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me from sin and harm, while me live here; and me hope, when me come to die, to go and live with him always, and never die again."

"What are your thoughts about Christian love or charity? I mean, whom and what do you most love?"


Perhaps, the poor negro will afford matter for farther consider ation, at another opportunity.

Anecdote of the late Hon. and Rev.
W. B. Cadogan, of Chelsea.

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"Me love God the Father, be- A MUSICAL amateur of emicause he was so goot to send his nence, who had often observed Son. Me love Jesus Christ, be- Mr. Cadogan's inattention to his cause he love me. Me love all performances, said to him one day, men, black and white men too; Come, I am determined to make for God made them all. Me love you feel the force of music-pay goot Christian people, because particular attention to this piece.' Jesus love them, and they love It accordingly was played.Well, what do you say now?" Such was my first conversation" Why, just what I said before." with this young disciple; I re-"What! can you hear this and joiced in the prospect of receiv-not be charmed? Well, I am ing him into the church, agreea-quite surprised at your insensibly to his wishes. I wished, bility. Where are your ears?" however, to converse somewhat" Bear with me, my lord," refarther, and inquire more minute-plied Mr. Cadogan, "since I too ly into his conduct; and promised have had my surprise: I have to ride over, and see him in a few often, from the pulpit, set before days at his master's lodgings. you the most striking and affectWhen he was gone, I thought ing truths; I have sounded notes within myself, God hath indeed that have raised the dead; I have redeemed souls by the blood of said, surely he will feel now; but his Son, "out of every kindred, you never seemed charmed with and tongue, and people, and na- my music, though infinitely more tion." If many of them for a interesting than your's: I too season are devoted to earthly have been ready to say with astoslavery, through the cruel ava-nishment, Where are his ears? rice of man: yet, blessed be God, some amongst them are, through Divine grace, called to the glorious liberty of the children of God; and so are redeemed from the slavery of him, who takes so many captive at his will.

It is a happy thought, that "Ethiopia shall soon stretch forth her hands unto God. Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth. O sing praises unto the Lord!"

*This circumstance took place before the late happy abolition of the slave trade.

Sir William Jones's Testimony in favour of the Bible.

THE late Sir William Jones thus expresses himself"I have regularly and attentively read the sacred Scriptures, and am clearly of opinion, that, independent of their divine original, they contain more sublimity and beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of eloquence and poetry, than can be collected from all other books, in whatever age or language they may have been composed,"

Heligious Intelligence.


BORDEAUX, June 17.

longer any toleration in religion, and by degrees we may expect the revival of former We are now very much occupied with an abuses. Attempts of the same kind appear incident which interests the whole of the to have been made in the whole of the Reformed Church of France. One of the south. We know of energetic representadeacons of our Church has just been con- tions made, addressed to the government by demned to pay a fine, by the Tribunal of divers consistories, and we think it necessary Police, for not having decorated the front of to display zeal and firmness in the delicate his house with the usual hangings, during circumstances in which we are with regard the procession of the host on Corpus Christi to the concordat. The concordat presented day. This prosecution appears to us a ma-to the Chambers, but not discussed, threatnifest violation of the 5th article of the char-ens us with a revival of all the laws of the ter; but what appears more surprising still, Church, and you are not ignorant what the are the arguments employed by the public ultra-montane party mean by these expresministry, (the law officers of the crown,) sions. I know that some of the provisions who demanded the condemnation. They of this charter may be amended; but is it rested these arguments on a regulation of not deplorable, that the idea of proposing 1757, which they cited at the audience as them should have been entertained? If we their authority, and which, you will observe, show weakness or indifference, can we tell renewed the rigour of the persecutions how far our supineness or want of energy against the Protestants, the exile of their may be abused in the discussions of the appastors, interdiction of their assemblies, the proaching session of the Chambers, to exannulling of their marriages, the declaration tort from them concessions which may enof bastardy on their infants, &c. What danger our liberty of conscience? must we think, in the age in which we live, A peculiar system of management apof seeing such atrocities dug up from their pears to be adopted by those who move in grave? No attempt is made, it is true, to these affairs. They appear to act in conbring them again into exercise at the pre-cert, as the same attempts have been made sent moment, and the attempt could not suc-in different places. The condemned have ceed though made; but it might be expect- demanded signed copies of their sentences; ed that shame would restrain them from re- they have not received them, and probably calling those barbarous decrees, especially never will. This mode of proceeding apas by so doing they violate existing laws, pears a tacit confession, on the part of the and aim a direct blow at rights consecrated authorities, that their decisions are not by the charter. founded on law. It is to be remarked likeArticle 5th of the charter is thus express-wise, that though several Protestants resisted-"Every man professes his religion with ed a compliance with the ceremony above equal freedom, and obtains for his worship mentioned, only one (a Swiss pastry-cook) the same protection." It is evident, that if was prosecuted, on a belief, probably, that the Protestants can be compelled to put out he was without support. On the other hangings, then to bend the knee, &c. acts hand, the Jews have been persecuted in prohibited by their conscience, there is no great numbers.


surdity of their conduct, some of them cried out, It is only a plaything for the children.'

