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of 135 persons. From Okkak 7, and from Nain 5 persons have removed hither.

In our family we have experienced the gracious help of our Lord and Saviour; and, excepting Brother Suen Andersen, who before his happy release on the 28th of February, 1816, suffered a severe illness, and Brother Hastings, who was likewise in an ailing state, we have all been preserved in tolerable health, insomuch that, besides the usual daily labour, we have been enabled to erect a building for our own use, containing rooms for provisions and fuel, and a brewery and bake-house.

The winter was unusually severe, and the ice did not forsake our bay till the beginning of July. There was great scarcity of grouse and hares; we had consequently a very short supply of fresh meat.


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NO language can describe our joy, on receiving the unexpected account of the the 9th of August. Not long before the safe arrival of the Jemima at Hopedale, on welcome news reached us, we had been somewhat cast down, by hearing that, as far as the eye could reach, no open water was to be seen, an enormous quantity of ice having beset every part of our coast.

By the same opportunity we received May, and the intelligence of the return of your most agreeable letter of the 28th of last Brother and Sister Kmoch, and the single Brother Körner, and our new fellow-labour

We return our best acknowledgments to the Society for all the stores and provisions with which we have again been so abundantly supplied by the arrival of the ship. May our Saviour richly bless and reward you, and all those who assist you to maintain the work of the Lord in this Brother Beck, after a most dangerous We also thank you for the kind reception you gave to our fellow-labourers Brother and Sister Kmoch, and the Brethren Körner and Christensen, and recommend those, who will come to you this year, to your wonted kindness and care.

The following are the changes in the service of this Mission. Brother Hastings and his wife, after many years faithful services, return with the ship to Europe. Brother and Sister Müller, after having served the Mission at Hopedale nineteen years, remove to Nain, as well as the single Brother Stock. Brother and Sister Kmoch, and Brother Beck, remain here, and will be joined by Brother and Sister Meisner from Okkak, and Brother Morhardt, from Nain.

May the Lord grant His blessing to all these changes, and bring the ship and company across the ocean to you in safety. With the most cordial salutations we remain ever, in the bonds of true brotherly union,

passage through the ice. We were glad the Mission both at Nain and Hopedale for that Brother Christensen, who has served eighteen years with exemplary faithfulness, has found a resting-place in one of our settlements, as we were frequently under con cern on account of his infirm state of health. May our Saviour grant him to enjoy a sweet Sabbath at Christiansfeld, and fill his heart with divine peace and comfort.

were informed, by a sledge coming from On the 17th of December last year, we Hopedale, that the ship with the missionaries destined for that place was missing, which affected us greatly; and we felt the greatest compassion for our Brethren and Sisters there. They were now in want both of assistants and of the necessaries of life. We feared also that the vessel might have been lost. When the Jemima left us on the 3d of October, the weather turned out very cold and stormy, yet we hoped

that she would reach the place of her desti- wished to repair the damage done to the ship. Indeed we were quite at a loss what to advise and do, but trusted that the Lord would conduct the ship safely, as in the years past.

nation. It has also happened in former years, that at the same time, and even in November, the ship passed safely from one settlement to the other; and but last year she was at the islands near Hopedale, on October the 5th. On hearing the above account we however trusted, that the Lord had so directed this event, that thereby good would redound to His cause, and were strengthened by considering how graciously, for upwards of fifty years, He has preserved the ship from year to year from destruction; of which, indeed, we had a most encouraging proof in the foregoing

year. We now return our unfeigned thanks to Him, who has so mercifully conducted her, with all on board, in safety to England; and likewise preserved the Brethren Kohlmeister, Lundberg, and Stock, on their passage from hence to Okkak in an open boat, when they were in great danger. They were seventeen days

at sea.

Unpleasant as the weather turned out last autumn, the severity with which the winter set in proved an advantage, as we were thereby enabled to send provisions and other necessaries in sledges to our Brethren at Hopedale. No great quantity can be sent at a time by this method, for, if snow-storms occur, the goods must be unloaded and secured, and if it lasts too long, both men and dogs suffer hunger; we were therefore very thankful to the Lord, when we heard of the safe arrival of these articles at Hopedale, being always favoured with good weather. Other things left here for Hopedale, especially wine and tobacco, we were not able till now to send by a boat.

With respect to our conduct last year in not detaining the missionaries and the provisions destined for Hopedale, we have to offer this apology, that when the captain intimated, that he might be prevented from reaching Hopedale, he likewise thought that perhaps the ice would prevent his putting to sea, and that he might be obliged to pend the winter at Hopedale, where he

This unpleasant event has occasioned many changes. Brother and Sister Müller could not come to us as intended. Sister Schreiber has been and is yet so ill, that instead of taking her share in the management of the housekeeping, she stood in need of nursing and medical aid; which made it necessary for us to apply for assist ance from Okkak. Brother Kohlmeister and his wife were willing to help us. The former arrived here on the 13th of February, when the cold was most intense, (being 30 degrees under Fahrenheit's thermometer,) and the wind very violent. We were truly thankful that his health has not suffered from the cold he had to endure. His wife followed him on the 15th of March.

