missionaries.

6. The officers of the Board shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, a Corresponding and a Re cording Secretary.

The remaining articles relate to the duties of the officers, the mode of transacting business, and of altering the constitution.

The next meeting of the Convention is to be held at Philadelphia, on the first Wednesday in May, 1817, OR which day a sermon is to preached before the Convention, and a collection to be made.

A Board of Commissioners was appointed, the officers of which are as follows:

Rev. Thomas Baldwin, D. D. of Boston, President.

Rev. Henry Holcombe, D. D. of Pennsylvania,*

Rev. William Rogers, D. D. of Philadelphia, V. Presidents.

Mr. John Cauldwell, of New-York, Treasurer.

Rev. William Staughton, D. D. of Phi

ladelphia, Corresponding Secretary, Rev. William White, of Pennsylva

mia,* Recording Secretary.

The Board took Messrs. Judson and

direction, and provided for their sup

Art. 1. Gives the names of the as-Rice under their particular care and sociation as above expressed. 2. There shall be a triennial con-port as missionaries. They expressed vention composed of not more than two delegates from each missionary society, or other religious body, of the Baptist denomination,which shall con tribute one hundred dollars, or more, to the general missionary fund.

3. This convention shall triennially

thanks to Mr. Rice for his zealous, disinterested and faithful services; and directed, that he should be employed, for a reasonable time, to continue his itinerant services in the Uni

The towns in which these gentlemen re side are not known to the Editor.

ted States, with a view to excite the and pungent. One or two of them public mind more generally to engage had been as thoughtless and rude as in missionary exertions. Mr.Rice com- any in the Seminary. These cases mitted to the Board about $1000, attracted universal attention throughwhich he had received from Foreign out the College, and the pious StuMission Societies and individuals, for dents began to visit from room to the purposes of the institution, during room, exhorting their companions, and his tour. He made a communication praying with those under distress of to the Board, in which grateful notice mind. The Students of the Theolois taken of the hospitality, kindness gical Seminary also began to visit and generosity which he had experi- the College, particularly to lead the enced in a great variety of instances. inquirer, and warn the careless; and The Board enumerate seventeen some of them were thus employed alauxiliary societies as having been almost the whole time. The officers of ready formed, the aggregate of whose the College blessed God, and took annual payments, and of the payments courage. from societies about being formed, is "The pious students of the College estimated at $5,850. Several socie- had been in the habit of assembling at ties have since been formed, particu- each others' rooms every evening for larly in Vermont and New-Hampshire. prayer. The other students now beThe balance in the Treasury of the gan to ask liberty to meet with them, institution, May 25, 1814, was 1,556 || and their rooms were soon crowded. dollars and 67 cents. It is believed that their number, on

The pamphlet from which this no-such occasions, is now often from 60 tice is taken, was published by order to 70. Other meetings for prayer have of the Convention, and contains an also been established. The President address on the subject of missions, meets the students one evening in and the substance of a sermon preach-each week to instruct and exhort them ed on the occasion by the Rev Dr. Furman.




relative to the concerns of their souls. On such seasons,almost the whole College attend.

"The work seems still progressing. New cases of awakening frequently Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Prince-occur. I need not tell you that those ton, dated February 1, 1815. who have obtained a hope of salva"The Lord has literally been found ||tion, love one another as brethren.of them that asked not after Him.-You need only see them, to be reThe revival first appeared in the Col-minded of David and Jonathan. Conlege on the 12th ult, the day of our versation about religion is, I believe, National Fast. Of the immediate in- the common talk in the College. The struments in beginning this attention, number of those who are believed to I can give no account; nor have I be deeply interested for their souls, ia heard any person pretend to do it.*somewhere about forty; and about The good hand of our God, it is verily believed, was upon it, and thus began the work. The very first subjects of this revival were some of the Students, first as to scholarship in the College. Their convictions were deep *It has been credibly reported that the re-humanly speaking, has been a most vival commenced on the full confession and humble acknowledgement, and restoration, of a student, who was a ringleader in vice, and who had been expelled the College for his flagitious wickedness. Ed Ch. Mag.

