Imágenes de páginas

the priests, is a circumstance also of the the land, and the transference to Orenburg, most auspicious kind. Not only has Seid of the civil privileges connected with it—– Ouchli Mahomed, according to the latest points on which the Directors have as yet report, fulfilled his promise of putting them been unable to form any definite resolution-into the hands of his scholars; but an Effen- the field around Karass must not be given di, who formerly lived in the vicinity of up; nor the hope of its becoming the centre Karass, but now resides on the Kuban, has of communication with the natives of the written a book consisting solely of extracts Caucasus, and the wanderers on the Kuban, from the New Testament, of which many be relinquished. On the contrary, the cirstudents about the Kuban have taken copies cumstances now detailed regarding it, seem for their own perusal. imperiously to call for increased exertions, and a supply of new Missionaries, more proportioned in number to the extent of that field, and to the means that are necessary to the realization of this hope.

"Perhaps," says Mr. Mitchell, writing from Astrachan, "there are nearly as many languages spoken in the mountains of Caucasus, as there are between the Indus and the Ganges; and not the smallest effort is yet made to translate the sacred volume into any of them. Thus, while the attention of Christians in general seems to be

Respecting the Ossatinians, no particular information has been received since the last anniversary. The establishment, however, of a school at the Fortress of Valadekefskoy, by the commanding general of the district, for teaching a number of their youths to read and write the Russian language, is a circumstance which may eventually favour the introduction of Christianity among them. The disposition, likewise, which not a few of them have shown to give up their former wandering and predatory mode of life, and to settle in the neighbourhood of that for-turned to other parts of the globe, Mahometress and in other level parts of the country, together with the encouragement and prosection afforded them by the General, seem to hold out the prospect of a Mission being at no great distance of time attempted, for their conversion to the knowledge and obedience of that Gospel, which is the power of God unte salvation to every one who believes. This, indeed, is a station which the Missionaries at Astrachan point out, among others, as one that should be kept in view; and of which trial should be made, as soon as the number of the Brethren at Karass shall be augmented.

dans, in this quarter, are using every means in their power to bring these numerous tribes over to their religion. And in this, their efforts are but too successful; for, from every account that we have received, they are accomplishing their end very fast."

The motives which have induced the Directors to deliberate on the new arrangements with respect to Karass, to which allusion has been made, are detailed in the Appendix. The natives, from the beginning, considered the grant of the land to the Mission as an intrusion on their possesAnd should such a sphere of Missionary sions. The Kabardians, moreover, identilabour as this be abandoned, when the ex-fied the Missionaries with their protectors, pectations of usefulness at it, so long and so the Russians, against whom they indulge fondly cherished, equally by the directors particular enmity; and have occasioned and by their faithful labourers, who have the expense to the Russian government of been for so many years diligently employed maintaining 120 soldiers and Cossacs, alin cultivating it, seem to be nearer being most wholly for the protection of the settlerealized than at any preceding period? ment. Of the proposed plan it is said— Every friend of the Gospel will repel the Arrangements are making, not for abanthought. Whatever may be done with redouing the field of Missionary exertion, gard to the settlement, the renunciation of which the country around Karass presents;


but for removing the Missionaries to some ❘ their way to the aid of the Lord against the station in the vicinity, such as Georghievsk, mighty. Many precious souls, it is hoped, where they may enjoy equal protection, have, through their instrumentality, been without the present expense; and may rescued from the power of the prince of possess opportunities of instructing the na-darkness, and have received an inheritance tives, and itinerating among them, in which among those who are sanctified through they may have no such prejudice or hosti-faith in Jesus Christ.

lity to contend with, as at present so essen-
tially circumscribes the sphere of their
labours, and counteracts their effects.
[To be continued.]

The Board now proceed to lay before the Society a history of their transactions; and it is hoped they also will find in it argument for thankfulness and congratulation, as well as ample encouragement for future and much greater exertion.

In obedience to the direction of the So

Third Annual Report of the Board of Di rectors of the Young Men's Missionaryciety, they applied to the legislature of this Society of New-York.