Extract of a letter from Mr. Gordon, It is, however, well known, that these idols

Oct. 22, 1817.

are kept in their houses, and worshipped for the purpose of keeping evil from them; MR. GORDON, who is returned from for fear seems to be the grand principle of Madras, where he had spent three months, their whole religious system. The man F says, respecting that station, O! what a mentioned appeared to act in a perfectly great improvement in about two years! voluntary manner; while I was speaking, The Lord is doing great things indeed! he held up the idol before my face, and preThere is much yet to be done; the fields sented it to me, the people around smiling are whitening for the harvest. I had fre- approbation; and when I said, 'These can. quent opportunities of observing among the not do good, nor is it in them to do evil," Gentoo population a desire to hear of this there was evidently an universal concurnew way. I frequently had an opportunity |rence. Then, why do you worship such of conversing with hundreds; I say convers- vain things?" 'We are but children,' said ing, for they are not accustomed to hear any continued or regular discourse; they must speak too, especially when any thing is said that seems to reflect on their gods, or their religion, however absurd. The people at large are mere babes in knowledge, though some of their priests are learned and acute. But the great proportion of the people being poor, and unable to pay the Brahmins, they remain ignorant.

The Brahmins become more and more shy of us, as we become better acquainted with their system; besides, the lower orders are now better informed of the roguery and debauchery of their gods, so that the influence of the priests is diminished. It is not uncommon for a Soodra to hold (when a missionary is present) a disputation with a Brahmin, and some become convinced of the absurdity of their religion.


they, and must do as we are bid. Besides, our forefathers were wise and good, and we continue to do as they did; and doing as our Gooroo (teacher) directs, we cannot be wrong.' 'But, if he directed you to drink poison, would you do it?' 'No; for then we should die.' They added, 'Is not this the Callee Yogum? (the sinful age) I answered, 'According to your books it is; but that is not a reason why you should sin against your own minds.' • What can we do?-it is our fate. Is there not a hell? You have just now told that these things make the great God angry, and send people there. You say that he made all things; why did he make hell?' I answered, Why did the Company order that jail to be built?-Why did they send the judge to punish people in that jail? Ought you to rob and murder, in order to fill that jail, A few Sundays ago, when in my new and make work for the judge? The Comschool, on the day of the festival of Vigh-pany knew that some of you would do bad naswaroodoo, (the elephant-headed god,)|things, and therefore prepared the jail; but when the people were passing by with the Company do not oblige you to steal. flowers and leaves to adorn their houses, took occasion to recite his history, which seemed wonderful to the majority present; and upon my demanding whether such gods as these could do either good or evil, one of the men drew from his bosom the wretched thing which accompanies this, the likeness of nothing in heaven or earth; and when pressing home upon the audience the abVOL. II....No. 7.

No; you do so from your own mind.'

What can we do? The world now is like a cloud, which covers the sun.' 'But you do not say, that it is dark when the sun is beclouded. No; you have light enough to know what is good, and what is bad; it is written on your hearts.' But the mind cannot stand; and if we sin, it is not ours.' Whose is it? That is uncertain. There


is a very expressive word in the Teloogoo Common Prayer. These I am printing, toto this effect. You wish to lay sin upon gether with the Psalter, divided for the 30 God. 'Yes; what can we do?" But if days of the month.* I intend them as a you have children, and any of them steal or help to social worship, and as affording exmurder, which will the judge punish, your cellent and suitable expressions for indivison or you?' 'He who does the fault; but dual devotion. The Church of Scotland if they are under age, the fault is not theirs.' supplied us with a catechism;† the Congre "Then why does not the judge send you to gational Churches afforded us a simple form jail, or hang you "That is not the cus- of a Christian assembly; and the Church of tom.' So it is, according to the true Væ- England has supplied us with a manual of dum. He who sins must bear his own devotion." punishment; and to lay the fault of your Dr. Morrison's second letter is dated Jan. sins upon God, is a greater sin than all, and 13, 1818. He then expected that Mr. and makes him more angry with you; and no Mrs. Milne would leave him in a few days doubt he will send you, and all who sin for Malacca. We are sorry to find, that against him, and the witness which you, and Mr. Milne's health was in a very precarious I, and every one has in his own heart, to state, and that he was much reduced by illeverlasting fire in hell.' Such conversa-ness. He was, nevertheless, returning to tions as this open the way for the declara- his station, resolved, if possible, to proceed tion of the Gospel of Christ; but it requires in his important labours. May it please no common share of patience to endure such God to prolong his most valuable life! a world of nonsense and absurdity as their Dr. Morrison is proceeding in the Herconversation is interlarded with. My faith culean labour of composing and printing is often much tried, yet I believe that they his Chinese Dictionary-a task which, will come and cast away their idols.


