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from the beginning, let the conse-| situation, through the servant of a
quences be what they might, to Portuguese gentleman, built a
embrace and publicly profess the house, and received and talked to
all who came to him.

Pitambura's character for integrity was soon so established in this village, that a person might have obtained any thing at any of

After stopping a while, he left Serampore, that he might communicate what he had seen and heard to his wife and friends, promising however to return in the shops in his name; but though seven days. He came before the he proclaimed to the inhabitants time appointed, and in a short" the unsearchable riches time after was baptized. This Christ," for nearly three years, was in January, 1801. persons of that place re



One con

After his baptism he was ap-ceived his message. pointed teacher of the Bengalee vert, a brahmun, remains in the charity school, at Serampore, in Church at Serampore, as the fruit which situation he behaved with of his labours there, of which he great prudence, and manifested a has, on the whole, been an honourcontinued concern to advance the able member for nearly six years. interests of religion.

While Pitambura was at SookAbout this time he wrote a saugur he wrote two other pieces; piece in verse, called The Sure the one called Good Advice, and Refuge. The good effects of this the other The Enlightener. These, book are, and, it may be hoped, with his former piece, hold will continue to be, extensively gospel as the certain way of salup the felt. Three persons, who have vation; and as proving its own been baptized, date their convic-divine origin by the perfect chations of the truth of Christianity racter of its Great Founder, and from reading it. It was thought by the Mission- and lives of depraved men. by its holy effects upon the hearts aries that it might be attended with good effects, if Pitambura the salvation of the people of While Pitambura was seeking were stationed at a place at some Sooksaugur, he was not unminddistance from them, in order to ful of his own daughter, who was try what could be done by such a married, and lived in that neighnative teacher alone. On its be-bourhood. By conversation, and ing proposed to him, he cheer- every other means in his power, fully consented; and Sooksaugur, he tried to bring her and her husa town on the Hoogly, about band to the knowledge and love twenty-five miles from Seram- of Christ, but in vain. pore, was chosen as a suitable situation. During his residence at this Pitambura went to this place, some symptoms of which had applace, an asthmatic complaint, and mentioned his design to the peared before, increased upon inbabitants. They argued with him exceedingly. This, with. him in favour of their god Krishna other circumstances, induced him in opposition to Christ; and at the to wish to return to Serampore. close of the debate resolved not Nor could the Missionaries, unto give him a place in their vil-der such circumstances, refuse lage. At last, however, he got alto comply with his request. In

January, 1804, he returned to and constantly treated him with his old charge, the Bengalee the greatest respect.


In his conversation with such

At this time the Bengalee school of his brethren as were cold or declined; and if men had not irregular in their conduct, he was come for instruction, instead of generally very faithful, endea children, the school must have vouring to bring them up to a been given up. But it was so or-walk corresponding with the holy dered, that at this time there religion which they had embraced. were many inquiries about the More than once, at meetings of gospel from different parts of the the society, when it was found country. The school therefore necessary to admonish or exclude assumed a new aspect; and the any one who walked disorderly, master, instead of teaching chil- Pitambura was disposed to keep dren the alphabet, was employed the society pure, even when these in showing to men the way of sal-acts, in the sight of some, had the vation. appearance of severity.

Pitambura from this period, He would often caution his however, never recovered his brethren against launching out informer strength; and rather in- to those things, which, though not structed mankind by his patient immoral, would prejudice their sufferings, his firm faith, and edi- countrymen against the gospel. fying conversation, than by his No one who had newly forsaken active labours. Nor did his pa- Hindooism could be more free tience consist in the carelessness than he was from all superstitious of apathy: he often lamented his regard to diet, dress, customs, &c. inability to itinerate, and carry yet he was aware of the great the message of salvation to places importance of acting wisely with which he wished to visit. His regard to things which were affliction was of long continuance, merely national. He saw that a and in that respect distressing; needless stumbling-block would but it gave opportunity for the be cast before his countrymen by display of that religion which had a convert appearing in an English evidently its seat in his heart.

