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that his time is so much occupied with sentiments of the Methodists, and their his school, that he has no leisure to general character are much the same devote to this object. It might greatly there as in other parts of our country. promote religion, if some missionary The Baptists in the western states and body would employ this man in their territories are in their sentiments exservice permitting him, at the same tremely various. The better informed time, to supply his own societies. are said to be Calvinistic; but a very In this state at large, the prevailing considerable portion are either Antivices are the same as in the State of nomian or Arminian, and not a few Kentucky; nor is the general state of are Arian or Socinian. Some of them society very different. have a religious regard to the SabIn the Mississippi Territory, contain- bath; but by the greater part the sa ing about 58,000 inhabitants, there are credness of that holy day is openly six Presbyterian churches, four minis- denied. Their preachers are not only ters, nine itinerant Methodist preach-unlearned, but they hold learning in ers, twenty-seven Baptist churches, disesteem and contempt. While they and thirteen preachers. "The state of decry human knowledge, they pretend society in this territory is deplorable. You scarcely see a man ride without his pistol, or walk without a dagger in his bosom. It is believed that more innocent blood is shed in this territory and in Louisiana, in one year, than in all the Middle and Eastern states, in ten years." At Natches, in this territory, Messrs Schermerhorn and Mills procured a bible society to be established under favorable auspices.

to divine inspiration. They pay great attention to dreams and visions, mysterious impulses and impressions; and of these the relations and experiences, upon which members are admitted to their communion, in no smail part consist, The New Lights, of whom mention has been made, are a sect which sprung up in Kentucky in 1803. Believing that the extraordinary work then prevailing was the commencement of the millennium, and that all mystery and obscurity in religion was then to be done away; they gave license to their heated imaginations, and pro

The INDIANA TERRITORY,with about 25,000 inhabitants, has one Presbyterian church and minister; five itinerant Methodist preachers; twenty-nine Baptist churches, and fourteen prea-ceeded to explain the Scriptures, acchers; six New Light preachers, and a few Shakers.

In the ILLINOIS TERRITORY, containing about 13,000 inhabitants, there are five or six Methodist preachers in several circuits, and about six hundred members of the Methodist connexion, and five Baptist churches, containing about 120 members.

cording to what they called reason; and it is a remarkable fact, that a wild fanaticism in those western regions conducted its votaries to the denial of the same doctrines, and to the adoption of nearly the same opinions, as the vaunted criticism and liberality of other parts of Christendom have done. This sect, which for a while was nuIn the whole great extent of coun- merous, is now decreasing. The Haltry, thus surveyed, there are not two eyons of the West are a sort of myst thirds as many ministers, Presbyterian ics, who set out with the avowed deor Congregational, as there are in Mas- sign of abolishing all distinction of resachusetts Proper; but those ministers ligious denominations, and uniting all are generally of respectable attain-professed Christians in one Commun ments in knowledge, of strictly evan-ion, and under one name. They regelical sentiments, and of good repu- nounce all creeds, confessions, and tation for piety, and regular devoted- catechisms; and profess to receive ness to their work. In most of those parts, the Methodists and Baptists are the prevailing denominations. The

the Holy Scriptures, as a divine help, handed down from heaven, to aid their reason in forming just ideas of

