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They who being discipled,

ceive this God alone as our God, and positive. Of these last the
and the object of worship. 2. To Lord's Supper is the most im-
receive him as he has revealed portant, next to baptism. On
himself, Father, Son, and Holy these commandments we will not
Ghost. 3. To render to each enlarge.
equal honour and obedience. 4.
To depend upon his acceptance have been baptized, must pro-
and favour. 5. To be conformed cure the baptism of their children,
to his likeness. 6. To hope for and attend the Lord's supper.
eternal life through him and no Children, or infant disciples, must
be taught in a different way.—
Such are the obligations im- But as this will come under con-
posed by baptism, and such the sideration fully hereafter, we add
doctrines which it teaches. Faith no more. Only mentioning, that
in these doctrines must first be they who feel desirous of seeing
professed before baptism, and a sketch of a plan in all its parts
consequently the discharge of for teaching children to observe
these obligations become due. all things which Christ has com-
Baptism therefore is a rite by manded, can find such a plan in
which the minister solemnly re- the Report of a Committee of the
cognizes the fitness of the bap- General Assembly on that sub-
tized person to be a visible sub- ject, which the Assembly have
ject of Christ's mediatorial king- ordered to be printed for the
consideration of the Churches.

Three things thus belong to it as essential. 1. The previous fitness of the person to be bap tized. 2. The recognition of this fitness in the act of baptism. 3. The administration of this act of baptism by a minister. The first is the foundation of the other two.



THIS profound scholar was noted for the freedom with which he communicated inforination to those who were desirous of learning, but was too apt to be offended when his pupils did not readily understand him.-Of which the

tion, Mr. Broughton became angry,
stand him, but desired further explana-
calling him dull and unlearned. This
having become his established prac
tice, Mr. Morton, when he asked him
any questions, used pleasantly to say,

III. The last particular in-following is an example. While Mr. B. was at Mentz, a young cluded in the direction, is teach-man of the name of Morton, from Euging them to observe all things land, frequently visited him, to ask which I have commanded you. questions, and receive instructions. The persons meant are those When the young pupil did not underwho, being discipled, have been baptized. By their baptism, they have been recognized as members of the visible Church. They must then be taught by the ministry to observe all things which Christ ards I am to be called, call me so bepray you, whatsoever dolls or dullhas commanded. He is Lord as fore we begin, that your discourse and well as Saviour, and Lord in his mine attention be not interrupted;" character as Saviour. He is a priest upon his throne.

which Mr. B. took as pleasantly from him. This person, it is added, was afterward the celebrated Dr. Morton, His commandments are moral Bishop of Durham.

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A Plea for Africa. A Sermons It was to have been expected preached October 26, 1817, in that, in such an age as this, Africa the First Presbyterian Church in would cease to be unnoticed, as it the city of New-York, before the had been for a long period, exSynod of New-York and New-cept for the most inhuman purJersey, at the request of the poses; and that it would obtain Board of Directors of the Afri- perhaps increased regard, from can School established by the having been so long forgotten. It Synod. By EDWARD D. GRIF-was to have been expected, that, FIN, D.D. Pastor of the Second in such an age as this, the abomiPresbyterian Church in New-nable traffic in human flesh would ark, New-Jersey. Published by be viewed in the light which it request of the Board. 8vo. pp. deserved; and that some atone76. New-York, 1817.

ment would be offered to a people, who had for centuries been suffering oppression and cruelty from the civilized world.

THIS is an age of religious efforts. From the year 1792, when the first Missionary Society was Accordingly, we find the slave formed in England, there have trade no longer under the probeen continually springing up tection of the laws, but abanmore and more institutions, which doned, and almost entirely deare calculated to be as useful to stroyed. We find that repeated the world, as they are honour-attempts have been made to peneable to the people and to the trate into the interior of Africa, cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. and to obtain a full and accurate Missionary Societies and Bible knowledge of its inhabitants, their Societies are most numerous; manners, their religion, and their they possess and they expend history; with a view to send to princely revenues; they exhibit them the blessings of Christianity. Christians of almost all sects and We regret that we cannot add denominations under heaven, as that we find Africa enjoying the united in one sacred plan, and word of life in all its languages, pursuing that plan with activity, and the gospel preached to all its and zeal, and perseverance, at people. But the time for this is once new and wonderful. They hastening on, and the means are are rapidly translating, publishing, in operation. Although one traand circulating the pure word of veller after another has been cut God, in a multitude of languages. off by death, still there is an inThey are rapidly instructing and trepid BURCHARDT, who, at the sending forth preachers of the last accounts, was on his way to gospel to the millions who are Tombuctoo and the Niger. Algroping, and hopeless, and ready though the recent expeditions, to perish, amidst the darkness undertaken by order of the govand blackness of Pagan idolatries. ernment of Great Britain, to exVOL. II....No. 2.