State, at its last session, for an act of incor poration, to enable them to purchase and IT is with no small pleasure, and they hold real estate. The application was trust with much thankfulness to the God of granted, and the Society was duly incorpomercies, whose we are, and whom we serve, rated on the tenth day of April last, by the that the Board of Directors meet the Socie-name and style of "The Young Men's ty, on this their third anniversary as an in- Missionary Society of New-York." The dependent institution. Board have also devised and procured a

common seal for the incorporation.

The Society were informed, in the last

of this measure, three institutions have been formed and reported to the Board, viz.

Although the Board were enabled, on the last similar occasion, to present to the attention of the Society some things calcula-annual report, that circular letters had been ted to encourage, and in the retrospect of printed and distributed, inviting the formswhich they felt themselves entitled to re-tion of auxiliary societies. In consequence joice; yet they were constrained to acknowledge, that their hearts were "pained by the reflection, that a body so respectable as the Young Men's Missionary Society, for numbers, zeal, and resources, should be forced to content themselves with doing so little for God and man, merely because there were so few to cry-here am I; send me."

"The first Auxiliary to the Young Men's Missionary Society of New-York," of which Thomas S. Manning is Secretary, and which was organized in the month of June last.

And "The Bolton Auxiliary Missionary Society," of which Daniel Winter, of Bolton, in the same county, is Secretary. Of the formation of the last two institutions, the Board received notice on the 14th of September last.

"The Caldwell and Warrensburgh Ausiliary Missionary Society," of which GusA gracious God has been pleased to hear tavus A. Bird, Esq. of Caldwell, Washing◄ our prayers, and not to disappoint the anti-ton county, is Secretary. cipations of a favourable change, which the Directors then encouraged the Society to entertain. He has sent us a number of faithful Missionaries, who have enlisted under our banners, and materially aided in our conflict with the powers of ignorance and irreligion. Some have already returned from the field, bearing trophies of victory; some still continue engaged in the honourable struggle; and others are now on

From the first of these auxiliaries, formed in this city, and composed of " Young Men, between the ages of 12 and 25," a donation of thirty dollars was received on the 12th

of August. Such an example of youthful | spared, he will, under God, become a rich zeal, in the cause of Christ, will no doubt blessing to the people of that new, but rapidreceive the approbation of the Society, as it has that of the Board.

ly-increasing territory. The term of Mr.
Platt's engagement is six months, with
liberty to extend it, if he think expedient.
In the course of the summer they employ-

In the last Report the Society were informed that an application from a Mr. Sargeant, of Vermont, for Missionary employ-ed Mr. James S. Woods, a licentiate of the ment, was before the Board, and that they Presbyterian Church, as a missionary for only waited for proper credentials of his four months, to the same district, with powministerial character, to employ him in the er to prolong the period to six months, if his vicinity of Oneida Lake. As Mr. Sargeant labours are found profitable. Mr. Woods has never forwarded the required docu- was to go to Alabama from Lexington in ments, he has not been taken into the ser- Kentucky, and was instructed to proceed vice of the Society. directly to the scene of his labours. From him no information has as yet been received.

The different fields of Missionary labour, to which the attention of the Board has been directed during the year past, are the su- In the month of August, the Directors, burbs of this city, the Northern, Northeast-having learned that the parts of the state of ern, North Western, and Southwestern fron- Virginia between Fredericksburgh and the tiers of this State, the Northeastern parts of Blue Ridge, afforded an extensive and very Pennsylvania, the parts of Virginia between encouraging field for missionary labour, Fredericksburgh and the Blue Ridge, to-employed Mr. William Chester, a licentiate gether with North Carolina, the new State of of the same Church, to labour for the term Illinois, and the Alabama Territory.

