Imágenes de páginas

He was so far from over-valuing any of the appendages of life, that the thoughts of life did not affect him. Atterbury.

APPENDANT. adj [French.] 1. Hanging to something else. 2. Belonging to; annexed; concomitant. He that despises the world, and all its appendant vanities, is the most secure. Taylor. He that looks for the blessings appendant to the sacrament, must expect them upon no terms, but of a worthy communion. Taylor. Riches multiplied beyond the proportion of our character, and the wants appendant to it, naturally dispose men to forget God. Rogers. 3. In law.

Appendant is any thing belonging to another, as accessorium principali with the civilians, or adjunctum subjecto with the logicians. An hospital may be appendant to a manour; a common of fishing appendant to a freehold. APPENDANT. n. s. That which belongs to another thing, as an accidental or adventitious part.


Pliny gives an account of the inventors of the forms and appendants of shipping. Hale.

A word, a look, a tread, will strike, as they are appendants to external symmetry, or indications of the beauty of the mind. Grew. To APPENDICATE. v. a. [appendo, Lat.] To add to another thing.


In a palace there is the case or fabrick of the structure, and there are certain additaments; as, various furniture, and curious motions of divers things appendicated to it. APPENDICATION. n. s. [from appendicate.] Adjunct; appendage; annexion. There are considerable parts and integrals, and appendications unto the mundus aspectabilis, impossible to be eternal. Hale. APPENDIX. n. s. appendices, plur. [Lat.] 1. Something appended, or added, to another thing,

The cherubim were never intended as an object of worship, because they were only the appendices to another thing. But a thing is then proposed as an object of worship, when it is set up by itself, and not by way of addition or ornament to another thing. Stilling fleet.

Normandy became an appendix to England, the nobler dominion, and received a greater conformity of their laws to the English, than they gave to it. Hale's Civil Law of England. 2. An adjunct or concomitant.

All concurrent appendices of the action ought to be surveyed, in order to pronounce with truth concerning it. Watts.

To APPERTAIN. v. n. [appartenir, Fr.] 3. To belong to as of right: with to.

The honour of devising this doctrine, that religion ought to be inforced by the sword, would be found appertaining to Mahomed the false prophet. Raleigh.

The Father, t' whom in heav'n supreme Kingdom, and power, and glory appertains, Hath honour'd me, according to his will. Milton. a. To belong to by nature or appointment. If the soul of man did serve only to give him being in this life, then things appertaining to this life would content him, as we see they do other creatures. Hooker.

And they roasted the passover with fire, as appertaineth: as for the sacrifices, they sod them in brass pots. 1 Esdras.

Both of them seem not to generate any other effect, but such as appertainetb to their proper objects and senses. Bacon

Is it expected I should know no secrets That appertain to you? Shakspeare, APPERTA'INMENT. n. s. [from appertain.] That which belongs to any rank or dignity.

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He shent our messengers, and we lay by Our appertainments, visiting of him. Shakspeare. APPERTENANCE. n. s. [appartenance, Fr.] That which belongs or relates to another thing.

Can they which behold the controversy of divinity, condemn our enquiries in the doubtful appertenances of arts, and receptaries of philoso phy? Brown's Vulgar Errours, APPERTINENT. adj. [from To appertain.] Belonging; relating,

You know how apt our love was to accord
To furnish him with all appertinents
Belonging to his honour. Shakspeare's Henry v.
APPETENCE. n. s. [appetentia, Lat.]
A'PPETENCY.) Carnal desire; sensual

Bred only and completed to the taste
Of lustful appetence; to sing, to dance,
To dress, to troule the tongue, and roll the eye.

APPETIBILITY. n. s. [from appetible.]
The quality of being desirable.

That elicitation which the schools intend, is

a deducing of the power of the will into act, merely from the appetibility of the object, as a man draws a child after him with the sight of a green bough. Bramball against Hobbes APPETIBLE. adj. [appetibilis, Lat.] Desirable; that may be the object of appetite.

Power both to slight the most appetible objects, and to controul the most unruly passions. Bramball.

A'PPETITE. n. s. [appetitus, Lat.] I. The natural desire of good; the instinct by which we are led to seek pleasure.

The will, properly and strictly taken, as it is of things which are referred unto the end that man desireth, differeth greatly from that infe riour natural desire which we call appetite. The object of appetite is whatsoever sensible good may be wished for; the object of will is that good which reason does lead us to seek.

2. The desire of sensual pleasure.

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Why, she would hang on him, As if increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on.

