Imágenes de páginas

tenderness on this occasion; and I have some reason to cherish the hope that impressions were made on some which will be lasting and saving."

As far as their scanty means would admit, the Board have commenced the purchase of a library for the use of their missionary; and in consequence of Mr. Crane's having lately connected himself in matrimony, they have added to his former salary the use of the farm belonging to the Society.

tions for admission to the church. The applicants were advised to wait some weeks, and the intervening time was employed in preaching on those subjects which related to their examination and preparation for participating the ordinances of Christ. The elders also were instructed relative to their duty, as officers in the church. After these arrangements were made, five women and two men came before us to confess their faith in Christ. They all passed through a rigid examination, and six of them were received. It was thought adviseable to defer the reception of one on account of her youth. Her exercises of mind were satisfactory. It appeared that she had for some time persisted in the practice of all the Christian duties with which she was acquainted, although she met with opposition and violent treatment from one of her parents. Three of encouragement to persevere in this good and those received were baptized, and four of them were married.

"From the examination and confession of these Indians, we cannot but hope that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, They all evinced a determination to adhere to the cause they had espoused, and to suffer patiently all the evils which, as Christians, they have reason to expect.

"The administration of the Lord's supper was interesting and solemn. The house was crowded, and the countenances of all present appeared to express an inward sense of the vast importance of the scene before them. My interpreter, (who is not a pious man) the son of Cusick, my stated interpreter, who was absent, was so much affected as to be under the necessity of leaning on the desk for support while speaking. While I was dispensing the elements, he sat down and burst into tears. His brother wept also. In the evening he came to see me. I told him I was much pleased with his conduct through the day, for he spoke with more confidence and energy than he had ever done before. He answered, Yes, but it breaks my heart.' I asked what broke his heart? He said, The great mercy of the Son of God.' I was also informed that numbers had felt a degree of

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The prospects of the usefulness of this Institution are more cheering, at present, than at any period since its organization, in the year 1796-And on a review, especially of the year that is past, have we not great reason to bless and magnify the name of God our helper? and have we not every

glorious cause? Into those fields which are whitening to the harvest, the sickle has been thrust; and the fruits of righteousness which have been gathered, we would hope, are the first-fruits of a rich and abundant harvest.

The Directors cannot refrain from congratulating their brethren on the establishment, in this city, during the last year, of the "United Foreign Missionary Society;" and while they would express their sincere desires that that Institution may be rendered eminently successful in the glorious cause in which they have embarked, they would also confidently hope that the resources of our Society will not be diminished, nor the efforts of its members relaxed, and that with united hearts and hands, we may still continue to advance under the auspices of that same gracious Providence that has hitherto conducted us. To him, and to the word of his grace, would we commend ourselves, and the interests of those Heathen, who have for years been committed to our care; and while he permits us, on this occasion, gratefully to erect our Ebenezer, we would go forward with the humble trust, and the fervent prayer, that for every future exigence "the Lord will provide "

By order of the Board of Directors,
P. N. STRONG, Clerk



On the 6th day of April, 1818, was held the
first Anniversary of the Female Cent So-
ciety of the Reformed Dutch Church at
Greenwich, in the city of New-York. On
this occasion the Secretary of the Board
of Managers, agreeably to an article of
the Constitution of the Society, presented
a Report of their proceedings during the
past year, which is as follows:

with, have we not the greatest encouragement to go forward in this labour of love? We know that it will not be in vain in the Lord; and we, therefore, do most sincerely hope that those of the congregation who feel interested in this important object, and have not yet contributed, will come forward and give liberally towards its support; remembering that the Lord has commanded us to honour Him with our substance. We presume the majority are acquainted with the

The first annual Report of the Female Cent nature and design of the object under con

Society of Greenwich.

sideration; but, lest they should not, we shall barely mention that it is to aid in the support of the Theological Seminary; and

WITH heartfelt pleasure and satisfaction we hail the first Anniversary of the Fe-likewise to assist pious young men, who are male Cent Society. At its first formation we were afraid to anticipate much success. Our number, compared with that of other congregations, was small; and we had many calls for money for our own congregational purposes. On these accounts we expected to do little more than show our disposition to aid the General Synod in carrying into effect their benevolent designs. But the result has proved otherwise-it has far ex-cerned, and know that our fellow-sinners ceeded our most sanguine expectations.

