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placed in your place at Glasgow." desired to withdraw,) "it was Mr. Archibald would have spoken complained, that he did not his more accurately, if he had called endeavour for the extirpation of him "superintendant."

Popery." Upon his return to In another letter to the Arch- the meeting, he was told of what bishop, October 10, 1560, he he had been accused. But "he says, "John Willock is going to laid the blame of more effectual London, with the ambassador, to methods not having been used on bring home his wife. He gets a the Duke of Chattelherault, and thousand pounds yearly off the the Earl of Cassilis; and farther, bishopric of Glasgow, and dwells he desired to be disburthened of in the Dean's house." Keith the great charge laid upon him, suspects that the yearly sum was which he had undertaken only for not so large. Mr. Willock's con- a time; and requested the Asnexions with England, in conse-sembly to lay no heavier burthen quence of his having married an upon him than he was able to English woman, might be one of bear."

the reasons why he felt an attach- June 25, 1565, he was again ment to that country. moderator of the Assembly, which

He does not seem to have re-" he began," it is said, "with turned from the visit which he prayer, and ended with returning now made to England, when the thanks unto God." Assembly met, December 20, Shortly after this Assembly, he 1560; nor to have returned went again into England, where sooner than a little time before he continued about three years; the meeting of the Assembly, during which time his brethren of June 20, 1562, in the sederunt the ministry in Scotland, and the of which Assembly he bears the people over whom he had been title of "superintendent of Glas- placed as an ecclesiastical sugow." In his absence, Mr. Knox perintendent, fondly wished for had visited Kyle and Galloway, his return. At last, when the and Mr. George Hay had visited Earl of Murray had become ReCarrick and Cuningham. gent, and the church was reckonJune 25, 1563, the Assembly ed to be in such a prosperous met at St. Johnston, viz. Perth, state as to render it very comfortand "the exhortation was made able to any minister of the Gospel by Mr. John Willock, superin- to officiate in it, the General Astendent of the west." It was sembly, December 25, 1567, then agreed, "that for avoiding thought it proper to make an afconfusion in reasoning, a mode- fectionate effort to recall him. rator should be appointed to moderate during the time of every Assembly, and that John Willock should moderate during this Assembly."

They addressed to him a letter, in which they entreated him to return to his native country, and to resume the charge to which they had formerly assigned him; He did not, however, at this and they mentioned some very time escape the strictness of cen- powerful arguments to induce sure which was usually the lot of him to comply with their request. the superintendents. "Mr. Wil- A copy of this letter is given lock being removed," (that is, by Bishop Keith, from which the

following paragraphs may be selected.

They afterward say, << we assure ourselves that you are not so astricted and addicted to your own particular, as that this general and common cause should any ways by you be neglected. Now shall you see the cope-stone of that work, whereof you laid the

"Our enemies, praised be God, are dashed; religion is established; sufficient provision made for ministers; order taken, and penalties appointed for all sorts of transgression and transgressors. Above all, there is a godly ma- foundation." gistrate," (meaning the Earl of The energetic and sententious Murray,) "whom God in his style of this letter seems to indieternal and heavenly providence cate, that the writing of it had hath reserved to this age, to put been committed to Mr. John in execution whatsoever he, by Spottiswood, the superintendent his law, commandeth." of Lothian.

"Now then, loving brother, as Mr. Willock could not well reyour presence was to us all in sist the importunity of his bretime of trouble, so is it now of us thren. He came again into Scotall universally wished; but most land before the beginning of July, earnestly craved by your own 1568, at which time the Assemflock, who continually, at all As-bly met, and made choice of him semblies, have declared the force to be their moderator. But of that conjunction, the earnest- Archbishop Spottiswood informs ness of that love, the pith of that us, "that Mr. John Willock, suzeal, and mutual care which bind-perintendent of the west, being eth the pastor with his flock.- elected to moderate the meeting, "Neither can we think that made difficulty to accept the the shepherd will refuse his place, unless some better order flock; that the father will refuse were observed than had been in the just petition of his son; and, former times. For even then," least of all, that the faithful ser- the Archbishop says, "the mulvant of God will shut his ears to titudes that convened, and the inthe voice and commandment of discreet behaviour of some who the kirk, or yet deny his labours loved to appear more zealous to his own country. The time than others, did cause great conis proper now to reap with blyth-fusion. Obedience, however, ness that which you know was being promised by the whole before sown in tears, and to en-number, Mr. Willock assumed joy the fruit of your most weari- the charge."

