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the American Bible Society, they may still be the depositories and distributors of the Bibles which the Managers may deem proper to afford them gratuitously."

The number of Bibles issued from the depository in the course of the past year is 17,594; which, added to those mentioned in the year preceding, (6,410) make the total number issued by the Society since its organization to be twenty-four thousand and four Bibles.

The above have been distributed in nearly every state and territory of the Union.

Of the six sets of stereotype plates cast for the Society, the correction of only two sets, of the octavo size, has been completed. The first set of the minion type, duodecimo, will soon be finished; and an edition of 2,000 copies of the Bible to be printed thereon may be expected out in the course of the next month.


either by themselves, their friends, or congregations, one hundred and seventy-four persons have in the same period been con stituted members for life.

The managers have directed the extension of their correspondence to all the foreign National Bible Societies.

From the RUSSIAN BIBLE SOCIETY they have received a copy of its Reports, accompanied with several copies of Bibles and portions of Scripture published by that Society in various languages of the Russian empire, together with sundry other docu


From these Reports and documents it appears, that this Society is treading close in the steps of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and bids fair to be more extensively useful to mankind than any similar institution on the Eastern Continent. It is patronized by the Emperor with distinguished liberality, and by his nobles and In addition to the very respectable list of the dignitaries of the church with uncomAUXILIARIES to the Society, mentioned in mon union. It has thirty-two Auxiliaries in the first Annual Report, the Board have the the prominent parts of the empire, and has satisfaction to state, that during the past printed, or ordered to be printed, two hunyear seventy-three Societies have officially dred and seventy thousand Bibles, and two announced their accession: twenty-four of hundred and eighty-two thousand New Teswhich existed before the establishment of taments, in the following languages and diathe National Society, and forty-nine were lects, viz. the Calmuc, Armenian, Finnish, formed since. The above, together with German, Polish, French, Sclavonian, Dorpathose mentioned in the last Report, make tian-Esthonian, Reval-Esthonian, Lettonian, the total number of Auxiliaries to the Ame-Persian, Georgian, Samogatian, Ancient rican Bible Society, as now known, to be Greek, Modern Greek, Moldavian, and Tarone hundred and fifty-seven. tar. Considering the extent of the empire, The managers also acknowledge, with and its present political influence upon the old gratitude, the receipt of $865 47 from Con-world, it is a matter of thankfulness and joy gregational collections made for the benefit to all who love the Bible, that the operations of the Society, in answer to their appli- of this Society are carried on with so much zeal and success.


By a resolution of the Board of Managers With the BIBLE Society of thE NETHERit was determined, that all the Members LANDS their correspondence has embraced of the Convention which formed the Ame-no public business, and extends, as yet, rican Bible Society, should be constituted only to expressions of kindness and good Directors for life; in addition to which, will. eleven persons during the year have been made Directors for life, by contributions of one hundred and fifty dollars each; and by contributions of thirty dollars each,

The BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY has transmitted a complete set of its versions; a detailed view of which is hereunto annexed.

The thirteenth Annual Report contains fulness. But we must neither murmur nor an astonishing variety of matter, including despair. It becomes us to submit with reintelligence from all quarters of the globe, signation, and to say, The Lord gave, and demonstrating the extent to which its bene- the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the ficial influence has reached; introducing name of the Lord. to our knowledge and notice associations of The senior Professor furnished the folevery kindred, and nation, and tongue, lowing list of the names and standing of the rising up to lend their aid in the mighty students of the College :-Cornelius Bogarwork of subduing, by means of the Bi- dus, David R. De Freest, and Brogun Huff, ble, the whole world to the obedience of of three years standing; Jacob Fonda, Jesus Christ. The managers are at a loss John Peltz, James Romeyn, Henry Smaltz, to express themselves with propriety in re- John Vandervoort, of two years standing; gard to this stupendous Institution. Re- Eli Baldwin, Jared Dewing, Isaac Fisher, sistance adds new strength to its operations, Gabriel Ludlow, John Van Liew, Abraham and expenditure new contributions to its J. Switz, Seymour Vonk, and Paul Wiedtreasury. It goes on with increasing vigour man, of one year's standing. in diffusing its blessings; and the managers of the AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY can only subjoin their hearty GOD SPEED. A selection from its printed correspondence they cannot refuse themselves nor the Christians of the United States the pleasure of appending to their present Report.

Extracts from the Report of the Superin tendants of the Theological College of the Reformed Dutch Church, located at New-Brunswick, New-Jersey.

