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sential to the salvation of the soul; but the slanderer will not stop here, he will go farther and make light of those sacred things, by sneers and scoffs and misrepresentations; for example, how frequently do we hear it said" that if a sinner go into the water (alluding to baptism) he will come out of the water a sinner." Now those very characters who express themselves as above, know very well that we do not believe, and no other society with which I am acquainted, that baptism separated from faith and reformation, will make any man a christian. But this is one of the many ways that they take to vilify, not only those persons who believe in the essentiality of the ordinances, but the institutions also, And the scandalous tales told in regard to the Lord's supper, (Testament acceptation of the term,) the institution of feet washing, and the salutation of the holy kiss, are too ridiculous to be noticed by any person who has any respect for the Testament of the Saviour. Now if these institutions were not upon record in the Testament, they then would have some grounds to oppose their observance, but even in that case they should act like honest men; and not misrepresent the views and intentions of the observers of such institutions. And reader, you will find that those vilifiers of the institutions. are generally professors of religion, people who wish to palm themselves upon the public for the righteous seed of the Lord. Now, such people are a great deal worse than the ancient Scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees made no pretentions to christianity, but these people do, and their religion consists principally in telling how they got it and in making loud prayers, &c. It is by this course of procedure that they let the world know that they have got religion, and well considered too, for the world could never find it out, or know it in their walk and conversation. These same people are opposed to

the gospel in water, in the institutions of the New Testament. With them it is the gospel at the anxious bench, in the barn, in the woods, &c. We say, that such professors are a scandal to christianity. It may be thought by some, that we are too severe on such as differ with us on those institutions. In reply we say that our remarks are not intended for those who honestly differ with us, but for those who are dishonest and vilify the institutions of Chirst; and if we did not believe that it was our duty to expose and reprove such canting hypocrites we should not do it. In giving such reproofs we have only the honor of God and his word in view. It is the love of Christ and his cause that has prompted us to take up the pen and do all we can for the honor of our Master and the welfare of mankind. We plead for the ancient order of things, and we hold ourselves accountable to God for our procedure in the ministry, and wish no man to embrace our views if they be irreconcilable with the gospel, for it is a maxim with us to follow no man further than he follows Christ, and we are willing to allow others the same privilege. Therefore we do not think hard of persons who are sincere, or conscientiously differ with us, knowing that education has a powerful influence over man. But when people handle the word of God deceitfully, and also wilfully misrepresent the views of their fellow professor of religion, it is necessary for the good of themselves, and others, to give them a sharp reproof. That God is only to be found in his institutions, is a revelation of Jesus Christ, and every child of God is a witness. And oh! what a pity it is that so many people are opposed to God's method of saving poor sinners. They will not believe the gospel in water, therefore they reject this counsel of God against themselves.

My dear brethren, you who believe and obey the gos

pel, let no man deceive you by his good words and fair speeches. (Rom. xvi. 18.) You must bear in mind that seducers have smooth tongues, and by their fine pretences, and fair speeches, will endeavor to impose themselves upon the people of God They make great pretensions to the love of God, and have much to say of its being shed abroad in their hearts; they are generally very forward in praying. To love God, and to have his love shed abroad in our hearts, and to be much engaged in prayer to God, is the state and privilege of the born of God, but persons may pretend to great zeal for God, pray much and loud, and not love God. The only true and certain rule to judge professors by, is the word of God. If they walk not by that rule, let them profess as loud, and say as much as they please, there is no light in them, they are not the born of God, they have not the Spirit of Christ, and of course are none of His. The way to heaven is declared to be narrow, and few there be that find it, the way to destruction is broad and many there be who travel thereon. (Matt. vii. 13, 14.) Now these things go on to show us that self must be denied, the lust of the flesh crucified, we are to strive against the current of this world, the course thereof being contrary to godliness. A living fish swims up stream, or against the current, but a dead ish floats with the stream; a good figure of a true and of a false christian.

Brethren rejoice in the Lord, and be exceedingly glad for that signal victory which you obtained over your enemies when you submitted your bodies to the water in Baptism, for it was in that holy institution that all your sins were purged away, and you became the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, (see Gal. iii. 26, 27,) and thus your rejoicing will comport with the primitive converts to christianity, as recorded in the Testament.

But alas! for false christendom, too many of her converts rejoice and shout entirely too soon-yes! shout before the victory over their sins has been obtained. We have no example, from the 2d chapter of the Acts to the end of Revelation, of the believers rejoicing before Baptism. But that many immediately after their Baptism did rejoice in the Lord is very evident, so that it is not before, but after baptism that we can consistently with the word of God, rejoice in the Lord. For example, the three thousand who were baptized on the day of Pentecost, with others, did after their baptism eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, &c. See Acts, 2d chapter, from the 41st verse to the end of the chapter. The Eunuch imediately after his baptism went on his way rejoicing. Acts viii. The Phillipian jailor, after his baptism, rejoiced, believing in God, with all his house. Acts xvi. 33, 34. The Israelites sang and rejoiced after their baptism unto Moses, in the cloud and in the sea. When I see and hear people shout and make such a great to do before they have complied with the terms or plan of salvation, I say to myself these people shout too soon.

And now dear reader I must bring this work to a close, and would say let us in all things have an eye to the glory of God and the salvation of the soul, and that our walk and conversation comport with the word of the Lord.

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