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so that mercy could consistently be against him, and against the universe? shown to sinners, short of the suffer-It is not a matter of wonder, then, that ings endured by the Son of God, sinners under conviction, are in great when he gave his life a ransom for distress and anguish of mind; that them? We may behold an expiring they go about with down-cast looks; Saviour, crying out, when he took the that they have sleepless nights, and sinner's place, "MY GOD, MY GOD, that they can no longer find pleasure WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?" We in the idle and vain conversation of may behold him, in this situation, and their stupid companions. Distress of learn how infinitely odious sin is in the mind is what we might expect to witBight of God. ness in all, whose eyes have been opened to see themselves out of Christ. It is a situation infinitely hazardous.

6. In view of the evil of sin, the justice of God appears in inflicting an endless punishment on the finally impenitent sinner.

A crucified Saviour has ever been to the unbelieving world, a stone of stumbling and rock of offence. But all objections and cavillings against the great doctrine of atonement show that men are amazingly ignorant of themselves; ignorant of the purity and ex- An interminable punishment, great tent of the law they have broken; ig-and awful as it may appear, is no more norant of their real condition as sin- than a just expression of the real deners. When God gives them a sight merit of sin, and of God's abhorrence of themselves, when he opens their of the sinner's character. If sin is an eyes to see the purity of that law, evil, infinitely dreadful in its consewhich is a transcript of his own per-quences, God must be just in expresfections, the necessity of a Saviour to die, and make an atonement for them is no longer doubted Sin. becomes so exceedingly sinful in their view, that nothing but the blood of the Son of GoD appears sufficient to atone for it. 5. The great distress often manifes-ges of sin is death," eternal death, or ted by sinners under awakenings, is the final loss of the soul. They who nothing more than might be rationally die impenitent are forever undone. expected. How alarming is such instruction as this! But alarming and trying as it may be, to the ungodly, it is clearly drawn from GOD's word.

When the truth is fastened upon the consciences of men, they become an astonishment to themselves. A view of their own condition fills them with horror. They lose sight of all their comfort, and though flattered by the world before, their spirits sink, and they feel themselves to be miserable creatures. Need we wonder at all this? The dejection and heaviness of mind which have come upon them, are what might be rationally expected on being brought to realize their condition. Have they now a conviction of the great evil of sin? Do they see it destroying all their happiness in this life? Do they see it destroying their own souls, and the souls of others? Do they see it to be a transgression of God's law, and of course rebellion

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sing an infinite hatred of it. And this infinite hatred of God, which will honor the divine law, will be oxpressed in the eternal destruction of all, who refuse salvation by Christ.greeably to this it is written "The wa


In view of these thoughts, let sinners of every age and description reflect seriously on the importance of breaking off from sin by repentance, and of taking refuge in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who is the great sacrifice for sin. Let them realize the importance of doing it speedily, while they have opportunity to honor CHRIST, and save there immortal souls. Can they be so stupid, so unfriendly to themselves, as to put off this matter? Can they be wil

to hazard what they must by delaying? While they delay repentance, the infinitely righteous God may arise in his anger, and tear them in pieces, and there will be none to deliver.

A Friend of Missions.


Extract from a Sermon preached by the Rev. and prayers tended. It was only with Dr. Woons, of Andover, in remembrance of a view to this, that she considered her Mrs. HARRIET NEWELL, missionary to In- talents and acquirements of any spe dia; who died at the Isle of France Nov.cial importance. Even her health and 30, 1812, aged 19 years. life seemed of little consequence to her, except in relation to this grand object.

"From the uniform tenor of her conduct for several years, there is reason to believe, that she was one, who forsook all for Christ, and who received an hundred fold in this present life.And there is equal reason to believe that she now inherits everlasting life in heaven.

"Before she indulged a hope that she was a subject of spiritual renovation, she had a long season of distressing conviction, careful self examination, and earnest prayer. She could not admit the comfortable conclusion that she was born again, before she was conscious, that she had given herself to the Lord, and yielded sincere obedience to his holy commands.

