"To open the BLIND EYES, to bring out the PRISONERS from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison-house," (Isaiah xlii. 7.) was a special part of the commission granted to the Messias. And for the effectual performance of this part of his mission, it is declared to him by the Father which sent him, " I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, (or gentiles,) to establish the earth;" - (by a general conversion of all nations,)-" and to cause to inherit THE DESOLATE HERITAGES," -(by the re-settlement of converted Israel,)-" that thou mayest say to the PRISONERS, GO FORTH, to them that are in DARKNESS, SHEw yourselves." (Isa. xlix. 8.) To them that are now in a state of political degradation and obscurity, as well as of spiritual darkness, Christ will one day say, "Act once more a conspicuous and glorious part, and take the first rank among the nations of the earth."* We find the calling of the gentiles by the apostles being sent out to the heathen nations, * See Zech. viii. 23. N to preach to them also the gospel of salvation, is foretold by Isaiah,* in terms very similar to the above; but not by such a variety of images, nor those so pointed or so strong. The case of God's rejected and judicially blinded people, is one which hath nothing parallel to it; and that the above prophecy applies to that alone is undeniably clear, from the circumstances in it peculiar to them, and from the general analogy of prophecy. Christ was indeed at his first coming, a light to lighten the gentiles, but his becoming the glory of his people Israel is reserved to a future period. For, on the direct contrary, at that time he was esteemed a reproach, and treated as an impostor:† he was a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to both houses of Israel; and with respect to the jewish nation, it is declared, that the light shined in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. But in the last days he will become, in a much larger sense of the word, the light of the world, by the general conversion of all nations; and to his own regenerated‡ * Isaiah ix, 2. † Isaiah liii. 3. ‡ Jer. xxxi. 33, 34. See also Isaiah xlix. 6, where these two distinct objects are united in ONE commission. people Israel, he will arise a " sun of righteousness, with healing under his wings." This prophecy therefore is still unaccomplished, and with a great many more, is entirely inconsistent with the scheme of literal prophecy, and necessarily must be referred to a very late, if not a still remote period of the christian dispensation. In Zechariah ix. II. "the blood of the New Testament, which the enraged jews blindly imprecated as a curse upon their own heads, is mercifully applied to their salvation; but evidently at a period of time very remote from that fatal hour when it was made to them a curse and not a blessing. "As for thee also, by the blood of THY COVENANT I have sent forth THY PRISONERS out of the pit, wherein is no water." "Turn ye to the strong bold, * Matthew xxvi. 28; Luke xxii. 20. Water is the common prophetic emblem of spiritual grace, (John vii. 38, 39—1saiah xii. 3.) The contrast is very striking between this sad state of abandonment and that happy time when," with joy they shall draw water out of the WELLS OF SALVATION." (Isaiah xii. 5.) It is also with a marked propriety and emphasis that the jews, in this condition, are called ye PRISONERS of HOPE. Even to-day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;"double good, and a happiness and prosperity unchangeable any more, upon their repentance, for all the evils that they have endured in their rejection and state of unbelief: "For the Lord beareth the poor, and despiseth not his PRISONERS." (Ps. lxix. 33.) The Lord "executeth judgment for the oppressed, he giveth food to the hungry: the Lord looseth the prisoners. The Lord openeth the eyes of the BLIND, the Lord loveth the righteous. The Lord shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all GENERATIONS." (Ps. cxlvi. 7.) "Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favour her, yea the SET TIME IS COME. the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory. When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall APPEAR IN HIS GLORY." (Ps. cii. 13.) So the prisoners of Christ; as it is for their treason against their king that they are incarcerated in that dungeon, which he that "hath the key of David openeth, and no man shutteth ; and he shutteth and no man openeth." (Rev. iii. 7.) But they are PRISONERS OF HOPE, because their conversion to Christ, the strong hold, is as infallibly certain, at its season, as their rejec tion in time past has been manifest. SECTION IV. : The prophecies of the MESSIAH evaded by the Jews since Christ. The prophecies of the INDIGNATION upon that people, and their modern state, are incapable of evasion.Ezckiel's prophecy of the dry bones. Its application to modern Israel confirmed by other prophecies. THE modern jews, notwithstanding theit blindness to "the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world;" "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday to day, and for ever," and the sun of their system as well * Heb. xiii. 8. By "yesterday," the apostle seems to allude to the Mosaic economy, which had then ceased, the end of the world, or age preceding, being fixed to that fullness of time;and by " to day," the christian dispensation, or "last times," See Heb. iv, 7, 8, 9. |