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in actual service. But the Board have not preach to them three Sabbaths more: I acbeen unmindful of the exigencies of this discordingly preached to them on the ensuing appointed people. In May last they ap- Sabbath. As they did not wish the remainpointed the Rev. Herman Halsey to under-ing supply to be given immediately, I made take the mission, who was pleased to accept an excursion to the destitute places on the their appointment, and to enter immediately Ridge Road. On the Sabbath, I preached upon the duties of a missionary. Mr. Hal- at Gaines; and on every day but one, dursey reached the field of labour on the 9th ing the week, I preached at different places of June. "On the 25th May," says he, "I along the Ridge. The next Sabbath I commenced my journey, and, travelling preached at Ridgeway. The people in the with all convenient expedition, reached places which I visited, seldom hear preachBergen and its vicinity, the place of my ing from a Presbyterian minister. Preachdestination, on the 9th of June. After be-ers of other denominations are considerably coming acquainted with the Committee of numerous. After this I returned to Bergen, the Church, I was invited to preach to them where I spent the two ensuing Sabbaths, four Sabbaths. I accepted their proposal, which completed the term for which I was and immediately commenced my labours. invited to stay. Being requested to preach I found in this place a small society that re-again at Bergen after a few weeks, I spent gularly attended public worship at the the intervening time at the settlement on school-house on the Sabbath, and a Church Cayuga Creek. Here I found a Church consisting of about fifty members, all of consisting of between twenty and thirty which, excepting two, had been members members, and a people of whom many apof other Churches. During the term for peared very anxious to hear the Gospel. As which I was invited to supply this place, I soon as an appointment could be made, I preached twice on each Sabbath, to more preached a Sermon, and spent the remainpeople than a large school-house would ac-der of the time in visiting from house to commodate. I also preached occasionally house. The people appeared to be truly during the week in different parts of the rejoiced to behold a Missionary among town, and visited families and schools, them. On the Sabbath I preached to Three Sunday Schools have been establish- crowded and attentive auditories, and visited here this Summer, which I have visited ed a well-conducted Sunday-school. Duras my convenience permitted. I have de-ing the week, I preached every day but posited in each of them a quantity of reli-one, in different places. Here also I attendgious Tracts, for circulation in the schools, ed the Female Missionary Society, auxiliaand in the families to which the scholars be-ry to yours, to which there was an accession long. After spending three weeks in Ber- of eight members. The work of the Lord gen, I visited Murray, a place about twelve miles distant from this. Here is a small Church, that has no supply of preaching, except that little which is afforded them by itinerating missionaries. I preached to them on the Sabbath, and the next day returned to Bergen. On the Sabbath following, I administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the Church in Bergen. Four young persons, having been previously propounded, were at that time admitted to the Church, on profession of their faith. The Committee of the Society requested me to

is evidently prevailing in this place. Christians are much animated. Several who were lately the avowed enemies of religion, are now its professed friends. Some are rejoicing in the hope of salvation, and a greater and increasing number appear to be earnestly asking the way to eternal life. The formation of a Missionary Society among the men, auxiliary to the New-York Evangelical Missionary Society, was contemplated, and will probably be effected. They are very desirous of Missionary aid, and appear to be willing to do something


themselves for the supply of their spiritual almost every town would be able to give a faithful minister of the Gospel a competent wants." In a communication of September 18, support. In their present condition the Mr. Mills also takes notice of the desirable encouragement to ministers is exceedingly "At Cayuga small; and I know not how they will ever condition of this settlement. Creek, within a few days, I hear there is a be formed into permanent, efficient congre revival, which is the fruit of the labours of gations, unless their present efforts are your missionaries. Mr. Halsey came there strengthened by aid from Missionary Socie a short time ago, and found things in a very ties. Perhaps no part of our country affords favourable state; and since he has been a fairer prospect of success to missionary there, there seems to be every reason to labour than this western region. I have hope for a great and glorious work of the made several excursions to different towns, Lord. I hope to visit them in the course of and it seems as if God had inclined their minds to attend to the word, and opened this week.", their hearts to receive the truth. The Spirit is now breathing on this wilderness, and the effects are seen and felt in the souls of many who have been dead in trespasses and sins. Your Society may number many new-born souls in this desolate region, who have already become the trophies of victorious