some and painful labours. It It may be remarked, that, in shall be no less pleasant to you, the second session of this Assemto see your own native country bly, of which Mr. Willock was at liberty and freedom, which moderator, some very good reguyou left in mourning and sobbing, lations were made, which afterunder the burden of a most cruel ward, as the varying circumservitude, than comfortable to behold the religion of Jesus Christ, throughout all the realm, flourishing, virtue increasing, and virtuous men in reputation."

stances of the church required, were improved from time to time, concerning the proper number of Commissioners who should be sent to the General Assemblies,

and the manner of their being Janeiro; not on a voyage of diselected. covery nor mercantile enterprise, I have not been able to obtain but one of a melancholy nature; any farther information relating in the pursuit of health. To to Mr. Willock. His name never leave home at any time, and unafterward occurs in those acts der any circumstances, must be of the Assembly which have been painful to those who have a published, nor in our church his-home; but to part from the comtories. If he had remained, and panion of the bosom tenderly died in Scotland, it is probable beloved, and from children dear that Archbishop Spottiswood as life, in uncertainty whether we would have recorded his death, shall ever see them again in this and given a character of him, as world, is agonizing. My feelings he did of some other eminent were keen, but the variety and men. I am therefore inclined to confusion of them seemed in some think, that he returned to Eng- measure to blunt them. There land, and died in that country. was every thing to excite them, That Mr. Willock was an ac- and yet every source of consolative and successful instrument in tion which the circumstances accomplishing the reformation of admitted. We weighed anchor religion in his own country, is about 4, and with a tolerably abundantly evident. It is evident brisk wind on our beam, we soon also that persons of all ranks held passed the Narrows, and eight him, very deservedly, in high es- o'clock dismissed the pilot, three timation. Perhaps he was the leagues from the Hook. Had he only minister whom the national been sober he never would have Assembly of the Church of Scot- attempted to take the ship out land at any time honoured with that night, for the danger, as it so pressing and affectionate a let-afterward appeared to the paster as the one which they ad-sengers, was imminent. Of this, dressed to him.

however, we were not aware, and sat engrossed in the cabin, writing our letters. I was anticiDR. ABEEL'S JOURNAL. pating with a pleasure, which We have at our own request been favoured made me for a moment forget the with the Journal of the late Dr. Abeel, pain of parting, the satisfaction kept by him during his passages to and my- - would receive in learnfrom South America, for the recovery of ing that we had got so well out, his health. We select for the present and were going on our passage number his reflections on his embarka- with a wind so fair and strong tion; and his meditation on New-Year's day; both of which exhibit those exercises of a pious heart, and that delicacy of taste in style, for which all his performances were highly distinguished.

that it carried us from eight to ten miles an hour. When, to our utter astonishment and mortification we were told, that the pilot had left us. You cannot conceive the distress I felt on this occasion, particularly as it might be six months before you would hear ABOUT 3, P. M. embarked on the reason of the apparent negliboard the ship Triton, for Rio gence and breach of promise.

Saturday, Dec. 1, 1810.