The Lord preserved and strengthened us during the year past, though we suffered illness, and experienced various trials. Whenever we cried unto Him, He drew near unto us with His power and grace; and, under all circumstances, proved Himself a sure help in every time of need. In meeting for worship in our family, as well as when we were assembled with our congregation at the church, His presence was sensibly felt, and cheered our hearts. We perceived likewise encouraging proofs that His word is the power of God, to awaken the hearts of men, and He blessed our feeble testimony of His sufferings and death for our salvation.

-Brother Kohlmeister and his wife will now return to Okkak, and the single Brother Morhardt to Hopedale. We thank them for their faithful services in this congregation, and pray the Lord to be with them in their respective stations. We recommend to you our dear Brother Kunath, who goes on a visit to Europe, and pray the Lord to strengthen him anew, and bring him back to us in safety. He has been thirteen years employed in this Mission, and we trust will

be enabled, as hitherto, to labour among | self a true handmaid of Christ in His the Esquimaux with the blessing of our Church, will ever remain in grateful reSaviour. Brother Müller and his wife, membrance with all of us. She now enjoys and Brother Stock, will come to reside here a complete reward, in beholding her Saviour at Nain. face to face,

We rejoiced to hear of the safe voyage and return of Brother Latrobe, and are thankful to the Lord, that He laid His blessing upon his transactions, for the good of the Mission at the Cape of Good Hope.

We may with truth declare, that the Holy Spirit has not left Himself without witness in the hearts of the Esquimaux. Several have been awakened out of the sleep of sin, and others, who are already devoted to the Lord, have been more rooted For the valuable present received from and grounded in the faith. Glad should we the worthy British and Foreign Bible So be if we could say the same of every mem-ciety, by printing for us the Acts of the ber of our congregation, and that the walk and conversation of all of them had borne witness to the efficacy of grace in their hearts. But some are yet too often en snared by sin, and not willing to make a total surrender of themselves to Him, who has bought them with His own most precious blood: they are like men driven to and fro, and both inattentive to, and unable to distinguish the voice of the Good Shepherd from the voice of the stranger, though continually warned and reproved by the Spirit of God. May the Lord have mercy upon them, and grant them true conver


Apostles, we beg you to return most cordial thanks in our name. Thus we see more and more portions of the word of God put into the hands of the inhabitants of this distant corner of the earth, by means of which the Holy Spirit works powerfully in their souls.

We pray the Lord to bless and prosper all the exertions of that venerable Society to make known His saving name in the earth.

August 16th we had the inexpressible joy to welcome our worthy captain, the mate, The Brethren and Sisters Hastings and Müller, and the single Brethren Stock and Korner, by the safe arrival of the

Three adults and five children have been baptized; one received into the congrega- Jemima in our harbour. We return to you, tion; one admitted as a candidate for bap-dear Brethren, our most cordial thanks for tism; four readmitted, and four have de- the liberal supply of all the necessaries of parted this life. 163 Esquimaux live on life, which you have again sent unto us. our land, of whom 131 are members of the May our Saviour reward you and all our congregation. benefactors abundantly.

As to their outward subsistence, our Esquimaux have suffered no want during the winter; but the spring fishery failing, they were rather straitened for food, at a time when, in general, they get the greatest quantity of provisions. The ice did not leave us till the 19th of July, which has never before been the case since the beginning of the Mission.

The account of the departure of Sister Wollin, has filled our hearts with deep sorrow. Her services to this Mission, and the faithfulness with which she approved her

As we always remember you in our prayers before the Lord, so likewise we request a continuance of your supplications in our behalf before the Throne of Grace. May it always remain impressed upon our minds, that He has sent and appointed us to bring forth fruit, and to feed the sheep and lambs of His fold in this country with His precious word. To this end may His love influence us, and His grace enable us, to do His will in all things. We covenant anew with you to be His faithful followers and servants to the end, and remain ever

your affectionate Brethren and Sisters at 27th or 28th of July, which is considerably

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YOUR very acceptable letter of May the 28th we received on the 18th of August, and return you our most cordial thanks for it, as it expresses the cordial share you take in the temporal and spiritual welfare both of ourselves, and of our Esquimaux congregation.

We were very thankful to hear that Brother Latrobe had returned to you, after a successful voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, in the service of the Mission among the Hottentots, and we have read the extract of part of his diary sent to us with great interest.

But we mourn over the loss we all have sustained by the departure of our much beloved and respected Sister Wollin, whose faithful services, particularly in the con

cerns of this Mission, will be ever remembered by us with the warmest gratitude. She is now in possession of that reward promised by our gracious Saviour to all His faithful servants and handmaids, and may He comfort her dear partner over the loss of so valuable an helpmate.