In addition to these appointments, Mr. Hutchins Taylor, of whose labours we have already given some account in another part of the vineyard, visited this region sometime in September last, and has accepted a commission from the Board for six months. The board did not direct him to any parti

Beside these appointments, the Board also engaged, in July last, the Rev. Sylvester Eaton, and the Rev. Norris Bull, the one for Centreville, near Buffalo, and the other for Warsaw, about twenty miles south of Batavia. From Mr. Eaton they have received no communications whatever. They learn from Mr. Bull, that his minis-grace, as the fruit of your benevolent extrations in Warsaw have not been in vain.ertion." When Mr. Bull first arrived at Warsaw he found the people in a most unhappy state; divided into parties, and alienated by jealousies, they presented very little hope to the exertions of a faithful Missionary. But God has blessed his own institutions. "It became," says Mr. Bull, "a matter of the first moment to heal the breach, and, if pos-cular place, but left the immediate scene of sible, to effect a union. This, by the Divine his exertion to be selected at his own discre blessing, I was enabled to do; and the So- tion, in consultation with the brethren ciety, at present, appears to have forgotten already on the spot-making the greatest all pre-existing difficulties, and to be per-necessities of the people, and the fairest fectly harmonious. They have exhibited a prospect of usefulness, the criterion of their good degree of satisfaction with my labour, judgment. No intelligence has been re and are anxious to settle me permanently ceived from Mr. Taylor since his appoint. among them. They discover an unusual ment. attention to the preaching of the word; and there is evidently considerable excitement in the minds of the people, together with some instances of genuine conviction, and hopeful conversion. The prospect is fair and promising for a revival of religion in this place. It is, however, a matter of deep regret, that the people of the Western Country are so much divided in their religious sentiments: were they all united,

Just previous to the last annual meeting, the Board appointed Mr. Randolph Stone to spend six months in the destitute parts of Georgia, under the advice and direction of the Female Missionary Society at Savan nah. This Mission expired at the close of six months from its commencement. The intelligence Mr. Stone has, from time to time, communicated to the Board, contains much valuable information on the state of

religion in Georgia. "Often," he remarks, | West-Chester, in our own state. They are have strangers come to me, after public happy to inform the Society, that they have

worship, and expressed in prayers and tears the gratitude they felt to the Society for sending them a Missionary."

been enabled to procure a Missionary well adapted to the wants of this section of the country; and that the Rev. Truman Osborn has accepted a commission to labour in the county of West-Chester for three months.

The resources of the past year, though far from being adequate to our disbursements. have been considerably increased. The Board have received intelligence of the formation of four Auxiliary Societies; viz. The Youth's Missionary Society of NewYork; The Female Missionary Society of Cayuga Creek; The Young Mẹn's Missionary Society of Bridgehampton, (L. I.) ; and the Society already named in the communication of Mr. Colton, formed at LeRoy. To all these institutions the Board would present this public testimonial of

The Auxiliary Society in this city is formed of youths whose age is not wont to inspire them with so deep an interest in so laudable an enterprise, and deserves, therefore, the distinguished tokens of approba

