Imágenes de páginas

bly; by the connexion of effects to their


In the most perfect poem a perfect idea was tequired, and consequently all poets ought rather to imitate it. Dryden.

The place of the several sorts of terrestrial matter, sustained in the fluid, being contingent and uncertain, their intermixtures with each other are consequently so. Woodward.

2. In consequence; pursuantly.

There is consequently, upon this distinguishing principle, an inward satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the heart of every man, after good or evil. South. CONSEQUENTNESS.n.s.[from consequent.] Regular connexion of propositions; consecution of discourse.

Let them examine the consequentness of the whole body of the doctrine I deliver. Digby. CONSERVABLE. adj. [from [conservo, Lat. to keep.] Capable of being kept, or maintained. CONSERVANCY. n. s. [from conservans, Lat.] Courts held by the lord mayor of London, for the preservation of the fishery on the river Thames, are called Courts of Conservancy. CONSERVATION. n. s [conservatio, Lat.] 1. The act of preserving; care to keep from perishing; continuance; protec


Though there do indeed happen some alterations in the globe, yet they are such as tend rather to the benefit and conservation of the earth and its productions, than to the disorder and destruction of both. Woodward's Nat. Hist.

4. Preservation from corruption.

It is an enquiry of excellent use, to enquire of the means of preventing or staying of putre faction; for therein consisteth the means of conservation of bodies. Bacon's Nat. Ilist. CONSERVATIVE. adj. [from conserve, Lat. Having the power of opposing diminution or injury.

The spherical figure, as to all heavenly bodies, so it agreeth to light, as the most perfect and conservative of all others. Peacham. CONSERVATOR. n. s. [Latin.] Preserver; one that has the care or office of keeping any thing from detriment, diminution, or extinction.

For that you declare that you have many sick amongst you, he was warned by the conservator of the city that he should keep at a distance. Bacon's New Atalantis. The lords of the secret council were likewise made conservators of the peace of the two kingdoms, during the intervals of parliament. Clarend.

Such individuals as are the single conservators of their own species. Hale's Origin of Mankind. CONSERVATORY. n. s. [from conservo, Lat.] A place where any thing is kept in a manner proper to its peculiar nature: as, fish in a pond, corn in a granary.

A conservatory of snow and ice, such as they use for delicacy to cool wine in summer. Bacon. You may set your tender trees and plants, with the windows and doors of the greenhouses and conservatories open, for eight or ten days before April. Eselyn's Kalendar. The water dispensed to the earth and atmosphere by the great abyss, that subterranean conservatory, is by that means restored back.

Woodward's Natural History:

CONSERVATORY. adj. Having a preservative quality.


To CONSERVE. v. a. [conservo, Lat.] 1. To preserve without loss or detriment. Nothing was lost out of these stores; since the part of conserving what others have gained in knowledge is easy. Temple.

They will be able to conserve their properties unchanged in passing through several mediums; which is another condition of the rays of light. Newton's Opticks..

2. To candy or pickle fruit. CONSERVE. n. s. [from the verb.] 1. A sweetmeat made of the inspissated juices of fruit, boiled with sugar till they will harden and candy.

Will 't please your honour, taste of these con serves? Shakspeare They have in Turkey and the East certain confections which they call servets; which are like to candied conserves, and are made of sugar and lemons. Bacon's Nat. Hist.

The more cost they were at, and the more sweets they bestowed upon them, the more their conserves stunk. Dennis.

2. A conservatory, or place in which any thing is kept. This sense is unusual.

Tuberoses will not endure the wet of this sea. son; therefore set the pots into your conserve, and keep them dry. CONSERVER. n. 5. [from conserve.] Evelyn's Kalendar. 1. A layer up; a repositer; one that preserves any thing from loss or diminu tion.

He hath been most industrious both collector and conserver of choice pieces in that kind.


In the eastern regions there seems to have been a general custom of the priests having been the perpetual conservers of knowledge and story. Temple. 2. A preparer of conserves. CONSE'SSION. 7. s. [consessio, Latin.] A sitting together.


CONSL'SSOR. 2. s. [Latin.] One that sits with others.


To CONSIDER. v. a. [considero, Latin.] 1. To think upon with care; to ponder; to examine; to sift; to study.