desirous of devoting themselves to the ministry of reconciliation; but who have it not in their power to prosecute their studies unless the friends of Zion come forward and give them pecuniary aid. And can we withhold our support towards an object so important in its nature, and so beneficial in its results? Can we, who are exalted to Heaven in point of privileges, sit down, uncon

are perishing for lack of knowledge, while On the 14th of April, 1917, this Society we have it in our power to send the gospel was organized; and on the 21st of the same amongst them? We hope for better things. month, the Board of Managers held their There are many sections of our country first meeting, and appointed committees to where the name of Jesus and his salvation collect the money already subscribed, and are unknown and unenjoyed; and others in procure as many additional subscribers as which they were formerly enjoyed, are despossible. Their labours were crowned with titute of the stated ordinances of grace! so much success, that at our first quarterly Does not this consideration awaken our tenmeeting we had collected the sum of $111. derest sympathy, and constrain us to use This we paid into the hands of G. B. Vroom, every exertion in our power to send them Esq. special Treasurer of the General Sy- the glad tidings of salvation? Although nod, to aid in the support of the Theological we would not dare to limit the sovereignty Seminary belonging to the Reformed Dutch of Him who doeth his pleasure in Heaven Church. Since that time we have collected and on earth, neither would we be so prethe sum of $89, which we intend devoting sumptuous as to disregard the means which to the same purpose; so that the whole of He has appointed for the conversion and our collections, after deducting the necessary expenses of printing constitutions, and purchasing books for the Treasurer and Secretary, amount to $200. Thus the Lord has been pleased to bless our feeble exertions; and to his name be all the glory. From the success we have already met

salvation of sinners; but, in the diligent use of these means, and with the eye of faith directed to the great Head of the Church, may we be encouraged to go on, hoping that in due season we shall reap if we faint not. Acting under these impressions, we have cast our mite into God's treasury; and if

what we have done may encourage other strumentality, a single soul shall be saved congregations to form similar associations; we have our reward.

if it may tend to bring a single labourer into the gospel vineyard; and if, through his in

By order of the Board of Managers,

Literary and Scientific Intelligence, zc.


do we conceive it possible to remove this load of distress, by all the alms-doings of which the city is capable, while the causes remain in full and active operation.

A SOCIETY has lately been formed in this city for the prevention of pauperism. It has premised its labours, by presenting to the public a report on "the prevailing Effectually to relieve the poor, is there. causes of pauperism, with suggestions rela- fore a task far more comprehensive in its tive to the most suitable and efficient reme-nature, than simply to clothe the naked and dies." We recommend this interesting do-to feed the hungry. It is, to erect barriers cument to the serious perusal of every against the encroachments of moral degenemember of the community. The causes of racy ;—it is to heal the diseases of the mind; poverty, which prevail in this city, are it is, to furnish that aliment to the intellecenumerated under the following heads, viz. tual system which will tend to preserve it 1. Ignorance. 2. Idleness. 3. Intemper- in healthful operation. ance in drinking. 4. Want of economy. "But can a task of this nature come 5. Imprudent and hasty marriages. 6. within the reach of any public or any social Lotteries. 7. Pawnbrokers. 8. Houses of regulation? We answer, that to a certain, ill fame. 9. The numerous charitable in- and to a very valuable extent, we believe it stitutions of this city. 10. War. "Such," can. When any measure for the promoadds the report," are the causes which are tion of the public good, or the prevention of considered as the more prominent and ope- public evil, founded upon equitable princirative in producing that amount of indi- ples, is supported by a sufficient weight of gence and suffering, which awakens the social authority, it may gradually pass into charity of this city, and which has occa- full and complete operation, and become sioned the erection of buildings for elee-established upon a basis as firm as a law of mosynary purposes, at an expense of half legislative enactment. And in matters of a million of dollars, and which calls for the private practice, reformation which positive annual distribution of 90,000 dollars more. statute could never accomplish, social and But if the payment of this sum were the moral influence may thoroughly effect." only inconvenience to be endured, trifling, The report then proceeds to point out indeed, in comparison would be the evils the means, best calculated to ameliorate the which claim our attention. Of the mass of condition of the poorer classes, to strike affliction and wretchedness actually sus-at the root of those evils which go to the intained, how small a portion is thus relieved! crease of poverty and its attendant missions. Of the quantity of misery and vice which It proposes-" 1st. To divide the city into the causes we have enumerated, with others very small districts, and to appoint from we have not named, bring upon the city, the members of the Society, two or three how trifling the portion actually removed, visiters for each district, whose duty it shall by public or by private benevolence! Nor be to become acquainted with the inhabit

vented, and other indirect evils, arising from numerous independent associations, be fairly obviated.

