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great Head of the Church has showed this, that the minister was not before labouring in vain, but that he was breaking up the fallow ground, and the field was preparing for that crop which afterward covered it. This should encourage us, and excite in us a spirit of prayer, that the blessing of God may attend the cause of missions.

surance, that, when all is prepared, the Spirit of God will breathe on our labour, and then glorious effects will be produced. But while we have the joy of witnessing extensive and diligent labours, we have also the joy of remarkable success. What a scene is presented in "the Society Isles!"— the most unlikely of the human race, for savageness, sensuality, and every thing that We have great encouragement to prodegrades the human character-the most ceed, and ground of congratulation, in unlikely people, according to all human ap- what our eyes have seen, as to the labours pearance, to be converted. What praise is and success of our Missionaries, and that due to those men who waited so patiently, the spirit of the Christian world has been and did not wait in vain. And now such a aroused to unite in this work of advancing scene is presented as the world has not of the kingdom of Christ. How many societies late years brought to view. Idolatry is re- have sprung up since ours! We have nounced; fifty places of worship have been stirred up the spirit of Christians abroaderected in the island of Taheite alone; and In Holland, in Switzerland, in Germany, the other islands are embracing the Gospel and above all, in America! And how many casting away their gods, which are no have been stirred up at home? One d-nogods: the Sabbath is observed-family mination and class has been establishing a worship attended to: thousands learning to Missionary Society after another, until, read. What a picture!-what spiritual, shall I say? the last has now appeared: and glory!--what delightful prospects! Who, the dignitaries of the Established Church after this, will doubt the success of missions, are preparing, on a large and extensive and say, "the time is not come for the scale, to send Missionaries to India and Lord's house to be built?" Ceylon. May God give them success!

The accounts from South Africa contain Who will speak against missions now, and likewise the most pleasing prospects. They call them enthusiastic? It is no small present to us the rudest of the human race, thing that the minds and dispositions of men in various places, embracing the Gospel, are so changed; if we go on, at this rate, cultivating their fields, becoming rational we know not where we shall stop; there beings, as well as Christians; and advanc-will be the adding of one thing to another, ing their comfort in this world, while they until that glorious season, when ail the enjoy a prospect of happiness in the world ends of the earth shall see the salvation of to come. O! what a blessing is the Gospel our God. We are now surrounded by to mankind even in the present life. many other Missionary Societies and that There are two different ways in which consideration imposes duties upon us, to God works with respect to the success of behave aright to those that are members of the Gospel. Sometimes he grants success the same family. Here let us not be wantat first. No sooner is the Gospel preached, ing. We shall go straight forward in the than conversions take place. At other path of duty, and not be justled out of the times a Missionary may appear to labour way by any, but pursue those methods ve in vain, but it is not in vain. All that time consider the Gospel teaches us, in order to truths were entering into the mind, en- carry on our plans, for the advancement of lightening and working upon the con- the cause of Christ in the world. But while science; and afterward, by the blessing of we do this, let us show a pleasant disposi God upon their labours, conversions have tion to others. Let us beware of boastin followed close one upon another; and the let us not cry, We are the people--we are

the fittest to translate the Scriptures, and promote missions. Away with such contemptible boastings as these! Let us, with humility and gratitude, acknowledge all the success with which God is pleased to favour us, but let there be no spirit of boasting. Nor should there be any detracting from others. We are not rivals, we are fellowlabourers of the same Master, and should have the spirit of brethren. How mean should we be, saying, Such a Missionary Society has this bad thing, and the other bad thing-away with such a spirit as this. There will be faults in Missionaries of all denominations; all will have their mistakes, and they will become wiser by the events that occur.

according to that method they think most agreeable to the word of God. As then we stand on vantage ground as to the liberality of our principles, let it be manifested in the liberality of our conduct. If we are to have any emulation, let it be to excel. If we can excel in a laudable, Christian way, then we do right. Let us seek to excel in the wisdom of our plans, in the choice of our fields of labour, in the piety and qualifications of our Missionaries-and, above all, let us labour to excel in the fervour of our prayer, that the glorious Gospel may be spread from the rising to the setting of the sun; and that our Missionaries may have a double portion of the Spirit upon them, and their labours be crowned with the most extensive success. I move that the Report, &c. The motion was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Wardlaw.



And let us not withhold from any the due fame that they are entitled to. It is unbecoming to have a niggardly spirit, and to withhold due praise from others, because they labour not with us. A very wise and I rise, Sir, most cordially, to second the good proposal was made by our respected motion which has now been made, with the friend, respecting an alteration in the name addition of that part of it which the veneraof the Society. When it was instituted, it ble Tutor of the Academy where the Misstood nearly alone--it was a General Soci- sionaries are trained, has modestly omitted. ely, and the name was by no means impro- We embrace, therefore, the whole of the per: but other Societies have arisen. It motion. That the Report, in all its parts, is now highly proper that we should take a be received, adopted, and circulated, for name that may not be thought assuming or the information of the Christian commuimproper. Let us seek to maintain a spirit of good will to all. I endeavour to inculcate The Report which we have heard, Sir, on the Missionaries a liberal spirit, free, appears to me as a practical commentary affectionate; to act according to their own on a similitude used in the Scriptures, the judgment; not to be warped by any, but to full meaning of which we cannot, perhaps, maintain affection to all. And I desire in our colder climate, perfectly appreciate. them not to show a mean, paltry spirit-to It is better understood in warmer climates, proselyte others, in foreign countries, to their own peculiar opinions in lesser matters; but to consider others as brethren, to let them follow their own judgment; and to act in all things with a dignity that becomes the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are peculiarly called to this, because our Society is not a Sectarian Society, but a Christian one, grounded on the general principles of the Gospel. We send not out Missionaries to establish any one sect or denomination, but to form their converts