At our more consider'd time we 'll read, Answer, and think upon this business. Shaksp. 2. To take into the view; not to, omit in the examination.

It seems necessary, in the choice of persons for greater employments, to consider their bodies as well as their minds, and ages and health as well as their abilities.


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It is considerable, that some urns have had inscriptions on them, expressing that the lamps were burning. Wilkins.

2. Respectable; above neglect'; deserving notice.

Men considerable in all worthy professions, eminent in many ways of life. Sprati's Sermons. I am so considerable a man, that I cannot have less than forty shillings a year. Addison. 3. Important; valuable.

Christ, instead of applauding St. Peter's zeal, upbraided his absurdity, that could think his mean aids considerable to him, who could command legions of angels to his rescue.

Decay of Piety. In painting, not every action, nor every person, is considerable enough to enter into the cloth. Dryden's Dufresnoy. Many can make themselves masters of as considerable estates as those who have the greatest portions of land. Addison. 4. More than a little. It has a middle signification between little and great. Many brought in very considerable sums of Clarendon.


Very probably a considerable part of the earth is yet unknown.


Those earthy particles, when they came to be collected, would constitute a body of a very considerable thickness and solidity. Burnet.

Every cough, though severe, and of some considerable continuance, is not of a consumptive nature, nor presages dissolution and the grave. Blackmore.

CONSIDERABLENESS. n. s. [from considerable.] Importance; dignity; moment; value; desert; a claim to notice. We must not always measure the considerableness of things by their most obvious and immediate usefulness, but by their fitness to make or contribute to the discovery of things highly useful. Boyle.

Their most slight and trivial occurrences, by being theirs, they think acquire a considerableness, and are forcibly imposed upon the company. Government of the Tongue. CONSIDERABLY. adv. [from considerable.]

1. In a degree deserving notice, though not the highest.

And Europe still considerably gains, Both by their good example and their pains."


2. With importance; importantly.

I desire no sort of favour so much, as that of serving you more considerably than I have been yet able to do. Pope. CONSIDERANCE. n. s. [from consider.] Consideration; reflection; sober thought. After this cold considerance, sentence me; And, as you are a king, speak in your state What I have done that misbecame my place. Shakspeare's Henry V. CONSIDERATE. adj. [consideratus, Lat.] 1. Serious; given to consideration; pru dent not rash; not negligent.

I will converse with iron-witted fools, And unrespective boys: none are for me, That look into me with considerate eyes. Shaks Æneas is patient, considerate, and careful of his people. Dryden's Fables, Preface.

I grant it to be in many cases certain, that it is such as a considerate man may prudently rely and proceed upon, and hath no just cause to doubt of. Tillotson.

The expediency in the present juncture, may appear to every considerate man. Addison 2. Having respect to; regardful. Little used.

Though they will do nothing for virtue, yet they may be presumed more considerate of praise. Decay of Piety. 3. Moderate; not rigorous. This sense is much used in conversation. CONSIDERATELY. adv. [from consider] Calmly; coolly; prudently. Circumstances are of such force, as they sway an ordinary judgment of a wise man, not fully Bacon. and considerately pondering the matter. CONSIDERATENESS. n. s. [from considerate.] Prudence; calm deliberation.

Dict. CONSIDERATION. n. s. [from consider.] 1. The act of considering; mental view; regard; notice.

As to present happiness and misery, when that alone comes in consideration, and the consequences are removed, a man never chuses amiss. Locke.

2. Mature thought; prudence; serious deliberation.

Let us think with consideration, and consider with acknowledging, and acknowledge with admiration. Sidney.

The breath no sooner left his father's body, But that his wildness mortified in him; Consideration, like an angel, came, And whipt th' offending Adam out of him. Shakspeare's Henry v. 3. Contemplation; meditation upon any thing.

The love you bear to Mopsa hath brought you to the consideration of her virtues; and that consideration may have made you the more virtuous, and so the more worthy. Sidney.

4. Importance; claim to notice; worthiness of regard.


Lucan is the only author of consideration among the Latin poets, who was not explained for the use of the dauphin; because the whole Pharsalia would have been a satire upon the French form of government. Addison's Freeholder. Equivalent; compensation.

