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T is generally expected that upon Publishing the Pofthumous Works of any AuTHOR, fome Account_fhould be given of them; therefore the Editor of these Remains of the Learned Dr. SouтH, thinks himself oblig'd to offer the following Particulars, both for the Reader's Information, and Satisfaction.

The Letter to Dr. Pocock E, from Dr. SOUTH, when in Poland, was communicated to the Gentleman who wrote his LIFE, which is all that I can say as to that Piece.

The Three SERMONS were given by Dr. SOUTH himself, to Dr. ALDRICH late Dean of Chrift-Church in Oxford.

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As to the first of them, That upon the 30th of January, it was Preach'd at Court, and from fome Paffages in it, I think it is pretty plain that it must have been foon after the Reftauration of his moft Sacred Majefty King CHARLES the Second. This Difcourfe was Printed fome Tears ago; but • befides a large Paragraph which is enclosed between Crotchets in the 5th Page, there are many confiderable Amendments and Corre&tions throughout.

The fecond, intituled, Ecclefiaftical Conftitutions to be ftrictly Maintain'd, has been lately publish'd, but from jo Imperfect a Copy, that there is not one fingle Paragraph in it truly Printed.

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The Third, upon A Future Judgment, was preach'd at St. Mary's Church in Oxford and from a Paffage in it, and by the Conclu fion, it is apparent that it must have been. compos'd for the Anniversary of the ROYAL MARTYR.

To Conclude, it is thought most proper to print the AUTHOR'S Latin Performances in a Volume by themselves; they are now in the Prefs, and will be speedily publish'd, ander the following Title.


ORATIONES in Theatro Sheldoniano & Domo Convocationis Oxonii habitæ à Roberto South, A. M. Academia Publico Oratore. Quibus addita funt Carmina quædam Miscellanea.

P. S. Since the Finishing of this Work, the following Verses were communicated to us, they are taken out of the University Book, made upon the Reftauration of his most Sacred Majefty King CHARLES the Second. Printed at Oxford, in the Year 1660, under this Title, BRITANNIA REDIVIVA, in 4to.

Those that, are Curious to fee the Doctor's Verfe's upon the PEACE made with the DUTCH in 1654, and his Poem intituled. MUSICA INCANTANS, mention'd in the 5th and 19th Pages of his LIFE, may find them both inferted among a very good Collection of Latin POEMS, intituled, MusÆ BRITANNICA, è Poematis varii Argumenti, vel Hactenus ineditis, vel Sparfim Editis & Rariffimis conftantes. By the most Eminent Hands, viz. Mr. Norris of Bemerton, Mr. John Philips, late Student of ChristChurch, Mr. Holdfworth of Magd. Coll. Oxon. Mr. Hill, Fellow of Trin. Coll. Camb, &c. 8vo, Printed by E. Curll, Anno. 1711.


Ure & Amore Tui modo Spes, nunc gloria Regni,
Qui regnando refers Numen, & effe probas.
Laudibus & Titulis major, majorque Superbis
Principibus, Solo denique Patre minor.

Maxime Rex, fed adhuc vir Major: en accipe honores,
Quos tu Regales accipiendo facis.

Regna patent, & Corda patent, fed latius ifta;
Omnia Tu, præter gaudia noftra Regis.
Sol novus exoriens quam claro manè refulges,'
Occafu rubuit dum Prior ille fuo.

Rex uni Genti, fed Donum miffus es Orbi,
Hinc in tam multis Gentibus exul eras.
Sors tua Te Gallos divifit, & inter Iberos:
Pluribus ut Regnis Te, populifque daret.
Dum fe interpofuit Regnum Quinquenne Neronis,
Oppofitâ ornabat proximitate tuum.

Sanguinei, Tua grata magis, poft Sceptra Tyranni
Sic infert feftos Litera Rubra dies.

Quæ rerum facies! viduam dum CAROLUS Urbem
Intrat, Splendoris pars quoto Pompa fuit!
O quàm plena dies lacrymis fine luctibus! illum
Sole vidente quidem, non faciente Diem.
Quis fine cæde priùs tot ftrictos viderat Enfes?
Quifve fine effufo fanguine Victor erat?

Cùm modo utramque manum comitanti fratre venires
CAROLE, visa mihi eft utráque Dextra manus.
Mercurium & Martem medio Jove vidimus: Omen
Terna folent fauftum Sydera juncta dare.

Dicitur Alcides bis fex fubiiffe labores

Exul: totque Annos CAROLUS exul agit,
Iamque Duodecimum peragit feliciter Annum,
Ultimus huic pariter fit precor ifte labor,
Exilii fpatiis regnum menfuret: & Exul
Quem modo luftrabat, jam regat ille globum.

Rob, South, A, M. ex Ede Chrifti.


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