It gave us great concern to hear that the Jemima was not able to reach Hopedale last year, and we were not without painful apprehensions respecting the fate of the ship and those on board; yet, as violent storms from the westward occurred just after she left Nain, we had hopes that the captain might have sailed for England.

We looked out with considerable anxiety for the departure of the ice from our coasts, which, however, did not take place so soon as last year. It had not left our bay till the

later than ever was known since the commencement of the Mission. In the beginning of August, some Esquimaux reported that they had seen the last of the drift-ice to the north at Nappartok, and on the 13th we saw the sea quite clear of it to the northward, but to the south a great quantity appeared still floating. The news, therefore, of the arrival of the ship on the 9th of August at Hopedale was quite unexpected. She has been again in great danger, and we gave unfeigned thanks to our merciful God and Saviour for her preservation with the souls on board, both now and last Autuma on her passage home. We join you, dear Brethren, in your fervent prayers, that, amidst so many dangers, it would please the Lord, as hitherto, to keep His protecting hand over this vessel, that we may continue in our labours in this distant country without interruption.

In consequence of the circumstances above mentioned, several changes have taken place in our family. Brother and

Sister Kohlmeister went to the assistance of

our Brethren at Nain, and Brother Stock to Hopedale. These Brethren had previously arrived from Nain on the 17th of October, 1816, in company of Brother Lundberg, after experiencing very great dangers by the way. The former had then been at Nain, to consult about a second expedition to Ungava Bay, which was then proposed

to be undertaken.

We have lived together in love and peace: some of us have been ailing. Sister Meisner had a severe illness, but by the Lord's mercy is again restored to health. Sister Martin, on the contrary, has been ill ever since last May, and for the last two months mostly confined to her bed, so that our hopes of her recovery are but faint. Sister Stürman was brought to bed of a healthy boy, whom the parents devoted to the Lord in holy baptism, and called Frederic Theodore.

The preaching of the Gospel has been here attended with spirit and power. Seve

been baptized, eight made partakers of the Lord's Supper, and six added to the candidates for baptism.

ral of our people have increased in the knowledge of themselves as sinners, and of that great salvation purchased for us by the death of Jesus, by which he delivered usi Winter coming upon us so very early last from the power of sin and Satan, and from year, not many seals could be taken, either eternal misery. The presence of God our by the seal-net or in kayaks; but the EsquiSaviour was often felt among us when we maux were successful in killing a whale, met in His name, especially at festival sea- and thus did not suffer much by hunger, for sons, and at the administration of the Holy which we with them gave thanks to our Sacraments of baptism and the Lord's heavenly Father. After Easter, however, Supper. Our constant prayer is, that the the weather continuing so long unusually precious doctrines of the Gospel may sink boisterous, with great quantities of snow, deep into the hearts of our dear Esquimaux, they began to suffer want. Yet all those and cause them to give themselves, without who were diligent in their search for food, exception, to Him who shed His blood to by land or sea, obtained a sufficiency, so as redeem them. But we had the grief to to prevent famine. The continuance of cold perceive, that several of them, even of the weather injured our garden so much, that baptized, with three of the communicants, we cannot expect a supply of fresh vegetasuffered themselves to be seduced by Es-bles, which is a great loss, as they greatly quimaux emissaries, who last Autumn came into our neighbourhood, to accompany them this spring to the South, contrary to all our remonstrances and warnings, that thereby their souls would be brought into great danger. There were, however, September 10th, the Jemima came safe to among them several young people and wo-her anchorage in our bay, and we had the men, who, being forced away by their rela-pleasure to welcome our captain and mate, tives, came to take leave, and with many tears assured us, that they left us with the greatest reluctance, and would still cleave to Jesus. This gives us hopes, that the good Shepherd will yet bring back many of these straying sheep.

The schools have been kept in regular order, and diligently attended. The printed portions of the Holy Scriptures, with which we have been favoured, have proved the means of great edification and instruction in the way of salvation. We beg you to present our most cordial acknowledgments to the British and Foreign Bible Socfety for the valuable present of the Acts of the Apostles. We pray the Lord to lay an abundant blessing upon the noble and glorious aim of this venerable Society to send the word of God to every part of the habitable world.

Since the departure of the ship last season, seven adults and nine children have

contribute to the preservation of our health. We are sorry that, by circumstances, our ardent wish to bring the Gospel to the Ungava country, cannot be fulfilled for the present.

with Brother Hastings and his wife, and Brother Kunath. They will take from hence the two little daughters of Brother Meisner, Charlotte Augusta, and Sophia Theodore, to Europe. We recommend them all to your love and best services. Brother Meisner and his wife set out on the 14th of September for Hopedale. We pray the Lord to go with them, and to bless and reward them for their long and faithful services in this Mission.

We return to you, dear Brethren, our best thanks for the liberal supply of every thing needful for our support. May the Lord conduct the ship and company safe home to England.

We conclude with fervent prayer to our Saviour, that He would give us all needful gifts and grace to carry on His work in this country, and to lead souls unto Him as their Redeemer; that He would bless our feeble testimony of His love and atoning

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