It will be remembered, that the Society were apprized, in the last report, of an intended mission to the last-mentioned region. It will no doubt be gratifying to learn that Providence has enabled us to obtain, as it is hoped, two suitable missionaries to proceed to that important field of missionary enterprise.

of nine months in that destitute region, and in such other places as they might afterward designate. Mr. Chester commenced his mission in the beginning of September. The Secretary has received a short letter from him, dated the 4th of October. He represents the scene in which he is engaged as one of the most interesting character. Many are engaged in religion, and he has In the month of April last, Mr. Isaac W. frequently been urged to settle among them Platt, formerly a member of this Society, for life. He had already preached twenty and then a student of very respectable sermons, and established eight Sunday standing in the Theological Seminary at schools. He remarks that there are in that Princeton, and Mr. Thomas I. Biggs, also country a few bright Christians, the most a student at the same place, made a condi-eminent he had ever known; but adds, tional engagement with the Board to under-"they are indeed a little flock; while on take a mission to that part of our country. the other hand, infidelity, and vice, and Both these gentlemen have since been li-error, prevail in some places to an extent censed to preach the Gospel. Mr. Biggs that I never witnessed or believed existed in declined an appointment, having felt it his any part of our country. If you were here, duty to accept a call at Frankfort, in Penn-your heart would bleed." Since he has sylvania. Mr. Platt, however, proceeded been in Virginia, Mr. Chester has excited from this city, in the month of October, on his mission to Alabama, where the Board have reason to believe that he will be received with joy; and that, if his life be

the people of two places to take measures to erect churches for the worship of God. One of them has already been commenced. He says, "the fields here appear whitening to

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the harvest." The Board would add, "God | sive, and interesting manner. The meeting grant that it may be abundant."

was conducted with the greatest propriety. I attended it with much satisfaction to myself, and observed with pleasure the spirit of undissembled piety which seemed to msnifest itself among a majority of those pre

In the course of the summer, Mr. William D. Snodgrass, another licentiate of the same Church, was employed to undertake a mission to the eastern parts of Virginia and to North Carolina, in company with Mr. Ches-sent." ter. Mr. Snodgrass has recently set out for the place of his destination.

Mr. Snodgrass visited Caldwell, where he preached twice, and was treated with much respect; but was prevented from pro

The Board are engaged in endeavouring to procure suitable missionary aid for those three places.

On the 25th of June, the Directors agreed to employ the Reverend Thomas C. Searle, of the Presbyterian Church, as a missionary, to labour in the present state of Illinois. As they have received no communication from that gentleman, they are uncertain whether his commission has ever reached him.

Some time ago they resolved to send Mr. William Timlow, a licentiate of the Hudson Presbytery, to the counties of Sullivan and Broome, in this State, and Wayne and Susquehannah, in Pennsylvania. They have been informed that Mr. Timlow received his commission, and intended to fulfil it, but was providentially prevented. They are still in hopes he will be able to accomplish this mission.

Previous to his departure for Virginia, Mr. Snodgrass, at the request of the Board, un-ceeding to Warrensburgh by the inclemendertook a short tour of Missionary duty in cy of the weather. the towns of Bolton, Caldwell, and Warrensburgh, where auxiliary societies were formed during the summer; and from which places, particularly Bolton, very pressing calls had been received for missionary aid. Of the very interesting Church at the latter place, in which the power of the grace of God has heretofore been remarkably displayed, almost without the use of means, he gives the following account :-"The Presbyterian Society in Bolton is scattered over an extent of country of about six miles square. As a Society they are extremely poor, and from their situation have no opportunity of attending upon the administration of the word, except when missionaries are sent among them. They however manifest a very unusual anxiety to enjoy the preaching of the Gospel, and are always ready to make a missionary comfortable and useful among them. Their congregation consists In the last report it was mentioned, that of about 40 families, in which there are Mr. John Barnard, a licentiate of the Presabout 80 persons who publicly profess the byterian Church, had been engaged to la religion of Jesus. They have a very con- bour during the winter in the northern parts venient place of worship, in which they as- of this State. He entered on the performsemble on the Sabbath, for prayer, and to ance of his duties in the beginning of Deattend the reading of a sermon. Besides cember last, and continued three months in this, they hold a conference meeting on Sab- the employment of the Board. He laboured bath evenings, and one on Thursday even- as the colleague of the Rev. Mr. Dunlap; ings, which is intended particularly for the but the pressing calls for the word of life, benefit of the young. One of these I attend- in that destitute region, frequently kept ed. After the introductory exercises, I de- them asunder in their work. The field of livered a short exhortation, and then re- their labour was in the towns of Western, quested them to proceed in their usual man- Boonville, Remsen, Steuben, Russia, Fairner. One of the deacons then made a few field, Floyd, Constantia, Volney, Oswego, remarks, and was followed by two young Newhaven, Richland, and Williamstown, men who spoke in a very solemn, impres- in the counties of Oswego, Oneida, Herki