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twenty of those are rejoicing in hope. Some of almost every state which sends students here, are the subjects of the revival. It is remarkable, that the most influential young men in the College have been awakened. This,

favorable circumstance. The exercises of the enquiring have been very rational, and in a number of instances, very deep and affecting. Nothing en

A full and respectable meeting of com. mittees from several Moral Societies in

the county of Oneida, was held in Clinton, the 2d Wednesday in March, for the purpose of devising some uniform and effective mode of operation for the sup

was resolved, that, for the information of those who may be ignorant of the statute laws of this state, such extracts be published as may be deemed useful.

thusiastic, or even bordering upon it, || techise them, to pray with and for them, has been seen. Their views of sin ap- and inquire into the state of their minds. pear to be correct: and the deep distress, in almost every instance, has originated from a desire to feel more deeply affected with a sense of sin, and more anxiety about their souls. A jealous fear lest their serious impressions should wear off, seems uni-pression of vice and immorality, when it versal among them. What I consider as remarkable as almost any thing belonging to this work, is the sudden change which some of them profess to have met with, and which, in the judg-OFFICERS OF THE WESTMORELAND MOment of charity, is believed real. In a number of instances, within three or four days, or at most, a week, from the first serious impressions, they have been rejoicing in hope of pardon and eternal life; and they have been able to give a satisfactory reason for their hope. The revival has not extended into the town:" N. York Com. Adver.


RAL SOCIETY....1815.

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Hon. JAMES DEAN, President.
TRUEMAN ENOs, Esq. Rec. Sec'ry.
Mr. JOEL BRADLEY, Corres. Sec❜ry.
Messrs. Elisha Cook,

Charles Doolittle,
Daniel Seely,
Salmon Laird,
Jared Chittenden,
Samuel Stillman,
John Morse,



Welcome, sweet hour! the dying Chris-
tian cries,

While pleasure sparkles in his swimining


Period at once of sorrow and of sin,
Corporeal anguish and the war within:

what blest objects open to my sight! My God! my Saviour! and the realms of light!

In this town the church was small, and no prospect of an increase; tho' the few religious persons in the place were very earnest in their prayers that a time of refreshing might come. Under the preaching of one sermon, by a young minister, many were deeply impressed with their ill desert and total that they earnestly inquired" what must we do to be saved?" They having no stated preaching, the neighboring ministers con-O tributed their labors to the forwarding of the work. The subjects of the awakening, (about 60 in number) have been rationally convinced of their entire dependance on sovereign divine goodness for the pardon of sin, and sanctification of their natures. Jan. 1815.

A Society has been formed in Trenton, (Oneida county) the past winter; by the constitution of which, the members bind themselves, to have all their children restrain all under their care from every immoral practice and vain watch over each read the scriptures, and pray in their families have all under their care attend public worship; and, when practicable, to have all under seir care together once a month to ca

what perfection! what divine employ!
What an eternity of love and joy!
Not so the Sinner...Death uplifts his dart,
And aims the point impoisoned at his


How his lips quiver... How his eyeballs

How his soul labors with intense despair!
"Ah, wretched creature! whither shall
I fly!..
Clinging to life, and yet compelled to die!
To die! oh, what is that! I must appear
Before that God whom I refused to hear,
To love, to honor....whose avenging ire
Will plunge me deep into the lake of fire!
Forever! oh, forever there to dwell!
Ah, there's the horror, there's the hell of

And that's my doom!".....Convulsions
seize his breath....

His accents faulter, and he sinks in death.





APRIL, 1815.



No. 10.

This period of his life was, however, attended with events infinitely more important. During his ardent pursuit of the acquisition of science, it pleasIN the early period of our history, ed the Holy Spirit of God to impress Mr. Hooker was universally consider- his mind with the deepest concern for ed the great pillar of the Connecticut his immortal interests. His conviccolony. As he ranked among the first tions of sin were long and very powscholars of the age, he possessed more erful; his apprehensions of divine learning than any man in the colony wrath filled his soul with a distress not more, perhaps, than any in New-Eng to be expressed. In the anguish of his land. The soundness of his judgment, heart, he often cried out, While I suf and his attachment to the cause of truth fer thy terrors, O Lord, I am distracted. were not less than his learning; and During this interesting scene, he receiall these were directed, with an upright ved great help from a pious man who zeal and unwearied exertions, to the provided for him his board, to whom noble design of rearing a Christian he communicated all his distresses.— commonwealth. No legislator or diBut it pleased the divine Spirit, at vine ever labored for a worthier ob-length, to appear for his relief, to reject, and the efforts of no one were ever crowned with a more animating


move his painful burden, and give him a humble hope in a Saviour's mercy. Possessed of a strong spirit, with an ardent thirst for worldly eminence and literary fame, great was the struggle before his heart would submit, uncon