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"But this entire self devotion had no tendency to blunt the sensibilities of her heart, or to extinguish her natural affections. Every Christian is the subject of an affection, which holds a su periority over the natural affections, and makes them subservient to its pur poses. Had our natural affections been designed, as the highest principles of action, the Lord Jesus would never have set up another principle above them. Our dear departed friend did not more truly rise above the natural principles of action, than every Christian does, when he seeks the glory of God in the common business of life. Her affections were of the same nature "Long before she thought her own with those which Christians generally salvation secure, she began to exercise possess. If there was a difference, it an enlarged affection for the kingdom consisted in this; that she was more of Christ, and to be fervent in her pray-earnest and undivided in her attachers for the building up of Zion, and the ment. It is to this circumstance, that salvation of the heathen. This be- we must trace her peculiar magnanimcame the prominent feature of her re-ity, and elevation of spirit. As all the ligion, the supreme object of her pur-powers of her soul were unitedly exersuit. A considerable time before a ted for the attainment of one grand obForeign Mission,from this country, was||ject, she rose to an uncommon pitch of contemplated, the universal diffusion energy, and things seemingly impossiof the christian religion was the favor-ble to others, became practicable and ite subject of her meditations and pray-easy to her.


"In acquiring the force and decis

"When in the course of divine prov-ion of character, which she finally exidence, one of those, who had devoted hibited, it was of great importance, themselves to the Foreign Mission, that the question of duty was fully setsought her as the companion of his la- tled in her own mind. Had not this bours and sufferings; her great concern been done, she must have been often was to discover the will of God. As turned aside from her object by secret soon as she became satisfied respect-misgivings of conscience. Her attaching her duty, her determination was fix-ment to the object must have been ed. Here we come to the point where weakened; and every step must have her character began to assume a lustre, been taken haltingly and tremblingly. which excited the admiration of all But by much deliberation, and many who shared her friendship. Through prayers to God for direction, the questhe grace of God, she entirely conse- tion of duty had been settled; after crated herself to the establishment of which she proceeded without waverthe kingdom of Christ in pagan lands. ing. Devoted, as she was, to the To this great and glorious object all cause of Christ, and borne on with a her thoughts and studies, her desires || strong desire of advancing it in heather

lands, she was prepared for trials.-point him to a case not wholly unlike The hardships and sufferings, peculiar the present. The Evangelist tells us to the missionary life, became perfect- that Mary came to Jesus, as he sat at ly familiar. They were so closely as-meat, having an alabaster box of very pociated in her mind with the glory of precious ointment, and poured it on bis God, and the conversion of the hea- head. Judas, and some others instigathen, and the contemplation of them ted by him, charged her with extravawas so continually mingled with her gance and waste. But Jesus approved purest affections and joys, that, instead her conduct, declaring that she had of aversion and dread, they excited wrought a good work, and that it should sensations of delight. be made known for a memorial of her, "Is it possible that a character, so wherever the gospel should be preachexcellent,should not be universally loved in the whole world. ed and admired? Can any admit the “Do I still hear it said by some selfthought, that conduct so noble, so ish calculator, that "she threw herself Christlike, was owing to weak or mis-away?" But do you not applaud the guided zeal? Look upon the apostles conduct of a man, who goes to the and primitive Christians, who were so earth's end to gratify a worldly desire? entirely consecrated to the Saviour, || And can you think it reasonable to that they were willing to endure the make greater sacrifices for self-interest, greatest evils for his sake whose ar- than for the kingdom of Christ?→ dent love to him rendered every afflic-" Threw herself away?" What! Does tion light, and reconciled them to the a devoted Christian, who, for the love agonies of a violent death. Can the of Jesus, forsakes all that she has, to charge of misguided zeal be urged receive an hundred fold here, and life against the holy apostles ? everlasting in heaven, throw herself away?