In conformity with the order of General Synod, the Board of Superintendants of the Theological College, beg leave to make their annual report.

The Board having attended to the examination of all the students on Didactic and Polemic Theology, approved of their proficiency in said branches.

The Board then proceeded to examine Cornelius Bogardus, David R. De Freest, and Brogun Huff, (students of three years standing) on Ecclesiastical History, Church Government, Pastoral Theology, and the Hebrew Language, and being satisfied with their proficiency in said branches, and in Didactic and Polemic Theology, the Board

unanimously resolved, that the above-named students be recommended to the senior Professor for certificates, which may admit them to examination for licensure before any Classis or Particular Synod. From the above statement, it will appear that three The Board communicate, for the inform-students have finished their course of study; ation of Synod, the following summary ac- and that thirteen remain in the School, five count of the College, viz. :

of whom have entered on the third, and The Board met in the Theological Hall, eight on the second year of their term. at New-Brunswick, on the last Tuesday of During the year past, the Board have May, 1818, for the purpose of superintend-granted for the relief of six indigent students ing the annual examination of said Semi- the sum of $840, in the following propornary, and its other concerns. The Board tions; to one student $180, to another $70, found your School in deep mourning on ac- to another $155, to another $180, to ancount of the death of our greatly beloved other $135, and to another $120. and highly esteemed junior Professor. The The Board take this opportunity to exRev. Dr. John Schureman is no more. press their approbation of the faithful and is lost to his family, to the School, and to unremitting labours of our venerable sur the Church. God who gave, has taken viving Professor, and to express their ferhim away from us in the midst of his use- vent prayer that the Great Head of the


Church may long continue him in the midst and sinners have been made to feel that the

of us, as a blessing to his people.

From a view of the wants of our School, and of the state of our funds, the Board re

Gospel is the wisdom of God, and the power of God, unto salvation.

Your Committee are happy to observe

commend to General Synod, that a succes-that union in sentiment, and soundness in the sor to Dr. Schureman be appointed so soon faith, appear to pervade our Church. The

as they shall deem it expedient.

The Board add, that they have reason to expect an accession to the School in the course of the present year.

W. ELTINGE, Clerk, P. T.

Heidelbergh Catechism is statedly and regularly explained, and we believe it to be owing, under God, to this circumstance, that we have hitherto been preserved from those dangerous innovations in doctrine which have threatened the harmony of other Churches. So long as that form of sound words, which happily and correctly expresses the truths of the Gospel, shall be on the State of Religion in the Reformed little danger of being carried away by those faithfully explained and enforced, there is Dutch Church, presented to the Synod, June, 1818.

Extracts from the Report of the Committee

new speculations, and winds of doctrine, which arise from an ignorance of systematic

The Committee on the State of Religion truth. beg leave to report

Your Committee have noticed with plea That they have carefully examined the sure, that a more than ordinary attention ninutes of the particular Synods of New- has been paid by our Congregations, in the York and Albany, and have drawn from past year, to the institution of societies for them, and from other sources, all the in-social worship. The experience of the formation they have been able to procure. Church, in time past, has sufficiently deFrom the summary manner in which in-monstrated, that associations of this nature, formation is communicated by those Synods, when properly conducted, are nurseries of on the State of Religion, your Committee piety, and effectual means for preserving, are confined to general statements on this among ourselves, and for extending to subject. others, the savour of vital godliness.

The state of religion, within the bounds It is worthy to be observed, that in those of the Synod of Albany is, with but few congregations within our bounds, which exceptions, very encouraging. Although have lately been visited with Divine inthere have been no general or very re-fluence from on high, the first droppings of markable outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the showers of grace have been felt in their yet there is an increased attention to the meetings for social prayer. Family visitameans of grace, and a gradual advance- tion, and the catechetical instruction of ment in vital piety. our youth, ministerial duties of high imThe accounts received by your Commit-portance to the prosperity of the Churches, tee, from the Particular Synod of New-have, for the past year, been generally and York, are interesting indeed. Whilst co-faithfully regarded.

pious showers of Divine Grace have fallen The discipline of God's house is reviving, upon other districts of our country, and and its government exercised in many upon other Churches, this portion of our parts of our bounds in such a manner as to Reformed Zion has, in great mercy, been be a terror to evil-doers, and a praise to remembered by its Lord. Times of re- them that do well. freshing from the presence of the Lord,