Shakspeare's Hamlet. Urge his hateful luxury, And bestial appetite in change of lust. Each tree


Loaden with fairest fruit, that hung to th' eye
Tempting, stirr'd in me sudden appetite
To pluck and eat. Milton's Paradise Lost.
Violent longing; eagerness after any

No man could enjoy his life, his wife, or goods, if a mightier man had an appetite to take

the same from him.

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Hopton had an extraordinary appetite to engage Waller in a battle. Clarendon.

4. The thing eagerly desired.

Power being the natural appetite of princes, limited monarch cannot gratify it. Swift. 5. Keenness of stomach; hunger; desire of food.

There be four principal causes of appetite; the refrigeration of the stomach, joined with some dryness; contraction; velication, and

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The actual appetition or fastening our affections on him. Hammond's Practical Catechism. We find in animals an estimative or judicial faculty, an appetition or aversation. Judge Hale. APPETITIVE. adj. [from appetite.] That does desire; that has the quality of desiring.

The will is not a bare appetitive power, as that of the sensual appetite, but is a rational appetite. Hale's Origin of Mankind.

I find in myself an appetitive faculty always in exercise, in the very height of activity and Norris. invigoration..

To APPLA’UD. v. a. [applaudo, Lat.] 1. To praise by clapping the hand.

I would applaud thee to the very echo, That should applaud again.

2. To praise in general.


Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound,

And worlds applaud that must not yet be found!

Pope. APPLAUDER. n. s. [from applaud.] He that praises or commends. A had the voice of my single reason against it, drowned in the noise of a multitude of applauders. Glanville's Scepsis. APPLAUSE. n. s. [applausus, Lat.] Approbation loudly expressed; praise: properly a clap.

This general applause, and cheerful shout,
Argues your wisdom and your love to Richard.

Scylla wept,
And chid her barking waves into attention;
And fell Charybdis murmur'd soft applause.


Those that are so fond of applause, how little South. do they taste it when they have it!

See their wide streaming wounds! they neither


For pride of empire, nor desire of fame;
Kings fight for kingdoms, madmen for applause,
But love for love alone, that crowns the lover's
Dryden's Fables.
APPLE. n. s. [æppel, Saxon.]
1. The fruit of the apple-tree.


Tall thriving trees confess'd the fruitful mold; The redd'ning apple ripens here to gold. Pope. 2. The pupil of the eye.

He instructed him; he kept him as the apple

of his eye. APPLE of Love.

Apples of love are of three sorts; the most common having long trailing branches, with rough leaves and yellow joints, succeeded by apples, as they are called, at the joints, not round, but bunched; of a pale orange shining Mortimer, pulp, and seeds within. APPLE-GRAFT, n. s. [from

apple and

graft.] A twig of apple-tree grafted
upon the stock of another tree.

We have seen three and twenty sorts of apple-
grafts upon the same old plant, most of them
adorned with fruit.
APPLE-TART. n. s. [from apple and tart.]
A tart made of apples.

What, up and down carv'd like an apple-tart!
APPLE-TREE. n.s. [from apple and tree.]
The fruit of this tree is for the most part hol-
lowed about the foot stalk; the cells inclosing
the seed are separated by cartilaginous partitions;
the juice of the fruit is sourish, the tree large
and spreading; the flowers consist of five leaves,
expanding in form of a rose. There is a great
variety of these fruits. Those for the dessert are,
the white juniting, Margaret apple, summer
pearmain, summer queening, embroidered apple,
golden reinette, summer white Colville, sum-
mer red Colville, silver pippin, aromatick pip-
pin, the grey reinette, la haute-bonté, royal
russetting, Wheeler's russet, Sharp'srusset, spice
apple, golden pippen, nonpareil and l'api.
Those for the kitchen use are, codling, sum-
mer marigold, summer red pearmain, Holland
pippin, Kentish pippin, the hanging body, Loan's
pearmain, French reinette, French pippin, royal
russet, monstruous reinette, winter pearmain,
pomme violette, Spencer's pippin, stone pippin,
oakenpin. And those generally used for cyder
are, Devonshire royal wilding, redstreaked ap
ple, the whitsour, Herefordshire underleaf,
John-apple, &c.
Oaks and beeches last longer than apples and



Thus apple-trees, whose trunks are strong to


Their spreading boughs, exert themselves in air, Dryden. APPLE-WOMAN. n. s. [from apple and woman.] A woman that sells apples, that keeps fruit on a stall.

Yonder are two apple-women scolding, and Arbuthnot. just ready to uncoif one another. APPLIABLE. adj. [from apply.] That may be applied. For this word the moderns use applicable; which see. Limitations all such principles have, in regard of the varieties of the matter whereunto Hooker. they are appliable.

