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prejudice: thy Omniscience eternally guides thy unerrable judgement.

O My God, the proud are risen against Me, and the assemblies of violent men have sought after My soule, and have not set thee before their eyes.

Consider My enemies, O Lord, for they are many, and they hate Me with a deadly hatred without a cause.

For thou knowest, I had no passion, designe or preparation to embroyle My kingdomes in a civill warre; whereto I had least temptation; as knowing I must adventure more then any, and could gaine least of any by it.

Thou, O Lord, art My witnesse how oft I have deplored, and studied to divert the necessity thereof, wherein I cannot well be thought so prodigally thirsty of My subjects bloud, as to venture My owne life, which I have been oft compelled to doe in this unhappy warre; and which were better spent to save then to destroy My people.

O Lord, I need much of thy grace, with patience to beare the many afflictions thou hast suffered some men to bring upon Me; but much more to beare the unjust reproaches of those, who not content that I suffer most by warre, will needs perswade the world that I have raised first, or given just cause to raise it.

The confidence of some mens false tongues is such, that they would make Me almost suspect My owne innocency: yea, I could be content (at least by My silence) to take upon Me so great a guilt before men, if by that I might allay the malice of My enemies, and redeeme My people from this miserable warre; since thou, O Lord, knowest My innocency · in this thing.

Thou wilt finde out bloudy and deceitfull men ; many of whom have not lived out half their daies, in which they promised themselves the enjoyment of the fruits of their violence and wicked counsels.

Save, O Lord, thy servant, as hitherto thou hast, and in thy due time scatter the people that delight in


Arise, O Lord, lift up thy selfe, because of the rage of Mine enemies, which increaseth more and more. Behold them that have conceived mischiefe, travelled with iniquity, and brought forth falshood.

Thou knowest the chief designe of this warre is, either to destroy My person, or force My judgement, and to make Me renege My conscience and thy truth.

I am driven to crosse Davids choyce and desire, rather to fall into the hands of men, by denying them, (though their mercies be cruell) then into thy hands by sinning against My conscience, and in that.

against thee, who art a consuming fire; better they destroy Me, then thou shouldst damne Me.

Be thou ever the defence of My soule, who wilt save the upright in heart.

If nothing but My bloud will satisfie My enemies, or quench the flames of My kingdomes, or thy temporall justice, I am content, if it be thy will, that it be shed by Mine owne subjects hands.

But O let the bloud of Me, tho their King, yet a sinner, be washed with the bloud of My innocent and peace-maker Redeemer, for in that thy justice will find not onely a temporary expiation, but an eternall plenary satisfaction; both for My sinnes, and the sinnes of My people; whom I beseech thee still own for thine, and when thy wrath is appeased by My death, O remember thy great mercies toward them, and forgive them, O My father, for they know not what they do.


How untruly I am charged with the first raising of an army, and beginning this civill warre, the eyes that onely pitty Me, and the loyall hearts that durst onely pray for Me, at first, might witnesse, which yet appear not so many on My side, as there were men in arms listed against Me ; My unpreparednesse for a warre may well dishearten those that would help Me; while it argues (truly) My unwillingnesse to fight; yet it testifies for Me, that I am set on the defensive part; having so little hopes or power to offend others, that I have none to defend My selfe, or to preserve what is Mine owne from their proception.

No man can doubt but they prevented Me in their purposes, as well as their injuries, who are so much before-hand in their preparations against Me, and surprisalls of My strength. Such as are not for them, yet dare not be for Me; so over-aw'd is their loyalty by the others numbers and terrours. I believe My innocency, and unpreparednesse to assert My rights and honour, makes Me the more guilty in their esteeme; who

would not so easily have declared a warre against Me, if I had first assaulted them.

They knew My chiefest armes left Me, were those onely, which the ancient Christians were wont to use against their persecutors, prayers and teares. These may serve a good mans turne, if not to conquer as a souldier, yet to suffer as a martyr.

Their preventing of Me, and surprizing My castles, forts, armes, and navy, with the militia, is so farre best for Me, that it may drive Me from putting any trust in the arme of flesh, and wholly to cast My selfe into the protection of the living God, who can save by few, or none, as well as by many.

He that made the greedy ravens to be Elias caterers, and bring him food, may also make their surprisall of outward force and defence, an opportunity to shew Me the special support of his power and protection.

I thank God I reckon not now the want of the militia so much in reference to My owne protection as My peoples.

Their many and sore oppressions grieve Me, I am above My owne, what I want in the hands

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