Mr. Thomas Hooker was born at Marfield in Leicestershire, in the year 1586. His parents were persons of taste and property, and having design-ditionally, to God. In view of this ed this son for a liberal education, they scene, he afterwards observed, "That were much encouraged to pursue the in the time of his agonies, he could object of their wishes, by the early inreason himself to the rule, and condications of uncommon genius which clude that there was no way but subappeared in his childhood. He was mission to God, and lying at the foot educated at the University of Camof his mercy in Christ Jesus, and waitbridge, which, by the serious part of ing humbly there, till He should please the nation, was at that time much pre- to persuade the soul of his favor. Neferred to the University of Oxford. vertheless, when he came to apply this After completing the period of his pu- rule to himself, in his own condition, pilage, he was elected a Fellow of his reasoning would fail him, he was Emmanuel College. In his fellow-able to do nothing." Having obtained ship, he was much esteemed for his rapid advancement in science, and for the erudition displayed in his public performances.


*He was probably educated at that College, though I do not find that tact particularly


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some relief from his burden, he was very attentive to the duties of religion and to a careful examination of himself, by which means he made a happy progress in the divine life, and found his hope continually strengthened in

the Lord. The thorough acquaintance | fellow men, he was not forgotten of he now obtained of himself, with a the Spirit of God. His ministry was careful observation of the dealings of attended with a distinguished blessing, God's Spirit, laid the foundation for to a sensible reformation of the manthat extraordinary skill in teaching dis-ners of the town, to the suppression of tressed souls, which he afterwards pos- many immoral and dangerous practisessed, beyond almost any other man. ces, to the saving instruction of many Mr. Hooker now resolved to de- heirs of salvation. But it pleased a vote himself to the work of the gospel holy God that this faithful servant of ministry, and directed his studies to a his truth should live in the time of the preparation for the sacred employ- Laudean persecution, while he was ment. He continued a number of just such a character as the sticklers years at the University, he preached for conformity could not endure. considerably, and, by the extensive In common with many persons of learning and thorough knowledge of great learning and piety, who were a divinity contained in his sermons, ac-mong the first ornaments of the church, quired much reputation. At what Mr. Hooker believed many of the rites time he left the seat of learning, I of the religious establishment to be have not been able exactly to discov- wholly unscriptural, an improper burer. It appears likely that he was then den upon the divine institutions of the near thirty-five years of age, having gospel, calculated to despoil religion been a preacher for four or five years. of its divine purity, and corrupt the Leaving Cambridge, he resided minds of his people from the simplicity some time in the vicinity of London, that is in Christ. Though he was no where his public ministrations soon schismatic, though he made no atexcited much attention, and procured tempt to create divisions or excite parfor him an uncommon degree of popu- ty distinctions, only neglecting to larity. His public discourses possess comply with the artificial ordinances ed a great share of acuteness of of prelatic authority; by the jealous thought, of extensive reading, with the eye of persecution, he could not be deepest sense of the worth of the Me-overlooked. His extensive learning, diator's kingdom and immortal souls, his persevering industry, his humble, and were delivered with an animation || self-denying life, his ardent zeal for which made an impression upon every hearer. In private, he was much re-ill comported with that systematic sorted to, to resolve cases of con- purpose of ecclesiastical tyranny,which science, to relieve the distress of des- determined to enforce all the claims ponding Christians, to counsel and in- and appointments of the hierarchy.struct inquiring sinners. While employ- He was, therefore, under the necesed in this unsettled state, his labors sity of relinquishing his favorite emwere signally attended with the divine ployment, of ministering publicly for blessing, to the joy of many immortal Christ; and retiring at a little distance souls. from Chelmsford, he set up a school, About the year 1624, Mr. Hooker to which great numbers of youths soon accepted of a call from the congrega- resorted, to enjoy the benefit of his tion at Chelmsford, the shire town of instructious. One of his pupils was Essex, and was settled in that place Mr. John Elliot, afterwards the famous with very favorable prospects. The minister of Roxbury, in New-England. town being large, and the vicinity po- In reference to this period of his life, pulous, the fame of his ministry soon Mr. Elliot afterwards observed, produced a very great congregation. this place I was called, through the inWhile he was indefatigable in his la-finite riches of God's mercy in Christ bor, wholly devoted to the service of Jesus to my poor soul. For here the his Lord and the best interests of his Lord said unto my dead soul, live; and

Christ, gave him an influence which


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