plore the river Zaire, have had a extent, before they leave us. lamentable and fatal issue, still And they are not about to depart there are enterprise, and ardour, in a year or an age; consequentand perseverance, to renew the ly the present generation of attempt over and over again, un- them (many of whom are free, til the efforts are crowned with and many more of whom are becomplete success. Besides, there coming free should receive the is the African Association in Eng- rudiments of education, and the land, (formed in 1788,)" com- privileges of a preached gospel. posed of men eminent for rank For these purposes, it is in the and wealth, and still more emi- highest degree expedient and imnent for zeal in the cause of portant, that teachers and preachscience and humanity." There ers should be provided for them is the African Institution in Eng- of their own colour. Hence THE land, (formed in 1807,) for the AFRICAN SCHOOL established by purpose of promoting civilization the Synod of New-York and and improvement in Africa. New-Jersey.

There is also the American Colo- The following information connization Society, with a number cerning this School is contained of Auxiliaries, who have already in the pamphlet before us. sent forth two persons in their employ," to visit different parts "At a meeting of the Synod of Newof the African coast, and gain all York and New-Jersey, in the city of possible information respecting New-York, October, 1816, an overthe fittest places for colonies, and ture was laid before the Synod by the the best manner of establishing of establishing an African School, for Committee of Overtures, on the subject and conducting them." And there the purpose of educating young men of is the Colony of Sierra Leone, colour, to be employed as teachers and which is now in a prosperous preachers among the people of colour state:-we would add that here, business was referred to a committee, in these States and elsewhere.' The perhaps, resides the individual, who reported in favour of the measure." who is to furnish to the world -p. 65. the long-expected information PLAN OF THE SCHOOL. "1. The School shall be under the concerning the interior of the African continent,-a rescued ne-who shall be called the Principal. Other immediate care of a chief instructer, gro from a slave-ship, or a freed instructers may be employed as occablack from these United States, sion may require. or a Maroon from the Island of Jamaica.*

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"II. The usual term of study shall be at least four years, and longer if the Board deem it expedient.

But the people of colour in "The first year shall be devoted, as these United States require Chris- the Principal may find necessary, to tian attention, as well as their Reading, Writing, Spelling, and learntawny brethren in Africa. If they ing the definition of English words, but are to form colonies on that con- and Geography; the second to the ele chiefly to English Grammar, Arithmetic, tinent, which as yet is uncertain, mentary principles of Rhetoric, Mathethey should most assuredly be in-matics, Natural Philosophy, and Astrostructed here to a considerable

These three descriptions of negroes constitute (with a number of whites) the population of Sierra Leone.

nomy; the third to Theology; the fourth to Theology, the elements of Ecclesiastical History, the more practical principles of Church Government, and the Composition of Sermons.

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through the whole course.

The exercises of Public Speaking] It was at the first meeting of and Composition shall be kept up the Synod after the establishment of their School, that the Sermon " III. It shall be the duty of the Prin- of Dr. Griffin was preached, on cipal, from the commencement of the course, to attend with special care to the 26th of October, 1817; the religious improvement of the pupils, though, as we believe, it was not to converse with them frequently on the published until April, 1818. The state of their minds, to give them fami- Sermon itself, with notes at the

liar instruction on the various branches

of Christian and ministerial duty, and foot of almost every page, occuto form them by practice to habits of pies 36 pages; and the remaindevotion and usefulness."-p. 67. der of the pamphlet consists of

"On the 25th of March, 1817, the longer notes than the preceding. Standing Committee, after careful and The whole exhibits ability, resolemn examination, received upon pro-search, benevolence, and zeal, bation two young men who had come

"I rise to plead the cause of a peo

well recommended from a number of which are calculated to establish,
gentlemen in Philadelphia; viz. Jere- if not to increase, the already
miah Gloucester, son of the Rev. John high reputation of the writer.
Gloucester, of that city, and William
The text is, Psalm 1xviii. 31.
Pennington; whom they placed under
the care of the Rev. John Ford, of Par- Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her
sipany, Morris county, New-Jersey. hands unto God. And the Preach-
These young men were re-examined by er thus begins his discourse,-
the Board in May following, and taken
permanently under their care. They
still remain with Mr. Ford, and by their
conduct and progress give flattering ple who, until lately, have seldom had
hopes of future usefulness. By per-crushed, and broken, and deserted, and,
an advocate; who for ages have beep
mission of Mr. Ford they have held a
weekly meeting for prayer with people by those who have an interest in their
of their own colour, to whom they have depression, are represented as always
devoted to such a fate. They who have
wished to find an apology for the slave-
trade, or a flaw in the history of Mo-
ses, have cast the Africans into another
species, and sorted them with the ape
and ourang-outang. In every plea for
the improvement of the African race,
this, or an approach to this, is the pre-
judice with which we have chiefly to
contend. If I rightly understand the
text, that holds out a different prospect.
It speaks of a people who, under the
reign of Christ, are to be elevated to
the true worship of God. Who are that
people? This inquiry shall constitute
the first head of the discourse."-p. 3.

become much endeared.