We are provident enough not to part with any thing serviceable to our bodies under a good consideration, but make little account of our souls. Rey on the Creation. Foreigners can never take our bills for pay

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He was obliged, antecedent to all other considerations, to search an asylum. Dryden. The world cannot pardon your concealing it, on the same consideration. Dryden.

7. Reason; ground of concluding.

Not led by any commandment, yet moved with such considerations as have been before set down. Hooker.

Uses, not thought upon before, be reasonable causes of retaining that which other considerations did procure to be instituted. Hooker. 8. In law.

Consideration is the material cause of a contract, without which no contract bindeth. It is either expressed, as if a man bargain to give twenty shillings for a horse; or else implied, as when a man comes into an inn, and taking both meat and lodging for himself and his horse, without bargaining with the host, if he discharge not the house, the host may stay his horse.


CONSIDERER. n. s. [from consider.] A man of reflection; a thinker. A vain applause of wit for an impious jest, or of reason for a deep considerer.

Government of the Tongue. CONSIDERING. [This is a kind of conjunction it had been more grammati cally written considered; vû, French; but considering is always used.] If allowance be made for.

It is not possible to act otherwise, considering the weakness of our nature. Spectator. To CONSIGN. v. a. [consigno, Latin.] 1. To give to another any thing, with the right to it, in a formal manner; to give into other hands; to transfer: sometimes with to, sometimes over to. Men, by free gift consign over a place to the Divine worship.


Must I pass Again to nothing, when this vital breath Ceasing, consigns me o'er to rest and death?


At the day of general account, good men are then to be consigned over to another state, a state of everlasting love and charity. Atterbury. 2. To appropriate; to quit for a certain purpose.

The French commander consigned it to the use for which it was intended by the donor.

3. To commit; to entrust.


The four evangelists consigned to writing that history. Addison.

Atrides, parting for the Trojan war, Consign'd the youthful consort to his care. Pope. To CONSIGN. v. n.

1. To submit to the same terms with another. Not in use.

Thou hast finish'd joy and moan; All lovers young, all lovers, must Consign to thee, and come to dust. Shakspeare. 2. To sign; to consent to. Obsolete.

A maid yet rosed over with the virgin crimson of modesty: it were a hard condition for a maid to consign to.


CONSIGNATION. n. s. [from consign.] 1. The act of consigning; the act_by which any thing is delivered up to an other.

As the hope of salvation is a good disposition towards it, so is despair a certain consignation to eternal ruin. Tayler

2. The act of signing.

If we find that we increase in duty, then we may look upon the tradition of the holy sacra mental symbols as a direct consignation of par dou. Taylor's Wortby Communicant. CONSIGNMENT. n. s. [from consign.] 1. The act of consigning.

2. The writing by which any thing is consigned.

CONSIMILAR. adj. [from consimilis, La tin.] Having one common resemblance. Dict. to CONSIST. v. n. [consisto, Latin.] 1. To subsist; not to perish. He is before all things, and by him all things Colossians. 2. To continue fixed, without dissipation. Flame doth not mingle with flame, as air deth with air, or water with water, but only remain eth contiguous; as it cometh to pass betwixt consisting bodies. Bacon's Natural History.


It is against the nature of water, being a flex ble and ponderous body, to consist and stay it self, and not fall to the lower parts about it. Brerewood on Languages.

3. To be comprised; to be contained. I pretend not to tie the hands of artists, whose skill consists only in a certain manner which they have affected. Dryden.

A great beauty of letters does often consist in little passages of private conversation, and references to particular matters.

4. To be composed.


The land would consist of plains, and valleys, and mountains, according as the pieces of this ruin were disposed.


5. To have being concurrently; to coexist.

Necessity and election cannot consist together in the same act. Bramball against Hille. 6. To agree; not to oppose; not to con tradict; not to counteract: it has quite before the thing compared, or coex.


His majesty would be willing to consent to any thing that could consist with his conscience and honour. Clarendon Nothing but what may easily consist with your plenty, your prosperity, is requested of Spratt': Serment.


You could not help bestowing more than is consisting with the fortune of a private man, or with the will of any but an Alexander. Drydes,

It cannot consist with the divine attributes that the impious man's joys should, upon the whole, exceed those of the upright. Atterbary. Health consists with temperance alone. Pet. The only way of securing the constitution will be by lessening the power of domestick advers ries, as much as can consist with lenity. Swift, CONSISTENCE. n. s. [consistentia, low CONSISTENCY.) Latin.]

