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girl, and inquired for her, wishing her to come to the bed side, that she might take her hand, and bid her farewell.

of the Gospel. Though she had, after which she was in a stupor whilst in health, often wept, be- the most part of the time until her cause she thought herself a death. Even when she was supwicked child; yet, from her own posed to be dying, and was taking confession, she did not then know leave of the family, she observed experimentally, her own sinful the absence of the little servant state by nature. This knowledge God alone, by his Holy Spirit, can impart to such a child: and she was aware of the difference between it and the mere convic- 2. Young children are, in this tion she had before experienced. case, taught the important truth During the whole course of her that their youth does not insickness she displayed nothing of capacitate them from attendthat peevishness, or disposition to ing to the eternal interests of complain, so common to children their souls. They are in the when they suffer bodily pains-habit of thinking, and their pabut on the contrary, seemed to rents too generally in the habit of forget her body altogether, and encouraging in them the opinion, only attend to the concerns of that they are innocent-not sinher soul. She submitted to the ners; and therefore religion is painful remedies prescribed for not only unnecessary for them, her recovery without a shrink but injurious to their present or a murmur. Her answers to happiness. Whoever questions the questions proposed, and ex- the truth of this remark, need hortations to those around her, only examine the views and feelevidently could not be the result ings of a great majority of chilof education alone-for they dis-dren, and the system of educacover a maturity of understand-tion adopted by their parents. ing above her years, and that un- Among the professed followers of derstanding exerting its powers on the Lord Jesus he will find consubjects directly opposed to "the firmation on this subject enough foolishness" of the childish heart. to make him doubt either the Though, in such expressions as reality of religion, or the sinceri"Jesus washing her in the blood ty of their profession. Though of the Lamb," there is evidence children are considered capable of incorrect language, yet in the of studying and improving in connexion in which the quota- knowledge that merely relates tions of Scripture were made by to this life-that knowledge which her, there is a striking correct-relates to the life to come is neness of judgment. And the whole glected as too high for them, and of her observations can have they are left to grow up ignorant originated only in a mind enlight- of God and his salvation. Here, ened and directed by the Spirit however, we have an example, of God. She was perfectly ra- which incontrovertibly proves tional, exempt from delirium, the capacity of young children to excepting on the Tuesday pre-receive the truth as it is in Jesus; vious to her death, when she and no process of reasoning can talked much and incoherently-afford a sufficient apology for

The exhortation which God ad-affectionate and dutiful-indeed dressed to them is, "Remember all that could be desired from a now thy Creator in the days of thy child of her years, so far as time youth.""Those that seek me ear- is concerned-yet, to human ly," promises the wisdom of God, judgment, she was without God, "shall find me." And in the days and therefore without hope. Her of his incarnation the Redeemer parents sent her to such schools said, "Suffer little children, and as they approved: schools where forbid them not, to come unto she was taught by her teachers me, for of such is the kingdom to fear God and reverence his of God." The duty of children word, In this they acted under then, is to embrace the Lord the direction of enlightened pieJesus, who stands ready to re-ty; and it is a subject worthy of ceive them as well as their pa- most fervent supplication to God, rents. Their youth will not that Christian parents universally exempt them from his displeasure felt it to be their duty, to put and indignation, if they reject his their children under the care of grace; and parents, who neglect to none but Christian instructers. bring their offspring to Christ, Many children of such parents now in the day of grace, will find, are ruined in this world, and unto their unutterable dismay, that fitted for the world to come, bethe blood of their offspring is in cause their teachers have utterly their skirts, in the day of judg-neglected or despised the great ment. It is a solemn, irrefraga-salvation. It is true, teachers, ble, and everlasting truth, that no more than parents, can change parents are responsible for the the heart; but teachers, as well souls of their children; and as parents, are bound to be worktherefore they are bound to do ers together with God, in proall they can for their salvation, moting the spiritual and eternal to escape condemnation in the interests of children and where day of the Lord. All the care both unite in their exertions, which has been taken for their though they may not see the imtemporal comfort and respecta- mediate fruits of their labour, yet bility, will avail nothing towards in the end they have reason to their eternal happiness. Oh, expect the blessing. At six years, that all parents were wise to train the subject of this memoir was up their children in the fear of affected; but her sorrow evithe Lord; and that all children would give their hearts unto him who took such like them in his arms and blessed them.

dently was sorrow on account of the punishment of sin. At ten years she was enlightened to know and feel the evil of sin in 3. Pious parents have encou- itself, and loathe it, giving herself ragement to persevere in their unto the Lord Jesus Christ for care for the souls of their child-time and eternity. Let all Christren. No fruits unto eternal life, ian parents, then, train up their of the instruction given and ex-children in the fear of the Lord, ample afforded to this child by trusting in the Lord that he will her Father and mother, appeared glorify himself in them, sooner or for a long time. Year after year later.

was gone, and though she was

VOL. II....No. 10.



