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DIGNATION upon that people, and their modern
state, are incapable of evasion -Ezekiel's pro-
phecy of the dry bones.-Its application to
modern Israel confirmed by other prophecies.
Israel's repentance and mourning, for their sin
in rejecting the true Messiah.-God's mercy
vindicated from obloquy in their restoration.
The second Exodus-or return of Israel from
their last captivity,-in the mystical Egypt,-
by a divine interposition in their favor.-Great
importance of this religious and political revo-
lution to the perfecting of the great plan of
human redemption.
The Jews though broken off through unbelief,
are still witnesses for God, -to the new world
now, as formerly to the old.-Difficulties in
the prophecy of the witnesses, not well ac-
counted for ;-a solution proposed.-They
must be distinct from each other, and nu-
merically Two-Must be perpetually in exist-
ence, and in their prophetic function for 1260
years. In disgrace and persecution,-be kill-
ed, continue in a singular state of death three
years and a half,—be raised to life in the sight,
and against the power of their enemies.
The faith and fortitude of the Martyrs not the
effect of enthusiastic ecstacy,-but of a rational
conviction of the truth of the gospel,and the
actual fulfilment of Christ's promises of spi-
ritual support. 225
The prophecy of the MAN OF SIN ;-the obstruc-
tion in his way to be removed by time; —a set
time for his appearance, and duration.-He
is described as-a lawbreaker,-blasphemer,
The expectation and dread of the coming of AN-
TICHRIST an alarm not wholly groundless,
as his actions have testified.-Prophetic Psalms
agreeing with the general prophecies of Anti-
christ and the sufferings and restoration of the
church-Popery the present obstacle to the
conversion of the Jews.-Its fall double,-a
gradual melting away by the heat of the gos
pel Sun, and a final destruction by an exemp-
lary judgment.
Popish miracles proceed from the father of lies.-
His design, the support of falsehood and idol-
atry-Strong delusion, the natural effect and
the punishment of religious hypocrisy -God
speaks in an unknown tongue to apostates
Their covenant with death and hell -The
Popes will the authority of Scripture.-The
refuge of lies :-of no avail against the scourge
of God -The divine impartiality towards the
wicked. 280
Popery as blind now to her judgment, as in time
past she has been to her sin, which drew it
down -Deceitful appearance of that religion
in the sight of Protestants -The ferocity of
her ancient spirit dormant, but not dead.-
Christ's commandment of love, opposed to
Antichrist's of cruelty and destruction -Union
with Popery fatal to the peace of mankind in
both worlds. A shelter prepared for the ser-
vants of Christ, when he desolates the anti-
christian world by the predestinated sword.
The attempt to support the falling thrones of the
antichristian apostacy unprosperous and im-
pious is contrary to the declared will, and
manifest designs of Providence,-and the les-
sons of painful experience.-The influence of
a perverse spirit-is the fulfilment of prophecy.
-The Scourge of Popery,-his commission,
-the execution conformable to the warrant,
-and now apparent. 336
Christ was a stone of stumbling on which the
Jews fell; he is now a rock falling on the
heads of apostate Christians to their destruc-
tion The Apostle's caution to the primitive.
Christians very needful to be attended to in
these days, lest by PHILANTHROPY and PHI-
LOSOPHY, falsely so called, many be beguiled.
of their religion and faith. 359
Attention to the prophecies, a duty incumbent
and expected of all Christians.-Every period
of the World's duration is concerned in them.
-The old Testament not obsolete, but still a
living word of God -The Prophets still speak
to these last times-and of events of importance
to all.-St Paul's and St John's prophecies of
Antichrist are transcripts from the ancient Pro-
phets, and to be elucidated by them.-TOPHET
ordained for the mystic king of prophetic Ba-
bylon.-Confirmation of this topic. 372
A DOUBLE FALL the prophetic doom of MYSTIC
BABYLON.-The first has taken place already,
and been of slow progress;-the second will
advance with more rapid strides.-Isaiah's
poetical picture of the descent of mock-majes-
ty into HADES.-A brief sketch of Popery, in
the day of its power-and in the day of its
judgment. 409
Unreasonableness of unbelief in the ancient Jews:
-that of modern sceptics little less so.-A
continuation of miracles less convincing than
the evidences now afforded us. They are ca-
pable of being counterfeited by LYING WON-
DERS;-but ancient prophecy, now fulfilling,
is no counterfeit.-God challenges the world
to examine and judge of divine revelation, up-
on the evidence of the scripture prophecies.