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import of the inspired declaration county courts, and frequently shall be seen and acknowledged-elected a member of the State le"The memory of the just is gislature. In the Church he was blessed, but the name of the conspicuous for unaffected piety, wicked shall rot." fervent zeal, and fruitful benevoUnder the influence of these lence. It is said, that like his sentiments, both friendship and divine Master, he went about doduty prompt us to attempt aing good. sketch of the excellent man whose The Hon. James Schureman, name is prefixed to this article. the doctor's father, is still living; His ancestors were men of and his mother, who is a descendpiety and influence. His great ant of that branch of the Schuyler grandfather came from Holland to family which removed from Althis country as the associate and bany to New-Brunswick at the intimate friend of the Elder Frie-first settlement of the place, is linghuysen--afterward the dis- also living. Her grandfather Wiltinguished pastor of the then liamson was an elder in the Reunited Churches of New-Bruns- formed Dutch Church, and both wick, Raritan, North Branch, her father and mother are memMillstone, and Six-mile-Run.bers of the Church at Cranberry. With this eminent servant of Such a descent is truly nobleChrist Mr. Schureman laboured for what earthly greatness can be much in the good work of pro- compared with that which is in a moting the Redeemer's kingdom peculiar sense the gift of heaven? in that favoured section of the What is it to be able to reckon Church; and by his faithful and up among our ancestors men judicious co-operation, contribut- whom the world has honoured, ed to the maintenance and dis- compared with the inestimable semination of that pure system of privilege of tracing back through truth which is happily to this a series of generations the cultiday inculcated in those congrega-vation and exhibition of such extions, and followed with the bless-cellencies as the love of God proing of the Most High. This gen- duces in the heart? tleman was respectable for his Happy are such parents, for literary acquirements as well as the blessing of the Lord descends for his piety. He wrote several upon their offspring-and happy pieces of poetry, which we are the children of such parents, for informed display genius, and do they inherit a promise which is honour to his memory. of more worth than any thing high birth or great wealth can bestow.

The grandfather of the subject of this memoir, the late John Schureman, Esq. after whom he Doctor John Schureman was a was named, was a very estimable native of the State of New-Jersey, member of society. He lived as and born Oct. 19, 1778, in the a merchant in New-Brunswick, neighbourhood of New-Brunswhere such was the respect en-wick, at a place to which his patertained for the endowments of rents had fled while that city was his head and the excellent quali- occupied by the enemy in the reties of his heart, that he was ap-volutionary war. At a very early pointed one of the judges of the part of his life he was the subject

of strong religious exercises. Long fore he had reached his sevenbefore his worthy parents had a teenth year. He graduated in suspicion of the fact, his mind was Queen's college, a Bachelor of favoured with those gracious views Arts, September 30, 1795. and feelings which invariably re- While prosecuting the studies sult in sound conversion; and be- which were necessary to qualify fore he had attained the age of him to act an enlightened and twelve years he was often observ- useful part in the world, it must ed to be devoutly engaged in the not be supposed that he neglectstudy of the Scriptures and prayer. ed, as pious youth too often do In youth his conduct was irre- when they come to be surrounded proachable. His naturally mild with gay and thoughtless comand cheerful disposition-dutiful- panions, the cultivation of perness to superiors, and affectionate sonal religion. There is reason behaviour among his friends and to believe, on the contrary, that relations, rendered him amiable he was scrupulously attentive to in the eyes of all who knew him. the interests of his soul-that he He was apt to learn; and with advanced in the stature of a Chrisrespect to divine things in parti- tian as he advanced in the stature cular, he frequently made such of a man, and continued to exinquiries as afforded a pleasing hibit in all his walk and conversaevidence of his capacity, and a tion, the sweet savour of divine hopeful presage of his future grace. It is probable that, from eminence in the Church of God. his early years, he had the ChrisAt this period his respected tian ministry in view, and that, father was called much from home with this object constantly before in the public service of his coun- him, he endeavoured gradually try, and the charge of his educa- to store his mind with that kind tion devolved chiefly on his pious of knowledge which would renand venerable grandfather, whose der him a profitable labourer in instructions and prayers no doubt the vineyard. contributed to improve the good After the lapse of some little dispositions which grace had im- time he came to New-York, and planted in his heart. Under the commenced the study of Theolowatchful care of such a friend, gy with the learned and veneraand the influence of so salutary ble Dr. Livingston; and with an example, with a heart so sus-him remained until the year 1800, ceptible of religious impressions, when he underwent the necessahe could not but receive import- ry examinations before Classis, ant spiritual benefit. and was licensed a candidate for the ministry.

