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and in the absence of all the vice-presidents, the treasurer, and in his absence, such member as shall be voted for that purpose, shall preside at the meeting.

16. The committee shall meet on the first Monday in every month, or oftener if necessary.

17. The committee shall have the power of nominating such persons as have rendered essential services to the society, either members for life, or governors for life.

18. The committee shall also have the power of nominating Honorary Members from among foreigners who have promoted the object of this Society.

19. The whole of the minutes of every general meeting shall be signed by the chairman.

President, Rt. Hon. Lord Teignmouth.
Vice-Presidents, The most Rev. the
Archbishop of Cashel,

Hon. and Right Rev. Lord Bishop of


Rev. Chas. Fr. Steinkopff, M.A. Minister of the German Letheran Church, Savoy, London.

Assistant Secretary and Accountant, Mr. Joseph Tarn, Spa Fields, London. Collector, Mr. Anthony Wagner, 3, Grosvenor-row, Chelsea.

Commillee, (Elected May 5, 1813.) Thomas Allen, Wm. Blair, Joseph Bunnell, William Burls, John Butler, Joseph Butterworth, M.P. David Cook, Christopher Edelman, Charles Elliot, Joseph Foster, Michael Gibbs, Lancelot Haslope, Thomas Hayter, Luke Howard, W. B. Hudson, Zachary Macaulay, Alexander Maitland, Ambrose Martin, Samuel Mills, Thomas Pellatt, Richard Phillips; John Poynder, James Pritt, Joseph Reyner, William Roberts, Josiah Roberts, John Schneider, Granville Sharp, John Skiffken, Richard Stainforth, Robert Steven, Christopher Sundis, Edward N. Thornton, Charles Tottie, Charles Townley, LL.D. and George Wolff, Esquires:

It is difficult to conceive of a Soci

Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Salisbury,ety existing, with an object more pure
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of St. David's,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Bristol,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Norwich,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Cloyne,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Clogher,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Kildare,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Meath,
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Derry,[ster,
The very Rev, the Dean of Westmin-
Right Hon. Earl of Romney,
Right Hon. Earl of Moira,
Right Hon. Admiral Lord Gambier,
Right Hon. Admiral Lord Barham,
Right Hon. Lord Headley,
Right Hon.Sir Evan Nepean, Bart. M.P.
Right Hon. Nicolas Vansittart, M.P.
Sir William Pepperell, Bart.
Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart:
Charles Grant, Esq. M.P.
William Wilberforce, Esq. M.P.
Thomas Babington, Esq. M.P.
Treasurer, Henry Thornton, Esq. M.P.
Secretaries (gratis) Rev. John Owen,
M.A. Rector of Paglesham, Essex,

and laudable, more happily exempt-
ed from any reasonable objection, or
better calculated for combining, with
conscientious consistency, the exer-
tions of Christians of every name. For
if the Scriptures be acknowledged to
have proceeded from the Almighty,
and to contain the only authentic re-
cord of his will with respect to the sal
vation and the duty of man, it must,
doubtless, be of primary importance,
that the world universally should pos-
sess these Scriptures; nor can it be be-
lieved, that any man is acting amiss,
but, on the contrary, is discharging a
service in itself acceptable to God, and
most beneficial to mankind, who exerts
himself, according to his opportunities,
for the accomplishment of an end so
greatly desirable.

and Curate and Lecturer of Fulham. Rev. Joseph Hughes, M.A. Battersea,

It is pleasing to remark the regular and ra-

pid progress of this Society.
ceipts and expenditures of the Society."
Comparative view of the net annual re-
Receipts, including sales of Bibles and Tes.
8 d
6,592 10 5

First year

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

First year Second year Third year Fourth year Fifth year Sixth year Seventh year

[ocr errors]


691 10 2

1,637 17 5
5,053 18 3

14,565 19 7
18,543 17 1
28,302 13 7
32,419 19 61
69,496 13 8

[blocks in formation]