There is still another destitute region the Board have begun to occupy, in the course of the past year. Ever since the missionary tour of the Rev. Messrs. Mills and Smith, in 1814 and 1815, the district of country embraced by the Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana Territories, has been considered among the most important fields of missionary labour. In their early inquiries for Missionaries, the Directors ascertained that two gentleman, well qualified for the duty, would engage in the service of the Society, if they might be stationed somewhere on the Missouri River, on the Wabash, or in the vicinity of Kaskaskias. These gentlemen are the Rev. David Tenny their thanks. and the Rev. Charles S. Robinson. The hearts of these young men were set on that desolate region; and the Board rejoiced in the opportunity to employ them. They have received commissions for one year, and ere this are probably on missionary ground. Souls are not the less valuable because they are separated from us by tracts of country, over which we have never travelled, or which we may never see. The Board fervently hope these Missionaries are destined to commence a course of exertion which shall make that remote wilderness blossom as the rose. Surveying, as they have, so many destitute thousands in one of the most fertile parts of our country, the Directors encourage themselves with the inquiry, Who can tell how much good may be done from these small beginnings? Who shall limit the numbers hereafter to rise up and call your Missionaries blessed? The Board fervently cominend this newly selected field to the affection and prayers of the Society.

Besides these appointments, the Directors have recently received an application for Missionary services from two Committees residing in different parts of the county of


While adverting to the augmentation of their resources, the Board acknowledge the receipt of the following sumas, exclusively of the annual dues :

Avails of Collection in City


Avails of do. in Brick Church,
From the ladies of one of the con-

gregations in this city, to con-
stitute their Pastor a member

for life,
From the Female Charitable So-

ciety of Middletown, (L. I.)
From an Auxiliary Society of
Southold, (L. J.)
From the Youths' Missionary So-
ciety, of New-York,
Amount of Donations from differ-
ent individuals,

$191 50 238 30

50 00

6 25


17 50

67 92

502 25

Amounting to

[ocr errors][merged small]

It is with no common pleasure the Directors, also, make their acknowledgments to an unknown friend for the donation of one dollar, under circumstances which evince ardent attachment to the cause of Missions. The Board cannot deny themselves the satisfaction of inserting the following note, directed to their Treasurer:

self relative to the facts which gave birth to this Institution :-" At the first view of your Society, permit me to say, I felt uneasiness. Separations sound ill, and are frequently the effects of ill tempers: but on reading your report, it appeared that even if evil had existed in one or both parties, the wise and gracious Saviour, whom we all adore and serve, had educed good out of that evil; and thus, as, of old, the confusion of tongues tended to the population of the

"March 3, 1818.-The enclosed dollar is the amount of the savings of a small family in an article of domestic consumption for one week. You will please accept world, so your disagreement and separation of this mite, as a donation to the New-York has produced the means of making far Evangelical Missionary Society of Young more extensive efforts for the spread of the Men, &c. &c. Gospel, than before. You have indeed a vast field of operation, and it is natural for you first to seek the salvation of your neighbours; but whether that object might not with advantage be pursued, together with a more distant object, the conversion of the

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A FRIEND TO THE INSTITUTION." Did such a spirit prevail, how soon would the deep disgrace of the Christian world be wiped away! How soon would such a spirit enlighten the darkness, purify the pollution, and alleviate the sorrows of apos-heathen, is best known to yourselves. This, tate man! Should all the families of this country, or all the families of this city, or even all the families of this Missionary Soci-verting the distant heathen, the good people ety, follow this blessed example, how long in England have multiplied their efforts, before men who have sown in tears would and redoubled their exertions at home." reap in joy! how long before the knowledge of the Lord would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!

however, I can affirm, that since the London Missionary Society have been active in con

With this communication, the Board also received several copies of the last Annual Report of the London Missionary Society, together with a valuable collection of other documents, highly interesting to the Missionary cause.

From this statement, the Society will perceive what the Board have been enabled to effect during the past year. The number of Missionaries which they have appointed, and who have been in actual employment in the course of the year, including the last appointment, is twelve. The amount of good which has been accomplished, can be unfolded only at that day when Missionary Societies, and their Missionaries, and the destitute, who, through their instrumentality, have been supplied with the Word of Life, shall stand before the Son of Man.