In delivering us from the dangers of the smaller bones must be to which we were exposed by broken. A burning heat was difthe intemperance of this man, fused through the whole foot, and and in overruling it for our bene- succeeded by a sore pain but fit, I clearly discerned the good-the pain soon ceased, and the ness of God at the very com- soreness was removed in a few mencement of the voyage, and it days. Had the chest struck my served as a sort of pledge for his leg in the position it then had, it continued care and favour. On must have shivered it to pieces. the Lord's day the wind increased, But the angel of the Lord enand although fair, was attended campeth round about them that with such a heavy sea that all the fear him. He keepeth all their passengers except myself sick-bones-in the midst of all danened, and each was sufficiently gers he is present; over all that employed in holding on to some we call accident he presides; no fixture of the cabin. On the af-evil shall come nigh us unless ternoon of this day we got into commissioned by him; and then the gulf stream. The wind the how consolatory are his promises next day increased to a gale, we when sent; these apparent evils had to scud before it; the rolling shall work together for good. and pitching of the ship was so They come from the hand of a fagreat that our births became the ther and a friend, as our covenant places of the greatest security. God. The wind continued so On this day I have to record a fair and strong, that on the Saturremarkable deliverance from a day after we had sailed we were broken limb, which in all pro- not less than fifteen hundred bability, had it occurred, would, miles from the Hook. even without the aid of the Although my cough during this other messengers of death which period continued very much as it accompany me, have closed the had been before, yet my appetite earthly scene in unutterable an- was great, and spirits good; and I guish. Amidst the hurry of the laid little restraint upon myself in gale the carpenter had been so diet. On the Lord's day I felt so engaged that he had not time suf- well that I called the passengers ficiently to secure the trunks in and officers into the cabin, read the cabin. Among other articles, to them the 107th Psalm, togea large iron chest, with a very ther with Newton's 7th hymn, considerable weight of gold in it," The Lord will provide;" and had been left under the table in made a prayer. All was conthe centre of the cabin floor, on ducted with the utmost propriety the lower side of which I sat, and solemnity. On Monday I leaning against the side birth. found myself sensibly declining. By a sudden and violent motion To this, three causes contributed. of the ship this chest was thrown By the dashing of the sea my to the side where I sat so as to state room got wet, and I took fasten my foot just below the in- cold. The exertion in walking step to the waste board. I drew and holding on when sitting, it out as soon as I could collect amounted to absolute fatigue; and strength enough to turn round the as I had observed no regimen in chest. At first I supposed some diet, the chronic inflammation of

my lungs increased, and a pretty | year close the earthly scene; high fever ensued.

Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1811.

fioish my time of discipline, and bring me to an unalterable and interminable state of happiness er misery? What is thy security, This is the commencement of Oh presumptuous man? what another year. It has been by charter upon life? what antidote the great goodness of God added to disease dost thou possess? Is to my life, contrary to the appre- it thy blooming health? can fancy hension of the greater part of my draw thee more blooming than friends. You remember, that thy friend, at whom death has about this time last year, I was at just thrown his dart? Is it Charleston on the same melan- strength of fibre, and hitherto total choly errand which has brought exemption from disease? Whose me here, and I believe my friends death do I here announce? He there little thought at that period is gone, that portly active man, that I should ever see New-York whom we saw but yesterday, and again. Not a few who were sym-whose fine appearance struck all. pathizing with me, and lamenting 'Tis impossible! Of all others I that I must so soon be cut off, would have been willing to ensure have been called to the world of upon his life. Is it thy youth? spirits their eternal destiny has every day proves the folly of been fixed. How common is the such. Let us not be deceived, remark on the uncertainty of life, that feeble old man, that emaciand yet how rarely applied to ated form, that delicate frame, our own case. In the circle of nay, those whom we have seen our friends and acquaintance, on the supposed bed of death, and more commonly in the may follow us to the grave, and congregation among whom we long survive us for in the midst worship, at the commencement of of life we are in death. Thou each year we miss many who knowest not the day nor the hour were with us before; and con- when the Son of man cometh. clude that many will be numbered Before I return, nay, even now, with the dead before another while I contemplate with unutteryear revolve. We often proceed able tenderness, the almost speakto mark the victims-there is ing yet lifeless resemblance of one whose head is hoary with those eyes stript of their age, tottering rapidly to the tomb. sweet languish may be dimNext the eye fixes on a counte- those lips, to which the painter's nance emaciated with disease. skill could not give the delicate Here is a frame so delicate that beauty of their tint, may be the slightest assault must break it livid-all that reminds me of what down; and numbers are already she once was may be changed cast on the bed of languishing, and lost in the ravages of death. who, in all human probability, My children too, may be torn will never rise from it again: but away, and the worthless trunk amidst this moralizing on death, left withering and decaying, amidst these confident surmises amidst the blasts which have deas to the fate of others, few, very stroyed the rich verdure and the few, say, "Lord, is it I ?" will this thrifty branches. Such are the

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