the divine character and of divine || ployed; and 130 members of Baptist

things. But say they, "We receive churches, with no settled preachers. not the Holy Scriptures as the founda- It is estimated that about two fifths of tion of our faith in religion; for we the inhabitants are Americans, and the conceive that other foundation can rest French; and both the one and the never be laid, equal to that founda- other are in a state of extreme ignotion stone, which was laid before Josh-rance, and the greater part as visibly ua, (of which the Scriptures clearly without God in the world as heathens. speak,) whereon were seven eyes, A Mr. Stephen Hampstead of St. Louwhich we conceive to be the seven is, the principal place in this Territocommunicable attributes of God."*|| ry, who was formerly of Connecticut, They hold that" the office of Christ in a letter to our missionaries, says, on earth was to explain the eternal "I believe the formation of a Bible laws of religion to man ;" they prac- and Tract Society, would be very tise baptism indifferently by sprinkling useful here. I have distributed a few or immersion; and decline matrimo- tracts that I brought with me; and ny, under pretence of choosing spir- they were received with thankfulness, itual mates. This sect is also on the and I trust have done good. If any decrease. of the Societies in New-England will On the whole, throughout the States send on some Bibles or Tracts to my and territories reviewed, there is a de-charge, I will distribute them among plorable want of the preached Gospel the poor and needy, who are famishand of the stated and regular adminis-ing for the word of life. In my intertration of divine ordinances; a deplo- views with the heads of families and rable want, indeed, of all the means of officers of government, they have exgood religious instruction; (for but a pressed a strong desire to have a minsmall part of the people possess the Bi-ister of education, piety, morals, and ble:) and therefore a loud and effecting call for the benevolent aid of missionary and Bible Societies, The General Assembly of the Presbyterian The state of LOUISIANA has a popuChurch has sent a few missionaries, || lation of about 77,000 free people, and from time to time, into these destitute about 35,000 slaves. Of the free peo regions, and the attention of the Phila-ple it is estimated that about one fifth delphia, New-York, and Connecticut are Americans. "The settlements east Bible Societies has been turned tow-of lakes Mauripas and Bouchantrain to ards them; but unless much greater exertions shall be made, than have yet been made, by the pious and the liberal, it will be long before any adequate supply, either of ministers or of Bibles will be furnished to them.

talents settled at St. Louis, and that they would contribute liberally and continually to his support."

Pearl river, are few and scattering, but chiefly American. The settlements on the Mississippi are very flourishing from Point Coupee to some distance below New-Orleans; and on both sides of the river they present almost a continued village, The inhabitants of the upper part of the settlements are from Canada; of the middle, Germans; and

But regions of still deeper and more deplorable darkness and corruption || are now to come under review; regions but lately annexed to the Unit-of the lower part, French and Spanish éd States. from Europe. All speak the same lanIn the district of country, west of the guage, and are similar in habits, manMississippi, called the Missouri Terri-ners and religion. In the settlements tory containing a scattered population of about 21,000, there are 445 members of Methodist Societies, among whom six itinerant preachers are emH. Epist. No. 44 and 45, Lex. 1803.

on the Gulph, west of the Mississippi, the people are Spanish, French, and American. On Red River they are principally French, and in the Washita American. The state of society in this

country is very deplorable. The peo-established at New Orleans by the exertions of our missionaries, while they were there. The Legislature was then in session, and gentlemen of influence; not in the city only, but in the state at large, became members Very consi derable attention was excited to the subject, and many people began earnestly to enquire for the bible. On the day the Bible Society was formed, Mr. Mills writes, "I was at the store of Mr. Stackhouse this morning, and during a short stay there, five or six French people called on him inquiring for bibles in their language. Some of them belonged to the city, and some to the country." Two days afterwards he writes.

"Mr. Stackhouse inform

ple are entirely ignorant of divine things, and have been taught only to attend mass and count their beads. They are without schools, and of the French inhabitants not one in ten can read. Their whole business seems to be to make the most they can of their plantations, and to get gain. They are not intemperate in drinking, but continence is with them no virtue. The Sabbath to them is a high holiday, and on it is committed perhaps more actual sin, than during the whole week beside. Dancing, gambling, parties of pleasure, theatrical amusements, dining parties, &c. are the common business of the day, after mass in the morning. In the whole state there is ed me this evening that a number of not one Protestant church, unless it be people called on him for Bibles, mosta small one of Baptists, about to be ly French Catholics. This is certainly organized at Appelousas. The Meth- a wonderful day for New-Orleans.→→ odists have had itinerants up Red Riv- Mr. Stackhouse told me that if he had er and Washita, but are exceedingly fifty bibles, they would all be disposed unpopular. The religion professed is of at once."-A Mr. Dow has receiv entirely Roman Catholic. The clergyed, through a friend, twenty or thirty of this order, however, are not numer-English bibles, from the British and ous; perhaps fifteen. The Bishop and Foreign Bible Society. These were four or five priests reside in New-Or-all distributed. leans. Bishop de Bury I believe to be a man of piety; and I know that he laments the degraded state of their church in Louisiana, and mourns over the depravity and wickedness of the place in which he resides. The bishop and father Antonio favored the establishment of the Louisiana Bible Society, which I trust will prove a great and lasting blessing to the state."