though irksome, is unquestionably important; not only to the interests of literature, but, as Dr. M. observes, the more we can bring Christendom and China into contact with each other, the more probable is the diffusion

TWO letters have lately been received of divine revelation in that quarter of the from Dr. Morrison, at Canton. He begins world.'

the former, dated Sept. 4, 1817, by saying, China appears to be still in an agitated 'TEN YEARS, this day, have elapsed since I state. In the north, particularly, there are first landed on these shores. To carry into frequent convictions on the charge of being effect the objects of the Missionary Society, concerned in treasonable associations; and (which were at the same time objects dear according to the last gazettes, the emperor to my own heart,) I left my native land. signed the death-warrant to strangle two of God has been gracious to us; he has borne his own kindred, for acceding to the rebel. with our infirmities; he has granted us, in lion of 1813. He affirms, that this is the part, the wish of our hearts; and blessed be first case of the kind since the accession of his holy name!' his family to the throne.

Mr. Mile has been some months with Dr. Morrison, revising with him the translation of Joshua and Deuteronomy, which, with the book of Psalms, will soon be put to press at Malaccą.

A few copies have recently been received in England.

+ The Assembly's Catechism' is the national Catechism of Scotland, but it was Dr. Morrison says, 'I have translated the composed by the Westminister Assembly of morning and evening prayers of the Church Divines, and at that time intended for Eng of England, just as they stand in the Book of land as well as Scotland, 1647.

LETTERS FROM THE SOUTH-SEA |To us, who have seen what these people


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formerly were, and witness what they now are, the change appears to be great. A MR. ORSMOND, who arrived at Eimeo in few years back we were obliged to entice May, 1817, writes from Papetoai, in Eineo, them to hear the word; and frequently, June 30th, 1817. Our voyage,' he says, when endeavouring to collect a few of them from the Colony to Eimeo was long, but together, they would escape from us if they safe. The field is large, and white; and all could, by skulking behind a tree, or runI need now is, prudence, perseverance, un-ning into a bush: but now we see them quenchable love for souls, the wisdom of the coming many miles to receive instruction; serpent with the harmlessness of the dove, and, of their own accord, building spacious and the gift of the Holy Ghost. The bre-places of worship in every district; in which thren here are very kind, and are anxious they meet themselves every Sabbath, and to spend the remainder of their lives in the every Wednesday evening for public prayer; and this is common in all the islands. Surely the change is great, even admitting that but few know the grace of God in truth.

cause of God.

I am learning the language from Mr. Nott. I have written three prayers in the Taheitean language, one of which Pomare copied as soon as he saw it. There is noOn the 12th of Feb. last, we were fathing I so much desire as to be useful to voured with an addition to our number by these poor benighted people. They cry the arrival of brother Ellis, wife, and infor instruction; they call for our exertions; fant daughter. Brother Orsmond, who arthey demand the vigilant improvement of rived here the latter end of last April, is every minute for their eternal welfare.-attending on me daily for instruction in the Soon, I hope, with the blessing of Jesus, to language; and I have no doubt he will speak to them. Let us still share in your make a great and speedy progress. At prayers, and we hope, while our pulses con- present I am translating the Acts of the tinue to beat, to seek the prosperity of Zion. Apostles.' The natives say to me, "Make haste, and learn our language, that you may be able to teach us." This has been said by seve ral; indeed, from the first, it has continued to ring in my ears. I have at this moment a letter before me from Pomare, stating his determination to visit England. My dear wife is at present very ill.

Extract of a Letter written by Mr. Davies, in the name of the Brethren, Eimeo, Sept. 22d, 1817.

'WE have printed (for the press is ar

A little time since there was some un-rived and in operation) a new edition of the common lightning at Taheite; and the na- Spelling-Book, a copy of which accompatives went to the mountains and caves, and nies this; and we expect, in a day or two, brought forth the gods that had not been consumed in the fire, and prepared to burn them, supposing that God was angry with them for keeping them at all. Conscience is a faithful monitor. Mr. Barff will, I hope, soon be here."

MR. NOTT writes from Moorea (Eimeo) July 2d, 1817; we extract a few sentences.

to finish an edition of 2,300 of our Taheitean Catechism; to which a number of interesting Scripture lessons have been added; of these latter, which occupy 16 pages, we have printed 1100 extra copies, for the use of such as are already furnished with Catechisms, there being 1000 catechisms, formerly printed in the colony, in circulation.

'We expect to proceed without delay in the printing of LEKE; for which, the paper

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