In compliance with your wishes, L transmit you a brief account of the re12,206 10 3vival of religion, at Kingston, N. H. the past season. As it was neither general nor attended with any peculiar circumstances, I have doubted whether it should be noticed in your highly useful Magazine. In one view, it may not, perhaps, be uninteresting. It confirms the truth, that God often blesses the Comparative view of the issues of Bi-his ministers, after the instruments are pious exertions and faithful labors of

Eighth year

Ninth year

[ocr errors]

Total Amount 182,918 19 82

bles and Testaments by the Society, at the several periods when an account has been taken of the stock at the Depository, from the commencement of Dr. Thayer, the last minister of Kingsthe institution, to the 30th of June, 1813; exclusive of the numerous issues at the charge of the Society,

from various sources abroad.

[ocr errors]


laid aside, the laborers called home. The distinguished literary and theological acquirements of the late Rev. ton, are extensively known. his manner of delivery affectionate.sermons were truly evangelical, and unwearied, his life exemplary, and his His prayers were devotional, his labors death tranquil. During his ministry, which was of about 35 years continuFrom Sept. 17, 1805, to June 15, church. At his settlement, it consisted ance, few additions were made to the 1808, (two years and 3-4ths) when the of about 90 members; at his death of present depository was established17. One male member only remain32336 Bibles, and 74125 Testaments. ed; and he was so infirm as rarely to From June 15, 1808, to March 25, attend public worship. The state of 1809, (about nine months)-21387 Bi-that people, when the Doctor died was bles, and 28820 Testaments. truly lamentable. To use his own lan

From March 7, 1804, to Sept. 17, 1805-None issued, the University not having completed their stereotype editions.

From March 25, 1809, to Feb. 16, 1810, (nearly eleven months)-18662 guage, it appeared, that "God was about 1810, (nearly eleven months)—18662 to write Loammi upon them, the melBibles, and 45806 Testaments.

From Feb. 16, 1810, to March 25, 1811,(thirteen months)-33609 Bibles,

and 69009 Testaments.

From March 25, 1811, to Feb 21, 1812, (about eleven months) 35690 Bi, bles, and 70733 Testaments.

From Feb 21, to Dec. 31, 1813, (ten months)-81319 Bibles, and 121261 Testaments.

ancholy memorial of departed glory."

death, which was the last of March About one year after Dr. Thayer's he had exhausted his strength to sow, 1812, the seed of Divine truth, which which he had so often watered with his tears, and commended to the bles

sing of God by prayers, began to spring up. A number of youth manifested

an unusual seriousness. Public wor- His perfections are conspicuous in all ship was more generally attended. The his works. They are pre-eminently countenances of the hearers were unu- displayed in the glorious work of resually solemn, their attention rivited, demption. What appears most lovely and numbers were drowned in tears. in the character and government of JeA divine energy appeared to attend hovah, is that HOLINESS which shines the instructions given in the sanctuary, with such lustre in them. I seem to and in the family. No irregularities have lost that opposition of heart to were manifested in any of the religious God which I once possessed." meetings. A profound solemnity uni- The awakening continued from formly pervaded them. It was the March to August, 1813. Twenty-four still small voice of Elijah's God, which were added to the church, more than pierced with the arrows of conviction, one third of whom were male memor consoled with the promises of the bers. Some of these were persons who Gospel. In private conversation, those had previously entertained hopes, some under serious impressions generally who then obtained hopes, have not expressed a deep sense of the depra- yet professed religion. The fruits of vity-the pollution of their hearts; this awakening, as far as my observaa conviction of the awful demerit of tion and information extend, are a praysin, particularly that opposition of erful temper of mind, and a humble heart to God, and his government, circumspect, and exemplary conduct. which they discovered in themselves. That the Lord would graciously visit The convictions of sin were so pun-all our towns with a reign of righteousgent, as to be almost overwhelming ness;-that he would bless all your exA view of their guilt rather than their ertions to desseminate religious knowldanger, rendered those who were un-edge, and advance the Redeemer's der conviction comfortless by day, and cause, are the ardent desire of your afalmost sleepless by night. fectionate friend and humble servant, HERVEY WILBUR.