"The character of MRS. NEWELL, instead of being exposed to any dis- "Should any ask, what that hundred honorable imputation, had an excel-fold reward was; our appeal would be lence above the reach of mere human to herself,-to her peace, and quietnature. Behold a tender female, when ness, and joy in God. For several of all the sensibilities of the heart are most the last months that she spent at lively,-united to friends and country home, and from the time of her leavby a thousand ties; a female of refined ing America till her death, her relieducation, with delightful prospects||gious enjoyment was almost constant, in her own country,-behold her vol- and at times elevated.

untarily resigning so many dear earth- "In her last interviews with her bely objects, for a distant pagan land.-loved friends in America, and in the All these sacrifices she made calmly; || scene of final separation, the consolawith a sober deliberation; in the exer- tions of the Spirit supported her, and cise of those sensibilities which would produced not only a tender meekness be overwhelming to mankind in gen- and calmness of mind, but astonishing eral, and yet with steady, unyielding resolution. Her happy serenity confirmness; and all this, not for wealth, tinued through the dangers of a long or fame, or any earthly object, but to voyage, and amid all the difficulties make known among the heathen the un- which befell her, after arriving in Insearchable riches of Christ. dia. Her spiritual enjoyment was not "I should blush to offer a vindica-materially interrupted by the various tion of a character so fair and exalted, || distresses, which prevented the estab as that of HARRIET NEWELL; a lovely saint, who has finished her course, and gone to receive an unfading crown,But if there is any one rash enough to impute extravagance, and folly; I will

lishment of the mission; nor by the sufferings she was subsequently called to endure; no, not even by the pangs that rent her heart, over a dear infant child, wasting away with sickness, and soor


That Christians are not perfectly holy in this life is a doctrine, generally received, by orthodox believers. This, we shall consider, as the revealed, or known purpose of God. If, then, it can be shown that we ought not to pray for any event, which we know to

the conclusion will necessarily follow, viz. That we ought not to pray for immediate perfection in holiness.

committed to a watery grave. Thro' all this sorrow and suffering, the Lord was with her, and gave her rest.During her last tedious and perilous voyage-separated by half the globe from the presence of a mother, whose presence was more than ever needed, and without a single female compan-be contrary to the purpose of God;ion, she could thus write;" It is for JESUS, who sacrificed the joys of his Father's kingdom and expired on the cross to redeem a fallen world, that It will be the first object of the folthus I wander from place to place, and lowing remarks, to illustrate the truth feel no where at home. How reviving of this proposition; That we ought not the thought! How great the consola- to pray for any event, which we know tion it yields to my sinking heart."- to be contrary to the purpose of God.Let the severest trials and disappoint-This will appear from the consideraments fall to my lot, guilty and weak tion that we ought not to desire that as I am, yet I think I can rejoice in the any such event should take place. This Lord, and joy in the God of my salva- does not imply, that perfection in hotion." liness is not, in itself considered, a de"In her last illness, which was at- sirable thing. Many things are desiratended with many distressing circumble, in themselves, or in their own nastances, she possessed her soul in pa-ture, which, considered as events, are tience and peace. God was pleased to not desirable at all times, and in all cirmanifest himself to her, as he does not to the world. 66 During her whole sickness, she talked in the most familiar manner, and with great delight, of death and the glory that was to follow."terbalance the good, which they pro"Her life, measured by months and years, was short; but far otherwise, when measured by what she achieved. She was the happy instrument of much good to the holy kingdom of Christ, which deserved all her affections and all her labors."