"9th. To obtain the abolition of the

ants of the district, to visit frequently the families of those who are in indigent circumstances, to advise them with respect to their business, the education of their children, the economy of their houses, to admi-greater number of shops, in which spiritnister encouragement or admonition, as they uous liquors are sold by license! The may find occasion; and in general, by pre- number of retailers of liquors in this city serving an open, candid, and friendly in- is stated to be 1600, and the following cal tercourse with them, to gain their confi- culation is made concerning them:-" If dence by suitable and well-timed coun-each of the 1600 retailers in the city sell, sels, to excite them to such a course of conduct as will best promote their physical and moral welfare. The visiters to keep an accurate register of the names of all those who reside within their respective districts, to notice every change of residence, whether of single or married persons, and to annex such observations to the names of those who claim their particular attention as will enable them to give every needful information with respect to their character, reputation, habits, &c.

"2d. To encourage and assist the labouring classes to make the most of their earnings, by promoting the establishment of a Saving Bank, or of Benefit Societies, Life Ensurances, &c.

"3d. To prevent, by all legal means, the access of paupers who are not entitled to a residence in the city.

"4th. To unite with the corporate authorities in the entire inhibition of street begging.

"5th. To aid, if it shall be deemed expedient, in furnishing employment, to those who cannot procure it either by the establishment of houses of industry, or by supplying materials for domestic labour.

"6th. To advise and promote the opening of places of worship in the outer wards of the city, especially in situations where licentiousness is the most prevalent.

"7th. To promote the advancement of Sunday School inspection, both of children and adults.

"8th. To contrive a plan, if possible, by which all the spontaneous charities of the town may flow into one channel, and be distributed in conformity to a well-regulated system, by which deception may be pre

upon an average, to the amount of 250 cents per day, an estimate which we presume all will consider within the truth, the aggregate amount for the year, is $1,460,000. This enormous sum, extorted from the sweats of labour, and the tears and groans of suffering wives and children, would be sufficient to build annually 50 houses of worship, at $20,000 each, and leave a surplus that would be more than sufficient to erect schoolhouses, and amply provide for the education of every child in the city. When, with a single glance of the mind, we contrast the difference in moral effect, between the appropriation of this sum to the support of the buyers and sellers of strong drink, and its appropriation to the support of honest and industrious mechanics, employed in the erection of buildings, which would improve and ornament the city, and to the diffusion of religion and useful learning,-who will not rise and exert his strength against the encroachment of so mighty an evil?”


Or Hindoo College of Calcutta. It must be considered as one of the most surprising occurrences of the present times, that a College should have been established at Calcutta, which is said to have been pro|jected, superintended and supported by the natives themselves. Among the rules which have been adopted for the regulation of this institution, are the following:

"The primary object of this institution is the tuition of the sons of respectable Hindoos, in the English and Indian languages, and in the literature and science of Europe and Asia.

"The College shall include a school


(Pathsal) and an academy (Mâhâ Pâth- A Scotch Journal informs us that Walter sâla.) The former to be established im- Scott has in the press a History of Scotmediately; the latter as soon as may be land.


"In the school shall be taught English and Bengalee, reading, writing, grammar, and arithmetic, by the improved method of instruction. The Persian language may also be taught in the school, until the academy be established, as far as shall be found convenient.

"In the academy, besides the study of such languages as cannot be so conveniently taught in the school, instruction shall be given in history, geography, chronology, astronomy, mathematics, chymistry, and other sciences."



The following works are now preparing for publication

1. A View of Religion, by the Rev. John Brown.

New-York; together with an interesting 2. Sermons, by the late Mr. Barlas of correspondence between the Author and the Rev. John Newton, never before published; and Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Barlas, by Professor Wilson, of Columbia College,

3. Massillon's Sermons, translated by Dickson, and revised by the American Editor, in 2 Vols.

4. Sacred Biography, by Henry Hunter, D.D.; second American edition, with the

The whole number of periodical publications in Portugal in the year 1815, did not exceed five-of which the Gazeta de Lisboa and the Mercurio Lusitano, are daily newspapers; the Gazeta de Agricultura e Com-addition of one volume not before published in this country. mercio, published once a week; the Telegrapho Portuguez, twice a week, and the Journal de Coimbra, once a month.

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5. A new edition of Dr. Chalmers's Sermons, with additions; and his Evidences of Christianity, of an uniform size.

6. Pearson's Life of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, in 1 Vol. 12mo.

7. The Necessity and Advantages of Revelation. John Leland, D. D.

8. The History of Travels and Discove5856!! ries in Africa by the late John Leyden, M. D. brought down to the present time. By H. Murray, Esq. F. R. S. in 2 Vols.

Non-resident incumbents,

Dignities not requiring residence,




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