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Religious Intelligence.


(it is calculated, at least, to cherish the same

Of the Edinburgh Missionary Society, hopes which his former tour among them


led him to entertain.

Of Baba Khan Haji, the Effendi, whom

Adopting their usual plan, the Directors he formerly mentioned with such interest, first record the principal intelligence receiv- he still speaks favourably; though the fear ed from the different Stations since the last of exposing himself to the fury of the more Anniversary; and then report the state of biggoted Mahomedans seems to lead him to the Society in relation to its Students and temporising measures, scarcely consistent




with a state of real conversion. In a very close conversation that Mr. Galloway had with him, he said, "You see that I live among a people furious in their religion ; being yet ignorant, and every thing respecting The accounts have, on the whole, been Christianity is new to them; but you should more interesting and encouraging than for- believe that I believe the Christian religion merly. The settlement, it is true, on ac-in my heart, for I see it to be the only way count of the turbulent state of the country, of salvation.

still requires to be protected by the same large military guard, which the Russian Government has, with so much liberality,

Some passages from Mr. Galloway's

furnished gratuitously, ever since 1812. Not-Journal will show very forcibly the state of withstanding this, however, the Mission-bondage, in which men, circumstance as this Effendi is, areheld. aries Patterson and Galloway not only have been frequently visited by the Natives around them, with whom they have "I spoke of Jesus, saying that He would thus had a favourable opportunity of con- be ashamed of those at the last day, who versing on the truths of the Gospel, but have would not confess Him in this world. I had it in their power, and hitherto without then asked the Haji to receive a New Tespersonal danger, to itinerate through the tament, that he might see a full account of adjacent villages, and even to travel to some the truth. He said that I must have a little considerable distance into the surrounding patience, and he would receive a copy in the Steppes. The education of their own child-field at some distance, which he would read ren, and of the ransomed natives, has also secretly." been regularly carried on; and their last report is peculiarly satisfactory with regard both to the general good conduct, and the progress in religious knowledge of these interesting objects of their solicitude and


A few days after, Mr. Galloway writes

"I met Baba Khan Haji, and asked him if he could not now find an opportunity of privately receiving a New Testament. He The second visit which Mr. Galloway said it would not be proper for him to paid to the Trukmen or Turcomans, and take a New Testament from me himself, as the Kara Nogay Tartars, who inhabit the it would make the furious, among whom he great Steppe to the south and east of Karass, resided, suspicious of him; and that the was in September last; and the result of only way of conveying a New Testament

to him, was to send it by the hand of some to be the Korân, given in these latter days person when I was returning home, from to lead people to Paradise. I returned again whom he would receive it carelessly, and would plead as an excuse for keeping it that he had no opportunity of returning it!"

Mr. Galloway found means of conveying a New Testament to this man. That he and his countrymen deeply need its salutary instructions, will appear from the following passage of Mr. Galloway's Journal.


to speak of the one way and one Saviour, to whom all the prophets and believers of old had looked so far as they could see; that God had never changed the way of salvation; that there is no changeableness or weakness with Him; but that men, walking after their own imaginations, had sought other ways.”

The Report proceeds

Respecting the Head Effendi of the Truk men, Mr. Galloway says, that he heard patiently what he advanced concerning the doctrines of the Gospel: and of an old Tartar Mollah, who, in the spring of the year, when Mr. Galloway visited the Kara Nogays, was the means of causing a number of the people to return the books which they at first readily and with apparent gladness accepted, that "he made a good deal of inquiry about different points of the Christian religion, seemed to have been thinking some what on the subject since he had last seen him, and received a New Testament for his own use."

