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well be expected from them that are themselves given up to delusion, and the belief of a lie. They curb their holy zeal within the strict confinement of outward caution, until happier times shall admit of a public avowal of their faith, and practice, in their ancient extent.


Attention to the prophecies, a duty incumbent and expected of all Christians. Every period of the World's duration is concerned in them. The Old Testament not obsolete, but still a living word of God.—The Prophets still speak to these last times and of events of importance to all. -St Paul's and St John's prophecies of Antichrist are transcripts from the ancient Prophets, and to be elucidated by them.-TOPHET ordained for the mystic king of prophetic Babylon. Confirmation of this topic.

THERE are many exhortations given in scripture, to keep a close and continual attention to the prophecies, which, without doubt, were no more given to the world for the mere amusement of the curious, than any other portion of holy writ: but for a necessary warning to all believers, that they may hold themselves in a state of preparation to meet (with the fortitude and patience worthy of the genuine principles of the gospel) those afflictive revolutions in the state of the christian world, of which they are thereby forewarned. "Lo! I have told you beforehand, (said our Saviour,) that when these things shall come to pass, ye may remember that I have told you of them. -And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me."

Yet notwithstanding the frequent warnings of this nature, which Jesus had given them, the disciples were shocked and dismayed at the cruel disappointment of their hopes; in the deplorable sufferings and death which overtook their master himself, and which they had been admonished themselves also to expect. To us it would have been a point of equal difficulty, to have reconciled with our reflections on the power and foreknowledge of God, the long continuance, and the triumphant impieties and cruelties of Antichrist; had we not been beforehand apprized of bis coming; and those strong features been made known to us, by which we might be able (notwithstanding his disguise,* as the chief shepherd of the church on earth) plainly to distinguish "the wolf in sheep's cloathing."

The severe threatenings against any interpolation, addition to, or subtraction from the words contained in the prophetic books ;† and the blessing pronounced upon all those who read them, with that degree of reverence and faith which is due to the holy Spirit of God which dictated them, as well as the great importance of their contents to the salvation of our souls, are proofs sufficient of the high estimation in which they deserve to be held. In this respect, the saying of holy David, "Thy word is a light unto my feet, and a lamp unto my paths," (Ps. cxix. 105,) has a double force. The prophetic scripture is a faithful guide, by which we are shewn

* His mock humility and meekness is that of the Lamb of God, but his voice betrays the dragon in disguise. (Rev.xiii. 11.) † Rev. xxii, 18, 19: i. 3. Rev. xx. 4,

(while yet afar off, and as through a telescope) the road we are to travel, and the dangers that lie in the way; concealed by verdant foli age, or gorgeous palaces, erected on the very brink of the infernal pit.-It is also an index of time, by which, in every age, the faithful servants of Christ may discern "the signs of the times" they live in, and the hour of the night, and expect (in faith and hope) the dawning of the morning." Ye have also a more sure word of prophecy, says St Peter, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in hearts."* It is a light, without which all other light is "darkness visible;" and they, who rejecting this, yet fancy themselves the only enlightened, "walk on in darkness, and know not at what they stumble."† "For the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise": (that is, the candid and believing)—“ shal! understand." (Dan. xii. 10.)


2 Peter, i. xix.

↑ Proverbs, iv. 19.

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