Imágenes de páginas

tablishment of the most important ci- became convinced that many of the orvil and religious institutions. The fa- dinances and ceremonies of the church thers of that colony, therefore, for were unsupported by divine precept, their zeal and indefatigable labors, and inconsistent with the word of God, will always be held in the most grate-Finding that rites of human invention ful remembrance; while their prac-were maintained and enforced with as tical wisdom and rational piety can much pertinacity as any of the express never cease to be revered. The em-precepts or ordinances of Christ, that inent characters of that colony, may, he was, denied the privilege of conscivery justly, be the subject of our first entious omission of forms and cereattention. monies confessedly unessential, Mr. Robinson determined, at the hazard of all temporal good, to separate from the established church.

The most distinguished person of that extraordinary company, who made the settlement of Plymouth, and commenced the first colony, which in About the year 1580, a sect of violent its early state had the appearance of separatists arose in England, the principermanency, within the present limits pal leader of whom was Robert Brown, of the United States, was their vener- from whom the sect was denominated able Minister, the Rev. John Robin-Brownists. These absolutely disownson. Through the interesting vicissi-ed the church of England as a church tudes of about twenty years, he was of Christ, and held it to be unlawful their leader, their shield, and the only common bond which gave a unity to all their pursuits.

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to hold any communion with that church. Mr. Robinson, on a discovery of the numerous factitious rites Mr. Robinson was born in the East which were imposed by the church, of England, about the year 1575. Pos- of the arbitrary measures and high usessed of a strong and discriminating surpations of the hierarchy, fell into mind, under the advantages of a liber- the same mistaken sentiments, and al education, he made an early and dis- connected himself with the Brownists. tinguished progress in those branches The sentiments which he embraced of science which were the principal and publicly maintained, were genersubjects of learning in that day. Hav-ally adopted by his been early inducted into the work Enlightened by his luminous mind, of the gospel ministry, he applied allured by his ardent piety, attached with great diligence to the study of by his unfeigned mouth, the congrethe scriptures, and to the constitution gation ever adhered to their faithful, and character of the national church. beloved pastor. Mr. Robinson pubOf that church he was a member, hav-lished some small tracts in vindication ing received episcopal ordination, and of the lawfulness of separation, and in was settled over a small congregation opposition to many of the ordinances near Yarmouth. He entered upon the of the ecclesiastical establishment.~ work of the ministry about the time Many of the Brownists, unable to enwhen the debates, between the advo- dure the persecuting zeal of Archbishcates of high episcopacy and the Puri-op Whitgift and his successor Bancroft tans, managed by those able champi- fled to Holland and set up several churons Whitgift and Cartright, were carri- ches. Those churches enjoyed the ed on with the utmost vigor. The labors of several excellent divines minds of all men were affected with whose names are still eminent in the those discussions, and such as were of departments of divinity and science. an inquisitve turn, necessarily examin- Mr. Robinson and his people made: ed those subjects which so greatly ag- many efforts to enjoy and perform the itated the nation. From a careful at-pure worship and ordinances of the tention to the existing order of the re- gospel, in a private manner, without ligious establishment, Mr. Robinson giving offence to those who sought to

enforce a general uniformity. But with the most of the Reformed church. the zeal of the ecclesiastical courts es they agreed in the essential princiand the vigilance of the pursuivants|ples of doctrine and practice. They rendering this impracticable, they were compelled to look for an asylum in foreign countries. The removal of Mr. Robinson and his congregation to Amsterdam, in the year 1607, and in the year following to Leyden, was particularly described in our third Number.

held it lawful to unite with the Church of England in Christian intercourse and divine worship, but not to commune with them, in their then existing state, in sealing ordinances. This account is taken from a Confession of Faith and a general account of that first Independent church drawn by Mr.