as my African friend beside me (Mr. Campbell) has often observed; "as cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." We have been hearing good news, which must excite, in every Christian bosom, the feelings of wonder, love, and praise. And were there no other reason why this Report should be printed and circulated, than that we may communicate to our fellow-Christians, our own feelings of delight, that would be sufficient. But we have a more important reason than even

this, which is, that by the communication of Christian world, by the Institutions that such intelligence as that we have now have within these few years been formed in heard, we are to keep alive, and to stimu- this country. When we look around, and late the zeal and the liberality of the Chris-see the immense influence of Bible Societies, tian community. Addresses may be deli- and Missionary Societies, and Tract Sovered, and addresses may be printed and cieties, throughout the whole earth, what circulated; but after all, I apprehend that British bosom does not glow, and bound facts are the best arguments, and the most with transport, to recollect that the impowerful stimulants. And when we exhibit pulse which has set all this moral machi such facts to the public, as have now come nery in motion was given in Britain? Who before ourselves, we apprehend it will be does not rejoice, that the trumpet that has impossible for those, who feel as Christians, called forth this immense army of the living to withhold their zealous efforts, and liberal God, whose banner is the cross-whose contributions, for the further aid of this march is silent and rapid-whose conquests glorious cause. are bloodless, and final triumphs sure-was sounded from the shores of his native island? There was a time, in the ministry of our Saviour, when certain Greeks said to Philip, " Sir, we would see Jesus." And when the message was delivered to the blessed Redeemer, he said, "The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified: verily, verily, I say unto you, exe cept a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." The corn of wheat fell into the ground, and died, and it abode not alone, it brought forth much fruit. The little handful that immediately arose from it, was sown on the tops of the mountains of Judea; and it has shaken in the course of time with prosperous fruit; and the whole earth is now filled with its abundant produce. We rejoice in the extension of the Saviour's kingdom; we re joice that, while engaged in it, we have no And I cannot, in repeating these words, fail reason to doubt with regard to its issue. to observe, how delighted that Christian Who can now call in question the propriety poet would have been, had he lived to the of missionary exertions? or, who will now present hour, and seen so much more in dispute the propriety of carrying forward this metropolis, both of what he loved and those exertions with increasing vigour and what he admired; and with what pleasure enlargement of operation? We rejoice in he would have swept the lyre of poetry in anticipating a period when all the ends of sounding the praises of the Bible and Mis- the earth shall see the salvation of our sionary Societies, and the success with God; when the kingdoms of this world which the Most High has crowned their shall become the kingdoms of our Lord efforts. and of his Christ. I believe from my

Thirteen years ago, Sir, I had the pleasure of being present at the Annual Meeting of this Society; and it is now my delight to witness the increasing interest which since that time has been excited. The meeting was then held in a place comparatively small; and I am not sure whether that place was entirely filled. I rejoice that there is now, as this large assembly proves, so much more extensive an interest felt in this metropolis, in the cause of Christian missions. I rejoice in the increased regard paid to the objects of this Society. And I cannot think of this great metropolis without remembering the words of the Christian poet

"O! thou resort and mart of all the earth,
Chequered with all complexions of mankind,
And spotted with all crimes, in whom I see
Much that I love, and more that I admire,
And all that I abhor "--

I have often thought of the stimulus that heart that, when the Saviour uttered the has been given to the whole surrounding words which I before alluded to, he had

present to his all-comprehensive mind a complete view of the history of the progress of the Church to the close of time; that he saw the success of his Gospel which was soon to appear on the day of Pentecost, and darted forward his omniscient eye, through successive generations, taking in all the labours of this and other Societies, and the effects thence resulting, even to the final consummation of all things, when a multitude which no man can number shall be gathered out of all kingdoms, and people, and nations, and tongues, to celebrate the riches of redeeming grace.


You have, by the vote you have just passed, expressed your feelings on the tendency, nature, and success of the operations of the Society during the past year. But, my friends, it becomes us to ask, Who hath done those things of which we have heard? We cannot attribute them to the agents which have been employed, for that would be rearing in England that idolatry which we are desirous to suppress through all the world. It has therefore been judged expedient and becoming, by the Directors who prepared and arranged the proceedings of this day, that, at this stage of the business, a solemn and a humble expression be given by us, in our associated capacity, to the great Author of all mercies, for the success with which he has been pleased to favour the operations of this Society during the past year. This is proposed to be done, by calling upon a reverend friend now present, to offer up in a brief manner, suitable expressions of thanksgiving to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; and by singing a hymn which has been composed for the occasion by a poetical friend of the Society.