"The Bishop," says Mr. Mills, "is considered as a man of character and of extensive information; he came from Baltimore and has been in NewOrleans but a few months. He gave it as his opinion, that there were not at this time twelve bibles in the vicinity of New-Orleans. He spoke of this city as being the most desperately wicked place he had ever been in;" though "he had been in France, and had opportunity of ascertaining the morals and religion in the cities of that kingdom."

The Louisiana Bible Society was

During their stay of about three weeks in New-Orleans, our missionaries preached as often as they had opportunity. Of the last Sabbath Mr. Mills says; "In the evening the congregation was numerous for the place; perhaps 200 attended. Brother Schermerhorn preached. It was said by those who had lived in the city a considerable time, they never saw so full a meeting before. After sermon, a collection of 84 dollars was made for the missionaries." Mr. Schermerhorn had an invitation, a pretty pressing one, it would seem, to remain at NewOrleans, and settle in the ministry there. In relation to this he says, "I regretted it could not be so; for I be lieve the Lord has much people in that city; that it is an ample field for usefulness, and the most important situation in the western country."

"In West Florida," says Mr. Mills, "the people are extremely ignorant. The attention of some of them has

been lately called to religious subjects. the Scriptures to a degree beyond al Numbers of them lose no time in so- former example. To this, and other liciting for a bible, whenever a pros-causes of similar operation, may be pect, that they may be supplied is pre- ascribed the superior estimation into sented, which is very rare. There are which the Scriptures have risen of late some families in this part of our coun-years, and the strong disposition which try, who never saw a bible, nor heard has been manifested to promote their of Jesus Christ; and some there are, diffusion and reception among all orhopefully pious, who cannot obtain a ders of society. At length, an expebible or even a testament. The peo-dient was devised, of equal simplicity, ple to whom I now refer speak the English language."

liberality, and wisdom, for accomplishing this purpose, on a scale which The view now given of these exten- promises eventually to comprehend, sive, dark, and famishing regions of not merely the inhabitants of the our country, can hardly fail deeply to British Empire, nor the population of affect the hearts of the friends of the Christendom, but the whole family of Redeemer, and of those for whom he man. This expedient was to circulate died; and if it have the effect to wake the sacred text, upon which Christians up the members of this society and in general are agreed, and to which others to more earnest prayer and ex- they appeal as their common standertion for the imparting of the bles-ard, without human interpretation, sings of the gospel to such as are per-criticism, or commeht. The propoishing for want of them, the design of presenting it will be answered. From this distant excursion we return to things nearer home...(To be continued.)




Continued from p. 31.

sition was acceded to, and practically adpoted, by a respectable body, consisting of members from various communions of professing Christians; and it was recommended to public patronage and support, in the year 1804, under the designation of "THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY.”

The Institution was regarded with considerable interest. To some indeed it appeared so doubtful ap experiment, that they could not be prevailed upon to join immediately in giving it the trial; while others, and those not a few, of almost every persuasion, saw in it the germ of Christian concord and social happiness; and rallied round it, as a standard of piety, and peace and pure religion.

