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John did to the Jewish Sanhe- Saviour, he receives as the best ; drim, Whether it be right in the and he esteems as worthy of himsight of God to hearken unto you self to support what was worthy more than unto God, judge ye. of God to bestow. He is disHow pleasing is the sight of gusted at the man who proposes pious and zealous Christian, amendments to it as offering an going on from strength to strength insult to the love which inspires, towards Zion. With an humble the wisdom which orders, and sense of his own infirmities, un- the authority which establishes wavering dependence on God's the constitution of the Christian Spirit, diligent endeavours to dis- Church. "Zion" is, in his view, cover truth, sincere resolution to "the perfection of beauty." In hold it fast, and anxiety to have a his Christian warfare, in his saving interest in it, he searches afflictions, yea, in the hour of the Scriptures, knowing that in death, he is supported with this them he shall find eternal life. reflection.

In them God speaks to him. The Holy Ghost, says he, speakFrom their decision he knows, ing in the Scriptures, has been my and he rejoices to know it, there instructer. I have not built my can be no appeal. They deter- hopes upon the foundation of mine every thing which requires human authority. The decrees a determination. Their maxims of councils, the traditions of he endeavours prudently to apply elders, the writings of fallible in all his conduct. He diligently men, have been received only as employs every help to the under- far as they are supported by standing of them. Sensible of God's testimony. Upon the word their perfection he compares of revelation, a word which canScripture with Scripture. What not fall to the ground, and which is less clearly intimated in one God will own when I appear bepart of the sacred volume, is fore him, I now venture, yea, I more clearly explained in other confidently rest my immortal parts. The histories, the pro- soul, while I resign my body to mises, the precepts of revelation, the dust. To my God, whose all contribute to establish his revelation has been the guide of faith, and to animate his hope. my life, I now come. Thou wilt Delighted with the whole plan of show me the path of life in thy grace, he admires the manner in presence is fulness of joy; at thy which salvation is dispensed to right hand there are pleasures for man. The visible order appoint-evermore.

ed for the Church by the blessed |



The following lines are at your disposal, if you think proper to give them a place in your valuable Magazine.


Down the deceitful stream of busy life,
With thoughtless multitudes Lucretia sail'd,
Unconscious of her port. Her joyous spring
In gay delight, pass'd heedlessly along,

And airy dreams of visionary bliss

Wrapt up her sense. Her happiest hours she deem'd
In gayest mirth, when thought was lull'd to sleep;
And those whom once congenial sentiment
Together link'd in friendship's sweetest ties,
But now by grace disjoin'd, too sober grown.
Delusive charms, false lustres of the world
Enamour'd more than the sweet charms of grace.
Delighted fancy was allur'd with toys

Which better reason would have thought too vain.
Fondly she look'd around and saw the world
Spread its delicious sweets; each balmy breeze
Wafted fresh odours from the spicy fields
To captivate the sense; the song of dance
Was heard among the youthful train, where mirth,
And gayety, and folly, in a round

Of thoughtless pleasure, stole away the hours.

Thus fond Lucretia, centred all her hopes
In sublunary joys, nor thought that one
Unlucky breeze might sweep them all away;
That the gay world, with all its glittering toys,
Its false, deceitful charms, its vain delights,
Its empty vanities and giddy rounds

Is but a theatre of sin, and frail,
Uncertain life, a transitory dream;

That when we seem in freshest, fairest bloom,
We're tottering on the very verge of death.
The voice of wisdom oft essay'd to charm
To more substantial and enduring joys;
Bid her seek bliss beyond this fading world,
And fix her hopes eternal in the skies.
As oft it charm'd in vain; still idle dreams
Play'd in her fancy and betray'd her mind
On pleasure bent, unreal, giddy, vain.

As walking by herself in lonely path,
Along the grove, in silent shade retir'd;
When busy thought was planning wonted joys,
And idle fancy roving 'mong the gay;

A voice thus sudden whisper'd in her ear:
"Why seek the foolish pleasures of the world?
Why love the giddy circles of the vain?
What is there here can satisfy thy soul,
Or give true comfort on a dying bed?
Behold, but few thy days-soon life will end,
And all its vain delights; then wisely prize
The day of grace, and seek substantial joy
In wisdom's ways; there only it is found."
It was the guardian angel sent from heav'n
To breathe celestial influence, and awake
From worldly folly, to diviner life.

She saw the error of her ways-she wept,
And pray'd that heaven would graciously forgive
An humble penitent, and grant henceforth
That she might live a holy life. Her prayer

Was heard. Now heavenly truth beam'd on her mind.
And brighten'd up her path; new hopes inspir'd
New joys. Farewell, ye giddy throng, ye gay
Delights, ye false enchanters of the brain;
Come, ye who once I deem'd a gloomy set,
Be my associates; now I taste your joys,
Now I perceive from whence your pleasure springs.
Grace! O delightful theme! sweet sound divine!
It shall employ my tongue, while being lasts,
And endless years roll their successive round.




Where shall the child of sorrow find
A place for calm repose?
Thou Father of the fatherless,
Pity the Orphan's woes.

What friend have I in heaven or earth,
What friend to trust, but thee?
My father's dead, my mother's dead;
My God, remember me!

Thy gracious promise now fulfil,

And bid my trouble cease;
In thee, the fatherless shall find
Both mercy, grace, and peace.