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dress; and he therefore warned During this part of his life, his younger brethren against all Pitambura, on one or two occa- approaches to such changes, and sions, manifested his earnest con- against every thing which might cern for the peace of the Church. become a hinderance to others. In these cases he took the par- On these subjects he seemed to ties at variance aside, and endea- enter into the spirit and advice of voured to explain, to soften, and the apostle Paul (than whom no to heal. He had learnt that love man was better acquainted with was the essence of religion. He human nature) becoming all would often say to his brethren, things to all men, that he might "If we had all walked in love by all means save some." and purity, what multitudes ere person, however, could charge this (we might have hoped) would him with dissimulation. His temhave embraced the gospel!" He per was naturally rather too unwas much beloved of his brethren, bending than otherwise; and his who frequently consulted him, abhorrence of falsehood and dis

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honesty was manifest in the whole he was fully sensible of the value of his deportment. In the cases of health, yet he steadily refused of some who came to inquire every remedy connected with about the gospel, but whose in-idolatry. Mr. Ward was with sincerity he evidently perceived, him one day, when a man brought the Missionaries could scarcely something which he assured him give him credit for taking suffi- would certainly accelerate his recient pains to instruct them, so covery. On inquiring into this marked was his dislike of a hypo- nostrum, Pitambura found that crite. the efficacy was supposed to lie in

While he was able, he was a some god, in whose name it was diligent reader of the Scriptures. to be applied, rather than in the He read the New Testament thing itself. He thanked the through several times, and evi-man; but declared it could do dently understood much of its ge- him no good, and that at any rate nuine meaning. Notwithstanding he would not renounce Christ for the difficulties of the epistles, es- the sake of his body.

pecially to a new convert who As long as he could hold his had not read the Old Testament, pen, he was employed, at the reyet by many parts of these epis-quest of Mr. Ward, in writing the tles he was greatly instructed. Life of Christ in verse. He had He comprehended their meaning gone through a good part of it; to the surprise of the missionaries, but this work was left in a state and the doctrines which they unfit for publication; but it has taught seemed to be the food of since been supplied by another his mind. He would sometimes band.

enter into the reasonings of Paul On the 17th of May, Mr. Ward with great clearness. At other went to visit him. He found him times a single sentence, or turn of very ill. While standing by his expression, would arrest his at-bed-side, the good old man broke tention. He more than once in-out in the following strains :-" I timated, that there was more to be do not attribute it to my own wisfound in THIS Вook than many dom, or to my own goodness, that Christians were aware of.

I became a Christian. It is all In his conversation, writings, grace! It is all grace! I have and sermons, he had a happy ta- tried all means for the restoration lent at forcible reasoning. His of my health. All are vain: God understanding was naturally clear, is my only hope. Life is goodand his judgment solid; and when death is good: but to be wholly God opened to him the sources of emancipated is better." When truth, he was more than a match he was told of the use of afflicfor the most subtle of the Hindoo tions to wean us from the world,

pundits:* of this they were aware, he answered, "I have a wife, a and therefore commonly avoided daughter, and a son-in-law. I an encounter with him. There have tried to induce them to emwas a keenness in his words which brace the gospel by every means they could not bear. in my power, but they refused. During his long sickness, though I am therefore weaned from them all. I can only pray for their salvation!" He considered it as

* Learned teachers.

a great honour, he said, that God best secured; and above all, enhad given him the love and re-treated her to make Christ her spect of all his brethren. He refuge, that ultimately they might spoke with singular regard of both meet again in heaven: these Krishna-Prisada,* as, of all the last words seemed to have made native converts, most adorning a strong impression on her mind; the gospel by his example. Many for she was a very affectionate of the native converts were stand-wife.

and solemn.

