"And these, inferior far, beneath me set? 66 Among unequals what society "Can sort? what harmony, or true delight? "All rational delight; wherein the brute "Thou to thyself proposest, in the choice "What thinkst thou then of me, and this my state? "Of happiness, or not? who am alone "How have I then with whom to hold converse, "Save with the creatures which I made, and those "To me inferior, infinite descents "Beneath what other creatures are to thee?' "He ceased; I lowly answered: 'To attain "The height and depth of thy eternal ways "All human thoughts come short, Supreme of things! 66 By conversation with his like to help, "Or solace his defects. No need that thou "Shouldst propagate, already Infinite; "And through all numbers absolute, though One: 390 400 410 420 "But man by number is to manifest "Best with thyself accompanied, seekst not "Social communication; yet, so pleased, "Canst raise thy creature to what height thou wilt 66 "From prone; nor in their ways complacence find.' "To see how thou couldst judge of fit and meet : "Thy likeness, thy fit help, thy other self, 66 Thy wish exactly to thy heart's desire.' "He ended, or I heard no more; for now "My earthly by his heavenly overpowered, "Which it had long stood under, strained to the height "In that celestial colloquy sublime, "(As with an object that excels the sense, "Dazzled and spent,) sunk down; and sought repair "Of Sleep, which instantly fell on me, called 430 440 450 "By nature as in aid, and closed mine eyes. "Mine eyes he closed, but open left the cell "Of fancy, my internal sight; by which, 460 "Abstract as in a trance, methought I saw, 66 Though sleeping, where I lay, and saw the shape, "Still glorious, before whom awake I stood; "Who stooping, opened my left side, and took "From thence a rib, with cordial spirits warm, "And life-blood streaming fresh: wide was the wound, "But suddenly with flesh filled up and healed: "The rib he formed and fashioned with his hands; "Under his forming hands a creature grew, "Man like, but different sex; so lovely fair, "That what seemed fair in all the world, seemed now Mean, or in her summed up-in her contained "And in her looks; which from that time infused "Sweetness into my heart unfelt before, "And into all things from her air inspired "The spirit of love, and amorous delight. 470 "She disappeared, and left me dark; I waked-- 480 "Grace was in all her steps, Heaven in her eye, "In every gesture dignity and love! 66 'I, overjoyed, could not forbear aloud : 490 "This turn hath made amends: thou hast fulfilled "Thy words, Creator bounteous and benign, "Giver of all things fair! but fairest this "She heard me thus; and though divinely brought, 500 "Yet innocence, and virgin modesty, "Her virtue, and the conscience of her worth, "Nature herself, though pure of sinful thought,- 66 Disporting, till the amorous bird of night "Sung spousal, and bid haste the evening star "On his hill top to light the bridal lamp. "Thus have I told thee all my state, and brought "My story to the sum of earthly bliss, "In all things else delight indeed, but such 66 As, used or not, works in the mind no change, "Nor vehement desire; these delicacies "I mean of taste, sight, smell, herbs, fruits, and flowers, "Walks, and the melody of birds: but here "Far otherwise! transported I behold, Transported touch-here passion first I felt, "Commotion strange! in all enjoyments else 66 Superior and unmoved-here only weak Against the charm of beauty's powerful glance. "Or nature failed in me, and left some part "Not proof enough such object to sustain ; 66 Or, from my side subducting, took perhaps 510 520 530 "More than enough; at least on her bestowed "For well I understand, in the prime end 540 "Of nature, her the inferior, in the mind "And inward faculties, which most excel; "In outward also her resembling less "His image who made both, and less expressing "The character of that dominion given "O'er other creatures: yet, when I approach 66 "As one intended first, not after made 66 Occasionally; and, to consummate all, "Greatness of mind, and nobleness, their seat "Build in her loveliest, and create an awe "About her, as a guard angelic placed." 550 To whom the Angel, with contracted brow: "Accuse not nature; she hath done her part: "Do thou but thine; and be not diffident "Of wisdom; she deserts thee not, if thou 560 "Dismiss not her, when most thou need'st her nigh, 66 By attribúting overmuch to things "Less excellent, as thou thyself perceivest. 66 For, what admirest thou, what transports thee so? "An outside! fair, no doubt, and worthy well 66 Thy cherishing, thy honouring, and thy love; "Not thy subjection: weigh with her thyself; "Then value: oft-times nothing profits more "Than self-esteem, grounded on just and right, "Well managed; of that skill the more thou knowst, “The more she will acknowledge thee her head, "And to realities yield all her shows: "Made so adorn for thy delight the more, "So awful, that with honour thou mayst love "Thy mate, who sees when thou art seen least wise. "But if the sense of touch, whereby mankind "Is propagated, seem such dear delight 66 'Beyond all other; think the same vouchsafed 570 580 |