Mr. Robinson was a man of an inde-Robinson, with great ability and learnpendent mind, who made truth and ing, and published at Leyden in latin, duty his great objects of pursuit, and in the year 1619. It is entitled An was not to be governed by the preju- Apology for the English exiles, who dices of a sect. On a more near ac- are vulgarly called Brownists. In this quaintance with the principles and Confession it is stated, "We hold the practices of the Brownists than he Reformed Churches to be true and could obtain in his native country, ai- genuine, we profess communion with ded by the light of the holy scriptures them in the sacraments of God, and, as and an intercourse with some eminent far as we are able, cultivate their felPuritan divines, he became sensible lowship." Dr. Mosheim observes," Inof the unreasonable bigotry and many stead of differing from all other Chriserrors of the Brownists, and undertook tian societies, it may rather be said ur to effect a reformation in their senti- the independents, that they were perEnents and churches. In this important fectly agreed with by far the greatest undertaking, he was eminently suc- part of the Reformed churches." The cessful. Many of the Brownists grad-religious sentiments, in doctrine and ually came into his sentiments, and, practice, which were received by Mr. that they might be distinguished from Robinson's church at Leyden, under those who tenaciously adhered to the the instruction of that great man, and sentiments of Brown and went even afterwards brought to America, were greater lengths in error, they were dis-remarkably coincident with those tinguished by the name of independents.which have since been so ably vindiThe leading principles on which Mr.cated by Dr. Hopkins in his incomparRobinson's church in Leyden was es-able System; a work which will be tablished, were these: They acknowl-admired in the latest periods of the edged the doctrinal Articles of the church, notwithstanding the censures church of England to contain the es- it now receives from many by whom sential doctrines of the gospel; they it was never read. The sentiments held that, that was a true church of of Mr. Robinson which have been Christ, and as such to be venerated mentioned, which were adopted by and esteemed; that every individual church had received authority from Christ to enjoy all the privileges, to exercise all the rights which he has appointed for his visible people; and that such a church is not amenable to any external or superior ecclesiastical authority. They held a cordial com-ation." munion with the churches of Holland, At the time that Mr. Robinson rewith the churches of Geneva, with moved to Leyden, the celebrated Arthe French Protestants who were regiminius was professor of divinity in the ulated by the Walloon Confession, and eminent university of that city, and

his people, afford a satisfactory reason
for an extraordinary remark of that
acute historian Mr. Hume.
He says,
of the independents, " Of all Christian
sects, this was the first, which during
its prosperity, as well as its adversity,
always adopted the principle of toler-

publicly inculcated his peculiar reli of the necessary preparations, it was gious sentiments. After his death in found that the whole company could 1609, he was succeeded in the divinity || not remove at one time, and it was achair by Episcopius, who maintained greed that the pastor should attend the the religious sentiments of his prede-greater number. At the time of the cessor with great ability and learning. first emigration, the greater number An occurrence during his professorate remained in Holland, with wirom Mr. deserves a particular mention in this Robinson continued. He remained, place. It is related in an historical however, in the full expectation of retract of Governor Bradford." Episco- moving, with the residue of his people pius, the Arminian professor, put forth to America. This confident expecthis best strength and set forth sundry ation was never relinquished till his theses, which by public dispute he death. would defend against all men. Now When the first emigrants were prePoliander, the other professor, and the pared for their embarcation, the conchief preachers of the city desired Mr.gregation observed, with great solemRobinson to dispute against him; but nity, a day of fasting and prayer. Af he was loth, being a stranger: yet the ter preaching from Ezra viii. 21. Mr. other did importune him and told him Robinson addressed the adventurers that such was the abilities and nimble- in the following manner: ness of the adversary, that the truth "Brethren, would suffer if he did not help them; so that he condescended and prepared himself against the time, and when the day came, the Lord did so help him to defend the truth and foil his adversary as he put him to an apparent nonplus in this great and public audience, and so he did a second and a third time upon such like occasions, which procured him much honor and respect."