mer, and the vicinity. During this period, little about it. Sectaries, such as UniverMr. Barnard preached 54 times, and attend-salists, Socinians, and Chrystians, abound ed a variety of meetings for religious pur-in many places, while religious institutions poses. He spent much time in visiting are so utterly disregarded in some, that imschools and families. The unusual severity morality is not ashamed to appear without of the season, the badness of the roads, the a covering. The labours of missionaries scattered state of the population, and the in- are, however, generally well received; madifferent means of conveyance, prevented ny hear the word gladly, and the assemblies him from preaching as often as he wished. on the Sabbath and at conference, are often This circumstance, however, gave him large, attentive, and solemn. In concluding more time for performing that most impor-his modest and interesting report, Mr. Bartant part of a missionary's duty, visiting at nard says, "On a review of the mission, I their houses the people to whom he preach- have not the happiness to collect and preed. These visits he often found profitable sent to your view an abundant ingathering to others, and exceedingly refreshing to that I have made from the Gospel field in himself. We are happy to find, from his which I have laboured. But the seed is report, that the New Testament, even in sown, I trust, in truth and sincerity. It rethese dark parts of our state, is generally mains with the great Head of the Church to used as a school-book, though we regret to give the increase. I could indeed tell you learn, that there, as well as in other places, of some thronged assemblies of the silent where it is less excusable, "piety is consi- and solemn attention that pervaded them— dered so unimportant a qualification in the of the tears that told the anguish of the teacher of a school." Mr. Barnard repre- heart; but these are no certain indications sents the prospect in Western, where a of a gracious renovation. They may be Church was organized by Mr. Dunlap, in like the morning cloud and the early dew; January last, as promising; the attention to yet, I humbly trust, our prayers and labours means as more general; and the desire to have not been in vain. The want of misenjoy stated ministrations as increasing. sionary labourers in this particular section After Mr. Barnard's first visit to Remsen, of the country is great. It has, until quite a Church was formed there, which has since recently, been almost entirely neglected by received an addition of twelve members; other societies. To yours they now feel and though the prospect in March, when he encouraged to look for assistance, and they wrote, was less flattering than it had been do look with earnest importunity. Having early in the winter, there was still much at- become personally acquainted with these tention to means, and an earnest desire for facts, and having heard the entreaties of the Gospel privileges. When he left them, a people, it is not without reluctance that I subscription was in circulation to raise mo- yield to the call of indispensable engageney for procuring a partial supply of preach-ments, and decline a longer continuance on ing; their intention being to place it in the the mission." Mr. Barnard received 7 dolfunds of this Society, and request such sup-lars from two places in which he laboured, ply from them. The other places he de- which have been credited by him to the Soscribes as greatly in want of missionary aid. ciety. Some of the people are indifferent, and others very much engaged as to spiritual things. Some infant Churches are languish- of the Presbyterian Church, who was reing for want of the means of grace. Some commended by Mr. Dunlap as an old, explaces, from great division of sentiment, are perienced, and very acceptable missionary, unable to procure religious instruction, to supply the place of Mr. Barnard. Mr. while others, though abundantly able, care Davenport probably received notice of his

In the latter part of July, the Board agreed to employ the Rev. John Davenport,

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