1. State with respect to material exist.

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dense, rare, tangible, pneumatical, volatile, fixed, determinate, indeterminate, hard, and soft. Bacon's Natural History.

There is the same necessity for the divine influence and regimen, to order and govern, conserve and keep together, the universe in that consistence it hath received, as it was at first to give it, before it could receive it. Hale.

I carried on my enquiries farther, to try whether this rising world, when formed and finished, would continue always the same, in the same form, structure, and consistency. Burnet. 2. Degree of denseness or rarity.

Let the expressed juices be boiled into the consistence of a syrup. Arbuthnot on Aliments. 3. Substance; form; make.

His friendship is of a noble make, and a lasting consistency. South's Sermons.

4. Durable or lasting state.

Meditation will confirm resolutions of good, and give them a durable consistence in the soul. Hammond.

These are fundamental truths that lie at the bottom, the basis upon which many others rest, and in which they have their consistencies teeming and rich in store, with which they furnish the mind. Locke. 5. Agreement with itself, or with any other thing; congruity; uniformity.

That consistency of behaviour, whereby he inflexibly pursues those measures which appear the most just and equitable. Addison's Freeholder. A state of rest, in which things capable of growth or decrease continue for some time at a stand, without either; as the growth, consistence, and return. Chambers.

CONSISTENT. adj. [consistens, Latin.] 1. Not contradictory; not opposed. With reference to such a lord, to serve, and to be free, are terms not consistent only, but equivalent. South.

A great part of their politicks others do not think consistent with honour to practise. Addis. On their own axis as the planets run, Yet make at once their circle round the sun; So two consistent motions act the soul, And one regards itself, and one the whole. Pope. Shew me one that has it in his power To act consistent with himself an hour.

Pope. The fool consistent, and the false sincere. Pope. 2. Firm; not fluid.

Pestilential miasms insinuate into the humoral and consistent parts of the body. Harvey. The sand, contained within the shell, becom ing solid and consistent, at the same time that of the stratum without it did. Woodward.

CONSISTENTLY adv. [from consistent.] Without contradiction; agreeably.

The Phoenicians are of this character, and the poet describes them consistently with it: they are proud, idle, and effeminate. Broome. CONSISTORIAL. adj. [from consistory.] Relating to the ecclesiastical court.

An official, or chancellor, has the same conststorial audience with the bishop himself that deputes him. Ayliffe's Parergon. CO'NSISTORY. n. s. [consistorium, Lat.] 1. The place of justice in the court christian. Corvell.

An offer was made, that, for every one minister, there should be two of the people to sit and give voice in the ecclesiastical consistory. Hooker, Preface. Pius was then hearing of causes in consistory. VOL. I.


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Generally the best outward shapes are also the likeliest to be consociated with good inward faculties. Wotton on Education. 2. To cement; to hold together.

The ancient philosophers always brought in supernatural principle to unite and consociate the parts of the chaos. Burnet. TO CONSO'CIATE. v. n. To coalesce; to unite.

If they cohered, yet by the next conflict with other atoms they might be separated again, without ever consociating into the huge condense bodies of planets. Bentley's Sermons. CONSOCIATION. n. s. [from consociate.] 1. Alliance.

There is such a consociation of offices between the prince and whom his favour breeds, that they may help to sustain his power, as he their knowledge. Ben Jonson's Discoveries. 2. Union; intimacy; companionship.

By so long and so various consociation with a prince, he had now gotten, as it were, two lives in his own fortune and greatness. Wotton. CONSO'LABLE. adj. [from console. ] That admits comfort.

To CONSOLATE. v. a. [consolor, Latin.]
To comfort; to console; to sooth in
misery. Not much used.
I will be gone;
That pitiful rumour may report my flight,
To consolate thine ear.

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Shakspeare. What may somewhat consolate all men that honour virtue, we do not discover the latter scene of his misery in authors of antiquity. Brown's Vulgar Errours.

CONSOLATION. n. s. [c.nsolatio, Latin.] Comfort; alleviation of misery; such alleviation as is produced by partial remedies.

We, that were in the jaws of death, were now brought into a place where we found nothing but consolations. Bucan.