Many among those, who became hopefully pious, stated, that their attention had been gradually excited to INQUISITION OF SPAIN ABOLISHED. view the importance of eternal truths, In our last number we presented our from their studying the Scriptures in a readers with a concise account of the social manner. Where hopes were ob- Spanish Inquisition, the protest of the tained, distress of mind was succeeded Nuncio against its abolition, and some by a tranquil frame, which sometimes remarks on that protest. It is now excited fears, lest they were returning stated, that the Nuncio was banished to a state of stupidity. This compo- for persisting in his opposition. From sure was usually attended with a de- the date and contents of the protest we gree of hope in the merits of Christ, were led to suppose, that the decree of and an expressed delight in the charac-abolition took place "about the first of ter, government, word, worship and or- March." We have since been obliged dinances of God, with earnest desires by the perusal of a manuscript conto be wholly devoted to his service. taining a translation of the speech, When inquiring of one, whose distress which produced the all-important dehad subsided, what was the state of her cree. From which it appears, that the mind, she answered to this effect. "I speech was delivered January 18, 1813, cannot better describe my feelings, and the decree of abolition took place than by using the language of Jacob: the 26th of the same month. The Truly, God is in this place, and I knew translator in his preface informs, that it not. My mind has been exploring the subject was under the consideradistant regions to discern the being and tion of the "Committee of the constiperfections of God; but this morning tution" for a year; that their report I seem to behold him in every thing." appeared more like a problem, than

Each of the propositions is supported with such ability, intrepidity and eloquence, as to secure the orator immortal fame.

a direct attack on the formidable tribunal;" that after the report, “more than a month, continued the contest; and never was debate more vehement, more terrible, more obstinate, more Our extracts will be taken from what clamorous, than that occasioned by the is said in support of the third proposiInquisition in the national congress of tion. After mentioning the depopula. Spain." He adds, " I was eyewitness to ting, dehasing, and demoralizing influthis combat between light and dark-ence of the tribunal in Spain, and a ness, philosophy and error, illustration || number of the most eminent charac and fanaticism." "At length, on the ters, which had been destroyed by it, 18th of January, appeared a new cham- he adds

pion in the august Congress, hitherto "Thus does the Inquisition, at one little kown, Doct. Don Antonio Joseph blow, deprive society of useful and laRuiz de Padron." This man was a 'qua-borous citizens, and bury them in infeclified minister' of the terrible tribunal, tious dungeons. It has even invented and well prepared to display it, in all more. In the edict which is termed its horrors. He was indeed a Roman" the edict of faith," promulgated yearCatholic in sentiment; and we must of ly among every people, where this excourse expect that his speech will con- otic tribunal resides, all those who may tain some things in which protestants be apprehensive of being denounced cannot acquiesce. But considering his by others, are generally invited to come education, his profession and employ- forward and accuse themselves. To ment,we cannot but admire his indepen-those who obey within a certain space dence,intrepidity, humanity, and piety of time, pardon is promised; but to Believing that it will not be injurious those who resist, no mercy will be or displeasing to the translator, we shown. They will be arrested, their shall state the points which the orator property confiscated, and they will sufaimed to substantiate, and give some fer besides all the penalties of the law. specimens of his style and eloquence. Such impressions did this infernal inWe presume that it is the intention of vention, supported by rigor and despothe translator to favor the public with tism, make on the minds of the Spanthe whole in our language, and we hope iards, that in less than forty years, in it will soon appear. The speech is ve-Adalusia alone, near thirty thousand ry long, but so able and interesting, people came forward voluntary, to dethat its length occasions no fatigue.nounce themselves, and many of them That certain phrases or forms of ad-accuse themselves of crimes, which dress may be understood by all our they neither understood, nor could readers, it may be proper to observe, commit; such as sorcery, witchcraft, that the orator addressed the Regency, contract with the devil, and other as it would have been proper to address such ridiculous absurdities, with which the King, had he been personally pres- the simple vulgar have been so grossent. After a short introduction, he ly imposed upon. Where are we stated the three following prepositions: sire? How long are we to remain "1. The tribunal of the Inquisition the scoff and ridicule of nations?— is totally useless in the church of God. Unhappy mankind! that is ever expo"2. This tribunal is diametrically posed to the caprice of despotism and opposite to the wise and religious con-error! Let these iniquitous proceedstitution, which your majesty has sanc-ings be now compared with the article tioned, and the people have sworn to. of the constitution already quoted; let "3. The tribunal of the Inquisition a parallel be drawn between the two is not only prejudicial to the prosperi- legislations, whilst I pass on to describe ty of the state, but even contrary to the if possible, the kind of torment, which spirit of the gospel, which it pretends the tribunal has employed in the com to defend."