All that i have said of the heathen idolatry is. appliable to the idolatry of another sort of men South, in the world.

APPLIANCE. n. s. [f'om apply.] The act
of applying; the thing applied.
Diseases desp'rate grown
By desperate appliance are relieved.
Are you
chaf d?


Ask God for temperance, 't is the appliance only Shakspeare. Which your desires require. APPLICABILITY. n. s. [from applicable.] The quality of being fit to be applied to something.

The action of cold is coraposed of two parts; the one pressing, the other penetration, which Digby require applicability. APPLICABLE. adj. [from apply.] That may be applied, as properly relating to something.

What he says of the portrait of any particular In the cha person, is applicable to poetry. racter, there is a better or a worse likeness; the better is a panegyrick, and the worse a libel. Dryden.

It were happy for us, if this complaint were applicable only to the heathen world. Rogers. APPLICABLENESS.n.s. n.s.[fromapplicable.] Fitness to be applied.

The knowledge of salts may possibly, by that little part which we have already delivered of its applicableness, be of use in natural philosophy.

Boyle. APPLICABLY. adv. [from applicable.] In such a manner as that it may be properly applied, APPLICATE. 2. s. [from apply.] A right line drawn across a curve, so as to bisect the diameter thereof. Chambers. APPLICATION. n. s. [from apply.] 1. The act of applying any thing to another; as, he mitigated his pain by the application of emollients.

2. The thing applied; as, he invented a new application, by which blood might be staunched.

3. The act of applying to any person, as a solicitor or petitioner,

It should seem very extraordinary that a patent should be passed upon the application of a poor, private, obscure, mechanick. Swift. 4. The employment of means for a certain


There is no stint which can be set to the value or merit of the sacrificed body of Christ; it hath no measured certainty of limits, bounds of efficacy unto life it knoweth none, but is also itself infinite in possibility of application. Hooker.

If a right course be taken with children, there will not be much need of the application of the common rewards and punishments. Locke. 5. Intenseness of thought; close study.

I have discovered no other way to keep our

thoughts close to their business, but, by frequent attention and application, getting the habit of attention and application. Locke.

6. Attention to some particular affair: with the particle to.

Plis continued application to such publick affairs, as may benefit his kingdoms, diverts him from pleasures. Addison.

This crime certainly deserves the utmost application and wisdom of a people to prevent it.


4. Reference to some case or position: as, the story was told, and the hearers made the application.

This principle acts with the greatest force in the worst application; and the familiarity of wicked men more successfully debauches, than that of good men reforms.

Rogers. APPLICATIVE. adj. [from apply.] That does apply.

The directive command for counsel is in the understanding, and the applicative command for putting in execution, is in the will. Bramhall. APPLICATORY. adj. [from apply.] That comprehends the act of application. APPLICATORY.n.s.That which applies. There are but two ways of applying the death of Christ faith is the inward plicatory, and if there be any outward, it must be the sacraments. Taylor's Worthy Communicant. To APPLY. v. a. [applico, Lat.] . To put one thing to another.

He said, and to the sword his throat applied.

To lay medicaments upon a wound,

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The profits thereof might be applied towards the support of the year. Clarendon.

To use as means to an end.

These glorious beings are instruments in the hands of God, who applies their services, and governs their actions, and disposes even their wills and affections.

Rogers. 6. To fix the mind upon; to study: with to. Locke uses about, less properly.

Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. Proverbs.

Every man is conscious to himself that he thinks; and that which his mind is applied about, whilst thinking, is the ideas that are there. Locke.

It is a sign of a capacious mind, when the mind can apply itself to several objects with swift succession. Watts. 7. To have recourse to, as a solicitor or petitioner ; with to as, I applied myself to him for help.

8. To address to.

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Would it apply well to the vehemency of your affection, that I should win what you would enjoy? Shakspeare.

2. To have recourse to, as a petitioner. I had no thoughts of applying to any but himself; he desired I would speak to others. Swift. To attach by way of influence.


God knows every faculty and passion, and in what manner they can be most successfully ap plied to.

Rogers. TO APPOINT. v. a. [appointer, Fr.] 1. To fix any thing, as to settle the exact time for some transaction.

The time appointed of the Father. Galatians. 2. To set le any thing by compact.

He said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will Genesis. pay it. Now there was an appointed sign between the men of Israel and the liers in wait. Judges.

3. To establish any thing by decree.

It was before the Lord, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord. 2 Samud

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If I command him, follows my appointment; I will have none so near else.