In the present age, no circumstances claim more strongly the notice and approbation of every friend to Christianity, than the increased attention manifested to the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and the facilities provided for the accomplishment of this object. Our forefathers have long been honored with the gratitude they deserved, for having, at the period of the Reformation, laid open those Lord Teignmouth accepted the apheavenly treasures to the eyes of the pointment of President; as did the people. Societies were subsequently Bishops of London, Durham, Salisformed, schools were founded, and bury, and St. David's, together with other regulations adopted, for promot- certain lay-lords and gentlemen of the ing this desirable work. Little how-highest character, that of Vice-Presidever comparatively, was done towards ents. Thus constituted and patronigeneralizing the knowledge of the Bi-zed,from the popularity of its plan and ble, till within the last fifty years; the exertions of its conductors, it obwhen an increased attention to educa- tained a rapid establishment in the tion brought the minds of the com-world; and may be considered as almon people more extensively into cul-ready possessing a larger and more tivation, and multiplied the readers of efficient operation than was ever ace

quired in so short a time by any char-throughout the United Kingdom; and itable Institution. in conspicuous and convenient stations Upon its first appearance before the throughout the other portions of the public, WALES and SCOTLAND rivalled world already enumerated. Its Auxeach other and their fellow-christians iliaries within the United kingdom alin ENGLAND, by the promptitude and ready amount to above 200. On the liberality of their support. IRELAND continent of Europe, it has produced did not remain uninterested in this kindred Institutions of great activity, strife of love; but manifested as strong and operating under the most respecta disposition as its local impediments able patronage, in Stockholm, Berlin, would allow, to aid in promoting so Basle, Abo, St. Petersburg, Moscow, glorious a work. The continent of Eu- &c. These stations are peculiarly faROPE felt the impulse which London vorable to the object of supplying the had excited; and evinced the effects inhabitants of that continent with the of it, in local associations for prosecu- Scriptures in their several languages. ting the same common purpose, under In ASIA it possesses powerful Auxilarthe auspices and by the aid of the Pa-ies, at Calcutta and Colombo. The rent Institution. ASIA displayed a Societies established in those places similar spirit, and Calcutta (where cer- consist of individuals of different Christain individuals from the Baptist Soci-tian denominations, eminent alike for ety had made a most auspicious be piety, learning, and station; and are ginning in the work of translations) honored with the countenance and became the seat of a Corresponding support of the respective governments. Committee; professing, in the name,|| Through these Associations, and the and chiefly by the funds, of the Soci-instruments employed under their diety in London, to aid and encourage translations of the scriptures into all the vernacular dialects of the East.This initiatory measure has led to the establishment of" the Calcutta Auxili-MILLION,) with Bibles; to produce corary Bible Society." AMERICA caught rect versions of the Scriptures in the the same holy ardour; and a similar various languages of the East; and to union of Christians, upon kindred prin- open channels for their circulation aciples, and with the same object in mong millions of people, who might view, was speedily witnessed in vari-||otherwise have remained utter stranous great towns throughout the Unit-gers to the words of eternal life. In ed States. Several of these Associa-AFRICA it is chiefly employed in distions have been assisted by the Brit-tributing Copies of the Scriptures, furnish and Foreign Bible Society. ished from its Domestic Depository: In order to form a just conception but the recent establishment of an Auxof this important Institution, and to ilary Society for the Mauritius, Isle of prognosticate its effects on the civiliz-Bourbon, and Dependencies, under ed world, it will be necessary to view the immediate patronage of the Govit a little more nearly, and to enter ernor; encourages a hope that somemore particularly into the details of thing more extensive and effectual will its present vast and increasing magni-be done for enlightening and christiantude.

rection and encouragement, the Society at home will contribute considerably towards furnishing the native Christians in India (amounting to nearly a

izing that dark and degraded portion The center of this Institution is in of the Globe. In AMERICA the object LONDON. Its larger component parts of the Society is prosecuted by the are to be traced in Auxiliary Societies, Bible Societies of Philadelphia, Newor other associations, formed under its York, Albany, Connecticut, Massaencouragement, and contributory to its chusetts, Main, New Jersey, South object, in several of the most consid-Carolina, Georgia, Baltimore, &c, aerable, and in some of the minor towns mounting to 24 in number, all produc

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