Society. Whether we reflect on the abi lity, the zeal, and the diligence of its Missionaries, the doors of entrance among the Heathens which the great Head of the Church has opened before them; or the ever-growing facility for carrying on this great work from year to year; or whether we consider the increasing zeal which is manifested among the Churches, that spirit of prayer which the Holy Spirit of Jehovah has poured out upon his people, the contributions which have flowed during the past year into the treasury of this Society, the important Auxiliary Societies which have been formed in aid of it—I say, in what light soever we view the subject, we see abundant cause of congratulation for the signal blessings that have rested upon this institution. Surely, Sir, we are warranted to apply to ourselves those words of our adorable Redeemer, which he addressed to his disciples, when referring to the propagation of his kingdom among men -Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.' We have been privileged to live in a day in which the zeal and the activity of Christians have been aroused into action; we have been called to stand still and see the salvation of our God. We have seen him making bare his holy arm before the face of all nations. Our more immediate ancestors could scarcely have formed an idea of the possibility of what we now witness! They believed ancient prophecy, and made it the matter of their earnest prayer before God; but they appear not to have been penetrated with a sense of the imperious duty binding upon Christians, at all times to endeavour, by every possible effort, to extend the true knowledge of salvation unto those who are sitting in darkness, and in the re

Prayer by the Rev. JOHN MEAD RAY, of gion of the shadow of death. This priviSudbury.


In rising to move the resolution I have in my hand, I cannot but congratulate this meeting on the present state, and the promising prospects of the London Missionary

lege was reserved for us. It is our happy
lot to be born in times in which the ener-
gies of the Christian world are called into
action in behalf of the cause of Jesus, and
to the help of the Lord against the mighty.
Within a few years how much has been

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effected for the extension of the Gospel! if possible, to this more highly-favoured Into how many countries have the glad ti- metropolis, that he might aid in the labours dings of salvation been carried by the Mis- of British Christians; and he had actually sionaries sent out from this and similar in prospect an advantageous situation in institutions. London; but this he readily relinquished for the sake of carrying the Gospel to the Heathen.

I conclude, Sir, by reading the resolution that has been put into my hands:

II. That the most grateful thanks of this meeting be given to all who have contributed to the funds of this Society, especially to the Ministers and Congregations who have made collections-to the Treasurers, Secretaries, Collectors, and Members of the Auxiliary Societies, Ladies' Societies, Juvenile Societies, and other Associations; and that they be earnestly requested to persevere in their active and zealous exertions.

This resolution was seconded by the Rev. Jabez Bunting, of the Wesleyan connexion.

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Let us look at Otaheite; what has there been effected! those poor idolaters, a few years ago, were sunk into the grossest sensuality, and appeared incapable of elevating their minds above the things of time or sense-now humbled in the dust, before Jehovah. The Hindoo too is forsaking the unsatisfactory doctrines of Bramah, sitting at the feet of Jesus, who was meek and lowly in heart, and receiving the law at his lips. The Chinese also is tearing from the walls of his apartment, his paper gods, throwing them into the fire, acknowledging Jehovah to be the only wise, and the only true God. The poor Hottentot, sunk to the very lowest possible state of human degradation, is elevated by the Gospel, und takes his place among the children of God. To Judas the traitor, our blessed Saviour It is impossible to turn your attention once addressed a very cutting question, towards Asia without anticipating the great- when he said, Wherefore art thou come?' est and most glorious results. And parti- It is very possible that, after the enunciacularly, I would advert to the Tartar na- tion you have done the honour to make of tions, to whom, as you have heard this my particular connexion with another Misday, two valuable Missionaries have been sionary Society, some persons present may sent. I say two Missionaries, for I have be half disposed to ask me a similar questhe pleasure of being intimately acquainted tion. I can assure you, Sir, and I can with both, and with those who are united assure this respected audience, that I come to them as partners in life. I had the plea- with no traitorous intent, that I come with sure last year of hearing Mr. Stallibras, no hostile purpose. Hostile to this Society in St. Petersburg, bear testimony to the no person can be who is not hostile to the glory and excellence of Jesus; and never general cause of missions, in the promoshall I forget the impression that appeared tion of which, God has honoured this Soto be made upon the audience there, when ciety, by calling it to take so very promihe, in the true spirit of a Missionary, took nent and distinguished a part. Hostile to for his first text those words of the Apostle, the cause of missions, I think, no man can 'I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ be, who is not hostile to Christianity; for -for it is the power of God unto salvation, I consider Christianity itself to be nothing to every one that believeth.' Mr. Rahmn more than one grand comprehensive miswas a Swedish clergyman in Gottenburgh; sionary establishment; whoever, therefore, I had the pleasure of being acquainted with is hostile to this cause, whatever he may him nearly five years. Long had his heart say with his lips, is, I verily believe, more been set upon missionary labours-long or less an infidel at heart. But, perhaps had he desired the opportunity of coming it becomes me rather to say not so much øver to this highly-favoured country, and, why I come to attend this meeting. Į

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