fession of the guilty, either actual or tors, shuddered at the punishment of imaginary; and afterwards examine, the bonfire, as the most horrible of all. whether they can be combined with the But the Holy Office is horrorized at nomaxim of the gospel of Jesus Christ.-thing, when treating of heretics. And Here a new scene of horror presents it- should they be Jews, sure they were of self, which offers violence to Christian the bonfire. "Give me a Jew, and I ears. I will fancy myself viewing the will return him to you roasted, was the most obstinate heretic, the most daring || barbarous phrase, which the inhuman apostate, or the most rebellious Jew. Lucero, Inquisitor of Cordova had inHe has either confessed or is convict- cessantly in his mouth. ed. It the first case, after a thousand "I must not omit, sire, that this aumysterious questions, sentence is pass-thority extends even to the regions of ed on him. But in the second, besides the dead. How often has it orderconfinement in the most obscure dun-ed the sepulchre to be excavated to ungeons, bereft of all human consolation, bury the skeletons of those whom if torments are employed on him to ex- has suspected to have died in heresy, tort confessions so horrible, that human to throw them into the flames! Mournnature shudders at them. A pulley ful relics of the human lineage! Lahung from the roof, through which a mentable trophies of death! Respectstrong rope is passed, is the first spec-able shades of those who, perhaps have tacle which presents itself to the eyes passed to another life in innocence, the of the unhappy man. The Ministers victims of calumny, rancor, or reof the Inquisition load him with chains, venge." tie to his ancles one hundred pounds of iron; they turn in his arms on his back, and bind them with a cord; they mapacle his wrists with a thong, they hoist him aloft, and let him fall violently with a jerk twelve times; which is sufficient to dislocate the most robust frame. But if he still does not confess what the Inquisitors require, the tortures of the rack await him, where, bound by the feet and hands, the wretched victim sustains eight blows; and if he still maintains his innocence, they cause him to swallow immense quantities of water, to make him experience the pains of the drowned. But this is not sufficient: the bloody scene is at length completed by the torments of the bra zier, where his naked feet, anointed with fat, and secured in stocks, are cruelly fried by a slow fire. I must at length desist, not to scandalize farther those who hear me. My pen resists those horrible descriptions, which can only be compared to the feasts of the Anthropophagi, or the cannibals of the south.

"Rome, the famous Rome, accustomed in the days of her greatest relaxation to the most cruel spectacles, in the sanguinary combats of the Gladia

From these few extracts, our readers will be able to form some idea, of the ability and spirit of, perhaps, one of the most interesting speeches, which has ever heen pronounced by man.If it be thought proper to preserve the speeches of conquerors, who have deluged countries with human blood, what is due to a speech, which has freed ten millions of our brethren from the terrors of the most frightful tribunal that ever existed in our world !—— What were the conquests of Alexander, compared with the conquests of RUIZ DE PADRON! A man who has thus exposed his property, his character, and his life, to free his countrymen from the most oppressive and debasing ecclesiastical tyranny; and has by the powers of reasoning and eloquence, overcome habits and prejudi ces which had for ages been gaining strength, deserves the admiration and applause of all mankind. If we consider the difficulties to be encountered, the means employed, the intrepidity displayed, the success of the effort, and the importance of the result, history can hardly furnish an example of equal splendor.

The obliging translator will ac

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