The establishment of Cent Societies, for have been experienced in several Churches, the support of our Theological College, has

appeared to your Committee to be so closely From the statistical tables, accompanyconnected with the general interests of re-ing the above Report, it appears that 1274 ligion in our Churches, that they have con-persons have, during the last year, come sidered it to be their duty respectfully to out from the world, and professed their atnotice them. These Societies are now tachment to the cross of the Lord Jesus coming into general operation. From what Christ. It is presumed these were not all, has been realized already, and may fairly who were added to the Church of such as be expected for time to come, they bid fair (it is hoped) will be saved—as we perceive to become powerful auxiliaries in support- there are no reports from one entire Classis, ing our Professoral Establishments, and and from several Congregations in the thus furnishing the Church with an intelli- other Classes.-ED.

gent, a faithful, and a learned ministry. Viewed in this light, it is hoped and believed that they will more and more engage the attention, and call forth exertions in their support, from every well-wisher of our Zion.



On the Literary character, illustrated by Men of Genius, drawn from their own feelings and confessions. By the Author of Curiosities of Literature.

Missionary zeal, hitherto so languid, is beginning to revive. Our Churches will soon realize, we trust, that whilst it is their duty faithfully to maintain the Gospel and its ordinances at home, it is also their duty to adopt prompt and vigorous measures for extending these inestimable blessings to every nation under heaven. As connected Journal of a Visit to South Africa, in with this subject, your Committee have 1815 and 1816, with an account of the Misnoticed with pleasure the late organization |sionary Settlements of the United Brethren of the United Foreign Missionary Society, near the Cape of Good Hope. By the Rev. in the city of New-York. This Society, in- C. I. Latrobe.

Lectures on the History of Literature. By F. Schlegel.

stituted under the immediate auspices of Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the three great religious denominations in our Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean, country, bids fair to produce the most hap-illustrated in a voyage to Davis's` Strait, py results. It is earnestly recommended by during the summer of 1817, with charts. your Committee that it receive the decided By Bernard O'Reilly, Esq. support, and the fostering care of General Synod.

A Journey to Rome and Naples, in 1817, giving an account of the present state of society in Italy; and containing observations on the Fine Arts. By Henry Sass.

Although your Committee are obliged, in faithfulness, to state, that in many places iniquity abounds, and the love of many waxes cold, yet they have found abundant cause of gratitude to the great Head of the Church, for what He has done and is still doing in the midst of us. He is increasing will, we hope, give us the pleasure of the number of faithful labourers in his hearing from them again.

vineyard, cherishing the Church, and riding forth upon the chariots of salvation, from conquering to conquer.


ST., IA., Pastor, AM., ES., and Σ,

D, Znra, BD., S., and V., and our other regular correspondents, are informed that we shall take as early an opportunity as possible to insert their valuable com munications.

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BRIEF MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND | brity which the biographer has CHARACTER OF THE REV. JOHN eloquently portrayed, are read SCHUREMAN, D.D. PROFESSOR OF and remembered, and told with ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, ETC. admiration, while the account of IN THE THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE one whose walk had been with DUTCH God, and whose death displayed


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the power of a Saviour's love, attracts but little notice, and is soon forgotten. But, the time is not far distant when the radiance of faith and piety will eclipse the sickly lustre of earthly greatness when the delineation of the life of a good man will be more ad

IT is a pleasing thought that the mired and prized than all that

day is fast approaching when the was ever said of heroes, and statesestimate of human character shall men, and philosophers. Yes, the be very different from what it is time is not far distant, when the at present. Now, he whose every names of those Christian worthies step is marked with blood, and who, in the different ages of the dies a conqueror on the embat- Church, distinguished themselves tled plain; or he, who, without for piety and usefulness shall be sacrificing the lives of his fellow- universally known, and esteemed men at the shrine of his ambi- more precious than the most pretion, advances a nation's honour cious ointment-their virtues and and establishes a wholesome sys- services read to be imitatedtem of government; or he, who, their titles, and honours, and in the retirement of the closet, riches, though of a spiritual kind, explores the fields of science, and contemplated to excite to zeal and makes a variety of important dis-diligence in the Gospel racecoveries, is after death quickly when the record of―THESE WERE exhibited to the public in all the THE SERVANTS of God in their pomp of his achievements and the DAY, AND THESE ALL DIED IN splendour of his talents. The FAITH, shall be published from world contemplates the character shore to shore, and thrill every with pleasure; the traits of cele-heart with joy. THEN the fall VOL. II....No. 5.


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