"I called on Baba Khan Haji. the usual salutations, and a good deal of talk, by way of contrast between the doctrines of the New Testament and those of the Korân, while a considerable number of people were present, the Haji invited me into his tent, where a few others sat down with us. They had heard of the doctrines of the New Testament, and spoke of every one having his own way, and thought that each might safely walk in it. I brought them, however, to confess, that there is only one true way. Haji said it was true that there is one only way which is right; but that Adam had seventy-two sons, who had betaken themselves to different ways of serving God, and that each of them thought that HIS service alone was acceptable. This he represented by seventy-two CHESTS, one of which contained gold, and all the rest dross ordung; but that the contents of all would be kept in darkness till the last day, when it would be evident who had the golden chest! I asked for what end the prophets and the apostles had been sent, confirming their word with miracles; and then spoke of the Word of God as a sufficient light to guide This Effendi resides in the mountains, into the way of truth, and that God had about the source of the Kuma, and is a man sent his word into the world for this very of very considerable acuteness and learning. purpose; that this light had shone particu- On Mr. Galloway's reading and explaining larly bright in these latter days, since the to him a portion of the New Testament, he coming of the Messiah; and that the na- for some time frequently became enraged, tions to whom this light had come were but still discovered a desire to hear more called to walk in it, and would at last be about the Gospel; and, when Mr. Galloway able to plead no excuse for their walking in left him, took a copy of the New Testament, darkness. They appeared to come so far the Psalms, and some tracts. At a subseinto these ideas; but would have this light quent interview, he took Mr. Galloway by

Soen Haji, who lives in Naiman Village, and who has long opposed the Gospel, though he has not as yet admitted the impropriety of his conduct in so doing, sometimes appears considerably impressed; and Seid Ouchli Mahomed, whom Mr. Galloway first met with in the month of April last year, at the same village, he thinks may be considered at least as an inquirer after the Truth.

Nor is this the only instance in which it is to be hoped that the seed of Divine Truth has, to a certain extent at least, been fixed in the heart of some of the natives. A young man named Shora, in particular, who be

the hand, and said, that he saw the books which he had received to be no vain books; and expressed a wish that God might fulfil the desires of the Missionaries respecting the salvation of his countrymen :—“I,” said he, "see myself to be more vile than a beast,longs to one of the Kabardian Villages, on account of sin." On the evening of the which removed some years ago from the same day, they again met, when, says Mr. neighbourhood of Karass, but returned to it Galloway," he took me aside, and told me, lately, appears to be deeply impressed on that his mind was very uneasy about reli- the subject of religion. In August last, gion; that he was certain that more than Shora, along with others of his countryinen, one half of the Korân is not to be practised; | visited the Missionaries at Karass, and conbut that he did not yet see clearly through tinued with them nearly a whole day, listenthe doctrines of the New Testament, noring attentively to passages of the New know what we practised in religion; and Testament and the Tartar Catechism. desired me to instruct him more fully: the Even then, Shora confessed that he beiertears were in his eyes; and I could hardly ed that Christ will judge the world at the refrain: he told me that the people among last day;-" the first time," says Mr. Galwhom he officiates had only of late embraced loway, "that I ever heard a Mahomedan Mahomedanism, and are extremely igno- make such an acknowledgment." And, in rant; and that he had formed the plan of the end of November, the time when the taking away privately a number of our most recent letters that have arrived were books, to distribute among the students and written, the pleasing information is given others, who can read, that they might be that he professes to believe the principal acquainted with the doctrines contained in doctrines of Christianity. Having been them, before their minds were settled in any obliged, some time before, to fly to the other. I said, I would most willingly give Kabardian Country, on account of the illhim the books, but I should like to see his will of some of his neighbours with whom own mind first settled in a belief of the doc- he had a quarrel, he wrote from thence a trines of the New Testament." The last short letter to Mr. Patterson, which contime that they met, they sat on a hillock in tained the following interesting sentences. the open air for more than an hour, earnestly "O! if I could openly profess the religion conversing on the things that pertain to the of our dear and honourable Messiah. That Kingdom of God; and afterward walked your religion is true and righteous, I now together to Karass; he then said, that his believe. I would rejoice to join you in mind was impressed by the truths of the observing the religion of Jesus Christ. I New Testament; but when Mr. Galloway beg that you would take ten books, (i. €. asked him if he believed that Jesus had fully copies of the New Testament,) and deliver satisfied the law and justice of God on ac- them to me in the quarantine, that I may count of sinners, he said that his mind was circulate them." May the Spirit of all yet dark on this point, but that when he re- Grace raise up in this young Kabardian a turned home, he designed to study the New living monument of the power of the truth Testament, and compare it with the Korân: as it is in Jesus, and an active instrument of he again talked of distributing books among usefulness to his blinded brethren! So his people; and said he was sure they would shall the Word of the Lord have free course believe them: when he was about to depart, among them, and be glorified in their saving Mr. Galloway prayed with him, and gave conversion to the faith of his Gospel. him a bundle of tracts, and another copy of the New Testament.

The introduction of copies of the New Testament, and tracts into the schools of

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