4. Equipment; furniture.


They have put forth the haven: further on, Where their appointment we may best discover, And look on their endeavour. Shakspeare. Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair, Anticipating time with starting courage. Shaks. 3. An allowance paid to any man; commonly used of allowances to publick officers.

TO APPORTION. v. a. [from portio, Lat.] To set out in just proportions.

Try the parts of the body, which of them issue speedily, and which slowly; and, by apportioning the time, take and leave that quality which you desire. Bacon.

To these it were good, that some proper prayer were apportioned, and they taught it. South. An office cannot be apportioned out like a common, and shared among distinct proprietors. Collier.

APPORTIONMENT. n. s. [from appor tion.] A dividing of a rent into two parts or portions, according as the land, whence it issues, is divided among two or more proprietors. Chambers.

To APPO'SE. . a. [appono, Lat.] 1. To put questions to. Not in use, except that, in some schools, to put grammatical questions to a boy is called to pose him; and we now use pose for puzzle.

Some procure themselves to be surprised at such times as it is like the party, that they work upon, will come upon them; and to be found with a letter in their hand, or doing somewhat which they are not accustomed; to the end they may be apposed of those things which of themselves they are desirous to utter. Bacon. 2. To apply to: a latinism.

By malign putrid vapours, the nutriment is rendered unapt of being apposed to the parts. Harvey. APPOSITE, adj. [appositus, Lat.] Pro

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per; fit; well adapted to time, place, or circumstances.

The duke's delivery of his mind was not so sharp, as solid and grave, and apposite to the times and occasions.

Wotton. Neither was Perkin, for his part, wanting to himself, either in gracious and princely behaviour, or in ready and apposite answers. Bacon.

Remarkable instances of this kind have been: but it will administer reflections very apposite to the design of this present solemnity. Atterbury.. A'PPOSITELY.adv. [from apposite.] Properly; fitly; suitably.

We may appositely compare this disease, of a proper and improper consumption, to a decaying house. Harvey.


When we come into a government, and see this place of honour allotted to a murderer, another filled with an atheist or a blasphemer, may we not appositely and properly ask, Whether there be any virtue, sobriety, or religion, amongst such a people? A'PPOSITENESS. n. s. [from apposite.] Fitness; propriety; suitableness. Judgment is either concerning things to be known, or ofthings done, of their congruity, fitness, rightness, appositeness. Hale, APPOSITION. n. s. [appositio, Lat.] 1. The addition of new matter, so as that it may touch the first mass.

Urine inspected with a microscope, will discover a black sand; wherever this sand sticks, it grows still bigger, by the apposition of new Arbuthnot on Diet.


2. In grammar, the putting of two nouns in the same case; as, liber Susannæ matris, the book of his mother Susan.

To APPRAISE. v. a. [apprecier, Fr.] To set a price upon any thing, in order to sale.

APPRAISER. n. s. [from appraise.] A person appointed to set a price upon things to be sold.

To APPREHE'ND. v. a. [apprehendo, Lat. to take hold of.] 1. To lay hold on.

There is nothing but hath a double handle, or at least we have two hands to apprebend it.

Taylor. 2 To seize in order for trial or punish


The governor kept the city with a garrison, de sirous to apprehend me. 2 Corinthians. It was the rabble, of which no body was named; and, which is more strange, not one apprehended. Clarendon.

3. To conceive by the mind.


The good which is gotten by doing, causeth not action; unless, apprehending it as good, we like and desire it. Hooker.

Yet this I apprehend not, why to those Among whom God will deign to dwell on earth, So many and so various laws are given. Milton. The First Being is invisible and incorruptible, and can only be apprehended by our minds. Stilling fleet.

To think on with terrour; to fear. From my grandfather's death, I had reason to apprehend the stone; and, from my father's life, the gout. Temple. APPREHENDER. n. s. [from apprebend.} Conceiver; thinker.

Gross apprehenders may not think it any more strange, than that a bullet should bemoved by the rarified fire.


APPREHENSIBLE. adj. [from apprehend.] That may be apprehended, or conceived. The north and southern poles are incommunicable and fixed points, whereof the one is not apprehensible in the other. Brown's Vulg. Er. APPREHENSION. n. s. [apprehensio, Lat.] 1. The mere contemplation of things, without affirming or denying any thing concerning them. So we think of a horse, high, swift, animal, time, matter, death, &c. Watts.

Simple apprehension denotes no more than the soul's naked intellection of an object, without either composition or deduction. Glanville. 2. Opinion; sentiments; conception.