For the Utica Christian Magazine.


cumstances. As events, they may, at certain times, and in certain circumstances, be followed by evil consequences, which will more than coun

duce; or; they may prevent a greater good, which would, otherwise, exist. In either case, it cannot be desirable that such events should take place,-however desirable the things may be in themselves; however great the good, which they may contain in their own nature. There are many kinds of food which are nutritious and salutary to person's health;-but, to the same persons, in times of sickness they would be greatly injurious, altho they remain as palatable as ever.— Considered simply in themselves, without respect to their consequences, they are desirable objects, and as much It is not the duty of Christians to so in sickness as they are in health :pray for any event, which they know but the receiving of them in times of to be contrary to the purpose of God: sickness, considered as events in conThey do know it to be contrary to nexion with its consequences, cannot the purpose of God that Christians be desirable. The thing, in itself, is should be perfectly holy in this life:- good, but the partaking of it, at this Therefore, it is not their duty to pray time, will be followed with an overbafor immediate perfection in holiness..lancing evil; or, will prevent a greater

QUESTION-Is it the duty of Christians
to pray for immediate perfection in
holiness? ANSWER-It is not.
The following reason is offered for
this answer:


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which must, of course, be an undesirable event.

good, that would, otherwise, exist,- event must be necessary for the promotion of a greater good than could otherwise exist, and therefore it is a desirable event.

The same is true of all those things which are, in themselves, desirable, As God is pleased with holiness and pleasing, or gratifying, but are follow-displeased with sin, we may be sure ed with more undesirable consequen- that he would not suffer his peculiar people to remain, through this life, in


On the other hand also, things mayan imperfect or sinful state, if this were be in themselves, evil and undesirable, not necessary to effect a greater good and yet be productive of good effects, than could otherwise exist. He will and, on this account, as events, it may suffer no more natural or moral evil to be desirable that they should take exist in the universe than is necessary place. Such are the operations of a to the promotion of the greatest genesurgeon, in amputating limbs-such ral good. To do this would be totally were the evils which Joseph suffered, irreconcilable with his perfections.while a slave and imprisoned in Egypt; Surely, then, he would not suffer his and such were all the sufferings of the peculiar, covenant people, redeemed Saviour, for the salvation of sinners.- by the blood of Christ, sanctified by It cannot, therefore, be determined, the Holy Spirit, made heirs of eternal with certainty, that because a state of glory, to have so much imperfection perfect holiness is, in itself, a great and sin, as they possess, during the good, and greatly desirable; it must whole of their pilgrimage on earth, if be best that all Christians should be this were not necessary to the exist perfectly holy, in this life: it will not ence of a greater good. Any other certainly follow, that because a state supposition than this would imply, eiof imperfection in believers is, in itself, ther that God does not determine all an evil and undesirable state, there- events, or, that the imperfect state of fore it is not best that Christians should || Christians on earth, is determined for remain in it, during the period of pro-its own sake, and not for the sake of a bation. Nothing, respecting the desirableness or undesirableness of this event, can be determined from the consideration that perfection in holi ness is, from its very nature, the most desirable state that can be imagined; and that a state of moral imperfection, is, in itself, a great evil.

greater good, that will result from it; neither of which positions can ever be reconciled with the Divine perfections. But, if the imperfect state of Christians in this world, be necessary to the promotion of a greater good than could otherwise exist, it is a desirable event, and of course the contrary state, or a state of absolute Christian perfection, in this world, must be an undesirable event.

This question, whether it be a desirable event that Christians should remain through this life in a state of moral imperfection, can be determined by The sole consideration, that God the fact, that God has appointed this hath ordained the present state of to be their state. It is here taken for Christians, on earth, to be a state of granted that this is the actual state of moral imperfection, is sufficient to agChristians, during their probation, insure us that this is, on the whole, a dethis world. It is also taken for grant-sirable event, as it results from the ed, that "God hath foreordained what- dictates of infinite wisdom and goodsoever comes to pass." Hence it fol-ness. lows, that the moral imperfection of Christians, during the present life, is an event which God hath ordained.This is his revealed, or declared pur mose respecting them. Of course this

This being admitted, it cannot be desirable that Christians should be perfectly holy, in this life; hence we ought not to desire that this event should take place,

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