"We are now quickly to part from one another, and whether I may ever live to see your faces on earth any more, the God of heaven only knows; but whether the Lord has appointed that or no, I charge you before God and his blessed angels, that you follow me no farther than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

"If God reveal any thing to you, by any other instrument of his, be as Mr. Robinson appears to have had ready to receive it as ever you were no less influence with his people in the to receive any truth by my ministry; regulation of their moral conduct, than for I am verily persuaded the Lord has in the direction of their religious sen-more truth yet to break forth out of his timents. A little previous to their re- holy word.-- For my part, I cannot moval to America, the Magistrates of sufficiently bewail the condition of the the city of Leyden, in a public address reformed churches, who are come to to the members of the French church in that city, observe, “These English have lived among us these twelve years, and yet we never had any suit or accusation come against any of them; but your strifes and quarrels are continual."

a period in religion, and will go at present no farther than the instruments of their reformation. The Lutherans cannot be drawn to go beyond what Luther saw; whatever part of his will our God has revealed to Calvin, they will rather die than embrace it; and The plan of a removal to America, the Calvinists, you see, stick fast where projected by the congregation at Ley-they were left by that great man of den, met with the cordial approbation|| God, who yet saw not all things. of their reverend pastor. He consid- "This is a misery much to be laered the reasons for a removal sud-mented, for though they were burning cient, and resolved to accompany his and shining lights in their times, yet beloved flock to the western wilder- they penetrated not into the whole ness. After attending to the nature council of God, but were they now

living, would be as willing to embrace || Robinson wrote and sent to them á further light as that which they first re-most affectionate and judicious pastoceived. I beseech you remember, it|ral letter, which was preserved by is an article of your church covenant, them with the tenderest remembrance, that you be ready to receive whatever and was of great benefit to them truth shall be made known to you from through the residue of their lives. In the written word of God. Remember this, he counselled them, above all that, and every other article of your things else, to make their peace with sacred covenant. But I must here- God, and their own consciences, by a withall exhort you to take heed what sincere repentance of all sin, and a you receive as truth, examine it, con- life of faithful obedience to the divine sider it, and compare it with other commands. As the next most importscriptures of truth, before you receive ant duty, he exhorted them to live in it; for it is not possible the Christian peace with one another. To be very world should come so lately out of cautious of giving offence, and equally such thick antichristian darkness, and cautious of indulging an irritable temthat perfection of knowledge should per, whereby they would be liable to break forth at once." take offence from others. He observes, "I must also advise you to aban-" In my own experience, few or none don, avoid and shake off the name of BROWNISTS; it is a mere nick-name, and a brand for the making religion, and the professors of it, odious to the Christian world."*

have been found that sooner give offence, than those that easily take it; neither have they ever proved sound and profitable members of society, who have nourished this touchy huThe company who were to sail for mour." He warns them, with great America, being composed of the youn- earnestness, against the indulgence of ger part of the congregation, Mr. | a private, selfish spirit, whereby any Robinson and their elder brethren ac-one should be seeking exclusively, his companied them to Delfthaven, where own personal interest. He reminds

the esteem and affection to all of whom he was known. In 1621, and 1623, small companies of emigrants removed from the congregation to join their friends in Plymouth. So many obstacles were thrown in the way of the em

they embarked, July 2d, 1620. Hav- them that they are the house of God, ing spent the preceding night in Chris-and cautions them not to be shaken tian converse and social worship, in with unprofitable novelties and innothe morning, after exchanging the en-vations. dearments of a mutual affection, which For a few succeeding years, Mr. Ronothing less than common sufferings binson continted with a part of his in a strange land could have produced, congreg tion remaining in Holland, the beloved pastor kneeled down on enjoying : utmost confidence of his the sea-shore, and with a fervent pray-own people, and rising continually in er, committed the adventurers to the care and mercy of heaven. The pilgrims stepped on board, he gave them his blessing-that voice to which they had always listened with delight, they were not to hear again, till they hear it in the heavenly praises of redeem-igration of the principal part of the ing love. company, by the Plymouth Company The emigrants were to make some in England, who liked not the relistay in England, before their final de-gious sentiments of the Puritans, that parture for the western continent. Af- their removal, the object of their earnter they had sailed from Holland, Mr. est and constant hope, was delayed *Had Judge Marshall been favored with from year to year. sufficient time for the compilation of his History, he would not have stated that the first settlers of Plymouth were Brownista.