Where, or under whom, he was initiated in the learned lan- In 1801 he was solemnly set guages and obtained the usual apart by ordination to the service preparation for college, the writer of the sanctuary, and installed as has not been informed. That he pastor of the Reformed Dutch was early placed at a suitable Church, at Bedminster, Newgrammar school, and made consi-Jersey.

derable proficiency, may be in- His labours among this people ferred from the fact of his com- were very acceptable, and highly pleting his collegiate course be- useful. With love and zeal he

preached, he visited-he watched for their souls as one that must give account.

the world calls an eloquent herald of the cross, who by strong and pathetic appeals to the passionsAbout two years after his set by bold and impressive imagery, tlement in this place he married can rivet the attention of an aua daughter of Col. Couwenhoven, ditory, and fetch tears from every of Monmouth, New-Jersey-a eye; but one whose simplicity lady well qualified, from her ami- and pious fervour of manner, able natural temper, education, good sense, and sound doctrine, and piety, to make him an agree- rendered his discourses very acable companion; and whose vi- ceptable. But, under the presvacity and affectionate deport- sure of his pulpit labours, and of ment ever gave a cheerfulness to the various and importunate avohis domestic hours which could cations peculiar to city situations, not fail to have a happy influence the state of his health, which had upon him in the discharge of his never been the best, soon became ministerial duties. In making seriously impaired. And when this remark, the writer hopes he he found his health beginning to will not be suspected of any un- decline, having received the offer worthy design. He cherishes of the vice-presidency of Queen's none. He pays no unmerited college, he conceived it his duty compliment, and such conjugal to resign his charge in this city, excellence ought to be commend- and remove to New-Brunswick. ed. Now, when death has be- This he accordingly did in the reaved her of him whom she year 1811. loved, it must be a source of no In the new and untried situalittle consolation to her, that she tion in which he was now placed, loved him while he lived, and he had many, and some almost inhabitually studied to alleviate his superable obstacles to contend numerous cares, and to strew his with-obstacles which few men path with the sweets of domestic would have ventured to approach. happiness. The college had been on the de

In 1807 he received a call, cline for some time before, and which he accepted, from the Re- from the exhausted state of its formed Dutch Church at Mill- financies, together with other unstone, New-Jersey; and in 1809 favourable circumstances, it was he was called and installed one of supposed by many judicious perthe pastors of the Collegiate Re-sons to be next to impossible to formed Dutch Churches in this restore it to any degree of cecity. Such were the respect and lebrity-but attachment to the affection entertained for him in institution, and zeal for the both the country congregations Church, determined him to make in which he had served, that it is said his separation from them was attended with every expression of regret, and that he left not a solitary enemy in either.

at least an experiment in its favour; and the experiment was made with an ardour and diligence which were worthy of the best result. He was respected In this city he maintained an for his talents and the dignity honourable standing in the with which he presided over its Church. He was not indeed what concerns; and although he had

not the pleasure of seeing his ef- principles of Church governforts crowned with success, yet ment. he had no reason to regret his His condescending and modest, acceptance of the office, for the yet dignified, deportment towards. change it induced in his habits of them, conciliated their esteem and study, and the rest it afforded him affection-he put on no magistefrom public speaking, effectually rial airs-he treated them as a contributed to the restoration of friend, and they loved him as such. his health.

The next year after his induction into the office of Professor, the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by the Trustees of Columbia College.