The Society will recollect, that at their last annual meeting they desired the Board to open a correspondence with the London Missionary Society. The Board have not been unmindful of this request. They early transmitted the resolution of the Society to that Institution, together with the Brief View of Facts resulting in the formation of this Society, and their last annual report. The Directors of the London Missionary Society are pleased to say, "They think themselves obliged, by our communications, both written and printed; and hail the formation and progress of The New-York Evangelical Missionary Society of Young Men, as an additional instrument, which they trust the Great Lord of All will employ We would record it as a token for good that for the glory of his holy name." The Board have not been displeased with the frankness with which their Secretary expresses him

your Missionaries have been enabled to collect, organize, and build up so many Churches in the faith and order of the Gos

pet. But, to the honour of illimitable grace, ful, unspeakably grateful, for what has been we would especially record it as our done, yet tremblingly alive, and solicitous sweetest encouragement, and our heaviest for the future. Wanting those barriers impulse, to zealous and unyielding perse- which fortify the stronger holds of religion, verance, that the Holy Spirit has descended she feels her weakness and dependence; in so many instances, to cheer the hearts, looking away in the attitude of desire, and and strengthen the hands, of your Mission- with the feelings of hope, to a kindred aries, by the special and liberal effusions of spirit, where ability rests, and whence the his sacred influence. In our review of the first assistance has been rendered, her lanyear we discover little else but the monu- guage is, though silent, yet easy to be read, ments of saving mercy; and our report con- Will that charity dry up, till we also are sists of little else than the narration of made strong?" Tell us, Brethren, can revivals of religion. Not merely have thou- our ears be deaf to such a cry as this? Shall sands been furnished with the external not the apprehensions of trembling piety be privileges of the Gospel through your in-relieved, and all her tears wiped away? strumentality, Brethren; but hundreds, we Yes, fellow-labourers, were we to utter the trust, have actually been born of God, who will not cease to praise the Father of mercies for the existence of this Society. Bless the Lord, O our souls!

sentiments which pervade this Society, we are persuaded we should publish to the wilderness, that so long as the cause this infant Institution has espoused is capable of

It has been the purpose of the Directors progression, so long the Society will proto make a gradual advance; but they are gress with it, and never cease from the pained to say, they have been still much work, till it is become the fountain of blessrestricted for want of means. They have ing to millions yet unborn. We shall still

cherish the hope that God has in reserve for been willing to feel the pressure of embarus larger measures both of exertion and sucrassment, that they might be more urgent cess. Obstacles may still be in our path, in their solicitations for relief. But notbut Christian wisdom and perseverance withstanding all their solicitations, they cannot fail in the end to surmount them all. have been obliged to turn a deaf ear to upThe painful distance at which we have wards of twenty applications, and those too of the most pressing character, for Missiona- stood from many of those, with whom it was our pleasure once to co-operate, we ry aid. Beloved Brethren, is it not time to think more seriously, to feel more strongly, would fondly hope is diminishing every and to act more industriously and strenuous- day. The time must come, when the difly for this exalted cause? Who can put ferences which have so unhappily divided his hand to the plough and look back? Let the Christian interest in our favoured city, our Missionaries themselves plead with will die away, and the spirit of rivalship and you :---“The spiritual necessities of infant jealousy find its grave in the common cause settlements, and heathen lands, have made of evangelizing the globe. Who does not wish it? With such a moral wilderness an appeal to favoured piety, that sits unmounder his eye as you have had occasion to lested within the precincts of the sanctuary, and not with an empty reply. Streams of survey, who will not pray for it? What love have richly and largely flown to create, might not the single city of New-York acor be the means of creating, the same holy complish, if her heart were as the heart of one man in this glorious enterprize? affection, where abominations, fit to make an angel weep, have made the land groan, and heavens afraid. Think of the situations of piety in such regions, and in such cirAr the first anniversary of the Cumbercumstances; you have thought of it-grate land and Carlisle Sunday Union, Mr.


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