Against such cruelties, With inward consolations recompens'd;

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With studied argument, and much persuasion

sought, Lenient of grief and anxious thought. Milton. CONSO'LATORY. adj. [from consolate.] Tending to give comfort. CONSOLE. n. s. [French.]

In architecture, is a part or member projecting in manner of a bracket, or shoulderpiece, serving to support a cornice, bust, vase, beam, and frequently used as keys of arches. Chambers.

To CONSOLE. v. a. [consolor, Latin.] To comfort; to cheer; to free from the sense of misery.

Others the syren sisters compass round, And empty heads console with empty sound. Pope's Dunciad. CONSO'LER. n. s. [from console.]


that gives comfort. Pride once more appears upon the stage, as the great consoler of the miseries of man.

Commentary on Pope's Essay on Man. CONSO'LIDANT. adj. [from consolidate.] That has the quality of uniting wounds. To CONSOLIDATE. v. a. [consolider, Fr. solidus, Latin.]

1. To form into a compact or solid body; to harden; to unite into a solid mass.

The word may be rendered, either he stretched, or he fixed and consolidated, the earth above the waters. Burnet's Theory. The effect of spirits in stopping hemorrhages, and consolidating the fibres, is well known to chirurgeons. Arbuthnot.

2. To combine or unite two parliamentary bills into one.

TO CONSOLIDATE, v. n. To grow firm, hard, or solid.

In hurts and ulcers in the head, dryness maketh them more apt to consolidate.


The sandy, sparry, and flinty matter was then soft, and susceptible of any form in these shelly moulds; and it consolidated and became hard afterwards. Woodward's Nat. Hist. CONSOLIDATION. n. s. [from consolidate.] 1. The act of uniting into a solid mass. The consolidation of the marble, and of the stone, did not fall out at random. Woodroard.


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2. Consistency; congruence; agreeable


Such decisions held consonancy and congruity with resolutions and decisions of former times Hale's Law of England,

I have set down this, to show the perfect as sonancy of our persecuted church to the doctume of scripture and antiquity. Hammond 3. Agreement; concord; friendship. A sense now not used.

Let me conjure you by the rights of our fel lowship, by the consonancy of our youth. Stat. CONSONANT. ad. [consonans, Lat.] Agreeable; according; consistent : fullowed by either with or to.

Were it consonant unto reason to divorce these two sentences, the former of which doth shew how the latter is restrained.

Hooker That where much is given there shall be much required, is a thing consonant with natural equity. Decay of Pity Religion looks consonant to itself. Decay of Piety, He discovers how consonant the account which Moses hath left of the primitive earth, is to this from nature. Woodward.

CONSONANT. n. s. [consonans, Latin.] A letter which cannot be sounded, or but imperfectly, by itself.

In all vowels the passage of the mouth is open and free, without any appulse of an organ of speech to another: but in all consonants there is an appulse of the organs, sometimes (if you ab stract the consonants from the vowels) wholly precluding all sound; and, in all of them, more or less checking and abetting it. Holder.

He considered these as they had a greater mit ture of vowels or consonants, and accordingly employed them as the verse required a greater smoothness. Pope's Essay on Homa. CO'NSONANTLY. adv. [from consonant.] Consistently; agreeably.

This as consonantly it preacheth, teacheth, and delivereth, as if but one tongue did speak for all.


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CONSONANTNESS. n. s. [from consonant.] Agreeableness; consistency. Co'NSONOUS. adj. [consonus, Lat.] Agree ing in sound; symphonious. CONSOPIA'TION. n. s. [from consopio, La tin.] The act of laying to sleep. Little in use.

One of his maxims is, that a total abstinence from intemperance is no more philosophy, that a total consopiation of the senses is repose. Digby to Pope. CONSORT. n. s. [consors, Latin. It had anciently the accent on the latter syllable, but has it now on the former. Milton has used them both.] Companion; partner, generally a part ner of the bed; a wife or husband. Fellowship, Such as I seek, fit to participate All rational delight; wherein the brute Cannot be human consert. Milton

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Male he created thee; but thy consert Female for race: then bless'd mankind, and said, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. A Thy Bellona, who thy censert came Not only to thy bed, but to thy fame. Denbam,

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