ing round his bed at the time, to Within a few days of his dewhom Mr. Ward recommended 'cease be seemed to long for his the dying counsel of the venera- departure, though without any ble Christian, as most weighty signs of impatience; and spoke of his removal with as much compoFrom this time to the 20th of sure as though he was already faAugust, when Pitambura died, he miliar with the place and the comcontinued gradually to decline. pany to which he was going. The last period of his life was The missionaries had formerly truly interesting to all who saw thought Pitambura less affected him. It was wonderful to behold with the unparalleled love and his patience and resignation, in- sufferings of Christ than was decreasing more and more as his af- sirable; and that he seemed to fliction increased. He said once be more employed in exhibiting or twice to Mr. Ward, "I am the deformity of vice in the godsnever unhappy that it is thus and brahmuns, and the beauty of with me my spirits are always righteousness in Scripture characgood." He would say, with a ters, than in holding forth Christ moving and child-like simplicity, as the source of pardon, and his "He is my God, and I am his grace as exciting the soul to unichild! He never leaves me; he versal and perfect excellence. is always present!" Alluding to But when his own hope for fututhe introduction to several of the rity came to be tried in the fire epistles, Grace be to you, and of his last affliction, he found the peace from God our Father, and Saviour precious to him, and his from the Lord Jesus Christ, he death and mediation his only supsaid several times, "Peace, peace: port in the prospect of eternity. I now find in my own heart that peace!"


The day before he died he was anxious to see his daughter, that About two months before his he might make a last effort for her death, having perceived in Jugu- conversion. Means were used to dumba, his wife, a change of mind accomplish this desire two narespecting the gospel, he began tive Christians were appointed to earnestly to press upon her to take a boat and fetch her. Before make an open profession of it. He they could depart, however, be warned her against returning to became worse, and forbad their idolatry, or recurring to a Benga- going, intimating that she would lee spiritual guide: desired her after his death to reside wherever her spiritual interests would be

* A young Brahmin.

only disturb his last moments by her sorrow, and that he was too weak to address any thing to her that could be of service. The same day he called the native

converts to pray with him, and his hope towards God, his happy said he was ready to depart. death, and the encouragement afOn the morning of his death he forded by his example to others called them again to come and to believe in Christ, who could sing. While they were singing enable them to die as happily as a hymn, the chorus of which runs, he had done. Mr. Ward added a "Eternal salvation through the few other remarks; and Krishna death of Christ," the tears of joy concluded in prayer ran down his dying cheeks; and This venerable Christian was at that moment his happy soul about sixty years of age. His departed, leaving such a smile happy death seemed to have a upon his countenance, that it good effect on the other native was some moments before his at- converts, who all seemed animatending friends could convince ted with this one sentiment, May themselves that he was really our last end be like his !


After Pitambura's death his The next morning his body widow was baptized, and has for was interred in the Mission bury-five years adorned religion by her ing-ground, by the side of that of conduct. Her affection for her another native convert. Before husband, and her patient attendits removal, a hymn was sung, ance on him in his long affliction, his surviving brethren, both native were truly exemplary. Soon afand European, standing around the ter his death she voluntarily came coffin. They then accompanied forward and made an open profesthe body to the grave, walking sion of the gospel; to do which, two and two. Three Europeans in a country where females are and three native converts carried held in such a state of extreme the corpse, relieving each other exclusion, is an act of real fortiat intervals. When arrived at the tude; as such persons must replace of interment, Mr. Marsh-nounce all their former habits of man addressed the spectators, life, before they can appear among giving a short history of Pitambu- Europeans, and be baptized bera's conversion, the ground of fore hundreds of spectators.

Heligious Intelligence.


MR. MEDHURST, in a letter to the Rev. G. Collison, dated Madras, March 7, 1817, says, "There is much at Madras to excite and to depress missionary zeal. There are 300,000 souls within four short miles of our residence, ignorant of God, degraded by iniquity, and exposed to eternal wrath. Every person we meet, bears the mark of an

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idolater on his forehead, (the number of their gods being marked in white or yellow, according to their caste.) In every street there is a pagoda; in the day-time we witness their zeal and readiness to perform the difficult duties of their religion; and in the night our rest is disturbed by their noisy worship. These seenes are enough to inflame the zeal of the dullest missionary ; but,


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