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and even powerful nations, led captive in one chain, and ingloriously falling prostrate at the feet of one imperious lord: on the one side appears nothing else but an unvaried tissue of the most wonderful successes, and a resistless power; on the other only the deplorable consequences of a weakening and fruitless opposition, which is still paving an easier way for the march of conquest, and the entire subjection of the little that yet remains of independence in the world. The most vigorous efforts to shake off the fraternal hug, have the contrary effect of drawing it to a closer embrace, and the more violent the struggle to get loose from the net of the wily and experienced gladiator, the more intricate is the entanglement, and the more tenacious the hold he gets at every throw.

The present attempt at universal monarchy seems not to have succeeded only partially, but we may now almost say entirely, there seems to be so perfect a good intelligence held with fortune, whose notorious inconstancy other inferior players have not found out



the art to fix, nor perhaps had the boldness to venture upon the same means of commanding her favors: but if they have thrown a few lucky hits, they have in turn been persecuted by as disastrous a reverse. power acquired, whether by arms or negociation, seems more and more consolidated by the lapse of time, and is wielded by a genius in utrumque paratus, and daily strengthened as well as enlarged, by the same ability which laid the foundation of it. There have never yet appeared any symptoms of an approaching decline, the general consequence of relaxation induced by a contempt of fortune, nor the smallest falling off from that original and wonderful display of talents, and consequent success, which marked its earliest stages.

But what conclusion is to be drawn from these premises? The sincere friends of morality and religion will contemplate with grief and terror, the revolutionary phrenzy that has gone abroad into the world, the pernicious influence it has already had upon the minds

and morals of the people, and upon the interests of virtue and piety. It has given a free scope to the worst passions of depraved human nature, inflamed the lawless cupidity of unprincipled minds, and given a dangerous shock to the principles of the weak and unsteadfast in an age of great coolness towards religion, through the previous abounding of iniquity. By the hope of impunity to the most dishonorable and criminal attempts, if there be but a probability of success, (which too commonly stamps upon actions a name they little deserve,) encouragement hath been held forth to bold and shameless wickedness; while under the wings of the new philosophy, and with the aid of the new nomenclature it has invented in morals, perfidy, ingratitude, and every vice abhorrent to humanity and rectitude of heart, have not only found shelter and indulgence, but eyen honors and reward.

Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee, yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments," said the prophet Jeremiah, (xii. 1.) "Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all they happy that deal

very treacherously? Thou hast planted them, yea they have täken root, they grow, jea they bring forth fruit. Thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins." (See Psalm Ixxiii. 3. &c.) Thus will the weak petulance and impatience of even good men be tempted sometimes, by the unfavourable aspect of the world towards what strikes them as the interests of religion, almost to question the wisdom and goodness, the power and providence of the Supreme Ruler! But they consider not that it becomes not man, insignificant in the scale of Being as the vilest reptile that crawls upon the earth, if compared with him on whom he sits in judgment, to attempt to scan the fathom→ less abyss of God's judgments, or to measure with the line of human reason the infinite mind of God. There have been occasions when it has pleased God to give his power into the hands of men which did not make either a wise or virtuous use of it, of which Nebuchadnezzar himself is an instance; yet the final result has been the gracious ends of providence effectually answered, by those who did not design them, neither were conscious


of the purpose for which they were raised “O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction!" (Hab. i. 12.-Psalm lxxvi. 10)

That God's "ways were unequal," was the wicked and erroneous inference which the murmuring Israelites drew from occurrences of this nature. But wise and good minds. will make the needful allowances for the imperfection of their view, and duly consider how very few are the links of the chain of providence their sight is able to take in, whenever appearances are unfavorable, and the fortunes of the world continue very long running contrary to their hope, and perseveringly mock their too sanguine expectations. "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one and setteth up another. For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red: it is of full mixture, and he poureth out of the same: but the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them." (Psalm lxxv. 6.)

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