"Several other young men have been offered to the Board from different parts of the United States; but as they were not able to read and write, their reception was delayed till they could obtain these necessary qualifications. The Board wish their friends in every part of the country to understand that they are prepared, and very desirous, to receive several more. They hope not to be obliged to turn any away who possess the necessary qualifications. Will there not be an effort made by the friends of religion and humanity in every district of the Union to look out for suitable young men, and to provide the means of fitting them to enter the School? Will not Auxiliary Societies be formed wherever there are a few

In answer to this inquiry, it is stated that the Cushites or Ethiowho partake of the compassions of pians were formerly a people of Christ, and feel for the sorrows of Asia, a colony of whom "crossed Africa? The field is great and almost the Red Sea, and settled in that immeasurable, and requires the com- tract of Africa, which lies on the bined powers of all the Christians in the United States through a long and pasouth of Egypt, which has since tient exertion."—pp. 68, 69. been called Ethiopia Proper."


"The Cushites in Asia became gra- quebo; a considerable number in other dually lost in other names and nations, parts of Dutch Guiana, and in almost while the African branch, remaining every district of South America. But pure, and becoming powerful, by de- the great receptacles of this unhappy grees engrossed the appellation, and, race have been the West-Indies and for many centuries, have stood forth the United States! In our own free the chief representatives of the Cushite country a million and a half are supor Ethiopic race. This then is the posed to exist! In the West-Indies branch to which a prophecy to be ful-probably two millions. filled in Gospel days ought to be referred."-p. 7.

"It is calculated that Africa has been drained of no less than 150,000 of its natives. What prodigious arrears are due to that ill-fated country! What an immense labour to collect together into the Christian Church all her scattered sons!"-pp. 14, 15.

The Preacher proceeds to an

The Preacher next proposes a second question, viz. How far the African Cush or Ethiopia is to be considered in the text as the representative of the great negro world. And he observes, swer two objections to Christian to believe efforts in favour of the Africans; 1. There is reason that the mass of the negroes in the one, that the negroes are Africa are really of this stock. doomed by the sentence of Noah 2. Whether the Cushites com- to perpetual slavery: the other, prehend the entire negro world that they are so inferior by naor not, they may fairly be con- ture to the rest of mankind as to sidered as put for the represent-afford no encouragement to any exertions in their favour. atives of the whole.


He then asks, Where is this especially the talents and ardour race to be found? The follow-of Dr. Griffin are exhibited, and ing extract exhibits a part of his he has brought forward a number of arguments and details, which ought for ever to silence opposition.


"In the fourteenth century the PorThe last head of the Sermon is tuguese begau to make descents upon Africa, and to kidnap the natives. This" to consider the duty of the piratical example was followed by most American people in reference to of the maritime powers of Europe. this subject." And that duty is Since then a great many of the wretched negroes have been transported to Per- stated to be twofold. sia, to Goa, and other parts of the "1. The instruction of our own black East Indies; to Macassar, Batavia, and other Dutch colonies. Negro slaves population. Is it not known that there are found in Malacca and Manilla. are fifteen hundred thousand souls scatGreat numbers have been carried from tered among the people of these States, Madagascar and Mozambique to the who must live for ever in heaven or Isles of France and Bourbon. The po- hell, and who, for the most part, are pulation of the latter island, which con- posting on to judgment in the grossest tains 150,000 inhabitants, mostly con- ignorance and vice, directly under the sists of negro slaves. Some have been eye of Christian Churches? And do sent to Constantinople. So late as the our charities and missionary zeal wanyear 1814 slaves were still brought der abroad to other lands, and overlook from the interior to the north of Africa, this part of our own countrymen? What and thence conveyed to the islands and sort of zeal is that which can only see opposite continent of Europe. They objects at a distance, and is blind, aud bave been sent to work in the mines of deaf, and hardened against those who Mexico and Peru. Forty thousand negro are pleading for mercy at our door?' slaves are found in Demerara and Esse-1-p. 32.

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