As soon as his health appeared in a measure confirmed, the Reformed Dutch Church of New Brunswick invited him to become their pastor. This invitation he accepted, and was installed in the He was rising in reputation pastoral charge of the congrega- daily. His influence and usefultion, January, 1813. Here he ness were daily becoming more was useful in healing the divisions extensive, when it pleased the which for some time had marred great Head of the Church to rethe peace and harmony of this move him by death to another old and respectable society, and and better world. the prospect of being the instru- He died of a typhus fever, ment of still greater good to May 15, 1818, aged about thirtythem was flattering; but a return nine years and seven months. to the pulpit speedily brought on a return of his disorder, and he was soon under the necessity of resigning his call.

In the course of the narrative which has been given of the life of this worthy servant of Christ, some traits in his character have Oct. 1815, The General Sy- been exhibited; but the sketch nod of the Reformed Dutch would be imperfect if no mention Church appointed him Professor should be made of other traits in of Ecclesiastical History and Pas- it, not less distinguishing, nor toral Theology in the school under less worthy of being remembered. their care. This appointment was Dr. Schureman was most amiable peculiarly gratifying to his feel- in private life. As a husband, ings; and it is but justice to state, father, and friend, none could be that he honoured it. His lectures more affectionate, none more on the subjects assigned him were faithful, none more sincere. He studied with care, and from the was a Joshua in his family, servperspicuous arrangement of the ing the Lord with all his housetopics, and the copious illustra- offering up morning and evening tion with which these were blend- the sacrifice of thanksgiving and ed, became highly interesting and praise; and such were his hainstructive to the students. They bitual kindness of temper and were well calculated to enlarge courtesy of manner, that he their conceptions of whatever seemed to render all happy who pertained to the history of the were beneath his roof. With his Church-the nature of the mi- friends he was open, communicanisterial office-the various me- tive, and often pleasantly facethods of sermonizing, and the tious. He made no professions,

the purity of which could not by an unnecessary exuberance in bear to be tested; nor was his expression, or an overwhelming good opinion of any one easily profusion of figures; but in a plain changed either by the insinuation and intelligible manner to humble of envy or the tales of slander. the sinner, to exalt the Saviour, to He was ever ready to discharge declare, explain, and urge the unthe tender offices of friendship; searchable riches of divine grace. and when he conferred a favour, He was far from being an uninit was done with all the prompt- teresting preacher. His arrangeness and good-will, which, while ments were judicious and natural they appear designed to lessen the sense of obligation, most effecually strengthen it.

his discussions and illustrations forcible and appropriate, and his applications warm and affectionate. Out of the pulpit his exemplary conduct, attention to his flock, and uniform affability, procured him great respect.

The literary attainments of Dr. Schureman were considerable. His mind was well cultivated, and possessed of a natural energy, which, if his health had permitted him to apply himself with unremitted diligence to his studies, would have enabled him to proceed with celerity in the acquisition of knowledge. His appre

In addition to what has already been observed respecting him, as a minister of the Gospel, it is proper to state, that he loved with all his heart that precious system of truth which is exhibited in the standards of the Reformed Dutch Church, and substantially contained in all the Confessions of the Reformed Churches. This truth was deeply engraven upon his breast. He felt its power. He lived under its benign influence. Christ he adored, and served as the most glorious hension was quick, his judgment object in the universe-as uniting clear and discriminating, his taste in his person all excellencies, good. Few men were better achuman and divine. The blood of quainted with human nature. He Christ was the fountain of his was a silent, but close observer pardon; the righteousness of of men and of manners. He Christ the exclusive ground of could not easily be deceived. It his justification before God; and was seldom that he ventured to the glory of Christ the great end express an unfavourable opinion which he incessantly laboured to of any one unless some good end promote. In the pulpit, there was to be answered by the disfore, as may naturally be sup-closure; but whenever circumposed, his sermons were fraught stances rendered a seasonable with evangelical sentiments, ex- hint necessary, he was as seldom pressed in language adapted to found to have formed an erronethe plainest capacity, and deli-ous opinion. In those hours of vered with a pious fervour, which frank and confidential friendship, evinced how much he felt their which the writer of this sketch importance, and desired that has had the happiness to spend others might experience their ef- with him, he has been frequently ficacy. It was evident that he astonished at his discernment in did not go into the sacred desk to this respect. But it must not be preach himself to titillate the inferred from this remark, that ear-to enchain the imagination, he has ever indulged in the little

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