In the year 1625, the providence of God cast a sudden gloom upon all their prospects, by removing their beloved

pastor to his eternal rest. This event, receive the truth which God in his mercy should lay before them. And expresses his confidence that much remains to be exhibited.

which threw the company in both continents into the deepest mourning, was communicated to Plymouth in a letter from Leyden, of which the fol- A certain Mr. Jacob, an English dilowing is an extract; "It has pleased vine, compelled like many others to the Lord to take out of this vale of leave his own country, after residing tears, your and our loving pastor, Mr. several years in Holland, fully imbibed Robinson. He fell sick, Saturday the sentiments of Mr. Robinson, returnmorning, Feb. 22d, next day taught us ted to England in 1616, and established twice, on the week grew weaker every the first independent church in that day, feeling little or no sensible pain country. In a few years, they increased to the last. Departed this life the 1st to a great number. The venerable Syof March. Had a continual ague.-nod who composed the Savoy ConfesAll his friends came freely to him.sion in 1658, which has since been acAnd if prayers, tears or means could knowledged by conventions of the have saved his life, he had not gone|| churches in Massachusetts and Conhence. We will still hold close in necticut, were Independents. peace, wishing that you and we were An English historian, who was a together." He died in the fiftieth year great enemy to all non-conformists, obof his age. serves, "Mr. Robinson was a man of Mr. Robinson was a man of great dig-excellent parts, and the most learned, nity of manners, of a very grave de- polished, and modest spirit that ever portment, and possessed in an emi-separated from the church of England, nent degree, that solemn piety which The apologies he wrote were very was charicteristic of the distinguished handsome. By his connection with Puritans of his time. He had a singu- Dr. Ames and Mr. Parker, he was bro't lar talent at securing the affections to a greater moderation than he at first and commanding the minds of men. expressed. He ruined the rigid sepaVery few of his friends or followers ration by allowing the lawfulness of ever forsook him, for every additional communing with the church of Engknowledge of his character increased land in the word and prayer, though their attachment and confidence. Such not in the sacraments and discipline.* was his acquaintance with the human * Dr. Ames, here mentioned, was a celebracharacter and such his knowledge of ted Professorat the University of Franequer, truth, that he seldom failed of the ac- and author of the Medulla Theolog æ. complishment of his purposes. He was one that fled from the persecution of possessed the rarest talent in polemic- Arch-bishop Bancroft, and found an honoraal writers, a candor of mind, which alble asylum in Holland. His friendship was ways bowed to the force of truth. of great advantage to Mr. Robinson, as he Sensible of his own imperfections, he helped to convince him of the errors of the believed that much additional light respecting divine truth remained in Brownists, and afforded him much assistance in establishing the order of the Leyden the sacred volume, to be sought out hereafter, by those that fear the Lord. church. He intended to have removed to AI apprehend that the history of the merica, but was prevented by death, which church furnishes not another instance took place in 1633. His widow and children in which the founder of an extensive removed to New-England, and brought his religious denomination has delivered library, which was of great value. He possuch sentiments as we have in Mr. sessed a very acute mind and extensive learn Robinson's farewell address to the em-ing, and was one of the ablest ministers of igrants for America. He requires them not to make his opinions their standard, but to be always ready to

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his time in opposition to the sentiments of the Arminians. A lineal descendent from him, was that great ornament of our country, the

late Fisher Ames.

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