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not say with Naaman, concerning this or that more convenient iniquity, the Lord pardon thy servant in this thing (1); nor does he resolve to excuse himself in an indulgence, even to that sin which does most casily beset him (2): but rather, in his general determination against sin, and in those solemn engagements with which such determinations may be attended, he fixes especially upon those sins which he might before have been most ready to except.

2. The resolutions of the regenerate man are more immediate.

It very frequently happens, that while others are under awakening impressions, as they see a neces sity for parting with their sins, and engaging in what they may call a religious life, they resolve upon it: but then they think it may be delayed a little longer; perhaps a few years, or at least a few weeks or days; or they, perhaps, refer it to some remarkable period which is approaching, which they flatter themselves they shall make yet more remarkable, as the era of their reformation: but, in the mean time, they will take their farewell of their lusts by a few more indulgences: and thus they delude themselves, and rivet on their chains faster than before. But the good man, with David, makes haste, and delays not to keep the commandments of God (3). He is like the prodigal, who, as soon as ever he said, I will arise and go to my father, immediately arose and came to him (4). He reckons the

(1) 2 Kings v. 18.
(3) Psal. cxix. 60.

(2) Heb. xii. 1.
(4) Luke xv. 18, 20.

time he has already spent in the service of sin may suffice (1), and that indeed it is far more than enough he wishes he could call back that which is past; but he determines, that he will not take one step further in this unhappy path. He fully purpo3es, that he will never once more deliberately and presumptuously offend God, in any matter, great or small; if any thing can be called small, which is a deliberate and apprehended offence; and he deter mines, that from this moment he will yield himself to God, as alive from the dead, and employ his men:bers as instruments of righteousness (2). But then,

3. His resolutions are more modest and humble than they have ever been before.

And this indeed is the great circumstance that renders them more effectual. When an awakened sinner feels himself most enslaved to his vices, he pleases himself with this thought, that there is a secret kind of spring in his mind, which, when he pleases to exert, he can break through all at once, and commence, whenever that unhappy necessity comes upon him, a very religious man in a moment. And when conscience presses him with the memory of past guilt, and the representation of future dan ger, he cuts off these remonstrances with a hasty resolve, "I will do so no more;" but then, perhaps, the effects of this may not last a day; though possibly it may, at other times, continue a few weeks or months, where the grosser acts of sin are concerned: and indeed his resolutions seldom reach farther (2) Rom. vi. 13.

(1) 1 Pet. v. 3.

than these; for the necessity of a sanctified heart is a mystery which he has never yet learned. But a truly regenerate man has learned wisdom from this experience of his own, and the observation of other men's frailty. He feels his own weakness, and is so thoroughly aware of the treachery of his own heart, that he is almost afraid to express in words the purpose which his very soul is forming: he is almost afraid to turn that purpose into a vow before God, lest the breach of that vow should increase his guilt: but this he can say, with repenting Ephraim, Lord turn thou me, and I shall be turned (1); and with David, Hold up my geings in thy paths, that my footsteps may not slip (2). "I am exceeding frail; but, Lord, be thou surely for thy servant for good (3), and then I shall be safe! Do thou rescue me from temptations, and I shall be delivered! Do thou fill my heart with holy sentiments, and I will breathe them out before thee! Do thou excite and maintain a zeal for thy service, and then I will exert myself in it!" And when once a man is come to such a distrust of himself; when, like a little child, he stretches out bis hand to be led by his heavenly Father, and trusts in his guardian care alone for his security and comfort; then out of weakness he is made strong (4), and goes on safe though perhaps trembling; and sees those that made the loudest boasts, and placed the greatest confidence in themselves, falling on the right hand and on the left, and all their bravery melting away like snow before the sun.

(1) Jer. xxxi. 18.

(3) Psal. cxix. 122.

(2) Psal. xvii. 5
(4) Heb. xi. 34.

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Not that his former employment in secular life is laid aside it would ordinarily be a very dangerous snare for a man to imagine that God requires this. On the contrary, the Apostle gives it in charge to Christian converts, that in what calling soever a man is found, when he is called into the profession of the Gospel, he should therein abide with God (1). But when he becomes a real Christian he prosecutes this calling, whatever it be, with a new spirit and temper, from new priuciples, and to new purposes. While his hands are laboring in the world, his heart is often rising to God; he consecrates his work to the Divine honor, and to the credit of religion; and desires, that his merchandise and his gain may, in this sense, be holiness to the Lord (2), by employing it to support the family which Providence has committed to his charge (3), and to relieve the poor which Christ recommends to his pity (4); and as he depends upon God to give him wisdom and success in the conduct of his affairs, he ascribes the glory of that success to him; not sacrificing to his own net, nor burning incense to his own drag (5).

And I will further add, that regeneration introdu ces a set of new labors, added to the former, with which the man was before utterly unacquainted.We may consider, as the principal and chief of these, the great labor of purifying the heart, of conquering sinful inclinations and affections, and of approach

(1) 1 Cor. vii. 20, 24. (4) Acts xx. 35.


(2) Isa. xxiii. 18. (3) 1 Tim. v. 8. (5) Hab. i. 16.

ing God by a more intimate access and more endeared converse. Now they that imagine this to be an easy matter, know little of the human heart, little of the spirituality of God's nature, and his law.Give me leave to say, that the labors of the body, in cultivating the earth, are much more easily performed than this spiritual husbandry. To weed a soil so luxuriant in. evil productions, and to raise a plentiful harvest of holy affections and actions in a soil so barren of good; to regulate appetites and passions so exorbitant as those of the human heart naturally are, and to awaken in it suitable affections; to be abundant in the fruits of righteousness, and to converse with God in the exercise of devotion: these are no little things; nor will a little resolution, watchfulness, and activity suffice, in order to the discharge of such a business. It is comparatively easy to go through the forms of prayer and praise, what'ever they are to read, or from present conception to utter, a few words before God: but to unite the heart in God's service, to wrestle with him for a blessing, to pour out the heart beore him, to speak to him as searching the very heart; so that he should say, "This is prayer:" this, my brethren, is a work indeed; and he that is conscientious in the discharge of it will find, that it is not to be dispatched in a few hasty moments, nor without serions reflection, and a resolute watch maintained over the spirit.

New labors also arise to the regenerate soul, in consequence of the concern it has to promote reli

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