If we aim at right understanding its true nature, we must examine what apprehension mankind make of it. Digby. To be false, and to be thought false, is all one in respect of men who act not according to truth, but apprehension. South. The expressions of scripture are commonly suited in those matters to the vulgar apprehensions and conceptions of the place and people where they were delivered. Locke.

3. 1 he faculty by which we conceive new ideas, or power of conceiving them.

I nam'd them as they pass'd, and understood Their nature, with such knowledge God indu'd My sudden apprehension. Milton. 4. Fear.

It behoveth that the world should be held in awe, not by a vain surmise, but a true appre bension of somewhat which no man may think himself able to withstand. Hooker.

And he the future evil shall no less In apprehension than in substance feel. Milton. The apprehension of what was to come from an unknown, at least unacknowledged, successour to the crown, clouded much of that prosperity.


As they have no apprehension of these things, so they need ne comfort against them. Tillotson.

After the death of his nephew Caligula, Claudius was in no small apprehension for his own life. Addison.

3. Suspicion of something to happen, or be done.

I'll note you in roy book of memory, And scourge you for this apprehension. Shaksp. That he might take away the apprehension, that he meant sudde nly to depart, he sent out crders which he was sure would come into the enemies hands, to two or three villages, that they should send proportion is of corninto Basinghouse. Clarendon.

6. Seizure.

See that he be convey'd unto the Tower: And go we, brothers, to the man that took him, To question of his apprehension. Shakspeare. 7. The power of seizing, catching, or holding.

A lobster hath the cheely or great claw of one side longer than the other, but this is not their leg, but a part of apprehension whereby they seize upon their prey. Brown's Vulgar Errours. APPREHENSIVE. adj. [from apprehend.] 1. Quick to understand.

And gives encouragement to those who teach such apprehensive scholars.

Holier. If consciente be naturally apprehensive and sagacious, certa mly we should trust and rely upon the reports of it. South

2. Fearful.

The inhabitants of this country, when I passed


through it, were extremely apprehensive of seeing Lombardy the seat of war. Addison.

They are not at all apprehensive of evils at a distance, nor tormented with the fearful prospect of what may befal them hereafter. Tillotson. Perceptive feeling.

Thoughts, my tormentors, arm'd with deadly stings,

Mangle my apprehensive tenderest parts. Milton. APPREHENSIVELY. adv. [from appre hensive.] In an apprehensive manner. APPREHENSIVENESS. n. s. [from apprehensive.] The quality of being apprehensive.

Whereas the vowels are much more difficult to be taught, you will find, by falling upon them last, great help by the apprehensiveness already gained in learning the consonants. Holder. APPRENTICE. n. s. [apprenti, Fr.] One that is bound by covenant to serve another man of trade, for a certain term of years, upon condition that the artificer, or tradesman, shall, in the mean time, endeavour to instruct him in his art or mystery. Corvell.

Love enjoined such diligence, that no appren tice, no, no bond slave, could ever be more ready, than that young princess was. Sidney.

He found him such an apprentice, as knew well enough how to set up for himself. Wotton. This rule sets the painter at liberty; it teaches him, that he ought not to be subject himself servilely, and be bound like an apprentice to the rules of his art. Dryden's Dufresnoy. TO APPRENTICE. v. a. [from the noun.] To put out to a master as an apprentice.

Him portion'dmaids, apprentic'dorphans blest, The young who labour, and the old whorest. Pope. APPRENTICEHOOD. n. s. [from apprentice.] The years of an apprentice's servitude.

Must I not serve a long apprenticebood To foreign passages, and in the end, Having my freedom, boast of nothing else But that I was a journeyman to grief? Sbaksp. APPRENTICESHIP. n. 5. [from appren tice.] The years which an apprentice is to pass under a master.

In every art, the simplest that is, there is an apprenticeship necessary, before it can be expected one should work. Digby. Many rushed into the ministry, as being the only calling that they could profess without serving any apprenticeship. South.

To APPRIZE. v. a. [apprendre, part. appris, Fr.] To inform; to give the knowledge of any thing.

He considers the tendency of such a virtue or vice; he is well apprized, that the representation of some of these things may convince the understanding, and some may terrify the conscience. Watts.

It is fit he be apprized of a few things, that may prevent his mistaking. Cheyne.

But if, appriz'd of the severe attack,
The country be shut up, lur'd by the scent,
On church yard drear (inhuman to relate)
The disappointed prowlers fall. Thomson.

To APPROACH. v. n. [approcher, Fr.]
1. To draw near locally.

"Tis time to look about: the powers of the kingdom approach àpace. ; Shakspeare.

We suppose Ulysses approaching toward Poly



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