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one who carefully consults the foregoing




C has two modifications, the hard and the soft; as, cull, cell.

C is always hard, like k, before a, o, u, and all consonants, and at the end of syllables or words; as, call,coal, cut, accost, public: but soft, like s, before e, i, and y; as, cease, cit, cypress. G.

Ghas likewise a hard and a soft modification; as, gun, gin.

G is hard before a, o, u, and all consonants, and at the end of words; as, gat, got, gut, glad, jug.

G is for the most part soft before e, i, and y; as, gem, gill, clergy: but all proper names in the Bible have G hard before e and i; as, Geru, Gilboah. G is likewise hard in many English words before e and i; as, geese, geld, get, gear, girl, give, giddy, dagger, anger: and in many more which may be supplied by observation.


Ch has one hard, and two soft modifications; as, Baruch, (Baruck), Arch, Chaise (Shaise).

The first prevails in words of Hebrew and Greek original, and the last in such as come from the French.


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Ph, when joined in the same syllable, is sounded likeƒ; as, Asaph, elephant.


S has two modifications, a sharp and a flat; as, this, these. The flat sound prevails in the end of all words made plural, or otherwise increased by the addition of s, ; as, pins, foxes, loves.


Th has likewise a sharp and a flat sound; as, thin, thine.


Ti before a vowel is frequently softened down to sh; as station, in which the sound of the is nearly, if not quite, lost.


W, in diphthongs and triphthongs, as in few, view, must be a vowel; but in other cases, especially at the beginning of words, it must be a consonant; as, we, William.


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A Comma [,] denoting, perhaps, especially in long sentences, a little elevation of the voice, is the shortest pause, and may be held while

[blocks in formation]

A semicolon [;] denoting for the most part an evenness of the voice, may be held while you count two.

A colon [:] marks a little depression of the voice, and requires a pause while you count three.

A period or full stop [.] denotes a yet greater depression of the voice than a colon, and may be held while you count four.

A note of interrogation [] requiring as long a pause as a full stop, is placed at the end of a question, and denotes an elevation of the voice, and rather a smartness in the pronunciation.

A note of admiration or exclamation[!] which requires also as long a pause as a full stop, is used after a word or sentence that expresses surprise or emotion, and denotes a modulation of the voice suited to the expression.

An apostrophe ['] marked by a comma at the top of a letter, shews some letter or letters

to be there left out; as lov'd for loved, can't for cannot.

A quotation [or ""] marked by inverted commas, includes a passage taken from some author, or spoken by some other person.

A diæresis or dialysis [] marked by two dots over the latter of two vowels, shews that what would otherwise be a diphthong, must be divided into two distinct syllables; as, Agesi laus, Danaë.

A hyphen [-] is used to join the syllables of a word ogether, especially such as are partly in one line and partly in another; as,la-bor,be-set. It serves also to compound two different words into one; as, all-powerful, self-rewarded.

A caret [▲] denotes an interlincation, and shews where to bring in what had been omitted in writing. The same mark when placed over a vowel, is called a circumflex, and shews that such vowel is to be sounded long; as, Euphrates, Aristobulus.


Au ellipsis [-- or -] shews that part word or sentence is left out by design; as Kfor King; before I go hence


An accent [ ́] placed over a letter, shews

where the stress or force of a word lies; as,

constant, besét.

A parenthesis () to be avoided as much as possible, is used to include some short sentence within the body of a larger one; which, though not necessary to the sense, yet should serve to explain or illustrate it.

Brackets or crotchets [] are applied nearly to the same purpose as a parenthesis; and they are also used to include à reference to some book or part of some book,

A paragraph [] is seldom used except in the Bible, and points out the beginning of a new subject.

A section [§] is used to divide books or. chapters into smaller parts. Sometimes it serves also as a mark of reference to a note.

An index or hand [] points to something remarkable, that should be particularly noticed.

An astereisk [*], a dagger or obelisk [+], a double dagger [‡], parallel lines [||], &c. direct to some note or remark in the margin, or at the bottom of the page.

A brace [] couples words or lines together, that have a relation to the same thing;

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