I've not a secret care or pain,
But he that secret knows:
Thou, Father of the fatherless,
Pity the Orphan's woes!

A VERY sweet and plaintive
voice sang these words. I could
not at first discover from whence
or from whom it proceeded. It
was a beautiful moonlight even-
ing in the month of September,
and being a stranger in the village,
to which my walk had extended, I

approached the Church, which both, and am left without a friend stood upon a hill at some distance on earth.” from the houses, proposing to


But, I trust," added I, “not myself the pleasure of a lonely without a Friend in heaven." contemplation among the graves "I hope not, Sir," said the

of the departed. I had scarcely girl, "but my heart is very arrived at the gate, which stood heavy. It is not a fortnight since opposite to the Church porch, my poor mother was laid in that when the above verses were soft- grave beside my father, who ly sung by some person, not in died last year." sight. Fearful of interrupting this artless hymn, which was evidently accompanied by broken sighs, as of one weeping not far off, I stood still to listen.

"And what brings you here to-night?" said I.

“Sir, I come here, as often as I can at an evening, when my day's work is over, to look at At that moment a poor girl, ap- these two graves, and think about parently about fifteen or sixteen my dear father and mother. They years of age, came from behind a were the best that any poor child projecting part of the church, ever had; and my greatest comand soon returned again, without fort now is, to come here by mydiscovering that she was observed self, and think over all their kindand overheard. I could not help ness and love to me, whilst they feeling a momentary concern lest lived." Tears again prevented my approach might terrify, or at her saying more. least disturb the feelings of the distressed girl, who seemed to be overcome with much affliction of heart.

Whilst I was gently opening the gate, she again sang the two last lines as before,

Thou Father of the fatherless,
Pity the Orphan's woes.

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"And where did you learn that hymn, which I heard just now?" "Sir," said she, "it is one that the minister of our parish made for some children in the Sunday-school, who lost their father and mother a few years ago; he called it," The Orphan's Hymn," and we sometimes used to sing it at Church and at school. But I did not know then, how soon it would be my own turn to feel the same loss, and sing it for myself. But it is the Lord that hath done it, and I desire to submit to his will."

"Did your parents bring you up in the fear of God, and the knowledge of his blessed Gospel?"

At that moment the noise of the gate shutting, after I had passed through, caught her ear: she came forward, somewhat startled, and said, "Who is there?""One," replied 1, "that can feel for the fatherless, and pity the orphan's woes. Do not be afraid, but tell me, whether the words you have been singing, are ap- "Oh! yes, Sir, it was all their plicable to your own case? Are wish and pains to do so. They you deprived, by the providence loved and feared God themselves, of God, of your own parents?" and they did all that lay in their Bursting into tears, she said, power to teach me to do so Indeed, Sir, I have lost them too."


"And I hope from what you spoke to me: I can never forget say," added I, "that their in- them."

structions have not been in vain. You can read, and know the value of God's word."


"And do you not believe," replied I, that in God the fatherless find mercy?"

"I hope I do, Sir: I have "I do, Sir," answered she, learned from it, how good Jesus" and am persuaded that he will Christ has been to sinners. Poor, neither leave me, nor forsake me. friendless, and distressed as I am, I know I am a sinner, and, as I would not part with the hope, such, deserve only his displeawhich the word of God gives me, sure, but, through his grace, I can for all the world. My mother trust his word. Weak, helpless, told me- (Here she with and sinful, as I feel myself to be, difficulty went on)-" My mother I nevertheless desire to cast my told me, a little before she died, burthen upon him, and believe that she had nothing to leave me that he will sustain me." but a blessing, a Bible, and the "And is it your heart's desire prayers which she had been offer- to be a follower of these good ing up for me, ever since I was parents, who, through faith, inborn. But, she said, that is herit the promises, and are now enough, if God is but pleased to at rest with God?"

accept them." Indeed, Sir, you "Sir," replied the girl, with cannot think what a dear good the most affecting solemnity of mother I have lost. And now I manner; to live as they lived, am obliged to live with some and to die as they died, is the neighbours, who use me very first wish I have in this world." hardly, and force me to work Highly pleased with the strong beyond my strength to get bread marks of filial piety and dutiful to eat. Sir, I have now no father affection, which this interesting nor mother to take care of me, young person manifested, I asked feel for my difficulties, and teach her what prospects she had for me the ways of God, as they used her livelihood: She said, "Her to do. I am young and inexpe- wish was to enter into the service rienced and I am afraid lest, of some pious family, if the goodwithout a guide, I should fall into ness of God should lead her into errors and snares, which their such a situation."

kind care might have prevented." I was strongly prepossessed "Let this be your comfort," I with the simple and unaffected replied, "when father and mo- declaration of her sentiments, ther forsake you, then the Lord and viewed the circumstances of will take you up. For God is my seemingly accidental meeting the helper of the fatherless, and with her, as a providential opporhas given an encouraging promise tunity of rendering a service to a to the believing parent, that he young and unprotected girl; I may leave his fatherless chil- therefore offered her a servant's dren, and God will preserve place in my own family, to assist them alive." in the nursery, being convinced "Those," said the girl, looking that a child, so dutiful as she had 'up with great earnestness, "were been to her own parents, was the the last words my dear mother most suitable companion and at

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